九年级英语上册《Unit 3 Teenage problems GRAMMAR A》课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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Grammar I,9A Unit 3 Teenage problems,Proverbs (谚语),1. To say is one thing and to do is another.,说时容易做时难。,2. To mention the wolfs name is to see the same.,说曹操,曹操到。,3. Never offer to teach fish to swim.,不要班门弄斧,4. A man is never too old to learn.,活到老,学到老,5. Learn to walk before you run.,循序渐进,6. To stand still is to move back.,逆水行舟,不进则退,7. To see is to believe.,眼见为实,A guessing game,Teenage problems,She has lots of homework to do. It is important to do her homework.,To plant trees every year is necessary.,It is necessary_ (plant) trees every year.,to plant,1.“to do sth ” 作_,Subject,It is important to do her homework.,形式主语,=,It is + adj. ( for sb.) to do sth.,It is necessary for us to work hard every day.,Can you change the sentences?,1.To work hard every day is necessary for us.,Its important for us to do some exercise.,2. To do some exercise is important for us.,His dream is to be a great football player.,Teenage problems,Simon has no time to play football.,Simons dream is to be a great football player.,2.“to do sth ” 作_,Predicative,系动词,Predicative,我的目的是帮助你解决你的问题。 My purpose _.,is to help you solve your problem,A: Whats your dream/job/duty? B: Myis to,Use to-infinitives to ask and answer,Teenage problems,She refuses to do so much work.,His parents dont allow him to play outside late.,Teenage problems,Object,3.“to do sth ” 作_,Millie refuses to do so much work.,动词,Object,Simons parents dont allow him to play outside.,Object,Object complement,4.“to do sth ” 作_,Object complement,refuse to do,Object,allow sb. to do,Object complement,Exercises: to plans college to Simon go (连词成句) _,Simon plans to go to college.,I hope_,to hear from you soon.,Simon promises _,not to be late for school again.,Millie advised,_,建议我放轻松,(尽快收到你的来信),(不会再上学迟到),me to relax.,The teacher _,(要求我们不要课上交谈),asked us not to talk in class.,plan to do,hope to do,promise (not) to do,advise sb. to do,ask sb. (not) to do,Object 动词+ to do,Object complement 动词+宾语+ to do,agree to do,decide to do,refuse to do,want to do,want sb. to do,tell sb. to do,invite sb. to do,teach sb. to do,allow sb. to do,中,Teenage problems,She has lots of homework to do .,Attributive,放在名词或代词后面作后置定语。,Millie has lots of homework to do every day.,名词,Millie has nothing _ (吃的),to eat.,There is no need _ (麻烦)him.,to trouble,5.“to do sth ” 作_,Attributive,Attention:如果不定式中的动词是不及物 动词,则不定式中要有介词.,Attributive,He is looking for a room_. A. live B. to live C. to live in D. living,2. Daniel has no close friends _. A. talking B. to talk C. talk D. to talk to,live in a room,talk to close friends,Teenage problems,He stays up late to complete the exercises.,6.“to do sth ” 作_,He stays up late to complete the exercises.,1.Adverbial to express purpose(目的状语),Adverbial,in order to,6.“to do sth ” 作_,2.Adverbial to express result(结果状语),Linda came to the fridge to find nothing in it.,Adverbial,as a result,The baby has grown up to be a smart boy. She got up early to catch the first bus to go home. Amy rushed there to see what was happening. She came back home to find her house on fire!,Adverbial to express result(结果状语),Adverbial to express purpose(目的状语),Find out adverbial to express purpose and adverbial to express result,Adverbial to express result(结果状语),Adverbial to express purpose(目的状语),A summary of To infinitives,O(宾语),Object,Object complement,OC(宾语补足语),Attributive,Adverbial,Adv.(状语),Attr.(定语),Subject,S(主语),Predicative,P(表语),3. Its good to hand in homework on time.,1. Mr. Wu is always the first to arrive.,2. He came back to find the windows closed.,4. The teacher tells us not to shout in class.,5. He stayed there to see what would happen.,6. He promises to help me pass the test.,7. My purpose is to help you solve the problem.,What sentence elements of the To infinitives here,Attr.定语,Adv.结果状语,S主语,OC宾补,Adv.目的状语,O宾语,P表语,Exercises on page 50, A1 & A2,Work in pairs and check the previews with your group members. One student reads the problems from A1, the other reads the suggestions from A2.,A: My home is always noisy. I cannot,B: Ask you family to,My home is always noisy. I cannot find a quiet place _ (to study, studying).,to study,Ask your family to turn down the TV or turn it off while you are studying.,(attributive / object complement),I have no courage _ (to share, for sharing) with my friends my worries.,to share,Try to talk to your friends and share your worries with them.,(object / adverbial to express purpose),To tell you the truth, sometimes I quarrel with my cousin Shirley. I hope she will not come _ (to disturb, disturbing) me any more.,to disturb,Be patient. Tell your cousin that it is important to leave you alone so you can study.,(adverbial to express result / subject),I hope my parents can spare some time for me every day. I need someone _ (talking, to talk) to at home.,to talk,Write a note to tell your parents that you need them.,(adverbial to express purpose /adverbial to express result),_ (Learning, To learn) dancing well, I need much more practice.,To learn,Plan your time carefully and make sure you have some time to dance every day.,(attributive/subject),My parents care only about marks after exams. They do not seem _ (to notice, noticed) that I have tried my best.,to notice,The best way is to let your parents see your progress after each exam.,(predicative/attributive),1、Jim Carreys films always make me laugh.,2、Someone saw him walk into that building at about three this afternoon.,三使,let,make,have,see,感官动词,hear,watch,notice,Some verbs take a bare infinitive (without to)不带to的动词,sb.,do,sb.,do,Tips1:,Practice,1. I made him _ (clean) the windows.,clean,2. We often see her _ (walk) into her office.,walk,3.Lets _(put) on our sports shoes first.,put,4.Can you hear him _(read) English every morning?,read,5.This can help us _ (relax) and make our lives more interesting.,(to) relax,help sb(to)do,The teacher made us_ (做许多工作),在主动语态中省略的“to” ,在被动语态中要加“to”,do a lot of work,=we were made_ by the teacher .,to do a lot of work,Tips2:,I often hear Sandy chat with Millie after class.,=Sandy is often heard_ after class .,to chat with Millie,1. Simon likes staying out late to play football. 2. Simon likes staying out late to chat with his friends.,Simon likes staying out late to play football and chat with his friends.,当and连接两个动词不定式时,第 二个动词不定式的to 通常被省略。,Tips3:,What problems do you have?,Discuss the survey about your classmates problems and your suggestions to them.,Using the survey to write an article,My classmates have lots of problems. They dont know _. _ has a problem. He/She_. The best way for him/her_. _ would like_, but _ _. It will be a good choice for him/her _ _.,student 1,student 2,My advice,Go to the teacher and ask for advice. Chat with your close friends. Read a book and calm yourself down. Listen to music and make yourself relax. Dont worry, be happy.,Homework: A. Review the usage of to infinitives. B. Finish the exercises on exercise paper.,Game,Thank you! Goodbye!,


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