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2019年高三上学期期末考试英语含答案xx1 本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分为150分,考试用时120分钟。考试结束后,将答题卡交回。注意事项: 一、答题前,考生务必用05毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、学校、班级、和准考证号填写在答题卡规定的位置。 二、第I卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔在答题卡上将对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后。再选涂其他答案标号。 三、第卷必须用05毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应的位置,写在试卷上无效;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案。然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带等修正工具。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题l5分,满分l5分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1-Can I offer you a hand with the office work? -No,dont bother AThats very kind of you BThats not the point CI can manage it myself DHelp yourself,please2-How do you find your frip to Taiwan?-Awesome indeed! We with the local people,having much funAhad danced Bdaticed Cdance Dhave danced3-Did he apologize to Cindy?-Yes,he did,but it was nearly a week he did so,unwillingAwhen Buntil Csince Dbefore4A one-hour walk help you lose a few pounds in a single day,but its long-term health benefit can never be ignored Amustnt Bneednt Cshouldnt Dmay not5The manager called her secretary in Miami yesterday, her of number and arrival time of his flightAinforming Binformed Cto inform Dhaving informed6Pitifully,the artist died at 34, age at which most artistscareers are just under way Athe;a Ban;不填 C;a Dan;the7Just keep the books easy reach of your children,and they can read them whenever it is convenientAbeyond Bwithin Cnear Daround8The software produces colorful handpainting pictures that look like youd find in a kindergartenAthose Bthese Cones Dthem9I may have ten days off over the Spring Festival, I will have time to reunite with my wife and kidsAin what case Bin that case Cin which case Din whose case10 how the experiment was performed,the boy had great difficulty describing what the whole process wasANot showing BNot having shownCNot being shown DNot having been shown第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题l5分。满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。The turning point of my life was my decision to give up a promising business career and study musicMy parents,although sharing my love of music, disapproved of it as a (an) 11 This was understandable in view of my family backgroundMy grandfather had taught music for nearly forty years and, 12 much beloved and respected in the munity,earned barely enough to 13 his large familyAs a consequence of the 14 of my grandpa,taking music as a profession was considered something with l5 financial rewardsMy parents insisted upon college and I had to 16 their adviceBefore my graduation from Columbia,my family l7 with severe financial trouble and I felt it my l8 to leave college and take a jobSo I started to do business,which I always think of as the l9 yearsI didnt 20 that doing business is not good,but it was not for meI went 21 it for money,and apart from the 22 of helping the family,money is 23 I got out of itBut it was not enoughMy 24 was to save enough to quit and go to Europe to study musicI worked hard to make money,and finally,saved enough to 25 me to go abroadWhen the family could pay off all the 26 and my help was no longer necessary,I 27 from my position and,feeling like a man 28 from prison,sailed for EuropeI stayed four years,worked harder and enjoyed every 29 of it,since I was a free man and I was doing what I loved and meant to doIf I had stayed in business,I might be a 30 man today,but I would have given up my inner satisfactions,which money can never buy,and which are often sacrificed if a mans goal is only financial success11Aexcuse Bprofession Ceducation Dadvantage12Athough Bbecause Csince Dwhen13Adepend on Bmake up C1eave behind Dprovide for14Aattitude Brequest Cexample Dsuccess15Adisabled Bpractical Ccareless Duncertain16Aadopt Boffer Crefuse Dgive17Awent Bfell Cmet Dkept18Atest Bduty Chobby Dmistake19Ahonored Bwasted Cvalued Dselected20Ademand Brealize Cpredict Dmean21Aby Bon Cinto Dunder22Aimpression Bexperiment Cinvitation Dsatisfaction23Anone Ball Cone D1ittle24Aambition Bargument Cbelief Deffort25Ateach Benable Cask Dremind26Ainterests Bprofits Cdebts Dfees27Aranged Bgraduated Cresigned Descaped28Areleased Bquestioned Carrested Dsentenced29Aplace Bcoin Cbusiness Dminute30Aboring Bwealthy Cselfish Dpopular第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Unlike the majority of my friends,I wasnt introducedto the cheerful guy until my second gradeMy family emigrated from Taiwan to a small town in central GeorgiaI had just learned English,and from what I could gather fr,om my classmates,there was this guy who would e down ones chimney and put toys in ones stocking on Christmas Eve! What a great country,I thoughtAfter looking up stocking in my ChineseEnglish dictionary, I knew what I had to doOn that night,after everyone went to bed,I took my longest,cleanest knee sock and attached it to a nail already over the fireplaceObviously, the previous owners of this house were no strangers to this Santa characterUnfortunately,my parents wereI woke up before everyone else on Christmas Day and ran to the fireptaceBut I was hit with the reality of an empty sock and the biggest lie ever toldI burst into tears,quickly took down the sock and pushed it in the back of a drawerSanta was dead How could I know that Santa was just late? Nine years ago,on Christmas Eve,an older man with a white beard and a red cap knocked on my front doorHe handed me a fat red stocking and leftOn top of the stocking was a card,reading:“For Becky-I may have missed you in the second grade,but youve always lived in my heartSanta” Tears rolled in my eyes as I recognized the graceful handwriting of Jill,a friend I had met just two months beforeThe older man was her fatherJill had seen the hurt little girl underneath the tired thirty-something woman and decided to do something about it So now I believe that Santa is realI dont mean the creation of American holiday marketersThose Santas annoy and sadden meI believe in the Santa Claus that lives inside good and thoughtful peopleThis Santa does not return to the North Pole after a 24-hour delivery but lives each day,really listens to friends,and then plans acts of kindness31When the author learned about the story of Santa Claus,she Aconsidered it stupid Btook it for grantedCfelt excited about it Dthought it a business trick32The underlined sentence in the first paragraph indicates that the authors parents .Ahad no idea about the Christmas traditionBwere quite familiar with the former house ownerChad a lot of misfortunes living thereDdidnt have the luck to see a real Santa Claus33From the second paragraph,we are sure that the author Adidnt like any fantasy storiesBwas too young to find Santa ClausCwas easy to lose her temperDfelt hurt deep inside then34What does the author think about Jill and her father?Atroublesome Bfunny Cconsiderate Dbrave35Now the author takes the Santa Claus as Aa way of entertainment Ba symbol of kindness Ca creation of holiday marketersDa terrible memoryB In a nation with a onechild family planning policy,its understandable for parents to worry over whether they are petting their childrenAre the children truly as fragile as sometimes made out to be? The concern has been brought into focus with the popularity of a hit reality TV series,Hunan TVs Dad! Where Are We Going? and Zhejiang TVs First Time In LifeIn both,children as young as three have bee new public figuresIn the First Timeshow,children chosen from ordinary families are given small tasks to plete by themselves;the ongoing Dad! show centres on five celebrity fathers and their children who are forced to live a simple life in rural areas,far outside their fort zone Regardless of their family background,the childrens reactions to new environments have struck the public In one episode of Dad! , the five-year-old daughter of former Olympic diving champion Tian Liang cries and hides behind her father when they arrive at a rural villageIn an episode of the other series,a young girl in Tianjin breaks down into a tearful fit after being asked by her father to go out alone to buy eggs and a pancake In the eyes of some observers,these kids show no sense of independence,and the reason is put down to parents who are overly shelteringBut television viewers and parents were heartened when the sobbing Tianjin girl finally wiped away her tears as she returned holding the pancakeIn the case of Tians daughter,she eventually began to take care of her younger panions and learned to seek help from people she didnt know The father of the Tianjin girl felt “delightfully shocked” and said“She used to have to be acpanied by her mother or grandmotherNow she has the courage to do it all by herself” The shows have led many parents to change how they raise their childrenShanghai mother Liang Jing said she would try to “give some training” to her shy son,asking him to tidy up his toysLin Yi,a parenting expert in Beijing,said giving kids a chance to do things for themselves helps to raise their sense of achievement,which carries benefits throughout their lives”36The children in the two programs are different in Afamily background Bage groupCpersonality Dpopularity37What attracts the audiences eyes in the programs?AWhat the kids family background is likeBHow children react to new environmentsCWhere childrens real fort zone isDWhy those children are independent38What is Tian Liangs daughter expected to do in the show?AGo out to buy something aloneBLive in a rural village with her fatherCMake friends with strange adults DHide in a safe place to avoid a danger39It can be inferred from the underline words “delightfully shocked” that Afather is more important than mother in a family Bparents should provide a safe environment Cthe children are as fragile as parents expected Dchildren deserve a chance to be independent40The shows are bound to raise a wave of discussion about Aprotecting good traditions Bthe social safetyCapproaches to parenting Dthe influence of TV programmesC Chinas first moon rover,Yutu,or Jade Rabbit,separated from the lander early on Sunday,December l5,xx,several hours after the Change-3 probe soft-landed on the lunar surfaceThe l 40 kg six-wheeled rover touched the lunar surface at 4:35 am,leaving deep trace on the loose lunar soilThe process was recorded by the camera on the lander and the images were sent to the earth,according to the Beijing Aerospace Control CenterAfterthe separation,the rover and lander will take photos of each other and start their own scientific explorationsEngineers made final checks of the environment of the landing site,the situation of the probe(探测器)and sent signals of separation to Change-3 Yutu, on the top of the probe,extended its solar panel and started to drive slowly to the transfer mechanism(机械装置)at 3:10The transfer mechanism unlocked at 4:06 with one side reaching the moons surface,allowing the rover to descend to the surface following a ladder mechanismChange-3 landed on the moons Sinus Iridum,or the Bay of Rainbows,at 9:11 Pm Saturday,making China the third country in the world to carry out such a rover mission after the United States and former Soviet UnionIn ancient Chinese mythology,Yutu was the white pet rabbit of the lunar goddess ChangeThe name for the rover was selected following an online poll that collected several million votes from people around the worldThe rover,15 meters long with its two wings folded,1 m in width and l1 m in height,is a highly efficient robot controlled by the mand center from the earthIt will face challenges including temperature differences of more than 300 degrees Celsius on the moonYutu will survey the moons geological structure and surface substances and look for natural resources for three months,while the lander will conduct in-situ exploration right at its landing site for one year41Whats the passage mainly about?AChinas first moon rover,Yutu,touched the lunar surfaceBThe rover and the lander took photos of each other successfullyCChange-3 landed on the moons Sinus Iridum,or the Bay of RainbowsDYutu will survey the moons geological structure to find substances42What is the underlined word “lunar” about in the first paragraph?Athe earth Bthe moon Cthe planet Dthe probe43Which of the following show the correct order of the Yutus landing?adrive to the transfer mechanism bextend its solar panelcfollow a ladder mechanism ddescend to the surface etransfer mechanism Aebacd Babedc Ccabed Dbaecd44How many countries succeeded in carrying out the rover mission before China?A1 B2 C3 D445We can learn from the last two paragraphs that AYutus two wings are l5 meters long and l meter wideBYutu will explore the moon right at its site for one yearCYutu will get out of the earth mand centers controlDYutu can bear great temperature differences on the moonDSounds crazy? Fans across the UAE(阿联酋)are so excited as Justin Bieber is scheduled to perform at a stadium in Dubai on May 4In less than 36 hours all the tickets available were sold out If you have a teenager liying under your roof,its likely that she has spent your hardearned cash on some concert ticketsClare Smart,a researcher on teenage development in Dubai,has some idea about the pop phenomenon“Justin Bieber is a teenager himself and therefore teenagers feel a connection to him,in the songs that he sings,his hairstyle and how he dresseshe represents what many teenagers would like for themselves,Such as the latest clothing trends,exciting travel and high earningsBesides,it gives teenagers the feeling of being part of a group and a shared experience with other teenagers who have the same interest in a particular celebrity”says Smart Its easy to be sheltering as a parent and its a good idea to talk to your teenagers about their idols,find out what they like about them and why“You could acpany your teenagers to a concert or listen along to the latest song in the car with them,”suggests Smart“This shows that you are interested in the things they consider to be importantSometimes,however,a normal level of interest slips into an obsession(痴迷)and then it bees a cause for concernIt is now considered a personality disorder,which is closely related to higher levels of depression,anxiety and stressIn practice,teenagers who are overly obsessed with stars often have damaged relationships with their parents The good news,however,is that there is plenty that parents can do to prevent their teenagers from being overly obsessed with those so called celebritiesLet them know what their real life is like behind the story,and they can see these celebrities in a new angle46What does the first paragraph intend to tell the reader?AHow expensive the concert tickets areBWhy teenagers love music concertsCHow popular Justin Bieber isDWhat idols teenagers worship47According to Clare Smart,Justin Bieber represents teenagers Adreams Bfamilies Cfriendship Dtrouble48According to Para 2,teenagers can get from worshiping an idolAa knowledge of pop culture Ban easier way to bee famousCa sense of belonging Da closer relationship with parents,49What does Clare Smart tell US in Para 3 ?ATeenagers and parents often have a tense relationshipBParents always have the same interests as the teenagersCCelebrity worship exist among different age groupsDParents should understand and protect the teenagers50If teenagers are overly obsessed with celebrities,they Awill establish a connection with their idolsBactually suffer from a personality disorderCoften see themselves as a particular celebrityDalways care too much about their friendsENow that American education has entered the era of the MOOCthe Massive Open Online Course-the opportunity for cheating appears greater than everThe all-knowing Google search engine is never more than a few keystrokes awaySo how can a teacher manage such a large number of examinees so far away,let alone searching out cheaters taking tests across the Internet?Using technology,of courseWhile special services via webcam(摄像头)and cheatingdetecting software have been developed now,Mettl,an online pany,has developed advanced techniques for netting cheaters, which the pany claims are even more reliable and easier to useWhatever small attempt to cheat,he or she will be found outMettl has adopted a handful of technologies on its testtaking platform,creating a mini monitoring state in an examHeres how it works:A test-taker signs on to Mettl and selects hisher exam from the sites library of preloaded testsFacial and keystroke recognition technology confirm the person that has signed in is the very person,and the system records both the testtaker(through the webcam)and the testtakers screen throughout the testMettls technology uses the testtakers webcam to detect how many people are using the puterSoon,it will track eye movement well enough to sense whether the test-taker is looking away from the screen,perhaps to Consult a smart phone or a friend in secretMettl also monitors the test-takers screen and can detect when the test-taker has changed a puter or moved from the testThe system will soon be able to record sound,thus detecting whether the test-taker is talking or being talked to If any irregularities are detected,the system flags the incident and reports it back to the tests administratorThis can bring any numher of things,depending on the test-givers wishes:a plete shutdown of the exam,a warning message that appears on the test-takers screen, even human instructions from the control center Mettl is hoping its technology will help it break into the countrys big MOOC markets51Whats the best title of the passage? AAdvantages of Massive Open Online Courses BUsing technology to fight against cheating online CA new Test system serving the online students DHow Americans help increase educational opportunity52From the first paragraph we can infer that AMOOC has replaced the traditional form of educationBTeachers should be more strict in dealing with cheatingCGoogle is a software designed for cheatingDPreventing online cheating is a tougher job53How can Mettl help to get rid of cheating online?ABy equipping teachers with camerasBBy asking test-takers to sign inCBy providing different tests at fl timeDBy recording the test-takers behaviors54We can conclude from the passage that the technology of Mettl is in the MOOC era.Aimpractical Bwasteful Cpromising Dinstructive55Which part of a newspaper does the article e from?AHeahh


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