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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习题型重组第二十二组.单项填空1Im really amazed at the functions of smart phones.So am I. We can surf the Internet, watch movies and listen to music,_AI got it BI took itCyou name it Dyou make it2Chinese traditional medicine is being gradually _ by the US,while it still has a long way to go.Arejected BaccumulatedCrecognized Devaluated3Although they were pretending hard to be young,grey hair and wrinkles _ their true age.Agave away Bbrought outCtook on Dput aside4In some countries of the world,women are the caregivers of households,but rarely have a _ in major household decisions.Atalk BsayCspeech Dword5It _ for three days and I am bored to tears just sitting at home.Ahad rained BrainsCrained Dhas been raining6Jack has been in low spirits these days._ with his girlfriend last week,he was also fired by his boss yesterday.ABreaking up BHaving broken upCBreaking off DHaving broken off7It was not the word you said _ angered Mr.Zhang,but _ you said it.Athat;how Bwhich;whatCthat;that Dwhich;why8I believe your efforts finally will pay off _ you give up your dreams due to selfdoubt and fear.Aif BwhenCsince Dunless9These students think that the football game is an interesting activity,_ they can develop not only their health but also their team spirit.Aas BwhichCwhere Dwhat10Although parents should take good care of their young children,they dont_ do anything for them.Agradually BnecessarilyCeffectively Dgenerally11To be acknowledged as the first to receive this honor is _ expression in words for me.Afrom BoverCwithin Dbeyond12With the party approaching, Mathilde asked almost everyone she knew what kind of clothes _ for it.Awearing BwearCto wear Dwears13His ship was delayed because of the heavy fog yesterday;otherwise I _ him up on time.Awill pick Bare pickingCwould pick Dwould have picked14How long did David work here?For half a year, he didnt leave much _ on us.Aexpression BinstructionCconclusion Dimpression15Did you tip the waiter just now?_Its a custom in America.ABy no means BIt all dependsCYou bet DIts up to you16I have learned a lot about Asian customs, _ in the small village for three years in the early 1990s.Alived Bto liveChaving lived Dto have lived17When Don paid a brief visit to me yesterday afternoon, I _ a film review for hours.Ahad been writing Bwould be writingCwas writing Dwrote18For _ onethird of the worlds birds migration is _ instinct caused by seasonal changes in weather and lack of food.A不填;the B不填;anCthe;an Da;不填19The Adulthood Ceremony was held in the school lecture hall _ seats approximately 500 students.Awhere Bwhose Cwhich Dwhen 20I have no intention of purchasing the house.It is too expensive._, Ive grown fond of our little rented house.AIn addition BAll in allCAfter all DOn the other hand.完形填空(xx日照一中检测)Every Wednesday,I go to Cantata Adult Life Services,a local retirement munity,with my classmates to do munity service.Our visits last about an hour,playing board games and cards with the residents _1_ were there.You can watch all the movies and TV shows you want about “life back then”,but nothing _2_ with talking to the people who were actually there.Just hearing their stories has _3_ me in a way I never thought possible.Whether it was talking to 98yearold “Hurricane Hilda” about her glory days _4_ a roller skater or chatting with Lou about the times she danced with a famous actor,I was pletely impressed by every single _5_ the residents wanted to share with me.Even the residents who dont have _6_ memories make the experience fulfilling.I remember visiting Mrs.Robinson.She couldnt _7_ much about her past,but she told me shed _8_ forget how kind I was just to listen to her “rambling (漫谈)”It made me realize that its the _9_ things that make life worth living.Thats something I wont _10_ anytime.If theres one thing Ive realized in my three years of visiting Cantata,its _11_ just being there that means more than anything to many of the residents.And despite how _12_ our lives are,theres always time to make them happy.For me,it feels great to be a _13_ of happiness,a smile on a bad day or a(n) _14_ for old memories.And at the end of the day,thats all that _15_Its easy to feel like you dont have much in mon with the _16_ especially when youre a(n) _17_ .But thats not true at all.I hate to make much ment here,but age really is just a(n) _18_ .As young adults,its important for us to realize this sooner _19_ later.We can learn a lot from the elderly, and they can often _20_ from teenagers,too., 1.A.untilBunlessCwhile Dbefore2.Apares BpetesCbines Dconnects3.A.touched BreachedCcaptured Ddisgusted4. Alike BasCabout Dtowards5. Aimagination BtruthCpicture Dmemory 6. Aboring Bdepressing Camazing Dlonging7.A.concern BgraspCrecall Dmention8.A.ever Balways Ceven Dnever9.A.important Blittle Cmajor Dsweet10.A.care Bskip Cbelieve Dforget11.A.presence BappearanceCunderstanding Dprotection12.A.messy BhappyCeasy Dbusy13.A.trend BchanceCsource Dcause14.A.mind BearCtongue Dheart15.A.matters BfavorsCdiffers Dexists16.A.friendly BlivelyClonely Delderly17.A.adult Bteenager Cresident Dchild18.A.amount Bdifference Cadvantage Dnumber19.A.or else Brather thanCother than Dexcept for20.A.hear BdifferCjudge Dbenefit.短文改错After school, I was about to enter my apartment building when I saw a little dirty dog lie beside the dustbin.He looked extreme weak.Immediately the homeless dog filled me of sympathy, so I decided to take him home.I gave to him some food and a bath.After the bath he looked energetic and refreshed.What a lovely dog!When my parents got home, I asked that I could keep the dog.To my surprises and happiness, they agreed.Up to now, he has bee member of our family.Everyone had enjoyed his pany.Looking at the cute, happy dog today, I realize that I did the right thing.I offered him a shelter but he has brought ourselves great happiness and laughter.单项填空1解析:选C。句意:我真的对智能手机的功能很惊奇。我也一样。我们能上因特网、看电影和听音乐,所有你能想到的事情。I got it我明白了; I took it我要了;you name it凡你想得起的,不管什么都有;you make it你能完成。根据题意选C。2解析:选C。句意:尽管中医正逐渐被美国接受,但依然还有很长的路要走。reject“拒绝接受”;accumulate“积累”;recognize“认可”;evaluate“评估”。3解析:选A。句意:尽管他们尽力假装年轻,灰白的头发和皱纹还是泄露了他们真实的年纪。give away“泄露”,符合句意。bring out“使显现,拿出”;take on“承担,呈现,雇用”;put aside“撇开,把放在一边,暂不考虑”。4解析:选B。句意:在世界上的一些国家,尽管女性是家庭的看护者,但是在家庭重大决定上她们很少有发言权。have a say in sth.“在方面有发言权”。5解析:选D。句意:雨下三天了。只能坐在家里,我烦得要命。此处用现在完成进行时,表示现阶段一直下雨,强调动作的持续性。6解析:选B。句意:杰克这些日子情绪低落。上周和女朋友分手之后,昨天又被老板“炒”了。分词动作很明显发生在谓语动作之前,因此用现在分词的完成式。break up with sb.“(同某人)绝交”,故选B。选项中break off意为“折断,突然停止”。7解析:选A。句意:不是你说的话激怒了张老师,而是你说话的方式(激怒了他)。第一空填“that”,与It was构成强调句型;第二空填how,how表方式,在此引导名词性从句。8解析:选D。句意:除非你由于自我怀疑和害怕放弃自己的梦想,不然我相信你的努力终将会得到回报的。根据句意可知,应选unless“除非”。9解析:选C。句意:这些学生认为足球比赛是一项有趣的活动,活动中他们不仅能强身健体,还能增强他们的团队精神。where引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作地点状语。10解析:选B。句意:尽管父母应该照顾好他们的孩子,但是他们不必什么事都为他们做。necessarily“必要地”,符合句意。11解析:选D。句意:被选为第一位接受此殊荣的人,我实在无法用语言表达自己的感受。beyond expression“难以表达”。12解析:选C。考查非谓语动词。句意:随着晚会临近,Mathilde几乎问遍了她认识的所有人她该穿什么衣服去参加晚会。本题考查“疑问词动词不定式”的复合结构。13解析:选D。考查虚拟语气。根据前半句中的“was delayed”“yesterday”可知,此处是对过去发生的事情的虚拟,所以用would have done。14解析:选D。考查名词辨析。句意:大卫在这里工作了多久?半年,他没有给我们留下太深的印象。leave an impression on sb.给某人留下印象。A.表情;B.指示,说明;C.结论;D.印象。故选D。15解析:选C。句意:你刚才给服务员小费了吗?当然。这在美国是一种习俗。You bet“当然”,故选C。By no means“绝不”;It all depends“视情况而定”;Its up to you“由你决定”。16解析:选C。考查非谓语动词。句意:20世纪90年代,我在这个小村庄里居住了三年后对亚洲的风俗习惯了解了很多。非谓语动词的逻辑主语是I,与live之间构成主谓关系,同时根据for three years可知应用完成时态,故选C。17解析:选A。考查时态。句意:昨天下午当Don来短暂拜访我时,我已经写了几个小时的影评了。“短暂拜访”属于过去的动作,而“写影评”发生在“短暂拜访”之前,所以为过去的过去,用过去完成时,且在“短暂拜访”之前,“写影评”这一动作一直在进行,且持续了几个小时,故用过去完成进行时。18解析:选B。考查冠词用法。句意:对于世界上三分之一的鸟儿而言,迁徙是一种由天气的季节性变化和食物的缺乏引起的一种本能。“三分之一的鸟儿”是泛指,所以第一空不用冠词。第二空后的instinct是可数名词,这里指“迁徙是一种本能”,并且instinct是以元音音素开头,因此用an。19解析:选C。句意:成年礼仪式在大约能坐500名学生的礼堂举行。题干中的seat是及物动词,“让就座,让坐下”,定语从句中缺少主语,四个选项只有which可在从句中作主语或宾语。A.where在定语从句中做地点状语;B.whose谁的,在定语从句中作定语;C.which在定语从句做主语或宾语;D.when何时,在定语从句中作时间状语。故选C。20解析:选A。考查插入语。句意:我没有购买房子的打算。这个房子太贵了。此外,我已经对我们租来的小屋产生了感情。in addition“此外”,表示对前文的补充,和前文所提到的事件构成并列关系;all in all“总而言之”;after all“毕竟”;on the other hand“另一方面”。.完形填空1解析:选C。我们的拜访持续大约一个小时,我们在那里时,和居民下棋、打牌。while意为“在期间,当时候”。2解析:选A。你可以观看所有你想看的关于“那时的生活”的电影和电视节目,但是没有什么可以和真正在那儿的人交流相比。pare with“和相比”,符合语境。pete意为“竞争”;bine意为“联合,(使)结合”;connect意为“联系”。3解析:选A。只是听他们的故事就打动了“我”,以前从没有过这种可能性。touch意为“接触,触摸,感动”;reach“到达,延伸”;capture“捕获,捕捉”;disgust“使厌恶,使作呕”。根据语境可知A项正确。4解析:选B。根据语境可知,此处表示“作为一个滚轴溜冰者”,故用介词as。5解析:选D。居民想要和“我”分享的每一份回忆都给“我”留下了深深的印象。imagination意为“想象力”;truth意为“真理,事实”;picture意为“照片,图画”;memory意为“回忆”。根据语境可知选D项。第五段第一句的“memories”也是提示。6解析:选C。甚至那些没有惊人回忆的居民也使这次经历让人感觉有意义。boring意为“无聊的,令人厌烦的”;depressing意为“令人消沉的,令人沮丧的”;amazing意为“令人惊奇的”;longing意为“渴望的”。根据语境可知选C项。7解析:选C。根据语境可知,此处表示“她无法回忆起太多关于她过去的事”,recall意为“回忆起,记起”,符合语境。concern意为“涉及,让(某人)担忧”;grasp意为“理解,领会”;mention意为“说到,提到”。8解析:选D。但是她告诉“我”,她决不会忘记“我”的友好。根据语境可知,应选never。9解析:选B。这使“我”意识到正是这些小事使得生活更有价值。important意为“重要的”;little意为“小的”;major意为“主要的,重要的”;sweet意为“甜的,悦耳的”。根据语境可知选B项。10解析:选D。那是“我”任何时候都不会忘记的事。根据语境可知,D项forget“忘记”,符合语境。11解析:选A。根据空格后的“just being there”可知,A项presence“存在,出现,在场”,符合语境。appearance意为“外貌,演出,公开露面”;understanding意为“理解,体谅”;protection意为“保护”。12解析:选D。不管我们的生活有多忙碌,总会有时间使他们快乐。根据语境可知,应选D项,busy“忙碌的”。13解析:选C。trend意为“趋势,倾向”;chance意为“机会”;source意为“来源,根源”;cause意为“原因,起因”。此处表示“对于我来说,成为快乐的来源感觉很棒”,故选C项。14解析:选B。上文讲述了“我”聆听居民们对过去的回忆的事,故此处用ear。15解析:选A。一天结束时,这个收获是最重要的事。matter意为“事关紧要,要紧”,符合语境。16解析:选D。很容易认为你和老年人没有很多共同之处尤其是当你是一个青少年时。friendly意为“友好的”;lively意为“精力充沛的,生气勃勃的”;lonely意为“寂寞的,孤独的”;elderly意为“上了年纪的,年纪较大的”。根据语境可知选D项。此处是“the形容词”,表示一类人。文章最后一句中的“We can learn a lot from the elderly”也是提示。17解析:选B。参见上题解析。下文的“teenagers”也是提示。18解析:选D。“我”不想在此多作评论,但是年龄的确只是一个数字。根据语境可知,选D项,number“数字”。19解析:选B。作为年轻人,我们更早地意识到这个很重要,而不是更迟意识到。or else意为“否则,不然”;rather than意为“而不是”;other than意为“除之外”;except for意为“除了之外”。根据语境可知选B项。20解析:选D。我们可以从老年人身上学到很多,他们也可以从青少年身上获益。benefit from“得益于”,符合语境。.短文改错After school, I was about to enter my apartment building when I saw a little dirty dog beside the dustbin.He looked weak.Immediately the homeless dog filled me sympathy, so I decided to take him home.I gave to him some food and a bath.After the bath he looked energetic and refreshed.What a lovely dog!When my parents got home, I asked I could keep the dog.To my and happiness, they agreed.Up to now, he has bee member of our family.Everyone enjoyed his pany.Looking at the cute, happy dog today, I realize that I did the right thing.I offered him a shelter he has brought great happiness and laughter.


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