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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习闯关导练综合模拟预测卷二第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1What does the woman advise the man to do?ALearn English later. BMemorize words right now.CGet help from other students.2What will the speakers do on National Day?ASend their grandparents some money. BMeet her grandparents at the station.CSee their grandparents.3Why did the woman recognize the man?AShe heard someone greet him. BShe had seen him before. CShe knew him very well.4What will the man do tonight?ABuy some clothes. BWash some clothes.CTidy up his clothes.5What does the woman think of her trip to Mexico?ARegretful. BInteresting.CWorthwhile.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6When did the woman see Mary?AThis morning.BThis Monday.CLast Monday.7What should Mary do in the mans eye?AFeel glad. BTreat him well.CSolve her personal problem.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8What happened to James?AHe was sick. BHe was out of work.CHe gave up running his clothing business.9How may James get out of the trouble?ABy finding ways from his other business.BBy finding another job.CBy asking friends for help.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10Why is it too hot in the womans apartment?AThe window is too small.BShe cant use the airconditioner.CThe airconditioner doesnt work well.11What will the woman do next month?AContinue to stay here. BLive in a new apartment.CBuy an electric fan.12How does the woman reduce summer heat?ABy taking a shower. BBy fixing a new airconditioner.CBy making full use of the present conditions.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13What is the mans problem?AHe doesnt have enough time for studying.BHe doesnt work hard at his lessons.CHe finds studying difficult.14When does the man volunteer at the Students Center?AFrom eight to nine. BFrom noon to one.CFrom three to four.15When does the man do his homework?AAfter school. BAfter supper.CAfter watching TV.16What will the man probably do?AStop playing on the soccer team.BGive up working at the supermarket.CSpend less time at the Students Center.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17When did the explosion happen?AIn the morning. BIn the afternoon. CIn the evening.18Where is Joy Hortons home?AOn Lake Ontario. BIn eastern New York. CIn northern New York.19What dropped onto the floor of her kitchen?AA plate. BA knife. CA spoon.20Where did Horton walk to get help?ATo the police station. BTo her daughters home. CTo her neighbors home.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AA visit to Australia would not be plete without taking the chance to see some of these animals in their natural environment.Frilled LizardThe Frilled Lizard is found in the eastern and northern parts of Australia, living within the bush. The Frilled Lizards frill normally hangs around its neck, and is made out of a flap of skin. When threatened the Frilled Lizard will raise its frill making it seen more dangerous.BandicootThere are several species of Bandicoot around Australia, and although occasionally they can be seen during the day, they are generally nocturnal. Bandicoots are small creatures only about the size of a rat and eat small insects and plants. Several of the Bandicoots around Australia include the Eastern Barred Bandicoot, which is now rare around Australia and the Southern Brown Bandicoot found in eastern and western parts of Australia.KoalaKoalas are small bearlike creatures that live along the east coast of Australia, with their habitat amongst(在之中) the famous Eucalyptus trees. However, koalas only like to eat a small percentage of the Eucalyptus trees found around Australia. Koalas have hard black noses, with sharp claws and a thick furry coat and can grow to a weight of about 10kg. Most of their time is spent asleep in the trees, which is the best place to see a koala.DingoDingoes are found in various areas across Australia, and unlike domestic dogs they do not bark. Instead,the Dingo makes a howling sound that is very particular. Dingoes generally eat mice, rabbits and rats, although sometimes they can also attack livestock when hungry.21When in danger the Frilled Lizard will raise its frill to _.Alook more beautifulBmake itself fortableCfrighten its enemy Dattract the opposite sex22What does the underlined word “nocturnal” mean in the passage?ADangerous when attacked. BActive at night.CSmall in size. DGentle in the daytime.23According to the passage, which animal likes resting in the tree?AFrilled Lizard.BDingo.CBandicoot.DKoala.BMahendra, a former senior officer at the State Bank of India, talks about his disabled and wounded dogs like a father about his childrenwith the same love, affection, and warmth. Hes a wellknown animal rights activist, the secretary at People for Animals (PFA). But nothing explains Mahendra better than his love for animals. It was this love that led him to establish Indias first shelter home for dogs living with disabilities. It all started in xx when, while taking a midnight walk, Mahendra came across a very weak dog on the street, whose bones were seen under its skin. Mahendra decided to feed it and for the next couple of days it became the centre of his life, until the night when he found it dead. Since then, Mahendra started providing treatment to all wounded and sick dogs he came across. After some time, somebody told Mahendra about PFA, Indias largest animal welfare organization, chaired by Mrs Maneka Gandhi. Mahendra contacted her and, impressed by the work he was doing, Mrs Gandhi asked him to start a PFA chapter in Ahmedabad.Thus, in xx, he started the shelter. It took a long time for Mahendra to find land where the shelter could be set up. Finally, Ramesh Bhai Patel, a farmer from a village named Jundal, agreed to give his land for nothing. Along with a team of four doctors and many volunteers, the shelter now has twentyfive dogs that were unable to walk at all when they were brought in. Today, theyre slowly healing. Dogs that have healed with proper treatment are sent back to where they came from if the environment there is safe. However, the shelter will be home to the blind dogs for all their lives, says Mahendra.The shelter runs on the money ing from Mahendras own pocket. There have been some financial crunches now and then but Mahendra is determined that no matter what challenges e their way, theyll fight through.24From Paragraph 1, what can we know about Mahendra?AHis affection for animals.BHis love for senior people.CHis care for disabled people.DHis devotion to protecting his children.25Mahendra decided to do something for animals because of _.Athe death of a homeless sick dogBhis meeting with a sick dog one nightCthe encouragement of Mrs GandhiDhis contact with the organization PFA26In his effort to build the shelter, Mahendra _.Aspent much money hiring a landBreceived little support from othersCgot a free land from a farmerDwas financially supported by the government 27What does the underlined word “crunches” in the last paragraph mean?AAids. BMarkets. CServices. DDifficulties.CThanks to the Internet and technology, the world has bee one big market, and you can sit in the forts of your home and shop for anything you want. You no longer have to drive to the actual shops and fish out what you want. Simply filter (筛选) your search, sitting on your sofa, select the desired product, and make the required payment. The shipment will reach your doorstep. However, everything es at a price; so does online shopping. Its subject to more threats, especially when you make online shopping mistakes. For example, you may be an impulsive (冲动的) buyer and buy something without reading all the details of the product properly. If you dont read the product description carefully, there are high chances that the item you receive might not match what you expect. The biggest hurdle in online shopping is that you cannot inspect your product beforehand. Therefore, take a cue from the experiences of other consumers from the online posts. Additionally, you may make mistakes like giving an incorrect address, typing incorrect quantity details. Such mistakes can make you end up getting a delayed delivery.Not following safety tips while shopping is also a mon mistake you may mit. For instance, you may not take into account other charges, or use a public WiFi to make a purchase, which may give away your card details. So ensure online safety while making a purchase online.Luckily, if some mistake has occurred, you can make an attempt to repair it. For example, you can contact the customer service and register your plaint. Its better to have a written record by also sending an email to the pany. Its advisable to have your purchase transaction well documented, so that you can provide legal evidence to the pany. 28If you dont read the product descriptions thoroughly, youll probably _.Aforget to follow safety tipsBbe addicted to online shopping easilyCreceive an item you dont wantDmake a purchase as you expect29What can prevent the product reaching you in time?ANot reading its consumer reviews.BNot posting letter to the pany in advance. CNot taking other charges into consideration.DNot checking information before placing an order.30Your card information may be stolen if you do online shopping _.Awith a public WiFi Bon a private websiteCin your friends store Din a trustworthy pany31What should we do when online shopping goes wrong?AMake a list of your requirements. BReport the online shop to the government.CSend the purchase information to the police. DGet your plaint registered at the customer service.DSometimes, you just cant help it. Maybe youre watching a sad movie, or thinking about the friend who moved away. Next thing you know, theres a lump in your throat, your eyes are watering, and you have tears running down your cheeks.A professor of psychology at Tilburg University, in the Netherlands,has studied crying.According to Vingerhoets, therere three types of tears. Basal tears are the first type. They act as a protective barrier between the eye and the rest of the world. Next are reflex tears. They wash your eyes clean when something gets in them. Finally, therere emotional tears. “These are released in response to emotional states,” explains Vingerhoets.Scientists believe crying has something to do with how humans developed and learned to depend on each other. “Humans are very plex social creatures,” says Lauren Bylsma, a professor from Pittsburgh University, in Pennsylvania. “It seems that tears can make them get help and support from others.”She says another reason why we weep is that humans have the longest developmental period of almost any animal. It takes a long time to grow up.Vingerhoets agrees. “I think that the reason why humans shed(流出)emotional tears has to do with our prolonged(延长的) childhood,” he says. “Thats the time when were still dependent on adults for love,protection and care. The major advantage of tears is that you can target them at a specific person.”Vingerhoets says this ability could have e in handy in prehistoric times, when humans were living among dangerous animals. Loud crying could attract predators(捕食者). Tears were a safer way to get attention. “In this case, its better to use a_silent_signal to ask for help,” he says. Vingerhoets and Bylsma do frequent studies to better understand why humans cry.32The tears mentioned in Paragraph 1 should belong to _.Abasal tears Breflex tearsChappy tears Demotional tears33What is Vingerhoets attitude to the effects of tears?APassive.BPositive.CDoubtful.DIndifferent.34The underlined phrase of “a silent signal” probably refers to _.Aa written language BpredatorsCtears Dloud crying35What is the best title of the text?ATypes of Tears BPrecious TearsCSecrets of Tears DOn Tears第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to Be a Good FriendBeing a good friend isnt always easy. As the years pass, some people will stay by your side, but many wont. And youll realize that each friendship you keep is priceless. Of course, to have a good friend, you should remember the following tips: Keep your promises. _36_ Nobodys perfect, and its okay if you skip out on a promise occasionally, but dont make it a regular thing. _37_ Your friend will need you for support, especially in hard times. Its hard to rely on a person who doesnt behave in a consistent and trustworthy way. Apologize when youve made a mistake. _38_ If you know youve made a mistake, just say sorry. Though your friends wont be happy that you made a mistake, theyll be very pleased if you admit it instead of just pretending that nothing is wrong. Be honest. If you want to be a good friend and to have people trust you, then you have to be honest about your feelings and about how you feel about your friendship. _39_ If your friend hurts you, dont be afraid to talk about it.Be loyal. _40_ Just do it as youd expect your friend to do for you. Dont discuss your friend behind his or her back, and dont spread rumors. ABe dependable. BTake an interest in his / her hobby. CDont make a promise that you cant keep.DIf youre honest about how you feel, that will make your friends more likely to open up to you.EIf you want your friends to trust you, then you cant act like youre perfect.FIf your friend tells you a secret, keep it and dont talk about it with anyone else.GAll the same, you dont always have to agree with him just because he is your friend.36_37._38._39._40._第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Ive suffered with serious social anxiety and anger problems as long as I can remember.A couple of years ago I _41_ what I thought was a good plan of positivity: every time I became _42_ about something I couldnt change, Id do a casual act of _43_. Things like losing money or not getting a promotion saw me _44_ goods to our local food Bank(食品赈济处). At the _45_ of this June I myself and my partner went on our first holiday in years. We climbed Mt. Teide. _46_ I stood at the top with a taste of high altitude, _47_ in my brain seemed to burst. I felt _48_ and came down that mountain as quickly as I could. This anxious feeling about the _49_ in the early June lasted, but I went back to work and didnt _50_. I knew scares didnt _51_ the problem. I actually removed my headphones to talk to someone I knew in the street. I was _52_. I went to the supermarket and _53_, which kept me cool. I lost some money, but I thought it was only money. When I got home, I turned on the puter. Beyond my _54_, I found this site and the smile _55_ through surfing on the web. In the _56_ were these smile cards which Id never heard of. So here I am! I changed my _57_ acts plan after the early June trip, for every day I was anxietyfree. Id do something to say thank you to life for a good day. By now Ive _58_ food for humans and pets in need of help, and helped strangers _59_ their shopping upstairs. The universe was possibly sending me a _60_ message with the smile cards.41A.came up with Bbroke away from Cput up with Dended up with42A.happyBconcerned Cfearful Dangry 43A.voluntary work BcharityCshopping Ddriving 44A.lending Bthrowing Coffering Dwasting 45A.start Bmiddle Cend Dtop 46A.As BUnless CIf DThough 47A.nothing BeverythingCsomething Danything 48A.pleased Bhelpful Cexcited Dworried 49A.hiking Bclimb Cflight Drace 50A.wait Bleave Cpanic Dhesitate 51A.find Bconsult Creject Dsolve 52A.frightened Bcalm Cdisappointed Dsad 53A.shouted Bcried Cworked Dshopped 54A.reach Bability Cexpectation Dtouch 55A.cards Bpictures Cwords Dvideos 56A.drawer Bweb Croom Dbook 57A.serious Bcasual Cgeneral Dwasteful 58A.donated Bexchanged Csold Dstolen 59A.sell Bbuy Cfind Dlift 60A.bad Battractive Cpositive Dpassive第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Jiuzhai Valley or Jiuzhaigou National Park _61_(locate) in the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province, South Western China. It was declared _62_ UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992. Jiuzhai Valley literally means “Nine Village Valley” and is named after the nine Tibetan villages _63_ (distribute)throughout the park. There is evidence of people _64_ (live) in the national park up to 3,000 years and the local people still have many of their traditional _65_ (way) of life. The population of the park is just over 1,000, _66_ consists of over 110 families. The beautiful landscapes of Jiuzhai Valley are _67_ (particular) famous for their karst (喀斯特) land forms, waterfalls and lakes. There are over 220 bird species _68_ (find) in Jiuzhai Valley as well as a number of endangered plant and animal species. Jiuzhai Valley is part _69_ the Min Shan mountain range on the edge of the Tibetan Himalayan Pletau and stretches over 720 square kilometers. The elevation (海拔) of the national park ranges from almost 2,000 meters at the _70_ (enter) to over 4,500 meters on the mountain peaks.61_62._63._64._65._66_67._68._69._70._第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。One day my husband and I passed by a house where we noticed elderly woman picking up sticks from her yard. We slowed down but asked if she needed help. She told us she was picking up sticks to burn on her wood stove. We were told that the man which usually delivered her wood for her stove has died. On hearing from this, my husband and I went home immediate and found some wood to give to her. When we took it back later that day, she was so delighting. Her voice shook as she told us thank. It made my husband and I very happy to be able to do it.第二节书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,在你班学习的美国交换生玛丽即将回国,你决定和家人一起在家中为她举办一场欢送晚宴。请你给玛丽写一封电子邮件,邀请她参加晚宴,要点如下:1.发出邀请;2.告知相关信息;3期待回复。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已为你写好。Dear Mary,_Yours,Li Hua综合模拟(二)听力部分录音材料(Text 1)M:It shouldnt be so difficult to learn English well if we had larger vocabulary.W:That is right. Better late than never. (Text 2)M:Why not go to visit our grandparents at home on National Day?W:OK, but dont forget to buy them some special gifts before starting off. (Text


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