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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习题型重组第一组.单项填空1We all know that its easy to follow fashion but rather difficult to establish our own _AfancyBfavorCprinciple Dstyle2Mike,its a pity you didnt e to last nights concert. It was really great!Really?If I _ so busy,I would have gone with you.Ahadnt been BwerentCshouldnt be Dwouldnt be3When he was abroad on business,he _ some spoken English.Apicked out Bpicked upCbrought up Dbrought out4These children are always arguing._ After a while,they will be OK.AJust leave them alone.BDont mention it.CAre you sure?DHow old are these children?5Several Chinese warships sailed to the area _ the Malaysian Airlines flight disappeared to perform rescue mission.Awhere BwhichCwhat Dwhen6Most people would agree that nuclear science should be developed to benefit the human beings _ harm them.Amore than Brather thanCother than Dbetter than7Not until the poisonous fog was over _ to school.Acouldnt return the studentsBthe students couldnt returnCcould the students returnDthe students could return8I can speak Italian quite well but I need to _ a better level of accuracy to get a good job in Italy.Aobtain BattainCenlarge Dsubmit9Listen,someone _ closer to our room. If its the boss,that will be rather bad so lets get down to our work right now!Asteps Bis steppingCwill step Dhas stepped10Leave a key with your friend _ you lock yourself out one day.Aso that Bas thoughCsoon after Din case11Getting up early and taking exercise is a good habit,_ you can learn at an early age.Awhat BthatCit Done12When will the Swiss delegation arrive?Their plane takes off at 3 pm. and it _ reach at 7 pm.Ashould BcouldCmust Dcan13_ made the school proud was _ more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.AWhat;because BWhat;thatCThat;what DThat;because14The use of several senses gives the brain more connections and associations, making it easier _ information later, which assists memory and learning.Afind BfindingCfound Dto find15Alice,I really appreciate your handwriting._AForget itBThank you very muchCNo,I dont think soDWell,its not good enough16Of all the things I have done in my professional career, nothing has been more _ than writing that book.Aapproved BrewardingCdeveloped Dconvincing17France is a main destination for US. travelers,_ second only to the United Kingdom, according to _ merce Department report. A不填; a B不填; theCa; a Dthe; the18I wanted to _ them the trouble of buying me a present. So I didnt tell them about my birthday party. Adismiss Bspare Cremove Dsubmit19Alan wont listen to his parents;_ he will realize what a mistake he has made.Asooner or later Bin no timeCas a result Din fact20He hadnt been asked to the party and was feeling very _Aturned down Bbroken downCstressed out Dleft out.完形填空(xx东北三校二模)My heart beat with that feeling, like blood to my body as my fingers flew across the piano keys. As the piece neared the end,I _1_ up to take my final bow. For a second, the room was _2_. Yet, even in that one second, I had enough time to _3_ whether I had done perfectly.Then,_4_, the applause(掌声) came.“Thank you.so much,” I said,_5_ to the person standing on my other side. Olga, my piano teacher for six years, smiled back at me.“Youve been an _6_ student all these years,”she said,“I hope that whatever you do, you never stop _7_”I leaned forward,_8_ I would keep playing because I loved piano, and hugged her.As it _9_, the promises werent as meaningful as Id hoped. Right after the _10_, I kept up my strict practicing schedule every day._11_, it began slipping away from me. The reason I had stopped taking _12_ was because of my busy schedule with homework. Not long after, I stopped practicing altogether. It was _13_ not to have to stress about piano anymore.But something was _14_ inside of me. I was empty inside.One day I met Michelle, who had also taken piano lessons from Olga.“Are you _15_ taking lessons from Olga?” she asked.“Actually I just quit a while ago,” I replied.“Thats a _16_,” she responded, “I remember your performance a year ago; it was _17_”Two days after talking to Michelle, I was at a _18_ what to do. I moved slowly into the living room unconsciously, but in fact I knew _19_ what I was doing.As the music _20_, a familiar feeling rose inside me.1.A.showed Bsat Cstood Dlooked2A.light Bquiet Ccolorful Dnervous3A.expect Bremind Cknow Ddoubt4A.immediately Bsuccessfully Chopefully Dsuddenly5A.turning Bwaving Crunning Dpointing6A.easygoing Bimaginative Camazing Dhonest7A.practicing Blearning Cpeting Dgaining8A.telling Bpromising Cadmitting Dspeaking9A.carried on Bbrought up Cturned out Dtaken in10A.performance Bfinal Cpresentation Dplay11A.Soon BBesides CThus DInstead12A.lectures Bparts Clessons Dpieces13A.disappointing Bpleasing Cinspiring Dpuzzling14A.beating Brising Cchanging Dshinning15A.still Beven Cmuch Dyet16A.shame Brelief Cpleasure Ddeal17A.challenging Bbreathtaking Cdemanding Dembarrassing18A.time Bheart Cdream Dloss19A.normally Bexactly Cunclearly Dbadly20A.ended Bhit Ccovered Dspread.短文改错(xx大连高三双基测试)One day,I was walking home after school when an old man fell heavy onto the snowcovering road.Many people passed by,and no one took action.Some of them said it was none of their business;others worried that if they helped him,they might got into a difficult situation.Seeing what had happened,I called 120 immediately.While waiting the ambulance,I took down my coat to keep the old man warm.In no time did the ambulance came.Having helped the doctors carry him into an ambulance,I felt relieved.In my opinion,this is our duty to help those who are in troubles.单项填空1解析:选D。句意:我们都知道,追求时尚容易,但是确立我们自己的风格很难。style表示“方式,样式,品味”,符合语境。fancy“想象,爱好”;favor“帮助,支持”;principle“原则,原理”。2解析:选A。句意:迈克,你昨晚没来参加音乐会太可惜了。音乐会非常棒。是吗?如果我没有这么忙,我本打算和你一起去的。由“you didnt e to last nights concert”以及“would have gone with you”可知,空处表示与过去事实相反的假设,主句用wouldhave done,从句要用过去完成时。故只有A项符合题意。 3解析:选B。句意:在国外出差时,他顺便学会了一些英语口语。pick up“(偶然)学会”,符合句意。pick out“挑出,选出”;bring up“养育,提出”;bring out“使显现,出版”。4解析:选A。句意:这些孩子老是争吵。别理会他们,过一会儿他们就好了。leave sb.alone“不打扰某人,不理会某人”。故选A。5解析:选A。句意:几艘中国战舰驶向马航航班失踪的区域执行救援任务。分析句子可知,空处引导定语从句,先行词为area,空处在定语从句中作地点状语,故用where。6解析:选B。句意:大多数人都赞成核科学开发应该使人类受益而不是伤害人类。rather than“而不是”;more than“多于”;other than“除了”;better than“比好”。故选B。7解析:选C。句意:直到有毒的雾霾结束后学生才可以返回学校。在not.until.结构中,当将not until引导的时间状语或从句置于句首时,主句须倒装,将助动词提到主语之前。8解析:选B。句意:我的意大利语说得很好,但是我需要更加努力说得更准确以便在意大利找到好工作。attain(经过努力)获得,符合句意。9解析:选B。根据句中的Listen可以得知,这里表示正在发生的动作,故用现在进行时。10解析:选D。句意:给你的朋友留一把钥匙,以防哪天你把自己锁在门外了。根据句意,应选D。in case“以防万一”。11解析:选D。句意:早起锻炼是很好的习惯,一个你能从小就学习的习惯。one泛指“一个”,此处是指“一个好习惯”,作a good habit的同位语。12解析:选A。句意:瑞士代表团什么时候到?他们的飞机下午3点起飞,到这儿应该是晚上7点。should“应该”,符合语境。13解析:选B。分析句子结构可知:句子_ made the school proud缺少主语,另外还要引导主语从句,故此只能选择what,由此先排除C、D两项答案。再结合句子_ more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities结构完整不缺少成分,只需要引导词。所以选用that。14解析:选D。考查非谓语动词。句意:多种感官的运用使得大脑产生更多的联系和联想,从而使信息以后更容易被找到,这有助于记忆和学习。依据句中的“making it easier”可知,形容词easier后面应该用不定式结构,it在此是形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式to find information,故选D项。15解析:选B。句意:艾丽丝,我真的很欣赏你的书法。非常感谢。前一句表示赞扬,答句应表示感谢,故选B。16解析:选B。考查形容词辨析。句意:在我的职业生涯中,没有什么能比写那本书更有意义了。rewarding表示“值得做的,有意义的”,符合句意。approved表示“认可的”;developed表示“发达的”;convincing表示“使人信服的”。17解析:选A。句意:一份根据商业部门的报告可知法国是美国旅游者的一个主要目的地,仅次于英国。second to仅次于,second前不加冠词;第二空是泛指,中心词为report。故选A。18解析:选B。句意:我想省去他们给我买礼物的麻烦,因此我不告诉他们我生日晚会的情况。A.dismiss解雇,解散;B.spare抽出,省去;C.remove 移除;D.submit提交,呈递。根据题干后的the trouble of和So后的分句判断。故选B。19解析:选A。考查介词短语辨析。句意:Alan不听他父母的话,他迟早会意识到他犯了什么错。sooner or later“迟早”;in no time“立刻,马上”;as a result“作为结果”;in fact“事实上”。根据句意可知选A。20解析:选D。句意:他没有被邀请参加晚会,并且感到被遗忘了。turn down关小,拒绝;break down坏了,出毛病;stress out使疲惫不堪;leave out被遗忘,漏掉。故选D。.完形填空1解析:选C。考查动词辨析。A项意为“展示,显示”;B项意为“坐下”;C项意为“站立,容忍”;D项意为“看”。根据下文“to take my final bow”可知,作者一曲弹完,站起来向观众鞠躬致谢。故答案选C。2解析:选B。考查形容词辨析。A项意为“轻的”;B项意为“安静的”;C项意为“多彩的”;D项意为“紧张的”。根据下文“the applause(掌声)came”可推知,这一秒,台下一片寂静。故答案选B。3解析:选D。考查动词辨析。A项意为“期望”;B项意为“提醒”;C项意为“知道,了解”;D项意为“怀疑”。根据上文中的“Yet”的转折和下文中的“whether”可推知,作者怀疑自己的表演是否成功。故答案选D。4解析:选D。考查副词辨析。A项意为“立刻,马上”;B项意为“成功地”;C项意为“有希望地”;D项意为“突然地”。此处与上文的疑虑呼应,并与时间状语“even in that one second”形成对比,指一秒钟之后掌声突然响起来了。故答案选D。5解析:选A。考查动词辨析。A项意为“转”;B项意为“挥手”;C项意为“跑,经营”;D项意为“指向”。根据上文向观众鞠躬致谢可知,此处指作者转过身来向老师道谢。故答案选A。6解析:选C。考查形容词辨析。A项意为“容易相处的”;B项意为“富于想象力的”;C项意为“惊人的,了不起的”;D项意为“诚实的”。根据上文可知,作者的演出很成功,由此可推知,老师认为作者是一个很了不起的学生。故答案选C。7解析:选A。考查动词辨析。A项意为“练习,实践”;B项意为“学习,了解”;C项意为“竞争”;D项意为“获得”。根据下文中的“I kept up my strict practicing schedule every day.”可知,老师希望作者继续练习钢琴。故答案选A。8解析:选B。考查动词辨析。A项意为“告知”;B项意为“允诺”;C项意为“承认”;D项意为“说出”。根据下文“the promises werent as meaningful as Id hoped”可知,此处作者向老师做出了承诺。故答案选B。9解析:选C。考查动词短语辨析。A项意为“继续”;B项意为“抚养,呕吐”;C项意为“结果是,证明是”;D项意为“吸收,欺骗”。根据下文可知,作者后来因学业而停止了练琴,故此处指结果作者并没有如愿兑现承诺。故答案选C。10解析:选A。考查名词辨析。A项意为“表演,演出”;B项意为“决赛”;C项意为“展示”;D项意为“玩耍,戏剧”。根据上文作者向观众致谢,以及下文“I remember your performance a year ago”可知,此处指那次很成功的演出。故答案选A。11解析:选A。考查副词辨析。A项意为“不久,很快”;B项意为“此外”;C项意为“这样,从而”;D项意为“反而”。根据下文“Not long after”可知,很快作者的钢琴练习就坚持不下去了。故答案选A。12解析:选C。考查名词辨析。A项意为“讲座”;B项意为“部分”;C项意为“课程,教训”;D项意为“片,张”。根据下文“who had also taken piano lessons from Olga”可知,作者后来不再去上钢琴课了。故答案选C。13解析:选B。考查形容词辨析。A项意为“令人失望的”;B项意为“令人开心的”;C项意为“激励人心的”;D项意为“令人困惑的”。根据下文“not to have to stress about piano anymore”可知,没有了练习钢琴的压力自然是很开心的。故答案选B。14解析:选C。考查动词辨析。A项意为“敲打”;B项意为“升起”;C项意为“变化”;D项意为“闪耀”。根据下文“I was empty inside.”可知,作者内心发生了些变化。故答案选C。15解析:选A。考查副词辨析。A项意为“仍旧”;B项意为“甚至”;C项意为“很,非常”;D项意为“然而,还没有”。根据下文“Actually I just quit a while ago,I replied.”可知,同学在问作者是否还在上钢琴课。故答案选A。16解析:选A。考查名词辨析。A项意为“耻辱,羞愧,遗憾”;B项意为“缓解”;C项意为“愉悦”;D项意为“交易”。作者的演出那么成功,后来却因为学业而不去上钢琴课了,在同学看来,这实在是令人遗憾。故答案选A。17解析:选B。考查形容词辨析。A项意为“挑战性的”;B项意为“激动人心的,惊人的”;C项意为“苛刻的”;D项意为“令人尴尬的”。根据上文“the applause(掌声)came”可推知,作者当年的表演很成功,令人震撼。故答案选B。18解析:选D。考查名词辨析。A项意为“时间”;B项意为“心脏”;C项意为“梦想”;D项意为“损失,丢失”。at a loss是固定短语,意为“茫然失措”,与下文“I moved slowly into the living room unconsciously”相呼应。故答案选D。19解析:选B。考查副词辨析。A项意为“正常地”;B项意为“确切地”;C项意为“不清楚地”;D项意为“非常”。根据上文“unconsciously,but in fact I knew”可知,作者无意识地慢慢走进房间,但却很清醒地知道自己在做什么。故答案选B。20解析:选D。考查动词辨析。A项意为“结束”;B项意为“打击,重击”;C项意为“覆盖,包含”;D项意为“传播”。根据下文“a familiar feeling rose inside me”可知,当音乐再次响起时,一种熟悉的感觉在作者的心底升起。故答案选D。.短文改错One day,I was walking home after school when an old man fell onto the road.Many people passed by, no one took action.Some of them said it was none of their business;others worried that if they helped him,they might into a difficult situation.Seeing what had happened,I called 120 immediately.While waiting the ambulance,I took my coat to keep the old man warm.In no time did the ambulance came.Having helped the doctors carry him into ambulance,I felt relieved.In my opinion, is our duty to help those who are in .


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