高中英语 Unit2 Poems P4 Listening rcise课件 新人教版选修6.ppt

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Listening,Unit 2 Poems,Listen to Part 1.,Using Language,HOW TO BECOME INSPIRED TO WRITE POETRY (T=Teacher L=Lucy P=Pitt J=Jack) A teacher, Miss Jiang is talking with her class about a poetry competition.,Part 1 T: Remember that the _ for the poetry competition is the _. Whos going to enter the _? Lucy, how about you? L: Ive written something but if I had an extra week, I could _ it.,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,deadline,24th,competition,improve,T: Lucy, Im sure its very good already. Now, what about your _, Pitt? P: Im not going to enter a poem this year. I just _ think of anything to write about. T: Well, what about you, Jack? J: I havent begun _ yet. I plan to do it this weekend but only if I feel _!,poem,cannot,mine,inspired,Listen to Part 2.,Part 2 T: OK everybody, lets talk about how to become _ to write poetry. Jack, lets start with you. How will you inspire _ this weekend? J: Well, I intend to go for a _ in the countryside and sit _ somewhere by myself. T: How does that _, Jack?,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,inspired,yourself,hike,quietly,help,J: Well, I _ a lot more maybe an insect _ something, the shapes and colours of the flowers, how the wind _, or the different _ in the air. Anyway, I find that as I look around me all _ of interesting thoughts and _ come into my mind.,notice,sounds,carrying,smells,words,sorts,T: That sounds _. Would anyone else like to tell us how they become inspired to _? Yes, Lucy? L: Usually I write best when I am surrounded by _ things, so I need to be in my own _. But now Ive _ to Jack, I think Ill try out his _ too some time.,great,write,familiar,house,listened,way,P: Actually I work best on my _ when Im listening to my favorite _. Ive never _ it with poetry before but Im going to try it _. T: Great, Pitt. Well, weve had some good _ about how to become inspired. And now Im looking forward to _ all your poems.,homework,music,tried,tonight,ideas,reading,Workbook-Listening,DO YOU LIKE WRITING POETRY?,Listen to the text.,(T=Mr Tanner W=Wu Zhe L=Lily C=Chelsea) Mr Tanner, is talking to three students, Wu Zhe, Lily and Chelsea, about their feelings on poetry.,T: If I were to tell you that for the next _ of weeks we were going to do a unit on _, what would you think? W: (groans) My heart _! Poetry, yuck! T: Youve never _ it, Wu Zhe?,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,couple,poetry,sinks,enjoyed,W: What is there to enjoy!? All that _ meaningless language. Why cant people just say what they mean in clear _ English? They dont _ to go on and on about things that _ cares about.,strange,simple,nobody,need,L: Thats not what I _! I love listening to poetry, even when I dont _ all of it. When someone reads it really well, its like listening to music. It _ you to another place in your mind, to a world thats _ somehow.,think,understand,takes,different,C: I love listening to it too But Id much _ be writing (emphasize) it. T: So you enjoy writing poetry, Chelsea. What _ do you enjoy? C: I like playing with words and sentences and _. You just have to make it sound and feel _, and you dont have to follow all those grammar _.,rather,exactly,lines,right,rules,T: So you like the _ of being able to write just what comes into your _? C: Well, its _ really freedom. You see I think about the atmosphere or feeling I want to _ in my poem and then I look for the _ way to do it. That doesnt feel _ at all ,freedom,head,create,not,best,free,Ive got to really think. It doesnt _ when I just write down _ comes into my head. L: It _ sometimes for me. Sometimes I feel inspired and the right words just come _ out.,work,whatever,spilling,does,W: _ you, Lily! (said with a hint of resentment) That never _ to me. Even if I write something, its all _. Poetry _ rubbish if you ask me.,Lucky,happens,rubbish,seems,Workbook-Listening Task,Listen to the text.,(B=Ben S=Sam SL=Sally) Its Friday lunchtime. Three students, Ben, Sam and Sally, are talking about their poetry homework. Listen to their conversation.,B: _ are you going to do your poetry homework, Sam? S: I dont know. How _ have we got? B: Well, its due next _. S: Oh no! Id better have a go at it this _. What kind of poem are you _ to write? B: Well, I think Ill try writing a _.,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,When,long,Monday,weekend,planning,haiku,S: Whats that? B: Sam, dont you remember we _ about it in class. Its a _ poem made up of _ syllables. S: Oh yeah. Sounds a _ difficult to me. What are you going to write about?,learned,Japanese,17,bit,B: Well, haikus are usually about _, so Im going to go and sit in the park tomorrow and just _ life. Ill write about what I see and what _ come into my mind. SL: Hi Sam, hi Ben. What are you _ talking about?,nature,observe,images,two,S: That _ poetry homework we have to do. SL: Actually, Im looking _ to it. S: Well, I always knew you were _! B: Dont listen to him, Sally. What are you going to do _ on?,horrible,crazy,yours,forward,SL: Im going to try one of those _ poems and write a line about each _ in our class. S: You can leave me _ of it! SL: Oh Sam, its going to be _. Im going to see if I can make the lines _. Itll be fun.,list,person,out,funny,rhyme,B: So Sam, are you _ inspired now? Look, there are lots of different kinds of poems you could _ a haiku, a list poem hey, what about a _ you know those _ line poems.,feeling,five,try,cinquain,S: Oh yeah, Id _ about those. Yeah, thats what Ill do and _ what Im going to do it on? B: What? S: You! B: (laughs) Oh no!,forgotten,guess,


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