高中英语 Unit2 Poems P3 Grammar课件 新人教版选修6.ppt

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Subjunctive Mood (2),Unit 2 Grammar,在上一单元中我们学习了虚拟语气(和现在、过去、将来事实相反)的用法。在本单元中我们将复习上一单元所学内容、引申一些新知识并通过练习进一步加深理解。,Objective,To learn more about the subjunctive mood and use it properly.,语法讲解建议采用归纳法,如尽可能多的呈现一些相关例句,或可让学生从已学课文中找相应例句,引导学生试着从所观察到的语言现象中总结出语言规则和语法规律。,Lets look at this poem.,Our first football match We would have won if Jack had scored that goal, if wed had just a few more minutes, if we had trained harder, We would have won if wed been better!,This poem contains sentences in the subjunctive mood.,虚拟语气 1)概念 虚拟语气用来表示说话人的主观愿望或假想,所说的是一个条件,不一定是事实,或与事实相反。,Revision,2)在条件句中的应用 条件句可分为两类,一类为真实条件句,一类为非真实条件句。非真实条件句表示的是假设的或实际可能性不大的情况,故采用虚拟语气。,在条件状语从句和结果状语从句中,表示 与事实相反的条件和结果。 1) 与现在事实相反: If 主语 , 主语 +V原,was/were /V-ed,should (would could, might),2) 与过去事实相反: If 主语 , 主语 +have V-ed 3) 与将来事实相反: If 主语 , 主语 +V原,should (would could, might),should were to,should (would could, might),had been /V-ed,假设条件从句谓语动词发生的时间与主句所假设的谓语动词不一致,叫做错综条件虚拟语气(mixed conditionals)。主句和从句的谓语动词要依照假设的时间而定。 If the weather had been finer, the crops would be growing still better. If you had followed the teachers advice, you wouldnt be in the hospital.,1. We use mixed conditionals when the main clause and the if-clause are about different tenses. e.g. If you had come and attended the meeting yesterday, you would know what we are doing now. If you had followed my advice, you would not be in trouble now.,2. We use otherwise, or and phrases beginning with with, without and but for to replace an if-clause in implied conditionals.,Without air , there would be no living things. But for your help , I couldnt have done it.,(If there were no air),(If it hadnt been for your help),I was busy that day. Otherwise I would have gone there with them. (If I hadnt been busy that day, I would have gone there with them.) I would have finished the work, but I have been ill. (If I hadnt been ill, I would have finished the work.),3. In adverbial clauses introduced by even if, as if, as though and if only we can use unreal conditionals.,He treats his elder sister as though she were a stranger.,即使生了病,他也去办公室。 Even if he were ill, he would go to his office. 她谈论那部影片,就好像她确实看过一样。 She talked about the film as if she had really seen it.,虚拟语气特殊句型:,wish/if only,现在: 过去: 未来:,did(were),had done,would do,1) I wish I were a bird.(现在) 2) I wish I hadnt made such a mistake.(过去) 3) We wish our parents wouldnt punish us. (将来),If only I knew his name! If only we had followed your advice! If only I could see him again!,要是我们的父母能和我们住在一起就好了。 要是我没错过火车就好了!,If only our parents could live with us!,If only I hadnt missed the train!,I wish I were as tall as you. 我希望和你一样高。,He wished he hadnt said that. 他希望他没讲那样的话。,I wish it would rain tomorrow. 我希望明天下雨就好了。,wish to do 表达法。wish sb. / sth. to do,I wish to see the manager. = I want to see the manager.,I wish the manager to be informed at once. = I want the manager to be informed at once.,2. would rather that,现在: 过去: 未来:,I would rather you paid me now.,I would rather you had gone, too.,Dont come. I would rather you came tomorrow.,did,did,had done,3. Its (about/high) time + that,should do,did,你该走了。,我们该去 睡觉了。,Its high time that you went. Its high time that you were going. Its high time that you should go.,Its time that we went to bed. Its time that we should go to bed.,4. 表示要求,命令,建议的虚拟语气。,1) 宾语从句。常见动词: 一个坚持,两个 命令,三个建议,四个要求。即: 1. insist 2. order, command 3. advise, suggest, propose 4. demand, require, request, desire 这些动词后面的宾语从句要使用虚拟语气 用法。即从句中的动词使用should + 动词 原形,或者将should省略。,我们建议Tom去休息一下。 他坚决要求我到场。 国王命令囚犯明天要实施死刑。 他们要求我们派他们去那儿工作。,We suggested that Tom have a rest.,He insisted that I (should) be present.,The king ordered that the prisoners be killed the next day.,They requested that we (should) send them to work there.,I suggest that we (should) hold a meeting next week. He insisted that he (should) be sent there.,注意:如果suggest, insist不表示“建议“ 或“坚持要某人做某事“时,即它们用于其本意“暗示、表明“、“坚持认为“时,宾语从句用陈述语气。,The guard at gate insisted that everybody _ (obey) the rules. 2. He insisted that she _ (be) seriously ill and that _ (send) to hospitals at once. 3. He suggested that we _ (have) a meeting at once. 4. His pale face suggested that he _ (be) ill.,obey,was,be sent,have,was,以上动词相应的名词构成的名词性从句(包括主语从句,表语从句和同位语从句)也要使用虚拟语气,即: (should) + v-原形。 名词形式: order, advice, suggestion, proposal, demand, desire request, requirement,The suggestion is that the plan be carried out at once. My demand is that she should come to see me once a week. All of us are for the advice that the chemical factory should be closed down.,5. Its necessary / strange / natural / important + that-Clause 从句中的动 词要用虚拟,即(should)+ 动词原形,It is important that we (should) master a foreign language. It is strange that she refuse to come to the party. Its necessary that we should study hard.,6. 某些简单句的固定句型: Heaven help him! God bless you! May you succeed! Long live the Peoples Republic of China!,虚拟语气的用法。,Review,_ cease advertising, prices would be significantly reduced. A. Were they to B. Could they C. If they D. Would they 2. My suggestion is that she _ more exercise, which will do a lot of good to her. A. takes B. must take C. take D. took,Quiz I: Multiple choice.,3. You dont have to be in such a hurry. I would rather you _ on business first. A. would go B. will go C. went D. have gone 4. If only the committee _ the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible. A. approve B. will approve C. can approve D. would approve,5. We didnt know his telephone number, otherwise we _ him. A. would have telephoned B. must have telephoned C. would telephone D. had telephoned,6. It was essential that the application forms _ back before the deadline. A. must be sent B. would be sent C. be sent D. were sent,7. This printer is of good quality. If it _ break down within the first year, we would repair it at our expense. (2009天津) A. would B. should C. could D. might,8. But for their help, we _ the program in time. (2009安徽) A. can not finish B. will not finish C. had not finished D. could not have finished 9. But for the help of my English teacher, I _ the first prize in the English Writing Competition. (2009福建) A. would not win B. would not have won C. would win D. would have won,10. If he _ my advice, he wouldnt have lost his job. (2010湖南) A. followed B. should follow C. had followed D. would follow 11. George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but Id rather he _ more on its culture. (2010江苏) A. focus B. focused C. would focus D. had focused,12. If we _ the other road, we might have arrived here in time for the meeting. (2010陕西) A. take B. had taken C. took D. have taken 13. John went to the hospital alone. If he _ me about it, I would have gone with him. (2010天津) A. should tell B. tells C. told D. had told,14. Had I known about this computer program, a huge amount of time and energy _. (2010浙江) A. would have been saved B. had been saved C. will be saved D. was saved 15. I _ through that bitter period without your generous help. (2011陕西) A. couldnt have gone B. didnt go C. wouldnt go D. hadnt gone,16. Where are the children? The dinners going to be completely ruined. I wish they _ always late. (2011北京) A. werent B. hadnt been C. wouldnt be D. wouldnt have been,17. Maybe if I _ science, and not literature then, I would be able to give you more help. (2011北京) A. studied B. would study C. had studied D. was studying,18. If my car _ more reliable, I would have driven to Lhasa instead of flying last summer. (2012陕西) A. was B. had been C. should be D. would be 19. Sorry, I am too busy now. If I _ time, I would certainly go for an outing with you. (2012湖南) A. have had B. had had C. have D. had,20. If we _ adequate preparations, the conference wouldnt have been so successful. (2012山东) A. havent made B. wouldnt make C. didnt make D. hadnt made,你对她提议我们周末外出玩耍是怎么 想的? What do you think about her suggestion that we should go outing this weekend? 2. 他本可以给你更多的帮助,即使他很 忙。 He might have given you more help, even though he was very busy.,Quiz II: Translation.,3. - 如果可能的话你会不会打电话给 她? - 会的,不过我当时在忙着做家庭 作业呢。 - Would you have called her up had it been possible? - Yes, but I were busy doing my homework.,4. 如果你昨晚没有看电影看到那么晚的 话,你现在就不会那么困了。 If you hadnt seen the film that late last night, you wouldnt be so sleepy. 5. 没有电,今天人类的生活就完全不同 了。 Without electricity, human life would be quite different today.,6. 那位年老的妇女要求这个年轻人向她 道歉。 The old woman demanded the young man should say sorry to her. 7. 你有啥建议可以帮我们除去家里的苍 蝇? What do you suggest we should do to get rid of the flies in the house?,


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