高中英语 Unit 3 Travel journal Using language课件 新人教版必修1.ppt

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Unit 3 Travel journal Using language,Journey down the Mekong,A night in the Mountains,Reading and discussing,Have you ever been to Tibet?,Tibet,Potala Palace,When they arrived in Tibet, it was winter then. 2. Wang Wei was behind me as usual. 3. When we reached a valley, it became warmer.,F,F,T,True or False.,Fast Reading,4. After supper, we started to make camp. 5. Wang Kun went to sleep and Wang Wei stayed awake. 6. There was almost no wind on that night.,F,F,T,Read Para 1 and fill in the chart.,snowfall,clear,bright,almost no sound but flames of the fire,butterflies,yaks and sheep,Detailed Reading,ride bicycles in the snow,change autumn clothes to winter clothes,change winter clothes back to autumn clothes,put up tents to make camp,Legs were heavy and cold.,To climb the mountain was hard work, but to go down the hills was great fun.,can hardly wait to see their cousins,In the early evening,After supper,At midnight,We _ _.,Wang Wei _ _ _. but I _ _.,The sky _ _.,The stars _ _.,There was only the flames of _.,made camp,went,to sleep,stayed awake,became,clear,were,bright,fire,Para 2,1. How does Wang Kun feel about the trip now? He is starting to like it/enjoy it. 2. What do you think has changed his attitude? Seeing how beautiful the land is has changed Wang Kuns attitude.,Answer the questions.,3. Is it natural for Wang Kun not to feel lonely? Yes. We can see that the scene Wang Kun was seeing is beautiful. The clear sky, the bright stars and the fire accompany him. Besides, their cousins are waiting for him. They will meet soon. So he doesnt feel lonely.,4. Would you feel the same way in this situation? Why or why not? Yes, because beautiful scenery will make people happy when his best friend is waiting for him somewhere.,5. Do Chinese like to be around others more than westerners? Yes. Chinese prefer to be around others while westerners want to spend some time alone. This is because of different cultures.,6. What items are Wang Kun and Wang Wei carrying with them? What do you think they will have to leave behind in Dali? What should they take instead?,They are carrying a tent, a cooker and food, pillows, water bottles. In the mountains they wore long wool coats, caps, gloves and trousers. In the plains they changed into T-shirts and shorts.,_ it was autumn, the snow was already beginning to fall in _. We looked liked snowmen _ bicycles. The lakes _ like glass in the setting sun and looked wonderful. Wang Wei is _ and rode in front of me as usual. As it gradually became warmer, we saw colourful butterflies _ around us and many sheep _ green grass. Travelling in the mountains was _.,Although,Tibet,riding,shone,reliable,flying,eating,great fun,Retell the passage.,In the early evening we made _. After supper Wang Wei went to sleep but I stayed _. At _ the sky became clearer and the stars grew _. It was so quiet and there was no _-only the _ of our fire. As I lay _ the stars I thought about how far we had travelled. Our cousins will _ us soon. We can _ wait to see them.,camp,awake,midnight,brighter,wind,flames,beneath,join,hardly,Sample dialogue: WK: Oh, up so early? WW: Early? Its nearly 9 oclock.,Imagine that in the morning there is a dialogue between Wang Kun and Wang Wei. What do you think they would say before they leave camp?,WK: Oops. ( Look at his watch). I guess youre right. WW: Why were you so tired? WK: Well, I stayed up late last night to watch the stars. WW: Thats nice. They must be pretty. WK: Yes, they were.,1. Have you ever seen snowmen ride bicycle? 感官动词see, watch, hear, notice, observe +sb doing sth 动作正在进行 + sb do sth 动作全过程 + sth done 看见被动/完成的动作 I saw her _ (go) into the school when I passed the school gate.,going,Language points,2. as usual 如平时 As usual, he is the first to come to the classroom. The meeting was, as usual, boring.,They knew her very well. They had seen her _ (grow) up from childhood. He could do nothing but see his house _ (burn) down.,grow,burnt,3. She is very reliable and I knew I didnt need to encourage her. reliable adj. 可信赖的, 可依靠的 (dependable) e.g. In order to make friends with others, you must be reliable/_. 要想和别人交朋友, 你自己首先要可信。,dependable,4. To climb the mountain road was hard work but as we looked around us, we were surprised by the view. 爬山很难, 但是当我们环顾四周的时候 我们被这里的景色给震惊了。,(1)不定式作主语, 谓语动词用单数, 可以用形式主语it. It is+ adj./n. (for sb) to do sth.,e.g. To learn a foreign language is important for your future work. =It is important for your future work to learn a foreign language. To finish this job in one day is not possible. =It is not possible to finish this job in one day. Is it necessary to complete the design before National Day?,(2) view n. C 自然美景, 风景 从某处看到的东西 e.g. Youll get a better view of the pianist if you stand up.,5. fun n. 乐事, 有趣的事 (不可数) have fun = enjoy yourself It is much/great fun to do sth 做很有趣,It is much/great fun to swim in hot days. What _ fun it is to have a swim on a hot day in summer! A. a B. the C. / D. of,C,6. We had to change our caps, coats, gloves and trousers for T-shirts and shorts. 我们只好把帽子, 外套和裤子换下, 穿上T恤和短裤。 change 换衣, 更换 如: Wait, it wont take me long to change. get changed 换好衣服 change 可作名词 “零钱”讲 change A for B 用换,Sara, hurry up. Im afraid you wont have time to _ before the party. get changed B. get change C. get changing D. get to change,高考链接,A,7. In the early evening, we always stop to make camp. 傍晚我们停下来宿营。,1) stop to do sth 停下手头上的事, 去做别的事 stop doing sth 停止正在做的事 The students stopped _ (talk) as the teacher came into the classroom. It is already 12 oclock. Lets stop _ (have) a rest.,talking,to have,2) camp n. C, U 野营, 营地, 营帐,make camp 扎营, 宿营,go camping 去露营, 去野营,短语,At weekends many Australians go walking or camping in the countryside, called the bush.,8. We put up our tents and then we ate. 我们先搭起帐篷然后吃饭。,put up, 举起, 抬起 = raise 挂起, 张贴 建造, 搭起 = build 住宿, 留宿,e.g. He put up his hand to catch the teachers attention. A new notice has been put up on the board. A new theatre will be put up where there used to be a temple. Will you put me up for the night?,put away 把收起来, 存放 put back 放回原处 put down 放下, 写下, 镇压 put forward 提出 put off 推迟, 拖延 put out 扑灭, 伸出 put ones heart to 全神贯注于 put an end to 使结束,开放思维,9. As I lay beneath the stars I thought about how far we had already travelled. beneath prep. 1) (位置、场所)在之下 2) 不足取; 不适合 3) (地位、价值)较为差 e.g. We are studying beneath the same roof . 我们同在一个教室里学习。 She looks down upon those people _ her. 她瞧不起那些地位比她低的人。 She married beneath her. 她下嫁了。,beneath,10. We can hardly wait to see them. 我们迫不及待地想看一看 sb. cant wait for sth. /to do sth. 我们等不及想要常试一下了。 We cant wait to have a try. 他们等不及想要看看那位歌手了。 They cant wait for a view of that singer.,Complete the sentences.,_ _(像往常一样), he was the first to arrive. 2. The children _ _ _ (急不可待) to visit the Great Wall. 3. Is it _(有趣) to see a monkey _(在骑车)? 4. Youd better not stop _ _ _ (查) new words while reading.,As usual,can hardly wait,funny,cycling,to look up,These goats are specially bred for their _. 2) _, there werent many people at the meeting. 3) My assistant is _, so I could rely on him completely.,As usual,wool,reliable,wool, reliable, view, as usual, pillow, topic, midnight, flames, beneath,Complete the sentences with the following words.,4) We are enjoying the magnificent _ from the summit. 5) Wang Wei put her head down on her _ and went to sleep. 6) Professor Wang stayed up till _. 7) The curtains were enveloped in a sheet of _. 8) An old couple are sitting _ the tree and enjoying the sunset.,midnight,pillow,view,beneath,flame,Listening and speaking Before you listen, read the exercises below and try to predict what the listening passage is about.,Can you imagine what happened when Wang Kun and Wang Wei travelled down the Mekong river?,What happened?,see some beautiful sceneries,meet something dangerous,get lost,chatting with the passers-by,Laos,Listen to the tape and tick the statement which tells the main idea of the dialogue. A girl from Laos told Wang Kun about how Laotians use the Mekong River. A girl told Wang Kun about what they would see along the Mekong River. A girl from Laos told Wang Kun about how important and beautiful the Mekong is.,C,Listen again and complete the passage below. The Mekong is the most important river in Laos. It even _ on the national _ of the country. Laotian people use the river for _, _ and _ goods and people around the country.,appears,flag,washing,transporting,fishing,They call the Mekong “the _ of Laos”, but in Tibet people call it “the water of the _”. If you follow the river in Laos, you can visit temples, caves and a _. At night, you can sleep in some small _ by the river.,sea,rocks,waterfall,villages,Which country does the girl come from?,She is from Laos.,2. Can people sleep by the Mekong River?,3. What is the Mekong river called in Loas?,Its called “the sea of Laos”,Yes, they can.,Listen and answer the questions:,The next day the travellers see a girl (G) walking along the road. Wan Kun (WK) speaks to her.,WK: Hello! G: Hello! Are you travelers?,Listening Text,Part 3 CHATTING WITH A GIRL,WK: Yes. Were travelling along the Mekong River. Weve been all through China and now we are going to follow the river through Laos.,G: Im Laotian. The Mekongs our most important river. Do you know that it even appears on our national flag? WK: Really? G: Yes. We use the river for washing, fishing and transporting things around the country.,We would be lost without it. Its better than a road. WK: Well, no wonder Ive seen boats going up and down- theyre transporting goods and people. G: Yes. We call it “the sea of Laos” although we are not near the sea. It is because the water is as useful to us as the see.,WK: How interesting! In Tibet the rivers called “The water of the rocks”. Both names tell us a lot about the river, dont they?,G: Yes, they do. Watch out for the temples, caves and a waterfall along the river. WK: Can we sleep by the river? G: Yes, of course you can. They are many small villages along the river. You can stay there if you wish. WK: Thanks a lot.,Have a nice/good time. Have a nice/good trip. Take care. Have fun. Good luck on your journey. Write to me. Say hello to Give my love / best wishes to Best wishes.,4 Pair work,Sample dialogue:,WK: Whats the food like in Laos? G: Its delicious. There are many fish dishes and a special fish soup. The fishermen catch the fish and then cook it. You should try that. WK: I love to try new food. What will we see along the riverbank?,G: Well there are thick forests and mountains in the north of Laos and many interesting plants, birds and animals in the south of Laos. Its so beautiful by the river that the scenery will take your breath away.,WK: That sounds wonderful. I cannot wait to get going. Thank you for telling us so many things. Take care. G: Have a nice time on your journey. Keep in touch and write to me if you have time. Goodbye. Wk: I will. Goodbye.,Writing,Imagine that you are a friend of Wang Kun. Write a short email asking about Laos.,In pairs brainstorm some questions. What is the food like in Laos? What do you think of the country?,Choose two or three questions and use each as a new paragraph. How was your trip? What did you do when .? Have you met .? When did you get back? What kind of things did you see? Could you give me more details about .? Could you tell me about .?,Instructions for writing 1. Use correct tenses and sentence structures. 2. Pay attention to punctuations. 3. Creative writing is encouraged. 4. Try to use as many as possible the words and phrases we have recently learned. 5. Words limit: about 60 words.,My dear brave Wang Kun, How I worry about you and Wang Wei. Are you having a good time? Where are you now? Are you still in Laos? Can you tell me something about peoples life there? When are you getting to Vietnam?,Sample writing,Please send me some photos with your next letter! Well, have a nice trip and take care. Dont forget to write to me! Give my best wishes to Wang Kun and your cousins. Good luck on your journey. Your friend, Hu Lin,Homework,Follow the tape to read the passages again and pay attention to the rising and falling tone of each sense group and sentence.,


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