高中英语 4.3 Cultural Corner课件 外研版必修5.ppt

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Period Three Cultural Corner,1_ vt. 标志(着) 2. _ n. 贸易 3 _ vt. 运输;运送 4. _ vt. 引进;进口,mark,trade,transport,import,.单词识记,5. _ vt.废除 6. _ adj. 华丽的;富丽堂皇的 7. _ n. 庆典;庆祝 8. _ n. 自由 9_vt. 联合 10_ n. 起源,magnificent,celebration,freedom,unite,origin,abolish,1_靠武力 2_取笑 3_接管 4. bring good luck_ 5. take part in_,by force,make fun of,take over,带来好运,参加,参与,.短语天地,There was an immediate need for people to work on them. 信息提取 there is/was a/no need for sb to do sth 对某人来 说做什么事是有/没有必要的 例句仿写 直接给他,不必要我转手。 Give it directly to him; _ through me.,there is no need to do it,.句型搜索,1At the very beginning, the slaves imitated their masters to _. Aworship their God Bmake fun of them Cenjoy themselves Dhold their own carnival 2Walking around a village with masks and singing songs means_in African traditions. Athey are in high spirits Bthey have got something good Cthat will bring them good luck Dto frighten ghosts away,.预读理解,B,C,3Nowadays carnival means _. Aremembering the past Bhonoring the harvest Cdrinking, dancing, eating etc Duniting of different communities 4A large number of slaves were taken to America because_. Athey had to make a living there Blarge farms need labor force Cthere were no labor force in America DAmerica was richer than Africa,D,B,1mark (1)v. 作记号于;用记号标明;留痕迹于 Spelling mistakes have been marked with red ink. 拼写错误已用红笔画出。 Prices are marked on the goods. 商品上都标有价目。 The route has been marked so that it is easy to follow. 这条路线已标有记号, 很容易跟着走。 (2)v. 给打分数;给评等级 I have twenty essays to mark tonight. 今晚我有二十篇文章要评分数。,(3)v.标志;为的特征 The moon landings marked the beginning of a new era. 登月标志了一个新纪元的开始。 (4)n.痕迹;污点;记号;符号 Who made these dirty marks on my new book? 谁把我的新书弄上了这些污迹? I cant believe that he got full marks in his midterm exams. 真不敢相信他期中考试考了满分。,【归纳拓展】,【完成句子】 请在你不懂的地方做好标记。 Please_where you dont understand. 这些箱子上标着“中国制造”的字样。 These boxes _ the words “Made in China”,make a mark,were marked with,2trade (1)n.贸易,交易,商业;行业;交换 The country earns most of its income from the tourist trade. 这个国家的大部分收入来自旅游业. He got these eggs as a trade. 他交换到这些鸡蛋。,(2)vt.& vi. 交换;做买卖,进行交易 She traded three apples for a bunch of bananas. 她用三个苹果换得一串香蕉。 The company has been trading in oil for many years. 该公司做石油生意已经有许多年了。 Ill trade you my stamp collection for your model boat. 我想用我搜集的邮票换你的模型船。 【归纳拓展】,【完成句子】 我这个工作给我什么都不换。 I wouldnt _anything. 这家商店经营水果生意。 This shop _ fruits. 中国一直在和许多国家做生意来发展它的经济。 China has been _ many countries to develop its economy.,trade my job for,trades in,trading with,3import (1)vt.进口,输入;引进 We import a large number of cars from Japan. 我们从日本进口大量的汽车。 Japan imports wood from Canada. 日本从加拿大进口木材。 (2)n.进口,输入;进口商品 The import of cotton goods went up sharply in 1981. 1981年棉织品的进口量急剧上升。 Electronic products are the major import from Japan. 从日本进口的主要物品是电子产品。,【名师点津】,【完成句子】 中国从外国进口一些电子产品。 China _ some electronic products _foreign countries. 中国向外国出口丝绸。 China _ silk_ foreign countries.,imports,from,exports,to,4celebration n庆祝 A wedding is an occasion for celebration. 婚礼是欢庆的时刻。 There will be a reception in celebration of the Funds 70th Anniversary. 为庆祝基金会成立70周年,将举行一个招待会。 【归纳拓展】,【比较网站】 celebrate/congratulate (1)celebrate 表达“庆祝,祝贺”之意,是指以仪式、典礼等活动庆祝令人欢乐的事件或日子。后接表示事情、活动等意义的名词作宾语。 (2)congratulate 指“祝贺”某人,表达自己对某人的祝贺。 常用congratulate sb on sth/ doing sth。 I congratulate you on your success. 我祝贺你取得成功。 其名词形式为 congratulation,常用复数形式,可单独使用, 也可用congratulations to sb on sth的形式。 Congratulations! You got the first prize in the competition. 恭喜!你在竞赛中得到了一等奖。,【完成句子】 People_(正在庆贺) their victory with a dance. They_ (向他祝贺) his winning the race.,are celebrating,congratulated him on,1make fun of取笑某人,拿(某人)开玩笑 The other children were always making fun of him because he was fat and wore glasses. 别的孩子总是取笑他,因为他胖而且还戴着眼镜。 Its cruel to make fun of people who stammer. 取笑口吃的人是很不人道的。 【归纳拓展】,【单项填空】 Stop _ others,or you will never make a friend. Ato make fun of Bmaking fun of Chaving fun with Dplaying fun of 解析 stop to do.停下来去做;stop doing停止做。根据 短语make fun of可知B正确。,B,2take over接手;接管 In many countries, children often take over their fathers company. 在许多国家,孩子们通常会接管父亲的公司。 【归纳拓展】,用take 短语完成下列句子 The firm has been _ by an American company. After being rebuilt, the old temple has _ a new look. Dont be _ by products claiming to help you lose weight in a week. Ill _the story where you left off.,taken over,taken on,taken in,take up,1There was an immediate need for people to work on them. 急需人们在这儿干活。 There is no need (for sb)to do sth (对某人来说)做是没有 必要的。该句式need为不可数名词,need可接介词短语或不 定式作定语,构成句式: There is a(great/.)need for sth. There is a (great/.) need for sb to do.,其中no也可以被some, any, (not)much, little等词修饰。 In Indian chemists thought there was much need to clean the stones using a weak chemical first.印度化学家认为很有必要先 用一支稀释的化学药剂洗净石头。 Is there any need to explain further? Is there any need for further explanation.有必要更进一步说明吗? There is no need for you to wait.你不必等。,【归纳拓展】,【完成句子】 无需我来称赞,那是不说自明的。 _ praise;it speaks for itself. 毫无疑问,他是有罪的。 _ he is guilty. 今晚很可能要下雨。 _ of rain tonight.,There is no need for me to,There is no doubt that,There is a good possibility/chance,2But at the same time they were continuing their own African traditionssuch as walking round a village wearing masks and singinga custom which they thought would bring good luck.但同时他们也继承了他们自己的非洲传统比如 戴着面具围村子转并且歌唱。他们认为这一习俗会带来好运。 本句是一个复合句,其主句为they were.African t raditions;其中,such as. and singing为插入语,a custom 为tradition的同位语,which.good luck为定语从句;at the same time“同时”,they thought在定语从句中作插入语。,【单项填空】 In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 pm.,_many people have gone home. Awhose time Bthat Con which Dby which time 解析 考查定语从句中介词和关系词的选择。句意:到那 时,许多人已经回家了。,D,电子邮件 【写作任务】 请根据所提供的信息,给Bob回电子邮件。 【写作内容】 假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Bob给你发来一封Email。他想在今年春节到济南学习汉语,请你帮忙找一所汉语学校。你恰好看到下面的海报,就写邮件向他介绍汉语学校的情况。,LETS TALK IN CHINESE Course: Chinese for beginners Time: January 20February 19 Place: Jinan Guangming Language School Tuition(学费):$2,000 For more information: www. jngm. org Jinan Guangming Language School,【写作要求】 1可适当加入细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯; 2词数:100左右。 【写作分析】 第一步:认真审题 1电子邮件的内容十分广泛,在形式上也有其特定的格式和 写法。其格式可分为四个部分,即称呼、正文、结尾、姓 名。 称呼。写信人对收信人的称谓。称呼写在第一行要顶格, 后边加逗号,表示下面有话要说。,(2) 正文。电子邮件的主体部分,你要给对方讲些什么,问 些什么,都要在这一部分写清楚。如果是回电子邮件,先回 答来信所提的问题,然后再写要告诉对方的话。如果内容较 多,最好分段写。一事一段,眉目清楚。 (3) 结尾。一般都要写上表示敬意、祝愿、勉励的话,这就 是祝语,也就是电子邮件的结尾。必须另起一行,顶格写。 (4) 姓名。姓名写在祝语的下一行右边,也可另起一行顶格 写。,2本次写作的正文可分为三部分。首先,可以介绍 汉语学校的基本情况和有关学习时间、地点和学费的详 细情况。接下来,如果想了解更多信息应该怎么办。最 后是电子邮件的常用结束语。,第二步:提炼要点 1be delighted to know. 2recommend a school 3satisfy your demands 4time of learning 5tuition 6if you have more question 7wish,第三步:扩点成句 1Im so delighted to learn that youre coming to Jinan to learn Chinese. 2Here Id like to recommend you a famous language schoolJinan Guangming Language School, which offers such a Chinese training course. 3The course starts on January 20 and lasts a month till February 19. 4Besides, the tuition is reasonable. It is only $ 2,000. 5If you have some more questions, please let me know or just visit www. jngm. org. 6Hope to see you in Jinan soon.,【参考范文】 Dear Bob, Im so delighted to learn that youre coming to Jinan to learn Chinese. Ive got some information about foreigners learning Chinese. Here Id like to recommend you a famous language schoolJinan Guangming Language School, which offers such a Chinese training course.,The course starts on January 20 and lasts a month till February 19.Its intended for beginners like you.Besides,the tuition is reasonable. It is only $2,000. If you have some more questions,please let me know or just visit www.jngm.org. Hope to see you in Jinan soon. Yours, Li Hua,【亮点展示】 1本篇范文分三段,首先对Bob的到来表示高兴,然后回答 Bob来信中的问题。回答简明扼要,条理清晰,第二段是对第 一段的回复内容的补充。最后提出希望。 2文中使用了recommend, would like to do等高级词汇,增 强了文章的可读性和感染力。 3besides的运用,使行文过渡自然,增强了文章的连贯与流 畅性。,4文中分别使用了be delighted to do sth,so.that.结构引导的状语从句,which引导的非限制性定语从句,such.as.类型的定语从句及if引导的条件状语从句,体现了作者较强的语言运用与驾驭的能力,这使上下文衔接自然连贯,不但提高了文章的档次,更增强了文章的亮点及得分点,给读者留下了深刻印象。,【写作模板】 Dear_, Thank you very much for_.Now Id like to tell you_(具体内容) First of all,_(具体内容)Besides, _(具体内容) If you have some more questions/information, please tell me/let me know. _(祝语) Yours, Wang Tao,


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