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产品说明书的翻译,Trixa alarm clock has the following functions: Shows current time using the 24-hour clock alarm setting, month and date, and has background lighting, alarm, snooze and chime functions. (See below for details.),特里萨闹钟具有以下功能:显示24小时格式的当前时间、闹铃设置、月份和日期,而且具有背光、闹铃、间歇闹铃和报时功能。(详细说明请见下文。),产品说明书的翻译,Function buttons Use the MODE and SET buttons to select the various functions. The LIGHT button switches the background lighting function on and off.,请使用MODE(模式)和SET(设置)按钮来选择不同的功能。按下LIGHT(背光)按钮,可以开、关背光功能。,2. 用法: 用于普通漂白:先将洗涤剂溶入水中,再加入本品,搅匀后,可按常规方法洗涤。 用于特殊漂白:将本品倒入清水后搅匀,将已洗净的衣物浸入5-10分钟,用清水充分漂洗。,DIRECTIONS: For standard bleaching: First add detergents in water , then the Bleach; mix them well and wash in a usual way. For special bleaching: Add the Bleach in water mix well, Immerse laundered fabric for 5-10 minutes , Rinse the fibre in clear water.,产品说明书的翻译,三、产品说明书的语言要求 1、准确无误 例1:保持期:-18以下温度保存12个月。 Shelf life: Twelve months (to be kept under the temperature of -18 .) 例2:Peak blood levels are reached within one hour after administration of Cetiri-zine. The plasma half-life is approximately 10 hours in adults, 6 hours in children aged 6-12 years and 5 hours in children aged 2 to 6 years. 口服仙特明在一个小时内达到血液浓度最高峰。成年人中血浆半衰期大约10小时,612岁儿童中6小时,26岁儿童中5小时。,产品说明书的翻译,三、产品说明书的语言要求 2、简洁清晰 例3:Capabilities of Signal Conditioners Analog and digital communication capabilities Single and dual channel I/O,产品说明书的翻译,信号调节器的性能 模拟和数字通信功能 单频和双频输入/输出,三、产品说明书的语言要求 3、通俗易懂,措辞紧凑 例4:雨衣淋湿,须挂阴凉通风处阴干,忌在烈日下暴晒,如有皱纹折印,不可熨烫。 The wet raincoat has to be dried in a shady and well-vented place instead of being exposed to the burning sun. Even if there is any folding, it cannot be ironed.,产品说明书的翻译,(一)英语产品说明书的文体特点及翻译 1、用词特点及其翻译 (1)名词和名词化结构及其翻译 例1:Operation and maintenance of any arc welding equipment involves potential hazards. 操作和维修弧焊接设备存在潜在危险。,四、产品说明书的文体特点及其翻译,产品说明书的翻译,例2:Unfamiliarity with the equipment, poor fault judgment or lack of proper training may cause injury to both operator and others。 不熟悉设备,判断故障不当,或缺乏正确的培训,都可能会给操作者本人或他人造成伤害。,产品说明书的翻译,(2)术语和行业语及其翻译 例3:Seniovita is a proven basic preparation in cases of atherosclerotic and degenerative organic diseases associated with old age. 经证实,心脑灵为治疗老年动脉粥样性硬化和老年器官退化性疾病之基本治疗用药。,产品说明书的翻译,(3)正式庄重的词汇及其翻译,产品说明书的翻译,(4)缩略词及其翻译,产品说明书的翻译,(5)情态动词及其翻译 例4:The dosage should be determined individually. In severe cases up to 4 dragees may be taken as single dose. 用量应因人而异。病情严重的情况下, 最多一次可服用4个糖衣片。,产品说明书的翻译,例5:If the battery contacts touch metal objects, the battery may short-circuit, discharge energy, become hot or leak. 若电池触点与金属接触,则电池可能短路、放电、变热或泄露。,产品说明书的翻译,(一)英语产品说明书的文体特点及翻译 2、语法特点及其翻译 (1)多使用一般现在时 产品说明书重在说明产品性能的持久性,所以使用一般现在时。,四、产品说明书的文体特点及其翻译,产品说明书的翻译,例1:Eye Contact eye shadow applies smoothly and even with the new velvety formula, provides an unforgettable look with eye-opening colors and lightweight feel. 明媚的色彩,上妆柔滑细腻,令美目顾盼生辉。,四、产品说明书的文体特点及其翻译,产品说明书的翻译,(2)多使用祈使句和主动语态 例1:Read and follow warnings and instructions supplied by the battery manufacturer. 阅读并遵循电池制造商提供的所有警告和说明。,产品说明书的翻译,例2:Do not disassemble, install backward, or expose batteries to liquid, moisture, fire or extreme temperature. 不要拆卸、反向安装电池,不要将电池暴露在液体、潮湿或极端温度之下。,产品说明书的翻译,(3)多使用不完整句或省略句 例1: Protects and softens chapped lips. Contains the antioxidants of Vitamin C & E. Helps delay aging and maintain healthy lips. 保护和滋润干裂的双唇 富含维他命C和E抗氧化成分,延缓双唇衰老,保持双唇健康,产品说明书的翻译,Gives natural and lovely colors with a glossy shine. 使双唇色彩富含光泽,自然亮丽,产品说明书的翻译,(4)使用条件句 例: If you answer no to this message, you are prompted to terminate the AutoInstall. 如果对该提示输入了no, 就要终止自动安装程序 (AutoInstall) 。,产品说明书的翻译,When frying, take particular care to prevent oil and grease from catching fire. 煎炒时,小心食油着火!,Practice!,2. Regular use of the cream results in the increase of skin cell vitality and improvement of metabolism to restore youthful fairness of the skin. 经常擦用本品,可增强皮肤细胞活力,促进新陈代谢,保持皮肤洁白、红润,延缓衰老。,Practice!,3. In addition, you can connect it to any telephone line so that you can send and receive e-mail and faxes and get on the Internet. 此外,它可以与任何电话线相连, 用来发送电子邮件、传真或上网。,Practice!,Practice!,Connect the blue connector of the video cable to the blue video connector on the back of your computer. 将视频电缆的蓝色插头连接到电脑后面的蓝色视频插口上。,Practice!,5. 本品色泽自然,汁水清香,味干爽口,花形完美,是四季皆宜的高级饮料。 This product is characterized by its natural colour, faint scent, unique taste and perfect form. It is a nice tea to be taken in all seasons.,Practice!,6. 该空调广泛用于各种场合,如宾馆、饭店、医院、托儿所、住宅等, 为您创造舒适的生活环境。 This air conditioner is suitable for hotels, restaurants, hospitals, nurseries, houses, etc., creating a comfortable environment with ideal temperature.,


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