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连云港市20052006学年度第一学期期末调研考试高一英语试题 2006/01(命题人:仲崇霓 孟庆忠 审核人:魏居善)说明: 1本卷共12页,包括第1卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 2在答题卡的密封线内填写学校、班级、姓名、考号等,密封线内不要答题。 3请将所有答案均按题号填涂或填写在答题卡相应的答题处,否则不得分。第I卷(100分)I听力理解(共两节20小题,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题15分,满分75分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where are the two speakers? A. Iii a department store. B. In an office. C. On a playground.2. What time does the train leave? A. At 6:15 B. At 6:25 C. At 6:503. What is the womans sister? A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C.A nurse.4. How will the two speakers go to London? A. By train. B. By air. C. By car.5. Whats the relationship between the two speakers? A. Doctor and patient. B. Teacher and student. C. Shop assistant and customer. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段对话,回答第68题6. Where is the boy going to spend his holidays? A. In the city. B. In the country. C. Abroad.7. What will the boy do there? A. He will do some farm work. B. He will study at home. C. He will do some housework. 8. Which of the following is NOT true? A. The boys grandparents live in the country. B. The boys school is in the city. C. The girl knows how to farm, too. 听第7段对话,回答第911题9. How many languages can the woman speak? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.10. What do we know from the text? A. The woman can write French. B. The woman cant write German.C. The woman can not only speak German but also write it. 11. What does the man think of Japanese? A. Its very different from German. B. Its easy.C. It is the same as German. 听第8段对话,回答第1214题12. What will they put on a show for?A. For money. B. For fun. C. For others. 13. What can we conclude from the dialogue? A. They want to put on three shows in all. B. Three people will appear in the play.C. They will sing three songs in the play. 14. What can we learn about the man? A. Hell sing and dance in the show. B. He often goes up on the stage.C. He sings pop songs for money. 听第9段对话,回答第1517题15. What is the woman good at? A. Swimming. B. Running. C. Playing basketball.16. How old was she when she was famous?A. She was twenty. B. She was thirteen. C. She was fifteen.17. What can we learn about the woman from the dialogue? A. She took part in one of the Olympic Games. B. She still swims for international competitions. C. She used to swim thirty- five miles every day.听第10段对话,回答第1820题18. Why did they have the competition? A. To see who was the heaviest. B. To see who could eat the most. C. To see who was the tallest.19. What can we learn from what the speaker said? A. The man drank ten glasses of beer. B. The mans wife knew her husband had won the competition. C. The man wanted to eat something more after the competition.20: How did his friends feel about his words? A. Surprised B. Sad C. HappyII单项填空(共10小题,第小题满分10分) 21.-We are going on holiday next week. - _ A. Have a good time B. See you later C. Bless you D. Thank you for telling me22. -Do you know who got the first prize in yesterdays English speaking contest? -I dont know,_. A. nor I care B. neither do I C. I dont care D. nor do I care23. The lady received a letter from her husband and looked forward to _ him soon. A. seeing B. see C. saw D. have seen24,-Does Peter still feel lonely in the new school? -Not any more. He has _a friendship with all his classmates. A. made B. become C. developed D. taken25.- Would you like to go swimming with us this weekend? -Id love to, _ I have had another arrangement. A. besides B. except for C. with D. but26. Well try to get as close as possible to nature, _ it is very cold outside. A. even though B. as if C. only if D. because27. Because she has a sweet voice and sings quite well, all her classmates compare her _ Li Yuchun. A. with B. like C. to D. as28.-Take me to the place _ the painting exhibition is on. -Here we are. This is the place _ you want to visit. A. which; where B. where; that C. where; where D. that; that29.Amy is now in _ hospital recovering from liver failure, and she regrets _ those weight-loss pills. A. a; taking B. the; to take C. /; taking D. /; to take30.When Justin didnt _ at the family lunch until 12 AM yesterday, everyone thought he might have had an accident. A. get up B. show up C. make up D. put upH. III.完形填空 (20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) This story is about a blind man who climbed Mount Everest. His name is Erik, _31_ American man. He climbed Mount Everest in 2001_32_ he was 33. As a young boy, Erik was always very athletic, and he _33_ a lot of sports, like basketball. Erik became _34_ when he was 13 years old _35_ an eye disease. He didnt feel 36 for himself; he decided to do his best in everything. He started climbing _37_ when he was about 20. In 1997, he married a woman who is also a mountain _38_. They got _39_ on top of a very high mountain in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro. Of course, climbing Mount Everest is very _40_ . Mount Everest is more than 29,000 feet high and_41_ with ice. 90% of the climbers dont make it to the top. In the past 50 years, more than 150 people _42_ on Mount Everest. Many people said that it was _43_ for a blind man to climb Mount Everest. But Erik has _44_ a strong body and a strong mind. He went with a team of _45_ climbers. They were sponsored (发起主办) by an organization_46_ blind people and also by a pharmacy company (制药公司 ). One time during the climb, Erik fell into a deep crevasse(裂缝)_47_ cut his face. He felt very sick, too, because there is not _48_ oxygen on the mountain. He thought, Maybe I cant do this, maybe this is a bad idea, maybe I made a mistake. But he kept going, and finally, he and the team of 18 other climbers, made it to the top. Now, in addition to_49_, Erik often gives speeches about _50_ problems in life.31. A. an B. a C. the D. /32. A. while B. when C. who D. where 33. A. has B. is having C. had D. has had 34. A. deaf B. dumb C. lame D. blind 35. A. because B. because of C. of D. since36. A. happy B. excited C. sorry D. glad 37. A. trees B. walls C. towers D. mountains 38. A. climber B. lover C. hunter D. seeker 39. A. to marry B. marrying C. married D. married to 40. A. interesting B. boring C. easy D. difficult 41. A. covered B. covering C. to cover D. be covered 42. A. dead B. dying C. died D. have died43. A. possible B. impossible C. necessary D. unnecessary44. A. both B. all C. either D. neither45. A. experience. B. experiencing C. experienced D. being experienced46. A. of B. for C. to D. at47. A. or B. but C. and D. yet48 A. much B. many C. few D. little49 A. playing B. play C. climb D. climbing50. A. to overcome B. overcome C. overcoming D. being overcome IV. 阅读理解(15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)A In 1865, in a small town in Germany, a little boy was very sick. His name was Max Hoffman. Will our son die? Maxs parents asked the doctor. Maybe, the doctor said quietly. Stay with Max. Keep him warm. Thats all you can do. For three days Max lay in his bed. Then he died. He was only five years old. Maxs parents buried their son in the town cemetery. That night Maxs mother has a terrible dream. She dreamed that Max was moving in his coffin. She screamed in her sleep. Sh, sh, her husband said. Its all right. You had a bad dream. The next night Maxs mother screamed in her sleep again. She had the same terrible dream. On the third night Maxs mother had another bad dream. She dreamed that Max was crying. She got out of bed and got dressed. Quick! Get dressed, she told her husband.Were going to the cemetery. I want to see Max. I want to dig up his coffin. At four oclock in the morning Maxs parents and a neighbor hurried to the cemetery. They dug up Maxs coffin and opened it. There was Max. He looked dead. But something was different. When Maxs parents buried him, he was lying on his back. Now he was lying on his side. Maxs father carried Max home. Then he ran to get the doctor. For an hour the doctor rubbed whiskey on Maxs lips and warmed his body. Then Max opened his eyes. Max was a-live! A week later he was playing with his friends. Max Hoffman died-really died-in the United States in 1953. He was 93 years old.51. Which of the following could be the best title of the passage? A. Buried Alive B. An Unfortunate BoyC. A Careless Doctor D. A Magic Mother 52. We learned from the passage that thee boy had lived _ since he was dug up from the tomb. A. 5 years B. 93 years C. 88 years D. four hours 53. Which of the following is true about Max Hoffman? A. He was born in a small town in America in 1865. B. His mother heard her son was crying in the cemetery C. He died in a small town in Germany in 1953. D. He died in the United States at the age of 93. 54. Whats the authors opinion about the story? A. Its true. B. Its impossible. C. Its funny. D. Its unscientific.B In 1998, in Portland, Oregon, two men robbed a bank. They stole $65,000, put the money into a big ban, ran outside, and escaped in their car onto the free way. They thought they were safe, but the driver saw two police cars in his rear-view-mirror about a half of a mile behind them, coming fast with their red lights on. “What are we going to do?” he asked his partner. Then, the other thief had an idea. He opened the bag, took out some money and threw it out of the window. He did this several times, throwing out handfuls of $10 and $20 bills. The drivers behind them stopped to pick up the money, causing a big traffic jam. The two police cars couldnt move, and the thieves were able to escape. And what about the money on the freeway? The next day, on radio and TV the bank asked the people to return the money, but in the end, only about $ 100 was returned. It was, Finders keepers, losers weepers.55.The phrase rear- view mirror in the first paragraph means the mirror in which _” A. you can see yourself B. you can see something in front of youC. you can see something behind you D. you can see something in your car.56. Which of the following is right? A. One of the thieves took out all the money and threw it out of the window. B. Handfuls of $ l0 and $ 20 bills were thrown on the freeway for several times. C. None of the drivers behind them stopped to pick up the money. D. The thieves were caught by the police at last. 57. From the passage we know that the bank _. A. was robbed by a group of thieves in Poland B. got back the money stolen C. caused a big traffic jam D. only got back about $ 100 with the help of radio and TV station 58. The last sentence in the last paragraph, Finders keepers, losers weepers means _. A. The bank had no way to get the money back B. The two thieves lost all the money stolen from the bank C. The people oil the freeway found the money and returned to the bank D. If you lose your money, you can cry and then you can get itC Last summer, Patricia Allen was driving in the carpool lane on a freeway. Suddenly, a policeman came up behind her with his red lights on, and so Patricia stopped. The policeman told her that she was driving in the carpool lane but that she was alone. The law says that there must be at least two persons in the car to drive in the carpool-only lane, the officer told her. I know, said Ms Allen, But I am seven months pregnant, so there are two persons in the car. Me and my baby. The policeman could see that she was pregnant, but he apologized and said that he had to give her a ticket. He said that she could appeal the ticket if she wanted to. The ticket for $ 3731 , the minimum(最小的) fine, and the woman was very upset. Three months later, Ms Allen went to court, and with her was her newborn baby daughter. She told the judge that she did not have to pay the fine because there were two persons in her car when she got tile ticket. The judge did not agree with her, and so he gave her the choice of paying the fine or doing 50 hours of community service in the maternity section(妇产科) of a hospital. Ms Allen had to choose to do the community service.59. If you drive in a carpool lane, _. A. you can be alone in the car B. you must keep the lights of your car oil C. there must be at least two persons in a car D. you cannot take the baby with you in a car60. The policeman stopped the car, because _. A. the pregnant woman was not allowed to drive B. she drove too fast C. the baby was in the car D. he found only one person iii the car 61. Which of the following is right? A. She was happy for she got the minimum fine. B. Her newborn baby daughter helped her at the court. C. She chose to do 50 hours of community service in the maternity section of a hospital D. The judge agreed with her but she had to pay the fine. 62. Which of the following can be used to describe the woman? A. She thought the policeman was fail to her. B. She was satisfied with the result of the trial. C. She was happy when her baby daughter was born. D. She was disappointed about the result of the trial.D For a long time, spanking was very common in the United States. There is a proverb in the Bible that says, Spare the rod and spoil the child. This means that if parents do not spank their child, he or she will grow up to be a bad person. Most Americans agreed with this idea, and spanking was very common in this country, at least until recently. About 30 years ago, people began questioning whether spanking was a good idea or not. Some people thought that spanking children made them hate their parents. Still others have said that a strong adult can physically damage a child. So, many people stopped spanking their children. Today, parents are divided on this issue. Some say spanking is a good idea, but others disagree. Those parents who think children should be spanked say that spanking is an effective to teach a child the difference between right and wrong. But other parents say, If you spank your children, you will teach them to be violent(暴力的). Several cases involving spanking were tried in court, but most courts have said that if parents do not use too much force, it is their decision to spank or not.Probably, there will be more discussion about this in the future. But for now, parents must decide the best ways to raise their children if spanking is not something they want to use.63. The word spanking in this passage means _. A. beating somebody on the buttock (屁股) B. walking too fast C. understanding exactly D. knocking gently64. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage.?A. The writer of the Bible agreed to spank children.B. Most courts allow parents to spank their children only if they do ,lot hurt their children.C. The writer of this passage also thinks that spanking is a very good idea.D. If you always spank your children, they may learn to use violence to solve problems.65. The passage is about comparing and discussing _. A. how to praise the children B. how to punish the children C. how to encourage the children D. how to educate the children第II 卷 (50分)V选词并用适当的形式填空(10小题,满分10分)fly, disappear, wing, difficult, mark, stare, catch, round, rest, closeSome butterflies have a bright pattern of colors on the upper surface of their wings, which show when they (66), but when they (67) on a tree or leaf, they close their (68) . On the undersides of their wings there are green and brown markings which look like the trees or leaves. They are then (69) to see. The best example of this is the dead leaf. There are even (70) that look like the holes in a dead leaf. When a butterfly is being chased by a bird, it (71) its wings, and it seems to have (72) completely.Many butterflies have (73) marks on their wings that look like eyes. When they are resting , and their wings are closed, these can not be seen. When a bird sees one, and begins to (74) it, the butterfly opens its wings. The bird thinks that it sees two eyes (75) at it, and frightened, it flies away.66. _ 67. _ 68. _ 69. _ 70. _ 71. _ 72. _ 73. _ 74._ 75. _ VI. 句子翻译(76,77各1.5分,78题2分,满分5分)76那位男孩迟到向老师道歉。(apologize to for.)77他喜欢戴墨镜,使眼睛免受阳光照射。(protect from)78到昨天晚上为止,没几个学生读完那本书,是吗?(by, few)VII短文改错(10小题,满分10分)I have learnt English for several years, and I oftenmake mistakes when spoken the language. I wonderwhat will happen if I will meet with a native speaker.The English corner is the place which I can practisemy spoken English. In real situation, I can talk to others about whatever I want to. On this way, I amsure, I will speak English quite smooth very soon.Whats most, it offers me a chance to make friends.I can meet with various kind of people. Graduallywe come to know each other and become friends.79._80._81._82._83._84._85._86._87._88._VIII. 半开放性书面达(1小题,满分25分) 你的学校是一所历史悠久的名校,校园环境仗着优美,教师经验丰富,教室宽敞明亮,教学设备先进,图书馆有大量藏书借,你对这一切都很满意,但是,学校要求住校生每天早晨5:30起床锻炼,同学对此议论纷纷,请你用E-mail向校长阐述你赞成或反对胡理由。字数控制在100左右。信的开头已给出,不记入总词数。 Date:January 18From:Li Hua To: HeadmasterSubject: AdviceDear Sir, I am very happy to study in our school, which is famous and has a long history._Yours truly,Li Hua 连云港市20052006学年度第一学期期末调研考试高一英语试题 KEYS01-05: ABACB 06-10: BACBC 11-15: ABBAA 16-20: CABCA21-25: ADACD 26-30: ACBCB31-35: ABCDB 36-40: CDACD 41-45: ADBAC 46-50: BCADC51-55: ACDAC 56-60: BDACD 61-65: CDACD66. fly 67. rest 68. wings 69. difficult 70. marks71. closes 72. disappeared 73. round 74. catch 75. staring76. The boy apologized to the teacher for being late.77. He likes wearing dark glasses to protect his eyes from the sun.78. Few students had finished reading that book by last night, had they?79. but 80. speaking 81. will(crossed) 82. where 83. a 84. In 85. smoothly 86. more 87. kinds 88. correctOne possible version:Dear sir, I am very happy to study in our school, which is famous and has a long history. There are lots of evergreen trees on the beautiful campus. We have many experienced teachers who are kind and easy-going. There are many bright classrooms w

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