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100:00:46,046 - 00:00:50,967NEWSREEL ANNOUNCER: MovietownNews presents Spotlight on Adventure.影城新闻正在播出冒险聚焦节目200:00:52,386 - 00:00:53,427What you are now witnessing您见证的是300:00:53,512 - 00:00:56,055is footage never before seenby civilized humanity,是文明社会未曾见过的影像400:00:56,140 - 00:00:57,890a lost world in South America.南美洲的失落之地500:00:57,975 - 00:01:00,184Lurking in the shadowof majestic Paradise Falls,它潜藏在壮丽的天堂瀑布之下600:01:00,310 - 00:01:03,229it sports plants and animalsundiscovered by science.孕育着科学尚未被发现的动植物700:01:03,647 - 00:01:06,566Who would dare set footon this inhospitable summit?敢问有谁能踏入这偏远的地方呢?800:01:06,984 - 00:01:10,570Why, our subject today,Charles Muntz!所以 有请今天的主角 查尔斯.蒙兹900:01:11,071 - 00:01:13,739The beloved explorer landshis dirigible the Spirit of Adventure,广受尊重的探险家 和他的冒险之魂号飞船1000:01:13,824 - 00:01:15,241in New Hampshire this week,这周会在新罕布什尔州降落1100:01:15,325 - 00:01:18,369completing a yearlong expeditionto the lost world.完成了为期一年的远征1200:01:18,912 - 00:01:21,372This lighter-than-air craftwas designed by Muntz himself这艘轻便的飞艇由蒙兹本人设计1300:01:21,498 - 00:01:25,418and is longer than 22 prohibitionpaddy wagons placed end to end.它比22辆头尾相连的警车还长!1400:01:25,836 - 00:01:28,254And here comes the adventurer now.现在有请我们的冒险家出场1500:01:28,714 - 00:01:30,464Never apart from his faithful dogs,和他形影不离忠心的狗群 1600:01:30,549 - 00:01:32,884Muntz conceived the craftfor canine comfort.飞船的设计甚至考虑到了犬类的舒适1700:01:33,010 - 00:01:35,011Its a veritable floating palacein the sky,它是座名副其实的空中宫殿1800:01:35,095 - 00:01:38,556complete with doggy bathand mechanical canine walker.设有犬类梳洗和自动跑步设备1900:01:39,349 - 00:01:42,852And, Jiminy Cricket do the localsconsider Muntz the bees knees.当地人视蒙兹为精神偶像2000:01:42,936 - 00:01:44,270And how!并将他奉为上宾2100:01:44,688 - 00:01:46,731Adventure is out there!去冒险吧!2200:01:46,857 - 00:01:48,524(PEOPLE CHEERING)(人们欢呼声)2300:01:49,026 - 00:01:51,444NEWSREEL ANNOUNCER: But whathas Muntz brought back this time?蒙兹这次又带回了什么?2400:01:51,528 - 00:01:56,282Gentlemen, I give youthe monster of Paradise Falls!先生们 我带来了生活在天堂瀑布的怪兽!2500:01:56,366 - 00:01:57,700(PEOPLE GASP)(人们的惊叹声)2600:01:57,784 - 00:02:01,287NEWSREEL ANNOUNCER:And, golly, what a swell monster this is!哇,好大一只怪物啊!2700:02:01,705 - 00:02:04,040But whats this? Scientists cry foul.但这是什么动物呢?科学家们连声称假2800:02:04,124 - 00:02:06,292The National Explorers Societyaccuses Muntz2900:02:06,376 - 00:02:08,127of fabricating the skeleton.国家冒险协会指责蒙兹伪造骨架3000:02:08,212 - 00:02:09,378No!不!3100:02:09,713 - 00:02:11,172NEWSREEL ANNOUNCER:The organization strips Muntz3200:02:11,256 - 00:02:12,465of his membership.蒙兹被协会除名3300:02:13,717 - 00:02:14,967(GASPS)(惊呼)3400:02:15,302 - 00:02:18,137NEWSREEL ANNOUNCER: Humiliated,Muntz vows a return to Paradise Falls蒙挚受巨大羞辱,他发誓将重返天堂瀑布3500:02:18,222 - 00:02:21,140and promisesto capture the beast alive!并承诺将活捉此怪兽!3600:02:21,225 - 00:02:23,935I promise to capture the beast alive,我保证会活捉怪兽3700:02:24,978 - 00:02:27,730and I will not come back until I do!如果做不到就永世不回!3800:02:27,814 - 00:02:28,898(CROWD CHEERS)(人群的掌声)3900:02:29,233 - 00:02:31,776NEWSREEL ANNOUNCER: And so,the explorers off to clear his name.就这样 我们的冒险家 再次启程以正其名4000:02:31,902 - 00:02:33,527Bon voyage, Charles Muntz,一路顺风 查尔斯.蒙兹4100:02:33,612 - 00:02:38,074and good luck capturingthe monster of Paradise Falls!祝你活捉天堂瀑布的怪兽4200:02:39,534 - 00:02:41,452(IMITATING AIRPLANE)(模仿飞行)4300:02:45,082 - 00:02:46,332NEWSREEL ANNOUNCER:Heres Charles Muntz查尔斯.蒙兹 在此4400:02:46,416 - 00:02:48,668piloting his famous dirigible.驾着他著名的飞艇4500:02:51,630 - 00:02:52,672(HORN HONKING)4600:02:52,756 - 00:02:54,799He hurdles Pikes Peak.他跨越了派克峰4700:02:56,009 - 00:02:57,885He hurdles the Grand Canyon.他跨越了大峡谷4800:02:57,970 - 00:02:59,178(CARL GRUNTS)(卡尔的喊声)4900:02:59,346 - 00:03:00,930He hurdles Mount Everest.他跨越了珠穆朗玛峰5000:03:01,014 - 00:03:02,098(GRUNTS)(叫喊声)5100:03:03,850 - 00:03:06,602He goes around Mount Everest.他绕过了珠穆朗玛峰5200:03:07,270 - 00:03:09,522Is there nothing he cannot do?还有他做不到的事吗?5300:03:11,942 - 00:03:13,901Yes, as Muntz himself says,Adventure is.正如蒙兹本人所 去冒.5400:03:13,986 - 00:03:17,488ELLIE: Adventure is out there!Look out!去冒险吧! 小心!5500:03:17,614 - 00:03:20,491Mount Rushmore! Hard to starboard!是总统山! 没法左转!5600:03:20,701 - 00:03:24,453Must get Spirit of Adventureover Mount Rushmore!必须让冒险精神号飞越总统山!5700:03:24,538 - 00:03:28,624Hold together, old girl.Howre my dogs doing?挺住 伙计 我的狗狗如何了?5800:03:28,834 - 00:03:30,543(MIMICS BARKING)(模仿狗叫)5900:03:30,961 - 00:03:36,132All engines, ahead full!Lets take her up to 26,000 feet.全速前进! 让我们升到26000英尺的高空吧6000:03:36,383 - 00:03:39,010Rudders 18 degrees towards the south.向南转舵18度6100:03:39,136 - 00:03:42,888Its a beautiful day.Winds out of the east at 10 knots.今天天气真好。东风10节6200:03:42,973 - 00:03:47,476Visibility unlimited.Enter the weather in the logbook.能见度. 极高 将天气情况记录进航行日志6300:03:48,186 - 00:03:51,814Oh! Theres something down there.I will bring it back for science.哦! 下方有发现 我要把它带回去研究6400:03:51,982 - 00:03:58,612Aw! Its a puppy! Ah! No time!A storm! Lightning. Hail.喔! 是只小狗! 啊 没时间了! 有风暴! 闪电冰雹同时来袭!6500:03:58,697 - 00:04:00,156- What are you doing?- Ahhh!你在干嘛?啊!6600:04:00,866 - 00:04:03,159Dont you knowthis is an exclusive club?你不知道这里是高级会所吗?6700:04:03,243 - 00:04:05,202Only explorers get in here,只有探险家才能来呢。6800:04:05,287 - 00:04:09,206not just any kid off the streetwith a helmet and a pair of goggles.不是什么带头盔和风镜的 街头小毛孩想进就能进的6900:04:09,374 - 00:04:12,209Do you think youve got what it takes?Well, do you?你以为这样就能混进来吗? 是不是?7000:04:12,294 - 00:04:13,711(STAMMERING)(结结巴巴)7100:04:13,795 - 00:04:16,047All right, youre in. Welcome aboard.好吧 欢迎加入7200:04:17,716 - 00:04:20,051Whats wrong? Cant you talk?怎么了? 哑巴吗?7300:04:22,554 - 00:04:24,555Hey, I dont bite.嘿 我不咬人的7400:04:25,307 - 00:04:26,640(STATIC ELECTRICITY BUZZING)(静电导致的吱吱响)7500:04:28,810 - 00:04:31,437You and me, were in a club now.我们是一伙的了7600:04:35,609 - 00:04:39,278I saw where your balloon went.Come on. Lets go get it.我看到你的气球飞走了 我们去取吧7700:04:40,739 - 00:04:42,239My names Ellie.我叫爱丽7800:04:45,660 - 00:04:46,911There it is.在那儿呢7900:04:50,207 - 00:04:51,248(GULPS)(吞口水的声音)8000:04:51,333 - 00:04:53,000Well, go ahead.往前走啊8100:04:58,006 - 00:04:59,423Go on.去啊8200:05:03,011 - 00:05:04,095(CARL SCREAMING)(尖叫)8300:05:04,179 - 00:05:05,304(THUDDING)(噗)8400:05:05,388 - 00:05:07,848(SIREN WAILING)(警笛叫声)8500:05:18,652 - 00:05:19,777(SHOUTS)(大叫)8600:05:19,861 - 00:05:20,903Ow.啊!8700:05:21,321 - 00:05:22,321Hey, kid!嘿,小子!8800:05:22,405 - 00:05:23,405(SCREAMS)(尖叫)8900:05:23,907 - 00:05:25,658Thought you might needa little cheering up.我觉得你可能需要点鼓励9000:05:25,742 - 00:05:27,576I got something to show you.我有些东西要给你看看9100:05:29,830 - 00:05:32,289ELLIE: I am about to let yousee something一会儿你要看的东西9200:05:32,374 - 00:05:35,125I have never shownto another human being.我以前从没给别人看过9300:05:35,585 - 00:05:37,586Ever! In my life!在我这辈子从没有过!9400:05:38,588 - 00:05:41,882Youll have to swearyou will not tell anyone.你得发誓不会告诉别人9500:05:43,134 - 00:05:45,261Cross your heart. Do it!画十字,快!9600:05:47,973 - 00:05:50,182ELLIE: My Adventure Book.我的冒险之书9700:05:52,310 - 00:05:53,477You know him.你知道他吧。9800:05:53,562 - 00:05:54,603(GASPS)(倒抽一口气)9900:05:54,688 - 00:05:57,231Charles Muntz, explorer.查尔斯.蒙兹,冒险家10000:05:57,315 - 00:06:00,359When I get big,Im going where hes going,等我长大了 要去他去的地方10100:06:01,236 - 00:06:06,031South America.Its like America, but south.南美洲,就和美国差不多,但是在南部10200:06:06,908 - 00:06:08,701Wanna know where Im gonna live?想知道我们去了祝哪儿吗?10300:06:09,286 - 00:06:13,664Paradise Falls, a land lost in time.天堂瀑布,失落的世界10400:06:14,875 - 00:06:18,043I ripped this right out of a library book.我直接从图书馆的书上面撕下来的10500:06:18,128 - 00:06:19,169(GASPS)(倒抽一口气)10600:06:19,254 - 00:06:22,798Im gonna move my clubhouse thereand park it right next to the falls.我打算把我的俱乐部帮到哪儿 就放在瀑布旁边10700:06:23,341 - 00:06:25,509Who knows what lives up there.一旦我到哪儿后,10800:06:26,136 - 00:06:27,720And once I get there?谁知道将会发生什么事情啊?10900:06:27,804 - 00:06:31,765Well, Im saving these pages forall the adventures Im gonna have.所以,我把后面这些空白留给以后的冒险11000:06:32,934 - 00:06:37,730Only I just dont knowhow Im gonna get to Paradise Falls.只是我还不知道怎么去天堂瀑布11100:06:44,738 - 00:06:47,531Thats it!You can take us there in a blimp!就是它!你可以用小飞船带我们去11200:06:48,116 - 00:06:50,576Swear youll take us! Cross your heart!发誓你会带我们去!划十字!11300:06:51,036 - 00:06:55,706Cross it! Cross your heart!Good, you promised. No backing out.快!划十字!很好!你答应了。不准反悔11400:06:56,708 - 00:06:59,251Well, see you tomorrow, kid. Bye!那就,明天见了。小子,再见!11500:07:00,795 - 00:07:03,339Adventure is out there!冒险就在前方!11600:07:05,050 - 00:07:07,176You know, you dont talk very much.恩,你话很少!11700:07:08,094 - 00:07:09,386I like you!我喜欢你!11800:07:12,015 - 00:07:13,223Wow.喔!11900:07:15,393 - 00:07:17,019(WEDDING MARCH PLAYING)(婚礼进行曲)12000:07:19,356 - 00:07:21,398(GUESTS CHEERING)(客人的掌声)12100:07:51,554 - 00:10:58,782(INAUDIBLE)(无声的部分)12200:11:37,572 - 00:11:40,449(ALARM BUZZING)(闹钟响起)12300:11:49,208 - 00:11:50,250(GROANS)(叹息)12400:11:56,716 - 00:11:58,091(GRUNTING)(嘟哝)12500:11:59,093 - 00:12:00,135(JOINTS CRACKING)(关节的响声)12600:12:00,470 - 00:12:01,553Hah!啊!12700:12:02,388 - 00:12:03,472(GRUNTS)(叹气)12800:12:03,556 - 00:12:04,598(SIGHS IN RELIEF)(放松的叹息)12900:12:09,646 - 00:12:12,105(WHIRRING)(启动的声音)13000:13:06,369 - 00:13:08,370(LOCKS CLICKING)(锁打开的咔嚓声)13100:13:11,791 - 00:13:13,166(GRUNTS IN FRUSTRATION)(叹息)13200:13:29,183 - 00:13:31,393(CONSTRUCTION WORKERSSHOUTING)(建筑物工作的声音)13300:13:33,563 - 00:13:35,230(MACHINES CLANGING)(机器声音)13400:13:38,443 - 00:13:40,193MAN: Stevie, throw me a deuce!史蒂文,不要给我闹了13500:13:42,071 - 00:13:44,406(SCOFFS) Quite a sight, huh, Ellie?壮观吧?爱丽13600:13:48,077 - 00:13:50,245Uh! Mails here.啊!有新到的信13700:14:03,301 - 00:14:07,554(SCOFFS) Shady Oaks Retirement.Oh, brother.Shady Oaks Retirement(一所疗养院)13800:14:09,724 - 00:14:10,766Hmm.恩。13900:14:16,773 - 00:14:19,983Hey! Morning, Mr. Fredricksen.Need any help there?嘿!早上好啊,费雷德里克森先生需要什么帮助吗?14000:14:20,443 - 00:14:21,943No. Yes!不用。哦 对了14100:14:22,320 - 00:14:26,198Tell your boss over therethat you boys are ruining our house.告诉你老板,你们这些家伙在破坏我的房子14200:14:26,282 - 00:14:27,783Well, just to let you know,恩,就是给您说一下!14300:14:27,909 - 00:14:30,452my boss will be happy to takethis old place off your hands,我老板愿意接受你的房子14400:14:30,578 - 00:14:32,954and for double his last offer!出上次的双倍14500:14:33,164 - 00:14:34,247What do you say to that?您觉得怎样?14600:14:37,126 - 00:14:38,835Uh, I take that as a no, then?恩,我就当你说“不”了14700:14:38,961 - 00:14:42,297I believe I made my positionto your boss quite clear.我想我的意思你们老板已经很清楚了14800:14:42,507 - 00:14:44,925You poured prune juice in his gas tank.是你把李子汁倒进他的油箱里面?14900:14:45,009 - 00:14:48,178Yeah, that was good.Here, let me talk to him.是的 感觉很好 来 让我给他说几句15000:14:48,679 - 00:14:49,763(BULLHORN BEEPS)(扩音器开启)15100:14:51,265 - 00:14:55,852You in the suit.Yes, you. Take a bath, hippie!穿制服的那个就是你,回家洗个澡吧,臭虫15200:14:56,771 - 00:14:58,355I am not with him!我和他不是一伙的15300:14:58,689 - 00:15:02,025This is serious!Hes out to get your house.这是认真的,他一定会想办法得到你的房子的15400:15:02,527 - 00:15:05,111CARL: Tell your bosshe can have our house.告诉他他可以得到我的房子15500:15:05,530 - 00:15:07,656- Really?- When Im dead!真的?在我死的时候!15600:15:09,617 - 00:15:11,493Ill take that as a maybe.我就当是说:也许可以15700:15:12,203 - 00:15:13,829ANNOUNCER ON TV Order now,you get the camera,电视广告现在订购你不但得到照相机15800:15:13,955 - 00:15:17,123you get the printer, 4x optical zoom,还获赠打印机,4倍变焦15900:15:17,208 - 00:15:19,709Schneider lens, photo printer, SD card.施奈德镜头,照片打印,扩展内存卡16000:15:19,836 - 00:15:20,836(KNOCKING ON DOOR)(敲门声)16100:15:24,715 - 00:15:27,634Good afternoon. My name is Russell.下午好,我叫罗素16200:15:27,969 - 00:15:33,014And I am a Wilderness Explorerin Tribe 54, Sweat Lodge 12.我是野外探险队员 隶属54团第12分队16300:15:33,391 - 00:15:36,142Are you in needof any assistance today, sir?你今天需要什么帮助吗?16400:15:36,227 - 00:15:37,269No.不用16500:15:37,353 - 00:15:40,522- I could help you cross the street.- No.-我可以牵你过街-不用16600:15:40,731 - 00:15:44,568- I could help you cross your yard.- No.我可以牵你过你的院子-不用16700:15:44,694 - 00:15:48,321- I could help you cross your porch.- No.-我可以牵你过你的门廊-不用16800:15:48,698 - 00:15:50,740Well, I gotta help you cross something.恩,我总得帮你干些什么事啊16900:15:50,867 - 00:15:52,868No. Im doing fine.不用,我很好17000:15:59,709 - 00:16:01,668Good afternoon. My name is Russell.下午好,我叫罗素17100:16:01,752 - 00:16:02,794(CARL STAMMERING)(断断续续的说)17200:16:02,879 - 00:16:03,879- Kid. Kid.- And I am a Wilderness Explorer-孩子。孩子-我是野外探险队员17300:16:05,047 - 00:16:08,550- in Tribe 54, Sweat Lodge 12.- I. Slow down. Kid!-54团,12分队-我. 等下 孩子!17400:16:09,176 - 00:16:10,886- Are you in need of any assistance.- Thank you,- 你需要什么帮助.-谢谢17500:16:11,012 - 00:16:12,512- but I dont need any help!- .today, sir?-但是 我不需要任何帮助-. 今天,先生17600:16:14,348 - 00:16:15,390RUSSELL: Ow.喔!17700:16:19,729 - 00:16:21,062Proceed.继续吧.17800:16:21,772 - 00:16:24,441- Good afternoon.- But skip to the end!-下午好.- 说重点吧!17900:16:25,776 - 00:16:29,362See these? These aremy Wilderness Explorer badges.看到这些了吗?这些是我探险获得的徽章18000:16:29,864 - 00:16:34,576You may notice one is missing.Its my Assisting the Elderly badge.你应该注意到这儿少了一个它是帮助老人才能获得的徽章18100:16:34,952 - 00:16:39,372If I get it, I will becomea Senior Wilderness Explorer.如果 我得到了,我就会是高级探险队员了18200:16:39,790 - 00:16:42,083The wilderness must be explored!去野外探险吧!18300:16:42,209 - 00:16:44,252Caw, caw! Raar!嘎,嘎!喏!18400:16:44,378 - 00:16:45,378(HEARING AID SCREECHES)(听力辅助器的叫声)18500:16:45,463 - 00:16:48,131Its gonna be great!Theres a big ceremony,那一定会很棒的!还有一个表扬仪式18600:16:48,257 - 00:16:51,718and all the dads come,and they pin on our badges.所有人的父母都会来然后 给他们带上徽章18700:16:51,802 - 00:16:53,762So, you want to assist an old person?所以,你想帮助老人18800:16:53,888 - 00:16:57,265Yep! Then Ill bea Senior Wilderness Explorer.是啊!那样我就可以成为一个高级探险员了18900:16:58,768 - 00:17:01,603- You ever heard of a snipe?- Snipe?-你听说过沙锥鸟吗?-沙锥鸟?19000:17:01,938 - 00:17:03,688Bird. Beady eyes.一种鸟,眼睛又小又圆19100:17:03,773 - 00:17:07,776Every night it sneaks in my yardand gobbles my poor azaleas.每天晚上都到我的院子偷吃我的杜鹃花19200:17:08,277 - 00:17:13,573Im elderly and infirm. I cant catch it.If only someone could help me.我现在又老又弱 。我是抓不到他了如果有人愿意帮我的话.19300:17:13,658 - 00:17:17,077- Me, me! Ill do it!- I dont know. Its awfully crafty.-我,我!我能帮抓到它!-你行吗?它可是很狡猾的19400:17:17,411 - 00:17:20,121Youd have to clap your handsthree times to lure it in.你需要拍三次手掌才可以把它引出来19500:17:20,247 - 00:17:21,998Ill find him, Mr. Fredricksen!我能找到他的,费雷德里克森先生!19600:17:22,124 - 00:17:24,459I think its burrow is two blocks down.If you go past.过了这两条街,就找到他的窝了如果你沿着街走.19700:17:24,585 - 00:17:27,629Two blocks down. Got it! Snipe.两条街。知道了!沙锥鸟19800:17:28,589 - 00:17:30,548Here, snipey, snipey.出来吧 小小鸟 小小鸟19900:17:30,633 - 00:17:32,300Bring it back here when you find it.如果找到,就把它带回来20000:17:32,426 - 00:17:33,468RUSSELL: Snipe!沙锥鸟20100:17:33,594 - 00:17:34,678STEVE: Okay, keep her coming.Keep coming.好,向前,继续.20200:17:36,180 - 00:17:39,808And stop. Stop. Stop!停,停,停下!20300:17:41,143 - 00:17:44,521Why. Hey! Hey, you!什么?嘿!嘿,你!20400:17:44,647 - 00:17:46,106What do you.What do you think youre doing?你在干什么?20500:17:46,190 - 00:17:48,650- I am so sorry, sir.- Dont touch that!-很抱歉,先生-不要碰它20600:17:48,776 - 00:17:50,276No, no, no.Let me take care of that for you.不,不让我帮你修好20700:17:50,361 - 00:17:52,445- Get away from our mailbox!- Hey. Sir, I.-离我邮箱远点-恩,先生,我.20800:17:52,530 - 00:17:54,030I dont want you to touch it!不要碰我的东西20900:17:54,156 - 00:17:55,156Ow!啊!21000:17:56,325 - 00:17:58,034(GROANING)(惨叫)21100:17:58,202 - 00:17:59,786(BREATHING HEAVILY)(沉重的呼吸)21200:18:06,002 - 00:18:08,003MAN: Steve, you all right?史蒂文,你怎么样了?21300:18:15,678 - 00:18:16,720(POLICE SIREN WAILS)(警笛响声)21400:18:42,580 - 00:18:44,205OFFICER EDITH: Sorry,Mr. Fredricksen.:对不起费雷德里克森先生21500:18:44,874 - 00:18:48,543You dont seem likea public menace to me. Take this.你看起来不想一个公害。拿上这个21600:18:49,086 - 00:18:52,714The guys from Shady Oaks will be byto pick you up in the morning, okay?绿荫橡木的人会在明天早上来接你,好吗?21700:19:06,854 - 00:19:09,022What do I do now, Ellie?我现在应该怎么办,爱丽?21800:19:49,772 - 00:19:50,772(SIGHS)(叹气)21900:20:38,946 - 00:20:40,446Morning, gentlemen.早上好,先生22000:20:40,531 - 00:20:43,491Good morning, Mr. Fredricksen.You ready to go?早上好,费雷德里克森先生你准备好了吗?22100:20:43,951 - 00:20:44,951(CHUCKLES)(轻笑)22200:20:45,035 - 00:20:46,703Ready as Ill ever be.准备好得不能再好了!22300:20:46,829 - 00:20:49,122Would you do me a favorand take this?可以帮我拿下这个吗?22400:20:49,206 - 00:20:51,541Ill meet you at the van in just a minute.几分钟后 货车上见22500:20:51,667 - 00:20:55,962I wanna say one last goodbyeto the old place.我想和我的老房子到个别22600:20:56,463 - 00:20:58,840Sure. Take all the time you need, sir.当然,您想多久就多久22700:21:01,468 - 00:21:05,430Thats typical. Hes probablygoing to the bathroom for the 80th time.见多了,他可能是要去上第80次厕所22800:21:05,514 - 00:21:09,184(SCOFFS) You think hed take bettercare of his house.你是不是觉得 他应该好好收拾下他的房子了22900:21:42,301 - 00:21:43,551(BOTH SCREAMING)(惊呼)23000:21:45,137 - 00:21:47,055(CAR ALARM WAILING)(车的警报)23100:21:48,224 - 00:21:50,058(CARL LAUGHING)(嚣张的笑)23200:21:50,726 - 00:21:55,480So long, boys! Ill send you a postcardfrom Paradise Falls!再见了,小子们!我到了天堂瀑布 会给你们寄明信片的23300:22:43,779 - 00:22:44,779Heh!嘿!23400:23:24,153 - 00:23:26,237Were on our way, Ellie.我们上路了,爱丽!23500:23:34,413 - 00:23:36,289(MUSICAL TWANGING)(拨弦的声音)23600:23:38,000 - 00:23:39,000(GRUNTS)(叹息)23700:23:40,002


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