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四年级英语期末复习卷Class Name Score 一、选出每组中不同类的单词. (5分) ( ) 1.A.nose B.mouth C.bed D.head ( ) 2.A.in B. near C. on D.how ( ) 3.A.fork B. bread C.spoon D.bowl ( ) 4.A.milk B tea C.sweets D.juice ( ) 5.A.cupboard B.airport C.station D.theatre 二、判断下列单词划线部分的读音,相同的打() ,不同的打()( 5分)。 ( ) 1. dress tree ( ) 2. jacket black ( ) 3.what who ( ) 4. friends sweets ( ) 5. think thank 三、翻译下列短语。(10分) 1. 一个新学生 2. 乘出租车 3.两个桃子 5. 一些面条 6.我们的教室 7.the boy with a big nose 9.on the plate 10.near the window 11. How about you? 12. see the doctor 四、选择正确答案。(10分) ( ) 1.- Welcome our school. -Thank you. A. for B. to C. at ( )2.What that? Its apple. A. is, a B. are, a C. is, an ( )3.What these? They re bananas. A. is B. are C. am ( )4.Whats job? a waiter. A. her Shes B. he Hes C. his Hes ( ) 5. we go to the theatre by plane? A. What B. How C. Shall ( ) 6. Is that train Guangzhou? A. to B. go C. for ( ) 7. you free now ? A. Are B. is C. are ( ) 8. - do you go to the theatre? By minibus. A. What B. How C. Shall ( )9. Look at picture. Its old picture. A. the; an B. a; an C. the; a ( )10. Look at photos. How nice! A. that B. these C. this ( )11. _ is her job?A. What B. Which C. Who ( )12. How much _ the sweets? _ 20 Yuan. A. are; Its B. is; Its C. are; Theyre ( )13. Something to_? Apples, please. A. eat B. drink C. have ( )14. There _a pen and some books on the desk. A. is B. are C. have ( )15. _ in the box? _some chocolate. A. Whats; Its B. Whats; Theres C. Wheres; There are ( )16. The man over there is teacher. A. our B. you C. they( ) 17. A: Whose shorts _ they? B: Perhaps _ Mikes. A. are, they B. is, they C. are, theyre五、完成句子:(5分) 1、A: the girl ? B:Shes my sister , Helen . 2、A: What are over there? B: grapes. 5、A:Is that your mother ? B:Yes , . A:Whats _ ? B: a waitress . 根据中文意思完成句子(15%)1、 那个穿白色毛衣的妇女是谁?是我的英语老师。_ that woman _ the _ sweater? _ my English _.2、 那个长着一个大头的男孩是她的弟弟吗?不,不是。_ the boy _ _ _ head her brother? No, _ isnt.3、 冰箱里没有牛奶。_ _ milk in the _.4、 你想要些什么?一些面条和一瓶子橙汁。_ would you _? _ _ and a _ of _ juice.5、 我们乘火车去机场好吗?_ we go to the airport _ _?6、 这里有一些桃子给你。_ _ some _ for you.7、 你的办公室里有什么?有一个书架和大量的书籍。_ in your _? _ a _ and lots of _.六在栏中选出能作为栏中各小题的应答句。序号填写在提前括号内。 ( )1.Can I help you? A.I want to be a teacher. ( )2.How old is your mother? B.Shes a policewoman. ( )3.What do you want to be? C.Some apples ,please. ( )4.Whats her job? D. Shes forty. ( )5.Are you a teacher? E. No,Im not. ( )1.Were late for school. A. Its my sisters. ( )2.Whose skirt is this? B. Yes, lets hurry. ( )3.Whats two plus five? C. No, I cant. ( )4.Can you use the fork? D. Its very nice. ( )5.Ive got a new toy car. E.Its seven. 七 .连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(5分) 1the, tree, boy, whos, the, in(?) _ 2. not , is , she , doctor , a (.) _ 3、do,to,go,How,you,school,day,every(?) _ 4、schoolbag,is, whose,this(?) _ 5、that teacher is woman my(.) _ 九根据情景完成句子。(10分) 1. 别人想知道你是不是这儿新来的医生,会问你: you here? 2. 小刀在哪?在餐桌上。 Wheres the ? the . 3. 让我们步行去学校吧。好的。 Lets go to school . All right. 4. 椅子上有什么?有一些玻璃杯。 on the ? some . 5. 那个大鼻子的男孩是谁?是我弟弟。 the boy a big nose? . 八、看图完成对话 (每小题2分, 共8分) 1. A: _that _?B: Which boy?A: _ _ in the shirt.B: Sorry, I dont know.2. A: Whats _ job? B: Hes a _. A: How old is he? B: _ eighteen.3. A: Whats in the bookcase? B: _ _ some books. A: _ is the football? B: Its _ the bookcase.


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