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_ 课 题Starter unit 1 Good morning 课 题Starter unit 1 Good morning 授课时间课 型 新 授 课课时安排 第一课时教学目标知识与技能:1.Learn how to greet people,2. Say English names in the right way.3. Read and write letters AaHh correctly过程与方法:1 Review words and sentences to lead-in.2. According to pairwork to make every student work in class to train students communicative competence情感态度与价值观:Its important to greet others right and politely when people meet at school, home and other places.教学重点1.会用正确的方式进行简单问候。2.英文字母Aa到Hh的正确读写教学难点1.注意大小写的书写。2.认识部分英文名字及性别教具学具准 备Recording player教学方法情景教学和合作学习法教 学 过 程一、 导入新课:Teacher says: , “Hello! My name is Jin Jingyan. Whats your name?” Get the students to answer, “My name is ” Then teacher says, “Its a good / nice name. I like your name.”Then ask the other students, whats your name ?What about you?Help them say, My name is Im 二、教学新课1. Play the tape, enjoy the ABC song, get the Ss to sing together.2. look at 1a Ask them to write down the Boys names and Girls namesThen ask the students to read out. Check the answers with class.Page 54 4a, fill the names.3. Look at the picture ,listen and repeat together.Then play the tape, ask students to repeat without books.4. Reading practice2a. Try to read out these letters, then listen and repeat.2b. Listen and check. Listen and ask several students to give the answers with class.5. Writing practice:First help them draw the letters with fingers together.Then try to write down in 2d.Ask several students to write down on the blackboard.Pay attention to the rules of writing big letters and small letters.6.2c Talk about what these letters meanHBhard and black(硬黑) CDCompact Disk(激光唱片)BBCBritish Broadcasting Corporation(英国广播公司)Do you know “P. NBA. Kg. m. cm. km. (P56)Kg-kilogram三、课堂小结:This class weve learned some English manes about boys and girls ,if you want an English name, please choose right names. Then weve reviewed English letters from Aa to Hh.四、布置作业:1.Write the letters Aa to Hh five times.2.Copy the conversations in 3a three times.五、板书设计: Starter unit 1Name(s):Boys names: Frank Bob Dale Eric.(Tom. Sam. Mike)Girls names: Helen Cindy Alice Grace.(Anna.Cathy,Lucy)Good morning( afternoon/evening/night),Frank!Hi, Bob/ Alice/ Eric.Aa Bb Cc Dd e Ff Gg Hh六、教学后记复 备 复 备课 题Starter unit 1 Good morning课 题Starter unit 1 Good morning授课时间课 型 新 授 课课时安排 第二课时教学目标知识与技能:1. Get students to learn how to greet people, introduce themselves and make new friends.2.Learn the pronunciation of letters A and E过程与方法:First, use greeting each other with sentences to review and lead-in. Then according to pairwork to make every student work in class to train students communicative competence情感态度与价值观:Its important to greet others right and politely when people meet at school, home and other places.教学重点1.会用正确的方式进行简单问候。2.英文字母A和E的常见发音教学难点英文字母A和E的常见发音教具学具准 备Recording player教学方法任务型教学、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法教 学 过 程一、 导入新课:Greet the class with the sentences :Good morning, class/ boys and girls./!Hi, boys and girls/!Ask students greet each others.二、教学新课1.Reading practice3a.Can you read out the conversations?Ask three pairs to read out Play the tape ,students listen and number.2. Work in pairs.3. Reading practice with game 3c.Try to read first, then write down the conversations on the blackboard. Then read with class.Then teach with game :High Vocie and Low Vocie. Divide them into groups ,students oral practice with game :High Vocie and Low Vocie. .Check them by walking around the classroom. 4. pronunciation of vowels 4b.Play the tape ,listen and read, then correct their mistakes,4c.First ask students to try , then teach together.Then read several times until they students can read outGive other similar words to check5.listen and song三、课堂小结:This class weve reviewed some conversations to greet people. And weve learned some pronunciations of vowel letters A and E. Please read again after class. 四、布置作业:1. Copy the conversations in 3c three times.2.Recite the conversations in 3b and 3c.五、板书设计: Starter unit 1 Good morning!Good morning, Helen!Good afternoon /evening /night , Eric / Alice!How are you? Im fine, thanksHow are you? Im OK. (Not very well /Not bad.)A E六、教学后记复 备复 备 课 题Starter unit 2 Whats this in English?课 题Starter unit 2Whats this in English授课时间课 型 新 授 课课时安排 第一课时教学目标知识与技能:1.Read English letters Ii-Rr clearly and correctly.2.Review the sentences: Whats this/that in English? Its a/an 过程与方法:1 Use the pictures of letters to lead-in.2. According to pairwork to make every student work in class to train students communicative competence情感态度与价值观:Its a good method by asking other people. It can save our lots of time to learn English and other things.教学重点1. 能正确流利的读写英文字母Ii到Rr 2. 正确地运用句型进行问答。教学难点熟练运用字母和常见词汇进行句型问答。教具学具准 备Recording player and pictures教学方法直观教学法、模仿示范法和合作学习法教 学 过 程一、 导入新课:Show some pictures, ask and answerIs it a boys/girls name?Yes, it is . / No, it isnt.A game: Ask students put girls names and boys name in the front of the boy and girl(pictures on the blackboard).二、 教学新课1.Show the picture of a boy/girl, ask:Whats this in English? A boy/a girl.Tell them : His /Her name is Then show the name : Is it a boy or a girl?Turn to page 54 4a fill the name list.2.Read and writeShow the pictures ,teach “ Whats this in English? Its a/anWrite down then listen and repeat.3.Show some pictures of letters I-RAsk the students: Whats this in English?Review the letters from Aa to Rr4. 4. Reading practice2a. Try to read out these letters, then listen and repeat.2b. Listen and check. Listen and ask several students to give the answers with class.5. Writing practice:First help them draw the letters with fingers together.Then try to write down in 2d.Ask several students to write down on the blackboard.Pay attention to the rules of writing big letters and small letters.四、课堂小结:This class weve review the letters Ii to Rr. Please read them again after class. Then weve practiced sentences“Whats this /that in English? Its a/an.”五、布置作业:1.Write the letters Ii to Rr five times.2.Copy the conversations in 1a three times.六、板书设计:Starter unit 2 Whats this in English?Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq RrWhats this in English? Its a/an七、教学后记复 备 复 备课 题Starter unit 2 Whats this in English?课 题Starter unit 2Whats this in English授课时间课 型 新 授 课课时安排 第二课时教学目标知识与技能:1. Get students to learn how to ask question with correct sentence.Whats this in English? Its a /an2.Learn the pronunciation of letters A ,E,I,O.过程与方法:First, use greeting each other with sentences to review and lead-in. Then according to pairwork to make every student work in class to train students communicative competence情感态度与价值观:Its a good method by asking other people. It can save our lots of time to learn English and other things.教学重点1.会用正确的方式进行问答。2.会认读英文字母A,E,I,O的常见发音教学难点会认读英文字母A,E,I,O的常见发音教具学具准 备Recording player教学方法直观教学法、模仿示范法和合作学习法教 学 过 程一导入新课:Can you sing the ABC song? Lets sing it together. Play the tape.Show some school things,ask:Whats this /that in English? Its a /an二、教学新课1.What are they in English? Do you know?Ask and answer: Whats this in English? Its a /an .Then play the tape ,listen and number.3b. Work in pair with class, then check them by listening 2.Reading practice 3c Read the sample first, then students work in pairs.check them by listening some pairs. 4.Listening practice 3d listen and check in class.5. Reading game:3e. Read the sample conversation, then write down on the blackboard. Read several times.6. Review the letters Finish off 4a and 4b with class.Ask a group to stand in line, then ask and answer one by one.With the sample conversation.6. pronunciation of vowels 4c.Play the tape ,listen and read, then correct their mistakes,4d.First ask students to try , then teach together.Then read several times until they students can read outGive other similar words to check 三、课堂小结This class weve reviewed some conversations to greet people. And weve learned some pronunciations of vowel letters A and E. Please read again after class四、布置作业:1. Copy the conversations in 3b and 3e three times.2.Recite the conversations in 3b and 3e.五、板书设计: Starter unit 2 Whats this in English? Whats this in English? Its a map. Spell it , please. M-A-P Whats that in English? 六、教学后记复 备复 备 复 备课 题Starter unit 3 What color is it?课 题Starter unit 3 What color is it?授课时间课 型 新 授 课课时安排 第一课时教学目标知识与技能:1.Read English letters SsZz clearly and correctly.2.Review the sentences: What color is it ? Its red /yellow/green 过程与方法:1 Use the pictures of letters to lead-in.2. According to pairwork to make every student work in class to train students communicative competence情感态度与价值观:We live in a colorful world, There are all kinds of things on the earth. And beautiful colors make us pleasant and happy.教学重点3. 能正确流利的读写英文字母Ss到Zz 4. 正确地运用句型进行问答。教学难点熟练运用字母和常见词汇进行句型问答。教具学具准 备Recording player and pictures教学方法直观教学法、情景教学法和合作学习法教 学 过 程一、 导入新课:Pleas say the letters from A to RCan you write them right? Please try .Ask two students to write down on the blackboard. Then check with class.二、 教学新课Read and write Show some pictures of letters I-RAsk the students: Whats this in English? Its a /an Review some letters from Aa to Rr PrentationShow the colorful pictures ,teach Whats this /that in English? Its red /yellow/ greenWrite down then listen and repeat.Finish off 1a . Then check by asking some students.3.listen and repeat 1b4. Reading practice 1c Make sentences with class.5.2a Try to read out these letters, then listen and repeat.2b. Listen and check. Listen and ask several students to give the answers with class.5. Writing practice:2c First help them draw the letters with fingers together.Then try to write down in 2d. Ask several students to write down on the blackboard.Pay attention to the rules of writing big letters and small letters.三、课堂小结:This class weve reviewed the letters Ss to Zz. Please read them again after class. Then weve practiced sentences“What color is it? Its red /yellow四、布置作业:1.Write the letters Ss to Zz five times.2.Copy the conversations in 1a three times.五、板书设计:Starter unit 2 Whats this in English?Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy ZzWhat color is it ? Its red /yellow /green六、教学后记复 备 复 备课 题Starter unit 3 What color is it?课 题Starter unit 3 What color is it?授课时间课 型 新 授 课课时安排 第二课时教学目标知识与技能:1. Get students to learn how to ask question with correct sentence.Whats this in English? Its a/anWhat color is it? Its red.2.Learn the pronunciation of letters A ,E,I,O.U过程与方法:First, use greeting each other with sentences to review and lead-in. Then according to pairwork to make every student work in class to train students communicative competence情感态度与价值观:Its a good method by asking other people. It can save our lots of time to learn English and other things.教学重点1.会用正确的方式进行问答。2.会认读英文字母A,E,I,O,U的常见发音教学难点会认读英文字母A,E,I,O,U的常见发音教具学具准 备Recording player教学方法直观教学法、模仿示范法和合作学习法教 学 过 程一导入新课:Draw some pictures on the blackboard. Ask:Whats this in English ? Its a /an.Show them some red, green and blue chalk, then ask them to color them by saying “Color the book blue.”二、教学新课1.What are they in English? Do you know?Ask and answer: Whats this in English? Its a /an .Then play the tape ,listen and color them 3b. listen again, then check them by asking three students to read out them to the class. 2.listening practice 3c Play the tape, the students fill in the chart, Check their answers with class.3.Making conversations3d. Ask two students to read out the sample conversation.Write down the conversation on the blackboard and read several time till all the students can read out.Then the students work in pairs .Then check them 4. Read and writeHand out the pictures of the keyboard and writ the small letters5. listen and sing 4bpronunciation of vowels A ,E ,I ,O ,U4c.Play the tape ,listen and read, then correct their mistakes,First ask students to try , then teach together.Then read several times until they students can read outGive other similar words to check 三、课堂小结This class weve reviewed some conversations to ask things and color. And weve learned some pronunciations of vowel letters A ,E ,I ,O ,U. Please read again after class四、布置作业:1. Copy the conversations in 3d three times.2.Recite the conversation in 3d an the 26 English letters五、板书设计: Starter unit 2 Whats this in English? Whats this in English? Its a key Spell it , please. K-E-y What color is it? Its yellow.六、教学后记复 备复 备 课 题Review of starter units 1-3课 题Review of starter units 1-3授课时间课 型 新 授 课课时安排 第一课时教学目标知识与技能:1. 复习26个英文字母的听说读写2. 复习五个元音字母的常见发音。过程与方法:通过听、读、说等活动培养良好的听和口头表达的能力;通过独学、对学、小组合作,学会正确读写本课新学表示物体的单词及目标句型情感态度与价值观:培养正确的交际观念和与人合作学习的精神。教学重点1.会用正确的方式进行问答。2.会听说读写26个英文字母。教学难点会认读英文字母A,E,I,O,U的常见发音教具学具准 备教学方法直观教学法、模仿示范法和合作学习法教 学 过 程Step1.复习巩固26个字母1.按顺序背诵26个英文字母2. 全班齐唱ABC song.3.听写部分易错、易混字母的大小写。4.巩固大小写字母的书写,按顺序默写。5、练习题:一、选择题。( )1.“不明飞行物”的英文缩写是。A.UFOB.HBC.CDD.BBC( )2.“美国篮球协会”的英文缩写是。A.USAB.NBAC.ABCD.PBA( )3.在市场上购买衣服时,看到的表示“中”号的字母。A.SB.LC.MD.XL( )4.早上和同学见面时,应该说。A.Goodmorning B.GoodafternoonC.Goodevening D.ImOK( )5.“中国中央电视台”的英文缩写是。A.CCTOB.VOAC.CCTVD.TV二.写出下列大写字母的小写字母。1) BEE _ 2)BAG _ 3)BED _4)HB _5)CD _6)ABC_7)AD _ 8)CAAC _.三、写出下列字母的左右邻居。1._Ss _ 2._Vv_ 3._Ww_ 4._Yy_ 5. _Tt_ 6._Xx_Step 2. 元音字母的发音元音字母A,E,I,O,U的常见发音。习题:比较下列每组字母或单词的读音,相同的用(S)不同的用(D)表示。1. b, a ( ) 2. c, e ( ) 3. a, e ( ) 4. b, d ( ) 5. a, c ( ) 6. Dale, Alice ( ) 7. Frank, thanks ( ) 8. evening, Helen ( ) 9. A, H ( ) 10. E, F ( )三、课堂小结This class weve reviewed 26 English letters and some pronunciations of vowel letters A ,E ,I ,O ,U. Please review again after class四、布置作业:1. Read 26 English letters and some pronunciations of vowel letters A ,E ,I ,O ,U three times 2.Finish off the exercises.五、教学后记 复 备复 备 课 题Review of starter units 1-3课 题Review of starter units 1-3授课时间课 型 新 授 课课时安排 第二课时教学目标知识与技能:1. 复习打招呼的用语、朋友见面的问候语和应答。2. 复习巩固确认物体的名称和颜色的句型过程与方法:通过听、读、说等活动培养良好的听和口头表达的能力;通过独学、对学、小组合作,学会正确读写本课新学表示物体的单词及目标句型情感态度与价值观:培养正确的交际观念和与人合作学习的精神。教学重点1. 复习巩固打招呼的用语、朋友见面的问候语和应答。2. 复习巩固确认物体的名称和颜色的句型教学难点能灵活运用问候语和对物体名称和颜色的询问句型教具学具准 备教学方法教师导学和学生合作学习法教 学 过 程Step1. 复习打招呼的用语、朋友见面的问候语和应答。1. 总结句型,-Good morning/afternoon/evening/night, Helen! -Hi /Hello, Alice!-How are you? -Im fine, thanks. 、Im OK.2. 小组练习对话,教师巡回指导。3.练习题一、选择填空。1. Good morning. - _ A. Fine.B. Thank you.C. Good morning.2. Good evening, _. Good evening.A. DaleB. to DaleC. dale3. - _ - Good afternoon, Cindy.A. Good afternoon, Cindy. B. Good afternoon, Eric. C. How are you?4. - _ - Im fine.A. Good morning.B. Im fine. C. How are you?5. _ is a girls name (女孩名).A. BobB. Cindy C. FrankStep2. 复习巩固确认物体的名称和颜色的句型1.掌握下列重点句子:Whats this in English? Its a key. Spell it, please. K-E-Y.-What color is it ? -Its red. / Its black and white.二、选择填空。( ) 1. Whats this _ English A on B in C at D for( ) 2. - Whats this? - Its _ orange. A a B an C / D am( ) 3一What color is her jacket? 一Its _. Aan orange Borange Cthe orange Da orange( ) 4Its _ blackIts _ black rulerA. /; / Ba; C;a Da;a( ) 5. _ is that quilt? Its blackA. Which color BHow color CWhat color DWhats color三、课堂小结This class weve reviewed some sentences about greeting and asking things names and colors. Please review again after class四、布置作业:1. Recite some sentences about greeting and asking things names and colors.2.Finish off the exercises.五、教学后记复 备 复 备课 题Starter units复习测试课 题Starter units复习测试授课时间课 型 测试课时安排 2课时教学目标对预备单元内容进行检测过程与方法:独立完成情感态度与价值观:巩固基础知识,查遗补缺。教学方法独立完成习题复 习 过 程教学过程:1. 学生独立完成测试2. 讲评试卷教学后记:复 备THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-


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