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_ Lesson plan for Unit 5 Im watching TVPeriod 1 Section A(1a-2c)1. Background informationLesson type: listening and speakingDuration: 45 minSs: junior 1T: 外语组 01号2. Teaching idologyNew English Curriculum advocates quality-oriented education and all round learning, which pays more attention to Ss comprehensive development of language skills, strategies, affects and culture awareness. These aims and goals focus more on developing Junior Ss interests, abilities, a positive attitude towards English learning, enabling an acquisition of a good pronunciation and intonation, cultivating Ss language sense and laying a good foundation for their further study. Much emphasis should be paid to Ss Cooperative Language Learning and Task-based Language Teaching.3. Teaching material and learning condition3.1 The analysis of teaching materialThe teaching material is the listening and speaking part from unit 5, Students Book 2, Go for it with the title of Im watching TV. It mainly concerns with the topic of what people are doing. The topic is very interesting and closely to our daily life. So its easy for my Ss to accept the text. Yet it contains a lot of new words and expressions related to everyday activities and it is the very first time for my Ss to know something about the present progressive tense. So these are the anticipated difficulties, and T should use more mechanical drillings and meaningful drillings to well present. 3.2 The analysis of learning condition Ss in Grade 7 have accumulated certain amount of English, but they may be afraid of speaking English in the front of the class and not dare to speak English confidently with their partners, so their pronunciation and intonation should be paid more attention.Whats more, they are on the way to maturation both physically and mentally, their ability, sense of cooperation and competition has been strengthened, they are curious about new things and good at imitating, so the new language is not difficult to master and understand.4. Language focuses and anticipated difficulties4.1 The analysis of language focuses(1) Ss will be guided to have a good master of the key words and phrases, such as watching, doing, eating, doing my homework and grasp the new sentence structure “what are you doing”(2) Ss will be stimulated to use the new words and expressions to talk freely.4.1 The analysis of anticipated difficulties(1) Ss will be cultivated to improve their listening skills and practice their pronunciation and intonation by imitating.(2) Ss will be activated to participate in class activity more actively and express their ideas fluently.5. Learning objectivesNew English Curriculum sheds lights on Ss comprehensive language ability, so in this listening and speaking class, the following learning objectives are set accordingly.5.1 Language knowledge At the end of the class, my Ss will be able to(1)Have a good master of the key words and phrases, such as watching, doing, eating, doing my homework (2) Grasp the new sentence structure “what are you doing”.5.2 Language skills At the end of the class, my Ss will be able to(1) Improve their listening skills and practice their pronunciation and intonation by imitating.(2)use the target language to talk freely in real life situations.5.3 Affects (1) Ss will be cultivated to get aware of the importance of talking about everyday activities. (2)Ss will be able to maximize their participation in class activities5.4 Culture awareness(1) Ss will be able to raise their consciousness to cross-culture. (2) Ss will be able to broaden their horizons and know about the different ways of talking about daily activities in western country and China.5.4 Learning strategies Cognitive strategy: Ss will use their memory and thinking to help their English learning. Control strategy: Ss will do self and peer assessment to adjust their learning methods Resource strategy: Ss will take advantage of dictionary, computer and other possible resource for more information about the topic Communicative strategy: Ss will learn more communicative skills and talk in daily life freely and fluently.6. Teaching methodsTeaching methodsHow to useCommunicative teaching methodDuring the whole period, Ill stimulate my Ss to communicate fluently and confidently in English.Task-based teaching method. Autonomous and cooperative learning methodVarious tasks are offered to make my Ss learn autonomously and cooperatively.Situational teaching methodA situation will be set to help my Ss put what they have learned into real life situations.7. Teaching aidsTeaching aidspurposeMulti-medium devices, PPT documentTo arouse my Ss interests and improve learning efficiency. BlackboardTo highlight the focuses and clues8. Teaching procedureEnjoy a flashBrainstormingPicture exhibitionMemory challengingGame: You do I guessPair workListening and imitatingRole playingIntentionArousing Ss interestsImproving language inputIntentionImproving communicative abilityDrilling listening skills IntentionIntentionEnhancing language outputConsolidating achievements8.1 Step 1 Warming up (5min)Activity 1 Enjoy a flash (2 min)T presents a song about doing various activities on the flash. Ss can sing along and act with it.Intention: audio-visual teaching method is adopted here to arouse my Ss interests and lead in the topic of talking about daily activites naturally.Activity 2 Brainstorming (3min)T: Boys and Girls, what am I doing now?Ss: You are singing.T: What am I doing now?Ss: You are dancing.T: Do you like dancing?Ss: Yes.T: Do you want to dance.Ss: Yes.T: Lets dancing together.T: What are we doing now?Ss: We are dancing.T poses questions “what am I doing now?” by doing the actions. Ss figure out as many everyday activities as possible. T will consciously present the new words and phrases. Intention: This activity aims at reflecting my Ss old knowledge and activating and class atmosphere and trying to open their mouths gradually.8.2 Step 2 Presentation & Practice (25 min)Activity 1 Picture exhibition (5 min) T presents various pictures and draws some stick pictures. Ss figure out what he/she is doing.Whats he doing?Whats she doing?Whatre they doing?Intention: This activity is designed to help my Ss form an initial conception on the target language and improve their creative thinking.Activity 2 memory challenging (5 min) T presents different pictures on PPT document and the picture will disappear quickly. Ss try to use their memory to talk about what the people are doing in the pictures.Intention: This activity aims to concentrate my Ss attention and deepen their understanding on the target language.Activity 3 Game: You do, I guess (5 min)T invites two Ss to the front of the class. One does the different actions, and the other S facing back to the blackboard and guess what he/she is doing. The left Ss give hints to him whether his guessing is true or false.S1: Is he writing a letter?Ss: NO, he isnt.S1: Is he reading?Ss: Yes, he is.Intention: This activity can improve Ss courage and make them be proficient with the learning focus.Activity 4 Pair workRelay in sentence making (10 min) T guides Ss to look at the picture in 1a, and use the model in speech bubble 1c to work cooperatively with their partners and make conversations. Then T asks Ss to perform their conversations. After that, T sets an example of using the present progressive tense to relay in sentence making one by one.Intention: This activity can improve Ss communicative ability and help Ss convert the mechinal sentence drillings to meaningful and communicative drillings.T: Im watching TV now.S1: I m reading.S2:Im doing my homework.T asks S1, whats he doing?S1:Hes doing his homework. .8.3 Step 3 Listening (5 min)Activity 1 listening and imitating (5 min) T plays the tape recorder, and Ss finish the listening exercise in 1b, 2a and 2b by numbering, answering the wh- questions and matching. After that, T checks the answers and presents the tape script. Ss imitate the pronunciation and intonation with the tape.Intention: This activity can drill Ss listening skills and improve their pronunciation and intonation by imitating.8.4 Step 4 Consolidation & Extension (8 min)Activity 1 Role playing (8 min)T creates a situation of making Ss moving naturally around the classroom and doing different actions. When T says “stop”, Ss have to make a stop and the final action is the real activity they are going to talk about.T: Now, boys and girls, doing whatever you like but when I say Stop, you need to stop doing everything. Then I will ask you whatre you doing, what he/she is doing, ok?T: lets get moving.Intention: this activity can make english learning more fun and consolidate what my Ss have learned. They can learn how to communicate better by cooperating with their classmates.8.5 Step 5 Homework (2 min)Intention: in this step, homework with different classification can help my Ss learn more efficiently and this is also a means of consolidation.Level A: Lets make a party. Invite classmates to join the party and talk about what they are doing in the partyLevel B: Review the new words and expressions we have learned today.9. Blackboard Design10.Interlinking resourcePeople Educations Press: http:/ www.pep.com/Keke English: http:/www.keke.net/11.Reflection In this lesson plan, I fully follow the Ss-centered principle and design various activities to involve most of my Ss to participate in the class activity actively, encourage them to have fun and learn more autonomously and cooperatively.THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-


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