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_七年级英语 上册Start Unit 1 Good morning!1、 Good morning! 早上好!Good afternoon!下午好!Good evening!晚上好!其回答都是其本身。2、 Nice to meet you ! 回答是:Nice to meet you ! 或Nice to meet you ,too!3、 How do you do? 答语仍然是:How do you do?4、 How are you? 答语是:Fine./Im fine./Im OK.Thanks.And you?5、 动词be的一般现在时态: 我(I)用 am ,你(you)用 are, is连着他(he)她(she)它(it)。 单数名词用 is,复数名词全部都用are。 变否定,很简单,在be后把not加。 变疑问,be前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 变特疑,特殊疑问词加上一般疑问句。 Start Unit 2 Whats this in English?1、 this“这,这个”指示代词,用来指代距离较近的单个的人或物。反义是that, 用来指代距离比较远的单个的人或物。this的复数是these;that的复数是 those。 含有this/that把this/that提句首,其肯定回答是:Yes,it is.否定回答是:No,it isnt. 含有these/those把these/those提句首,其肯定回答是:Yes,they are.否定回答是:No,they arent.2、 in+语言声音方式,“用.语言(声音、方式)” 例如:in English“用英语”3、 a+辅音音素开头的单词或字母(读音) an+元音音素开头的单词或字母(读音)4、 Whats this in English? 回答是:Its a/an+可数名词单数。5、 Whatre these in English? 回答是:They are+可数名词复数或不可数名词。Start Unit 3 What color is it?1、 不定冠词a,an的用法: 1)表示数量“一”;2)笼统地指某人或某物但不具体说明;3)泛指一类事物; 4)表示首次提到的人或物(常用于介绍用语中)。2、 定冠词the的用法: 1)特指某(些)人或者事物或双方都知道的人或事物;2)上文提到过的人或物;3)世界上第一无二的事物前,或某一范围内唯一的某事物前。 4)某些由普通名词构成的专有名词前。5)一些习惯用语和乐器前。3、 What color is it? 回答是:Its+颜色的形容词。4、 What color are they? 回答是:They are+颜色的形容词。Unit 1 My names Gina.重点词汇:0-9 重点短语:-可编辑修改-1.telephone number 2.phone number 3.first name 4.姓氏 5.family name 6.中学 7.在中国 8.他的电话号码 9.Whats = 10. Im= 11.names = 重点语法:1、英文名Tony Brown中Tony为first name(名),Brown为last name或family name(姓)。2、人称代词 3、物主代词记忆口诀:一个变(my变成mine),两个不变(his, its),其它的都加“ s” 。句式:1. What +be 动词+your(his/her) name? What s your name? What s his name? What s her name?2. 自我介绍时常用语: My names Jenny. Im Gina.3.表达第一次和某人见面的高兴之情: Nice to meet you!4. 询问别人的电话号码: Whats your telephone number?5. 询问别人的姓氏常用语: Whats her family name? Unit 2 This is my sister.词汇:称呼类词汇:姐;妹 妈妈 爸爸 祖母;外祖母 祖父;外祖父 女儿 兄;弟 儿子 姑母;伯母;婶 叔;伯;舅;姨夫 表(堂)兄弟(妹) 重点短语:thanks for look at in the first picture talk about family tree a photo of my family write a letter (to) 重点语法:1、指示代词: this这(个), that那(个), these 这些, those 那些2、名词的复数形式 A、一般情况下加-s,如book books ; B、以e结尾的词加-s,如case cases ; C、以s、x、sh、ch等结尾的词加-es,如watch watches ; D、以辅音字母加y结尾的词,要改y为i,再加-es,如family families ; E、以“f”或“fe”结尾的词,改“f”或“fe”为“v”,再加-es ;F、部分以o结尾的词加-es,如tomato tomatoes ;potato potatoes ; G、少数名词的复数形式是不规则的,如man men ;woman women .3. 本单元出现的缩写:thats = that is hes = he is4. thanks for 为而感谢Thanks for the photo of your family.句式:1. This/that is+ sbs This is his sisters. That is my brothers.These/Those+ are+ sbs These are his brothers.2. be动词+代词+Is this your sister? Is she your sister?3. Here +be + Here is my family photo. Unit 3 Is this your pencil?词汇:文具盒 铅笔 钢笔 橡皮擦 尺子 书包 字典 书 指示代词:this 这个 that 那个 重点短语:in English 打扰了 play baseball computer game lost and found a set of keys call Allen at 4561534 call sb. call 4561534 身份证 重点语法:1、指示代词(this, that); 2、形容词性物主代词的用法。注意:物主代词的使用方法:后有名词时用形容词性的,后无名词时用名词性的,即:有名则形,无名则名。3、以be动词“is ,are”开头的一般疑问句。 一般疑问句是以be动词、情态动词和Do/Does开头的,用Yes或No回答的疑问句。注意事项:1、肯定和否定回答中必须用人称代词主格,即只能用I,we,you,he,she,it,they等,不能出现其它词,特别注意不能用this,that,these,those等指示代词。2、肯定和否定回答要保持三个单词,因此当am,is,are出现在句尾时,一定不能缩写。如:不能用Yes,Im; Yes,hes; Yes,theyre. 3、am not 不能缩写,如:No,Im not不能用No.I amnt.4、肯定和否定回答不能出现前后矛盾。如:不能说 Yes,he isnt; No,I do; Yes,she doesnt.句式:1. 询问某物品是否属于某人的问句及答语Is this/that your pencil? Yes, it is. Its my pencil./No, it isnt. Its his pencil.2. 询问某物用英语怎么说 Whats this in English?3. How do you spell sth.? How do you spell it?4. Whats +sth?询问某物是什么 Whats this? Its a watch.5. Call at sb. at +电话号码. Call Alan at 495-3539.练习:1)Whats this? Its V. A. a B.an C.the D.2)Good night. A. Good evening. B.See you. C.All right.3)- a lot . A. Thank B.Thanks C.Thanks you D.Thanks for4)How is your father? He is -.A good B.nice C.OK5)Whats his (one) name? I dont know. But I know his last name.6)Is this -eraser? No.Its -. A. his his B. his hers C. her hers7)Is that her pencil? Yes,-is. A. it B. that C.She8)- you spell it? Yes.P-E-N pen. A. How B.Can C.9)Please call our school -4516324. A. with B. C.at D.onUnit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?词汇:1.本单元出现的家具类词汇:桌子 床 书橱,书柜 沙发 椅子 房间 书桌 时钟 重点短语:在桌子上 在他的文具盒里 watch TV wheres = 在桌子底下 在沙发上 在我的书包里 在书柜里 在他的头上 在我们的房间里 重点语法:1、介词on(在上), in(在里), under(在下)的用法。2、以特殊疑问词where开头的特殊疑问句及回答。句式:1.询问地点Where + is + 单数物品? 答语It is+ 表位置的介词短语.Where + are + 复数物品?答语They are + 表位置的介词短语.Wheres my backpack? Its under the table.Where are your books? Theyre on the chair.2.询问某物是否在某地的句型及答语 Is the baseball on the sofa?No,it isnt. Its under the chair. Are they on the bed? No,theyre not.3.倒装句Here + be动词 + 主语 Here is my pen.Here are some apples.1)_(this) are my parents. 2)_(that) are his friends.3)Is this his father? No,_ isnt. A.it B.this C.he4)Is his mother your friend? Yes,_is. A.he B.she C.you5)Thanks _your interesting book. A.for B. very much C.a lot6)There _(be) a photo of my friends.Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?词汇:1.球类名词小结英式足球 乒乓球 网球 排球 篮球 棒球 重点短语:play soccer play tennis play basketball doesnt = lets = play sports every day on TV play tennis 乒乓球拍 打排球 3.play + 名词 结构的短语play sports参加体育运动play computer games玩电脑游戏4.“play + 球类名词”结构的短语 play ping-pong 打乒乓球play tennis 打网球5.watch TV看电视 on TV在电视上,通过电视6.常用的描述某物或某事的形容词:interesting有趣的fun有趣的 relaxing轻松的 boring无聊的difficult困难的重点语法:1、以助动词do,does开头的一般疑问句。2、一般现在时态。(表现在的状态,或经常的、习惯性的动作,或主语具备的性格和能力等。)3、动词的三单形式(在一般现在时态中,当句子主语是第三人称单数时,动词要变成“三单”形式) 规则基本同名词变复数,只不过以“o”结尾的动词都加-es 。句式:1.Do引导的一般疑问句 Do you have a TV?Yes,I do. / No,I dont.Does he have a tennis racket? Yes,he does. / No,he doesnt.2.祈使句Lets do sth. Lets play ping-pong.3.主系表结构主语 + 系动词 + 形容词 That sounds good.1) _his parents _(have) a ping-pang ball?-Yes,_.2) _our English teacher _(have) a basketball?-No,_ _.3) My friend _(看电视) every day.4) _(他弟弟)_(有)many_(sport)_(club).5)You _( not ,have) _(sport) every day.6)She _( not watch TV) in the evening. She_(study) English every day.7)Lets_(play) volleyball with _(she).She _(play) every day.8)Let your sisiter _(play) the computer game.9)We _(have) a _(sport)_(collect). It_(be)_(interest).10)My parent _(not like)_(play)_(sport). Because its _(bore)11._(他们)_(not play) sports every day. _(they) only _(watch)_(they)_(inonwithby)TV.12.-_(let)_(he)_(play)_(theaan) baseball. -_(sound) good.Unit 6 Do you like bananas?词汇:1.水果 香蕉 橙子 苹果 梨 草莓 2.蔬菜 西红柿 胡萝 3.食品 汉堡包 冰淇淋 沙拉 鸡肉 鸡蛋 重点短语:六个西红柿 作为午餐 生日晚宴 think about one last question healthy food 吃午饭 吃早餐 排球明星 after dinner 饮食习惯 next week 重点语法:1、可数名词与不可数名词。2、可数名词的复数形式。 3.lots of = a lot of非常多,很多(后面既可跟可数名词复数,也可跟不可数名词)4. have sth. for breakfast/lunch/dinner/dessert早餐/中餐/晚餐/甜点吃句式:1.询问某人是否喜欢某物的句型及答语 Do/Does sb. like sth.? Yes,sb. do/does. No,sb. dont/doesnt.Do you like salad?Yes,I do./ No,I dont.Does he like pears?Yes,he does. / No,he doesnt.2.祈使句Lets do sth. Lets have ice cream.3.一般现在时的肯定句及否定句 I like oranges. I dont like bananas.They like salad. They dont like broccoli. She likes bananas. She doesnt like ice cream. Unit 7 How much are these socks?词汇:衣服 毛衣 短裤 夹克 袜子 鞋子 短裙 重点短语:how much on sale Here you are. Youre welcome have a look at a good price 七美元 skirts in purple 红毛衣 两双袜子 T恤衫 重点语法:1、问价格。2、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。句式: 1.询问某物价钱How much + is+单数商品? Its +钱数. How much is this T-shirt? Its seven dollars.How much+are +复数商品 Theyre +钱数How much are these socks? Theyre 3 dollars. How much is this T-shirt?= Whats the price of the T-shirt?2. can 引导的疑问句 Can I help you? 同义表达: What can I do for you? Is there anything I can do for you?3. sb. want(s) sth.某人想买某物 I want a sweater.相当于:I want to buy a sweater.4. What color do/does sb. want? What color do you want?5. 递给别人东西时的常用语:Here you are.7. 决定要买某东西时的常用语:Ill take it/them. 8. Do/Does sb. like? Do you like sweaters?9. sb. sell(s) sth. for + 钱.We sell bags for only ¥30.10. on sale 廉价销售for sale 等待出售 11.a pair of socks 一双袜子two pairs of socks 两双袜子12. “颜色+名词”结构的短语有: blue skirt蓝裙子13. 由help构成的短语:help sb. with sth. 帮助某人某事 help sb. (to) do sth帮助某人做某事14. want sth. 想买某物 want a sweater 想买一件毛衣15. come and buy your clothes 来买你的衣服16.“like+名词”喜欢某物 like sweaters 喜欢毛衣17.at very good prices 以非常优惠的价格 18.a sweater for school上学穿的毛衣19. T-shirts in red=red T-shirts 红T恤衫 20. socks for only¥5 每双袜子五元21. come to +地点 来某个地方 come to our school22. buy sth. from some place从某地买某buy skirt from Huaxing Clothes Store 23. sell sth. to sb. = sell sb. sth.把某物卖给某sell the bike to him = sell him the bike 卖给他自行车24. have a look 看一看;看一眼have a look at = look at 看练习1)Does your mother like _(potato)? Yes,_.2) Tom likes _(health)food.3)There is _food on the table .We like them _.A.a lot B. a lot of C.lot 4) _lunch, she has lots of vegetables. A. For B. At C. On 5) There _ (be) some people under the desks.6) How much _(be) the socks.?7) The green hats are on _(sell).8)_(have) a look at our store.Unit 8 When is your birthday?词汇:月份 一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月 八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月 重点短语:basketball game volleyball game School Day how old Happy Birthday October tenth September 5th English party have a school trip Feb.11,1847 生日聚会 艺术节 我妈妈的生日 今天下午 在八月 在下午 have two ball games1. “某人的生日”的表达有:your birthday 你的生日 mothers birthday 妈妈的生日 Liu Pings birthday 刘平的生日2. “几月几日”的表达方式:月日,年 (日要用序数词)September 1 st 9月1日 重点语法:1、问生日在哪天;2、基数词与序数词;基数词变序数词口诀: 基变序,有规律,尾部要加-th。 一、二、三,特殊记,结尾字母t, d, d (one-first, two-second, three-third) 八去t,九去e,ve要用f替 (eighteighth, nineninth, fivefifth, twelvetwelfth) y要改为ie (twentytwentieth, thirtythirtieth) 若是碰上几十几,只变个位就可以 (twenty-one-twenty-first, thirty-fourthirty-fourth)句式:1. When + be动词+其他?询问时间 When is your birthday? When is your mothers birthday? Joe, when is the school trip?2. sb.s birthday +be动词+日期 My birthday is June fourth. Her birthday is July 22 nd.3. 问年龄用how old +be + 主语?答:主语 + be + 基数词(years old) How old are you? Im fifteen(years old) 你多大了?我15岁。 4. Do/Does sb. have /has.? Do you have a School Day at your school? Do you have an Art Festival? 5. sb. +be动词+年龄 Im fifteen years old.6. date of birth(出生日期)= birthday 7. Happy birthday! 生日快乐! Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.重点短语:on Monday 上英语课 从到. favorite subject science teacher 在12点 after lunch after class 困难但有趣的 1.科目 语文 体育 美术 科学 音乐 数学 历史 2.“favorite+名词”表示“最喜欢的”favorite city最喜欢的城市favorite food最喜欢的食物favorite color最喜欢的颜色favorite sport最喜欢的运动favorite subject最喜欢的科目3. 在星期,日期前用介词on, on May 1st, on Monday, 在钟点前用at, at 8:00, 在年,月,季节前用 in, in 2013, in July, in spring, in the morning4.“have+学科名词”表示“上课” have math上数学课 have science上科学课5.my music teacher我的音乐老师 6.my last class我的最后一节课7.after lunch午饭后 after class下课后8.play + 球类名词9. play with sth.和某物玩耍 play with my dog和我的狗一起玩耍句式1.询问某人最喜欢的物品的句型 Whats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is science2.询问原因的句型及答语 Why do you like P.E.?Because its fun.3.询问某人的句型及答语 Who is your science teacher?My science teacher is Mr Wang.4.主系表结构sb.+be动词+形容词Im really busy!5. 主系表结构sth.+be动词+形容词 Its difficult,but interesting.Music is relaxing.6.and连接的并列句Our teacher is very strict and Im usually very tired after the class.7. but 表转折练习题1.After_(aan)class we usually play volleyball _(foratinon)two hours.2.I _(not) like math. I like_(play)with my dog.3.I often play _basketball with my classmateTHANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考


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