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_外研版(三起)六年级英语上册练习题Module 1 Unit 1一、英汉互译-可编辑修改-1.在纽约2.一张长城的图片3.两千万人口4.长城5.these postcards6.visit America7. 超过9.在美国的西部8.一张中国地图10. such a big country二 .选择填空1. Its a picture _ the Great Wall.a. inb. ofc. for2. Tell me more something _London.a. atb. onc. about3. - _is this river?-It?s about ten kilometers long.a. How longb. How bigc. How many4.Daming _America with his cousin Simon.a. visitingb. is visitingc. are visiting5.Beijing _ got 20 million people.a. isb. havec. has6.All of these books _ Chinese.a. areb. isc. be7.We are from _and we are _.a. China ChinaB. Chinese Chinac. China Chinese8. How many stars has China?s flag got? It?s got_.a. fourb. fivec. one9. Qingdao is _ of Shanghai.a. in the westb. in the eastc. east10._is you mother. She is a Chinese teacher.a. What b. Who c. When11._big map!a. WhatB. What?sC. What a12. We go to school _Monday _Friday.A. fromtob. frominc. fromon13. Do you want to go to England?_.a. Yes,I did.B. No, I do.C. Yes, I do.14.Please tell _ something about your city.a. meb. Ic. my15.New York is _ east of America. Canada is _north of America.a. in;inb. /;inc. in;/16._ is Shanghai? Seventeen million people.a. How longb. How bigc. How many17.Beijing _about fourteen million people.a. hasb. gotc. has got18.Please look _this one.a. atb. inc. /外研版(三起)六年级英语上册练习题Module 1 Unit 2一、完成句子1.Amy _ _(正在参观 )China.2.It?s (一张。 。的照片) the Great Wall.3. Xinjiang is_ _ _ _(在。的西部 ) China.4. _ _ _ _ _ _(多么大的一张美国地图啊 )!5. These _明(信片 ) are very beautiful.6. How big is_(纽约 )?It?s got about twenty _(百万 )people.7. The Great Wall is about six_千() seven hundred_公(里 ).8. It is a big map of America. ( 改为感叹句 )_ a big map of America it is!9. You are a teacher.改(为一般疑问句 )10. He is a driver. (改为否定句 )_11. _ New York?(写成特殊疑问句 )It?s here, in the east.12. It?s 2700 kilometers. (就划线提问 )_ _ is it?13. His brother is a bus driver. (就划线提问 )二、英语小作文:(仿照例句作文)Qingdao is a big city of China. It is in the east of China. It has got about seven million people.Harbin/north/about three million peopleGuangzhou/south/about 10 million peopleShanghai/east/about 17 million peopleXi ?an/west/seven million people一根据句意填写出下面的单词:1.These(明信片 ) are great .2.The Great Wall is about six( 公里 ) .3.These postcards are from_千) seven hundred(加拿大) and_(中国).4.New York is _ (东边) of_(美国)5.Mexico is _(南边) of_(美国)二用所给动词的适当形式填空:1.Daming_( visit ) America now .2.( tell ) me more about the Great Wall .3.China and Japan(be ) in the east and Mexico(be )inthe south.4I_ (have)got an English book and she _(have) got a Chinese book.三. 选择词填空,并把正确答案写在题中横线上,注意大小写:A. has gotBhave gotCwhat D how1.beautiful are Dalian1squares( 广场 ).2. an interesting book .3Theya lovely dog .4.Shesome photos .5.The deskfour legs .四情景交际 : 根据情境从下面的选项中选择适当的句子,把正确答案写在题中横线上。Daming: Look at this postcard. ItWall.Simon :s a picture of the GreatDaming: Its about six thousand seven hundred kilometers.Simon : Wow !Daming: Tell me something about New York.Simon : Its very big . Its got eight million people.Daming:That is big .Simon :Daming: Its got about fourteen million people .Simon :Daming:Yes, I have .Simon :Yes , I do. They are very great !AHowbig is it ? B Howlong is it ? C Howbig is Beijing ?DDo you likethem ?E Have you got postcardsof Beijing?五写出你所知道的附合下列要求的单词。Place:_Animal:_Food:_外研版(三起)六年级英语上册单元检测题Module 2一、翻译:1.思念2.有时3.真的4.一封电子邮件5.发送一封电子邮件6.中餐馆7.中国舞蹈8.去唐人街9.想要 /打算干10. 思念中国11.许多、大量的12.长江15.西湖16.黄山17.长城18.面馆19.图书馆20.电影院二、用 am, is, are或者 there is. there are的适当形式填空。1. This _ an apple. Those _ oranges.2. Where _ Tim and Tom? In the library.3. There _ ten birds in the tree.4. How old are you?I _ ten years old.5. _ _ a picture of America.6. How many pupils _ _ in the classroom?7. _ _ a picture in the classroom?Yes, _ _.8. My brother _ Peter. He _ a pupil.三、单项选择1、Do you want _ to Chinatown?a. to gob. goc. goes2. There is a _ in NewYork.a. townchinab. Chinatownc. town of China3. We saw Chinese _.a. danceb. dancesc. dancing4. what are you doing Daming?I?m _ an email to my friend.a. sendb. sendsc. sending5. There are _ of Chinese shops.a.a lot ofb. lotsc. lot6. The city is about _ away from here.a. two hundred metres b. two hundreds metres c. two hundred metre 7. Please tell me more _ your city.a. ofb. aboutc. from8. There are _shops in this street.a. lot ofb. a lotc. lots of9. All of these postcards are _Canada.a. fromb. forc. of10.I?m _ an email.a. sendb. sendingc. sent11.Look! There _ an egg on the desk.a. isb. arec. was12.Do you miss China? _.a. Yes,I don?tb. Sometimesc. No, I do13.Please tell me more _ your school.a. ofb. aboutc. from14.These postcards _ China.a. is fromb.are fromc. are to15.There are some _ in the bag.a. juiceb. ricec. books四、按要求改写句子。1. There are lots of bicycles in China. 一(般疑问句 )_ _ lots of bicycles in China?2. Chinatown is in NewYork. (对划线部分提问 )_ _ is the Chinatown?3. The Changjiang River is about 12000 li long. (对划线部分提问 )_ _ is the Changjiang River?4. I want to go to Chinatown. (一般疑问句 )_ you _ to go to Chinatown?5. I?m sending an email to my family in China. (对划线部分提问 )6. This postcard is from China. (对划线部分提问 )7. There are lots of computers. 改(为否定句 )8. 让我们现在就去唐人街吧。 (翻译成英语)五、用 There is/There are 句型简单描述一下你的卧室。不少于50 字。My bedroom一、请你给下列短语选择与其对应的汉语意思并抄写英语两遍,要求书写规范。1.()sendanemailA.很多_2.()sometimesB.想要_3.() lotsofC.去逛街_4.()ChinesedancingD.发电子邮件_5._ () domissHainanE.日本饭馆_6.()wanttoF.有时_7.()JapaneserestaurantG.太想念海南_8.()goshoppingH.中国舞蹈_二、用 There is/There are 填空。1._ _an egg and some hot dogs in the basket.2._ _six new chairs around the table.And_ _ some water in the table.3._ _a car coming.4._ _some famous rivers in china.5._ _twelve months in a year. And _ _four seasons there.6. _ _ some beautiful squares in Dalian .7. _ _a book and a pen on her desk .三、你能把下列的句子改写正确吗?1. What is they doing?_2. I?m send an email to my mother._3. There are an apple, a banana and a pear on the table._4. There are some city in the west of China._5. Let?s went to Tianjin now._6. We can?t come now. It ?s ten clock._7. You does miss Mom!_四、连词成句。1. the Changjiang of is postcard River there a_2. China ride in to bicycles today people work_3. Anhui is mountain there a famous in_4. lots o f restaurants are in there America_5. go to Canada you to do want ?_五根据句意填写出下面的单词:1. There are lots of Chinese shops and_( 饭店) there . And there?s Chinese_ ( 舞蹈)2. I?m _( 发送 ) an email to my family in China.3. I _( 想要 )a new pen. So I _( 想要 ) buy a new pen.4. Do you have_( 一些 ) money? Sorry, I Don ?t have _( 一些 ).But my father has_(一些 )money.5.There are lots of _( 自行车 )in China. People ride them to work.6.There?s a _(唐人街 )in New York.六、用所给动词的适当形式填空:1.-_you_( miss ) China ? -Sometimes .2. We_ _ _ _( go ) to Chinatown tomorrow .3. Let?s _ ( go ) to Chinatown now .4. Do you _ _(want) go to Tian ?anmen?七、回答下列问题:1.It ?s a very famous river, It ?s about six thousand kilometers long. What is it ?_2.It ?s a beautiful lake, It ?s in Huangzhou. What is it?_3.There are lots of famous mountains in China. Which one is in Anhui?_4.There is a Square in middle of Beijing. What is it?_6. What ?s the Chinatown like?_外研版(三起)六年级英语上册单元检测题Module 3Unit 1 & Unit 2基础篇(六年级)一、单词(每题1 分,共11 分)1收集_2邮票_3爱好_4那些_5 从, _6 著名的 _7 男人(复数) _8 女人(复数) _9 一些 _10 信 _11 另一个 _二、词组(每题2 分,共 13 分)1集 邮 _2有 _3许 多 ( 3种 )_4来 自 于 ( 2种 ) _5一封 我 的 信_三、选择(每题2 分,共 16 分)() 1 Doyoucollect _, Simon?AstampBstampsC stampesD stampps() 2 _ stamp is my hobby .A CollectBCollectsCCollectingDCollected() 3 They are famous _and _.A man , womanB men , womanC men ,womenD man , women() 4 Have you got _stamps from China ?A someB muchC littleDany() 5 These are some stamps _ Canada .A ofB fromC atD on() 6 Is there a letter _ me ?A ofB forC fromD on() 7 I _lots of stamps .A have gotB has gotC got haveD got has() 8 Have you got any stamps ?A Yes, I have.B Yes, I haven ?t.C No, I have.D No, I hasn ?t.四、改错(每题2 分,共 20 分)1I have got lot of stamps .2Collect stamps is my hobby .3Have you got some stamps from China ?4Is there a letter of me ?5Now you can have other Chinese stamp.6This one has got a picture of the Great Wall in it .7We all love our hobby.8Have you got any America stamps ?9Daming ?s hobby is read books.10 These are any stamps from Canada.外研版(三起)六年级英语上册单元检测题Module 3Unit 1 & Unit 2基础篇(六年级)一、单词(每题1 分,共11 分)1收集_2邮票_3爱好_4那些_5 从, _6 著名的 _7 男人(复数) _8 女人(复数) _9 一些 _10 信 _11 另一个 _二、词组(每题2 分,共 13 分)1集 邮 _2有 _3许 多 ( 3种 )_4来 自 于 ( 2种 ) _5一封 我 的 信_三、选择(每题2 分,共 16 分)() 1 Doyoucollect _, Simon?AstampBstampsC stampesD stampps() 2 _ stamp is my hobby .A CollectBCollectsCCollectingDCollected() 3 They are famous _and _.A man , womanB men , womanC men ,womenD man , women() 4 Have you got _stamps from China ?A someB muchC littleDany() 5 These are some stamps _ Canada .A ofB fromC atD on() 6 Is there a letter _ me ?A ofB forC fromD on() 7 I _lots of stamps .A have gotB has gotC got haveD got has() 8 Have you got any stamps ?A Yes, I have.B Yes, I haven ?t.C No, I have.D No, I hasn ?t.四、改错(每题2 分,共 20 分)1I have got lot of stamps .2Collect stamps is my hobby .3Have you got some stamps from China ?4Is there a letter of me ?5Now you can have other Chinese stamp.6This one has got a picture of the Great Wall in it .7We all love our hobby.8Have you got any America stamps ?9Daming ?s hobby is read books.10 These are any stamps from Canada.外研版(三起)六年级英语上册单元检测题Module 3Unit 1 & Unit 2基础篇(六年级)一、单词(每题1 分,共11 分)1收集_2邮票_3爱好_4那些_5 从, _6 著名的 _7 男人(复数) _8 女人(复数) _9 一些 _10 信 _11 另一个 _二、词组(每题2 分,共 13 分)1集 邮 _2有 _3许 多 ( 3种 )_4来 自 于 ( 2种 ) _5一封 我 的 信_三、选择(每题2 分,共 16 分)() 1 Doyoucollect _, Simon?AstampBstampsC stampesD stampps() 2 _ stamp is my hobby .A CollectBCollectsCCollectingDCollected() 3 They are famous _and _.A man , womanB men , womanC men ,womenD man , women() 4 Have you got _stamps from China ?A someB muchC littleDany() 5 These are some stamps _ Canada .A ofB fromC atD on() 6 Is there a letter _ me ?A ofB forC fromD on() 7 I _lots of stamps .A have gotB has gotC got haveD got has() 8 Have you got any stamps ?A Yes, I have.B Yes, I haven ?t.C No, I have.D No, I hasn ?t.四、改错(每题2 分,共 20 分)1I have got lot of stamps .2Collect stamps is my hobby .3Have you got some stamps from China ?4Is there a letter of me ?5Now you can have other Chinese stamp.6This one has got a picture of the Great Wall in it .7We all love our hobby.8Have you got any America stamps ?9Daming ?s hobby is read books.10 These are any stamps from Canada.外研版(三起)六年级英语上册单元检测题Module 3Unit 1 & Unit 2基础篇(六年级)一、单词(每题1 分,共11 分)1收集_2邮票_3爱好_4那些_5 从, _6 著名的 _7 男人(复数) _8 女人(复数) _9 一些 _10 信 _11 另一个 _二、词组(每题2 分,共 13 分)1集 邮 _2有 _3许 多 ( 3种 )_4来 自 于 ( 2种 ) _5一封 我 的 信_三、选择(每题2 分,共 16 分)() 1 Doyoucollect _, Simon?AstampBstampsC stampesD stampps() 2 _ stamp is my hobby .A CollectBCollectsCCollectingDCollected() 3 They are famous _and _.A man , womanB men , womanC men ,womenD man , women() 4 Have you got _stamps from China ?A someB muchC littleD


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