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爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记1 Down the rabbit-hole1 掉进兔子洞Alice was beginning to get very boredShe and her sister were sitting under the treesHer sister was reading,but Alice had nothing to doOnce or twice she looked into her sisters book,but it had no pictures or conversations in it爱丽丝开始觉得有点无聊了。她和姐姐正坐在树下。姐姐在看书,而爱丽丝无事可做。她不时看看姐姐的书,里面既没有图画,也没有对话。And what is the use of a book,thought Alice,without pictures or conversations?“一本书没有图画和对话有什么用呢?”爱丽丝想。She tried to think of something to do,but it was a hot day and she felt very sleepy and stupidShe was still sitting and thinking when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran past her她想找点什么事儿做做,可天气很热,她觉得又因又无聊。正坐在那儿想事,忽然,一只长着粉红眼睛的白兔跑过她身边。There was nothing really strange about seeing a rabbitAnd Alice was not very surprised when the Rabbit said,Oh dear!Oh dear!I shall be late!(Perhaps it was a little strange, Alice thought later,but at the time she was not surprised)看到一只兔子真没有什么可奇怪的。兔子说话时爱丽丝居然也不觉得太奇怪。兔子说,“噢,天哪!噢,天哪!我要迟到了!”(后来爱丽丝想起这事觉得有点儿奇怪,但当时她并不觉得有什么奇怪。)But then the Rabbit took a watch out of its pocket,looked at it,and hurried onAt once Alice jumped to her feet然后兔子从自己的口袋里掏出一块表,看了看,赶紧走了。爱丽丝立刻跳了起来。Ive never before seen a rabbit with either a pocket,or a watch to take out of it,she thoughtAnd she ran quickly across the field after the RabbitShe did not stop to think, and when the Rabbit ran down a large rabbit-hole,Alice followed it immediately“我从未见过有口袋的兔子,或者兔子掏出一块手表来。”她想。她跟在兔子后面很快跑过田野。她也没停下来想一想,当兔子跑进一个大的兔子洞时,爱丽丝立即跟了进去。After a little way the rabbit-hole suddenly went down,deep into the groundAlice could not stop herself falling,and down she went,too走了一小段,兔子洞突然向下转,直深入地下。爱丽丝不由自主地掉了下去。It was a very strange hole Alice was falling very slowly, and she had time to think and to look around herShe could see nothing below her because it was so darkBut when she looked at the sides of the hole,she could see cupboards and books and pictures on the wallsShe had time to take things out of a cupboard,look at them,and then put them back in a cupboard lower down这个兔子洞很奇怪。爱丽丝往下掉得很慢,来得及看看四周。下面很暗,她什么也看不清。但她看到洞壁上有小柜子、书和画儿。她有时间从柜子里拿点东西,看上一眼,再放到下面的柜子里。Well!thought AliceAfter a fall like this,I can fall anywhere!I can fall downstairs at home,and I wont cry or say a word about it!“嗯,”爱丽丝想。“跌了这一下子,我到哪儿也不会怕跌倒了!以后在家里跌下楼梯,我不会哭也不会说什么。”Down,down,downHow far have I fallen now?Alice said aloud to herselfPerhaps Im near the centre of the earthLet me thinkThats four thousand miles down (Alice was very good at her school lessons and could remember a lot of things like this)往下掉呀,掉呀,掉呀。爱丽丝自言自语:“现在我掉下来了多深?也许我快到地球中心了。让我想想那是地下4000公里。”(爱丽丝功课不错,能记住好多这样的事。)Down,down,downWould she ever stop falling?Alice was very nearly asleep when,suddenly,she was sitting on the groundQuickly,she jumped to her feet and looked aroundShe could see the White Rabbit,who was hurrying away and still talking to himselfOh my ears and whiskers!he was sayingHow late its getting!掉呀,掉呀,掉呀。什么时候才能停下来呢?爱丽丝都快睡着了,突然,她一下坐到了地上。她很快跳了起来,看了看周围。她看见白兔正急匆匆走开,还在自言自语:“噢,我的耳朵和胡子!现在太晚了!”Alice ran after him like the windShe was getting very near him when he suddenly turned a cornerAlice ran round the corner too,and then stoppedShe was now in a long,dark room with doors all round the walls,and she could not see the White Rabbit anywhere 爱丽丝跟在他后面像风一样跑起来。她就快追上他了,兔子突然转了个弯。爱丽丝也转过弯,然后停了下来。这是一个狭长的房间,很暗,墙四周都是门。她看不清白兔在哪儿。She tried to open the doors,but they were all lockedHow will I ever get out again?she thought sadlyThen she saw a little glass table with three legs,and on the top of it was a very small gold keyAlice quickly took the key and tried it in all the doors,but oh dear!Either the locks were too big,or the key was too small,but she could not open any of the doors她试着推开门,可门都锁着。“我怎么才能再出去呢?”她想,伤心极了。接着她看见一张三条腿的小玻璃桌,上面放了一把很小的金钥匙。爱丽丝马上拿起钥匙,试了试所有的门,可是天哪!锁都太大了,而钥匙大小了,她一个门也打不开。Then she saw another door,a door that was only forty centimetres highThe little gold key unlocked this door easily, but of course Alice could not get through itshe was much too bigSo she lay on the floor and looked through the open door,into a beautiful garden with green trees and bright flowers这时,她看见另有一个门,只有40厘米高。小金钥匙轻而易举就打开了门,可爱丽丝过不去她太大了。她趴在地板上看过去,门外是一个美丽的花园,里面长着绿树和鲜艳的花儿。Poor Alice was very unhappyWhat a wonderful garden! she said to herselfId like to be out therenot in this dark roomWhy cant I get smaller?It was already a very strange day,and Alice was beginning to think that anything was possible可怜的爱丽丝难过极了。“多漂亮的花园呀!”她想。“我要出去不想呆在这个黑屋子里。可我怎么才能变得小一点呢?”今天真是奇怪的一天,爱丽丝开始琢磨什么事都可能发生。After a while she locked the door again,got up and went back to the glass tableShe put the key down and then she saw a little bottle on the table(Im sure it wasnt here before,said Alice)Round the neck of the bottle was a piece of paper with the words DRINK ME in large letters过了一会她锁上门,站起来回到玻璃桌那儿。她放下钥匙,然后看见桌上有个小瓶子(“我敢肯定刚才它不在这儿,”爱丽丝说)。瓶颈上有一张纸,上面写着大大的两个字“喝我”。But Alice was a careful girlIt can be dangerous to drink out of strange bottles,she saidWhat will it do to me?She drank a little bit very slowlyThe taste was very nice,like chocolate and oranges and hot sweet coffee,and very soon Alice finished the bottle但爱丽丝是个细心谨慎的女孩。“喝奇怪的瓶子里的东西会很危险,”她说。“喝了我会怎么样呢?”她慢慢喝了一点点。味道不错,有点儿像巧克力、桔汁和热的甜咖啡。爱丽丝很快把一瓶都喝了。* * *What a strange feeling!said AliceI think Im getting smaller and smaller every second“感觉真奇怪!”爱丽丝说。“我想每秒钟我都在越变越校”And she wasA few minutes later she was only twenty-five centimetres highAnd now,she said happily,I can get through the little door into that beautiful garden她是在变校几分钟后她只有25厘米高了。“现在,”她高兴地说,“我能穿过那扇小门去花园里了。”She ran at once to the doorWhen she got there,she remembered that the little gold key was back on the glass tableShe ran back to the table for it,but of course,she was now much too small!There was the key,high above her,on top of the tableShe tried very hard to climb up the table leg,but she could not do it她立刻跑到门那儿。到了那儿她想起来那把小金钥匙还在那个玻璃桌上。她跑回去拿,可是,她现在太小了!钥匙放得很高,在桌子上呢。她想爬上桌子腿,但爬不上去。At last,tired and unhappy,Alice sat down on the floor and criedBut after a while she spoke to herself angrily最后,爱丽丝又累又伤心,坐在地板上哭了起来。哭了一会儿她生气地对自己说了起来。Come now,she saidStop crying at onceWhats the use of crying?She was a strange child,and often talked to herself like this“噢,现在,”她说。“快别哭了。哭有什么用呢?”她是个挺怪的孩子,总是这样对自己说话。Soon she saw a little glass box near her on the floorShe opened it,and found a very small cake with the words EAT ME on it很快,她看见自己身边的地板上有一个小盒子。她打开后发现里面有一小块蛋糕,上面写着“吃我”。Nothing could surprise Alice nowWell,Ill eat it,she saidIf I get taller,I can take the key off the tableAnd if I get smaller,I can get under the doorOne way or another,Ill get into the gardenSo it doesnt matter what happens!现在没什么能让爱丽丝奇怪的了。“好,吃就吃,”她说。“如果我长高了,就能从桌子上拿钥匙了。如果我变小点就能穿过门了。不管怎样,我得去花园里。发生什么都不要紧!”She ate a bit of the cake,and then put her hand on top of her headWhich way?Which way?she asked herself,a little afraidNothing happenedThis was not really surprisingPeople dont usually get taller or shorter when they eat cakeBut a lot of strange things were happening to Alice todayIt will be very boring,she said,if nothing happens她吃了点蛋糕,然后把手放在头顶。“是变大了还是变小了?”她问自己,心里有点害怕。什么也没发生。这一点也不奇怪。一般来说,人们吃点蛋糕并不见得就长高或变矮。但今天,爱丽丝身上发生了许多奇怪的事。“如果什么都没发生,”她说,“那太没意思了。”So she went on eating,and very soon the cake was finished于是她接着吃,一会儿蛋糕就吃完了。2 The pool of tears2 泪水潭Curiouser and curiouser!said Alice(She was very surprised,and for a minute she forgot how to speak good English)“越奇越怪!”爱丽丝说。(她很奇怪,一会儿她就忘了怎么说好英语了。)I shall be as tall as a house in a minute,she saidShe tried to look down at her feet,and could only just see themGoodbye,feet!she calledWho will put on your shoes now?Oh dear!What nonsense Im talking!“只需要一分钟我就会长得像一所房子那么高,”她说。她试着看看自己的脚,刚刚能看到脚。“再见吧,脚!”她叫了起来。“现在谁能穿上你的鞋?噢天哪!我在胡说些什么呀!”Just then her head hit the ceiling of the roomShe was now about three metres highQuickly,she took the little gold key from the table and hurried to the garden door正在这时,她的头碰到了天花板上。她现在大约有3米高。她赶快从桌上拿了小金钥匙,跑到通往花园的门那儿。Poor Alice!She lay on the floor and looked into the garden with one eyeShe could not even put her head through the door可怜的爱丽丝!她趴在地板上,用一只眼睛往花园里瞧。她连头都塞不进门里。She began to cry again,and went on crying and cryingThe tears ran down her face,and soon there was a large pool of water all around her on the floorSuddenly she heard a voice, and she stopped crying to listen她又哭了起来,哭个不停。泪水从脸蛋儿滑落,很快在她周围的地板上积成一大潭水。突然,她听到一个声音,她止住哭声仔细听。“Oh,the Duchess,the Duchess!Shell be so angry!Im late,and shes waiting for meOh dear,oh dear!” “噢,公爵夫人,公爵夫人!她要气坏了!我迟到了,她在等我呢。噢天哪,天哪!”It was the white Rabbit againHe was hurrying down the long room,with some white gloves in one hand and a large fan in the other hand又是白兔,他正从那长房间那边走过来,一只手上拿了些手套,另一只手上拿了把大扇子。Alice was afraid,but she needed helpShe spoke in a quiet voiceOh,please,sir爱丽丝有点害怕,但她需要帮助。她轻声说:“嗯,先生,请”The Rabbit jumped wildly,dropped the gloves and the fan, and hurried away as fast as he could兔子猛地跳了起来,丢下手套和扇子,风一样地跑了。Alice picked up the fan and the glovesThe room was very hot,so she began to fan herself while she talkedOh dear! How strange everything is today!Did I change in the night? Am I a different person today?But if Im a different person, then the next question iswho am I?Ah,thats the mystery爱丽丝拣起扇于和手套。房间里很热,于是她一边自言自语一边扇着扇子。“噢我的天!今天的每一件事都多么奇怪!晚上我是不是变了呢?今天我是另外一个人了吗?但如果我变了个人,那下一个问题是我倒底是谁?啊,真是个谜。”She began to feel very unhappy again,but then she looked down at her handShe was wearing one of the Rabbits white glovesHow did I get it on my hand?she thoughtOh,Im getting smaller again!She looked round the roomIm al- ready less than a metre highAnd getting smaller every second!How can I stop it?She saw the fan in her other hand, and quickly dropped it她又伤心起来,然后她看看自己的手。她正戴着兔子的一只手套。“我怎么戴上这手套的呢?”她想。“噢,我现在又变小了!”她四下看看。“我已经不到一米高。每秒钟都在变小!我怎么才能不变小了呢?”她看到另一只手里的扇子,赶快扔了。She was now very,very smalland the little garden door was locked again,and the little gold key was lying on the glass table她现在很小很小了可通往花园的小门又锁上了,而小金钥匙还在玻璃桌上。“Things are worse than ever,”thought poor AliceShe turned away from the door,and fell into salt water,right up to her neckAt first she thought it was the sea,but then she saw it was the pool of tearsHer tearsCrying makes a lot of tears when you are three metres tall“没有比这些更糟糕的事了,”可怜的爱丽丝想。她从门边走开,又掉进了咸水里,水没到脖子。一开始,她以为是海,但马上明白了,这是泪水潭,她的眼泪。当你3米高的时候,哭一下会流很多眼泪的。Oh,why did I cry so much?said AliceShe swam around and looked for a way out,but the pool was very bigJust then she saw an animal in the water near herIt looked like a large animal to Alice,but it was only a mouse “噢,我为什么总哭?”爱丽丝说。她游了起来,想找一条路,但水潭很大。正在这时她看到附近的水里有个动物。爱丽丝看着觉得像很大的动物,但它只是一只耗子。Shall I speak to it?thought AliceEverythings very strange down here,so perhaps a mouse can talk“我要和她说说吗?”爱丽丝想。“这儿每件事都很奇怪,所以耗子也许会说话。”So she began:Oh Mouse,do you know the way out of this pool?I am very tired of swimming,oh Mouse!(Alice did not know if this was the right way to speak to a mouseBut she wanted to be polite)于是她开口了:“喂,耗子,你知道出这水潭的路吗?我游得很累了,噢耗子!”(爱丽丝不知道这样和耗子说话对不对。但她想礼貌些。)The mouse looked at her with its little eyes,but it said nothing耗子用小眼睛瞅瞅她,但什么也没说。Perhaps it doesnt understand English,thought AlicePerhaps its a French mouseSo she began again,and said in French:Where is my cat?(This was the first sentence in her French lesson-book)“也许它不懂英语,”爱丽丝想。“可能它是只法国耗子。”她又开口了,这次是用法语:“我的猫儿在哪?”(这是她的法语课本上的第一句话。)The mouse jumped half out of the water and looked at her angrily耗子从水里一下蹦出来半个身子,愤怒地看着她。Oh,Im so sorry!cried Alice quicklyOf course,you dont like cats,do you?“哎呀,对不起!”爱丽丝马上说。“当然,你不喜欢猫,是吗?”Like cats?cried the mouse in a high,angry voiceDoes any mouse like cats?“喜欢猫?”耗子愤怒地高声叫道。“有喜欢猫的耗子吗?”Well,perhaps not,Alice began kindly“嗯,也许没有,”爱丽丝开始友好些了。But the mouse was now swimming quickly away,and soon Alice was alone againAt last she found her way out of the pool and sat down on the groundShe felt very lonely and unhappyBut after a while the White Rabbit came past again, looking for his white gloves and his fan但耗子还是迅速游走了,又剩下爱丽丝一个人。她终于游出了水潭,坐在地上。她觉得又孤独又难过。过了一会儿,白兔又经过这儿,他正在找他的白手套和扇子。The Duchess!The Duchess!Oh my ears and whiskers!Shell cut my head off,I know she will!Oh,where did I drop my gloves?Then he saw AliceWhy,Mary Ann, what are you doing here?Run home at once,and bring me some gloves and a fanQuick,now!“公爵夫人!公爵夫人!噢我的耳朵和胡子!她会砍了我的头,我知道她会的!噢,我到底把我的手套掉在哪儿了?”他看见了爱丽丝。“玛丽安,你在这儿干什么?赶快回家,给我带把扇子和一些手套。快点,现在就去!”Alice hurried awayBut where is his house?she thought while she ranStrangely,she was no longer in the long room with the little door,but outside in a woodShe ran and ran but could not see a house anywhere,so she sat down under a flower to rest爱丽丝赶快跑。“可他的房子在哪儿?”她一边跑一边想。奇怪的是,她不再是在那间有小门的狭长房间里了,而是在一片树林里。她跑呀,跑呀,可在哪儿也没看见有房子,所以她坐在一朵花儿下休息休息。3Conversation with a caterpillar3 和毛虫的谈话Now,Alice said to herselfFirst,I must get a little bigger,and second,I must find my way into that beautiful gardenI think that will be the best planBut oh dear!How shall I get bigger?Perhaps I must eat or drink something,but the question is,what?“现在,”爱丽丝想。“第一,我得变大一点,第二,我必须想办法进到那个美丽的花园里。我想,这是最好的计划。但天哪!我怎么才能变大呢?也许我得吃点什么或喝点什么,但问题是,什么呢?”Alice looked all around her at the flowers and the trees,but she could not see anything to eatThen she saw a large mush- room near herIt was as tall as she wasShe walked across to look at it,and there,on top of the mushroom,was a large caterpillar,smoking a pipeAfter a while,the Caterpillar took the pipe out of its mouth and said to Alice in a slow,sleepy voice,Who are you?爱丽丝看看周围的花和树,但她看不见有什么东西可吃。这时,她看见附近有一个大蘑菇,和她一样高。她走过去看了看,在那儿,在蘑菇顶上有一只大毛虫,正在吸烟斗呢。过了一会儿,毛虫从嘴里取出烟斗,慢慢地、困倦地对爱丽丝开口了,“你是谁?”I dont really know,sir,said AliceI know who I was when I got up this morning,but I have changed so often since thenI think I am a different person now“先生,我确实也不知道,”爱丽丝说。今天早上我起床的时候还知道自己是谁,但那之后我变了那么多次。我想现在自己是个不同的人了。”What do you mean by that?said the CaterpillarExplain yourself!“你这么说是什么意思?”毛虫问。“解释一下!”I cant explain myself,sir,said Alice,because Im not myself,you know“我没法解释自己,先生,”爱丽丝说,“因为你知道吗,我现在不是自己了。”I dont know,said the Caterpillar “我不懂,”毛虫说。Its difficult to describe,Alice replied politelyOne minute Im very small,the next minute Im as tall as a house,then Im small againUsually,I stay the same all day,and changing so often feels very strange to me“这很难解释,”爱丽丝礼貌地回答。“这一分钟我还很小,下一分钟我就和房子一样高了,然后我又变小了。通常,我一整天都没什么变化,这样频繁地变来变去真让我觉得奇怪。”You!said the Caterpillar,in a very unfriendly voiceWho are you?“你!”毛虫很不友好地说。“你是谁?”They were now back at the beginning of their conversation, which was not very helpfulAlice felt a little cross and decided to walk away现在他们又回到谈话的开头了,这于事无补。爱丽丝有点生气了,决定走开。Come back!the Caterpillar called after herIve something important to say“回来!”毛虫在她后面嚷嚷。“我有重要的事要说。”This sounded better,so Alice turned back 这听起来还差不多,爱丽丝转回来。Never get angry,said the Caterpillar “任何时候都别生气,”毛虫说。Is that all?said Alice,trying not to be angry“就这些吗?”爱丽丝说,努力让自己别发火。No,said the CaterpillarFor some minutes it smoked its pipe and did not speak,but at last it took the pipe out of its mouth,and said,So youve changed,have you?How tall do you want to be?“不,”毛虫说。它吸着烟斗,好一会儿都没开口,最后把烟斗从嘴里抽出来,说道,“你已经变过了,对吗?你想长多高?”I would like to be a little larger,sir,please,said AliceEight centimetres is really very small“我很想长高一点,”爱丽丝说。“80厘米实在太矮了。”For a while the Caterpillar smoked its pipeThen it shook itself,got down off the mushroom,and moved slowly away into the grassIt did not look back at Alice,but said,One side will make you taller,and the other side will make you shorter毛虫吸了一会儿烟斗。然后它晃晃身子,从蘑菇上下来,慢慢地爬到草丛里。它没有回头看看爱丽丝只是说,“一边可以让你长高,另一边可以让你变矮。”One side of what?thought Alice to herself“什么的一边?”爱丽丝心里想。She did not say this aloud,but the Caterpillar said, mushroomThen it moved away into the wood她并没说出声来,可毛虫说,“蘑菇的。”然后它进了森林。Alice looked at the mushroom carefully,but it was round, and did not have sidesAt last she broke off a piece in each hand from opposite sides of the mushroomShe ate some of the piece in her left hand,and waited to see what would happen 爱丽丝仔细看了看蘑菇,蘑菇是圆的,没有两边。最后,她从蘑菇正相对的两边一手掰下一片。她吃了点左手里的那片,然后等着看看会发生什么。A minute later her head was as high as the tallest tree in the wood,and she was looking at a sea of green leavesThen a bird appeared and began to fly around her head,screaming, Egg thief!Egg thief!Go away!一分钟后,她的头和森林里最高的树一样高,她看着那一片绿叶的海洋。这时,有只小鸟出现了并绕着她的头飞,尖叫着:“偷蛋的贼,偷蛋的贼,滚开!”Im not an egg thief,said Alice“我不是偷蛋的贼,”爱丽丝说。Oh no?said the bird angrilyBut you eat eggs,dont you?“不是?”小鸟生气地说。“但你吃蛋,对不对?”Well,yes,I do,but I dont steal them,explained Alice quicklyWe have them for breakfast,you know“对,我吃蛋,但我不偷蛋,”爱丽丝赶忙解释。“你知道,我们早饭吃蛋。”Then how do you get them,if you dont steal them? screamed the bird“那么,如果不是偷,你们怎么弄到蛋的?”This was a difficult question to answer,so Alice brought up her right hand through the leaves and ate a little from the other piece of mushroomShe began to get smaller at once and, very carefully,she ate first from one hand,then from the other,until she was about twenty-five centimetres high这个问题很难回答,爱丽丝把右手从树叶间抽出来,吃了点那片蘑菇。她马上开始变小了,然后,她小心翼翼地吃点这片,吃点那片,直到她有25厘米那么高。Thats better,she said to herselfAnd now I must find that gardenShe began to walk through the wood,and after a while she came to a little house“这还差不多,”她对自己说。“现在我得找到那个花园。”她走进树林,过了一会儿到了一所小房子面前。4 The Cheshire Cat4 切舍猫There was a boy outside the door,with a large letter in his hand(He was dressed like a boy,but his face was very like a fish,Alice thought)The Fish-Boy knocked at the door,and a second later a large plate came flying out of an open window门外站着一个男孩,手里拿着好大的一封信。(他穿得像个男孩,爱丽丝觉得他的脸却很像一条鱼。)鱼孩敲了一下门,眨眼功夫一个大盘子从一扇打开的窗户飞了出来。A letter for the Duchess,the Fish-Boy shoutedHe pushed the letter under the door and went away“有封给公爵夫人的信,”鱼孩大喊道。他把信从门下塞了进去,然后走开了。Alice went up to the door and knocked,but there was a lot of noise inside and nobody answeredSo she opened the door and walked in爱丽丝走上前去敲了敲门,里面一片嘈杂声,却无人应门。于是她打开门,走了进去。She found herself in a kitchen,which was full of smokeThere was a very angry cook by the fire,and in the middle of the room sat the Duchess,holding a screaming babyEvery few minutes a plate crashed to the floorThere was also a large cat,which was sitting on a chair and grinning from ear to ear她发现自己在一个小厨房里,厨房里尽是烟。火边有一个厨师,气哼哼地;在房间中央坐着公爵夫人,抱着一个正尖声大叫的婴儿。每隔几分钟就有一个盘子摔到地上。椅子上坐着一只很大的猫,正咧着大嘴笑呢。Please,Alice said politely to the Duchess,why does your cat grin like that?“请问,”爱丽丝客客气气地对公爵夫人说,“你的猫为什么那样咧着嘴笑?”Its a Cheshire Cat,said the DuchessThats why“这是一只切舍猫,”公爵夫人说,“这就是原因。”I didnt know that cats could grin,said Alice“我不知道猫会咧着嘴笑,”爱丽丝说。Well,you dont know much,said the DuchessAnother plate crashed to the floor and Alice jumpedHere!the Duchess went onYou can hold the baby for a bit,if you likeThe Queen has invited me to play croquet,and I must go and get readyShe pushed the baby into Alices arms and hurried out of the room“你不知道的事多着呢,”公爵夫人说。又有一只盘子摔到地上,爱丽丝跳了起来。“来!”公爵夫人接着说:“要是你愿意,这个孩子给你抱一会儿吧。王后请我打槌球,现在我得去准备一下。”她把孩子塞到爱丽丝的怀里,急匆匆地走出去了。Oh,the poor little thing!said Alice,looking at the baby, which had a very strange faceShe took it outside into the wood and walked around under the treesThen the baby began to make strange noises,and Alice looked into its face againIts eyes were really very small for a baby,and its nose now looked very like the nose of a pig“噢,可怜的小东西!”爱丽丝说。她看了看孩子的脸,真是张很奇怪的脸。她带着它出了门,在树林里转了转。它开始发出一种奇怪的声音,爱丽丝又看看它的脸。眼睛很小,不像婴孩的眼睛,鼻子看起来像猪鼻子。Dont make noises like that,my dear,said AliceIts not politeYoure beginning to sound like a pig“亲爱的,别那样出声,”爱丽丝说。“这很不礼貌,听起来会像头猪一样。”But a few minutes later,there was n


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