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_小学英语六年级下册堂堂清训练题Unit 1 How Tall Are You?Period 1一、 Read and change.写出下列形容词的比较级形式.tall-_ short-_ young- _old-_ strong-_二、 Read and make sentences. 连词成句.1、 shorter , you , me , than , are (.)_2、 are, how , tall , you(?)_3、 how, are, you, old(?)_三、Read and choose . 选词填空.1. You are _(strong/stronger)than your brother.2. A dog is _(shorter/stronger)than a giraffe.3.The man is _(younger/older)than the boy.4. Im 145cm _(taller/tall).5.Tom is _(tall/taller)than Mike.Period 2一、 Read and fill.读句子,填上所缺的单词。1、Im 12 years old. You are 13.Im_than you.2、Im 160cm tall. You are 164cm.You are _than me.3、Im taller than you, so you are _than me.4、You are 163cm tall. Im 161cm.Youre_taller than me.5、You are 10years old . Im 12 .Im _years older than you. 二、Survey your classmates and make a report.调查你的同学并作汇报。NameAgeHeightis than.Period 3一、 Read and choose。读一读,选择最佳答案。1、 The monkey has a _ tail.A. longer B. tall C. long2、The brown monkey is _than the yellow one. A.strong B.stronger C.funny3、My ruler is_than your ruler. A.short B.taller C.longer二、英汉互译1、黄色的猴子比棕色的猴子更高。2、 小猴子更滑稽。3、 How long is its tail?4、 Which monkey is stronger?5、 I think the little monkey is only 40cm tall. Period 4一、写出下列形容词的比较级tall-_strong-_short-_old-_big-_small-_thin-_long-_heavy-_ young-_二、填空1.Im 145 cm _.2.Im 43 kg. youre 40kg.Im_than you.3.The watermelon is _than the orange.4.Chen Jies hair is_than Mikes hair.5.The rabbits tail is_than the monkeys.三、连词成句。1.my , longer , pencil , is , than , yours(.)_2. hands , are ,bigger ,yours ,than ,my(.)_Period 5一、根据答句写问句1._Im 155 cm.2._Im 13 years old.3._Im 46 kg.4._I wear size17.5._My hair is 30 cm long.二、读短文判断正误Ann and Amy are sisters.Ann is 13.She is 2 years younger than Amy.But Shes taller than Amy.Amy is 45 kg.Shes 2 kg heavier than Ann.Amy likes sports.She does sports every day.So shes stronger than Ann.Amy has short hair,but Ann has long hair. They often wear the same size shoes.They wear size 36.They love each other.( )1.Amy is11 years old.( )2.Amy is taller than Ann.( )3.Ann is 47 kg.( )4.Amy is stronger than Ann. ( )5.Anns hair is shorter than Amys.Period 6一、看图表回答问题NameAge Height Weight Yao Ming31226 cm125 kgLiu Xiang28188 cm74 kgZhou Jielun32175 cm60 kg1. How tall is Yao Ming?_.2. How heavy is Zhou Jielun?_.3. Is Liu Xiang heavier than Yao Ming?_.4. Is Yao Ming younger than Zhou Jielun?_.5. Who is taller than Liu Xiang?_.Unit2 Whats the Matter, Mike? Period 1一、背写短语1.发烧( )2. 牙痛( ) 3.感冒( ) 4.喉咙痛( )5.头痛( ) 6. 受伤( )二、根据图片,找出正确选项( )1.A. She has a fever. B. She has a cold. ( )2.A.She has a toothache. B.She has a sore throat . ( )3.A.I have a stomachache. B.I have a headache. ( )4.A.My finger hurts. B.My leg hurts. Period 2一、 连词成句 1. the ,matter ,whats(?)_2. sore ,my ,throat , is (.)_3. have ,a ,fever ,I(.)_4.you , how ,do .feel(?)_二选择恰当的答语 ( )1.Nice to meet you. A.Im sorry to hear that.( )2.How do you feel? B.I have a high fever.( )3.Where is the hospital? C.Nice to meet you too.( )4.Whats the matter? D.Im very happy.( )5.I have a flu. E.Its next to the cinema.Period 3一、根据对话内容将正确的答案的序号填在横线上。A:_ 1_,young man.A.I feel sickB.dink a lot of waterC.Good morningD.Bye-byeE.I have a headacheB:Good morning,doctor. A:How do you feel?B 2 .A:Whats the matter?B: 3 .A:Oh.you might have a cold.Please 4 .B:Thank you doctor.Bye.A: 5 .二、 阅读短文,判断对错。(10分)Its winter.Many people feel sick.Look at Zoom and his mother.Theyre in the hospital.Doctor:Good morning,Zoom.How are you?Zoom:I feel sick.Doctor:Oh,Im sorry to hear that.Whats the matter?Zoom:I think I have a flu.Doctor:Have you got a headache?Zoom:No,I havent.Doctor:Have you got a sore throat.Zoom:No,I havent.Doctor:Does your nose hurt?Zoom:No.Doctor:Oh,I know.Do you like football games?Zoom:Yes,I do. Very much.Doctor:I see.There is a football match this afternoon.And you ll be fine after it.Mother:Oh,thanks.1.Many people feel sick in the winter. ( )2.Zoom got a headache. ( )3.Zoom hasnt got a sore throat. ( ) 4.Zoom likes football games very much. ( )5.Zoom doesnt want to watch football match. ( ) Period 4一、看图片,写单词 ( ) ( ) ( )( )二、填空1.A:_does Chen Jie _?B:She is tired.2. A:_Jim_?B:Yes ,he is angry.3. A:_ do you_?B:I feel sick. 三选择1. Chen Jie_very sad. Whats the matter _her?A. looks,with B. look, with C. looks,to2._does John feel? He,s angry.A. What B. How C.where3.Sarah_a headache.A.have B. has C.take Period 5一、用所给出的句子把对话补充完整,把序号填在横线上。A:Hi,John._.B:Its sunny and warm.A:You look happy._B:I feel excited.A:_B:I am going to play football this afternoon._A:Sorry.I feel sick. B:_A My leg hurts.I must stay at home.B:Im sorry to hear that.Have a good rest.A Thank you.A.Where are you going this afternoon?B.Can you go with me?C.Whats the matter?D.Whats the weather like today?E.How do you feel? Period 6一、英汉互译1.have a cold_ 2.take some medicine _3.laugh at _ 4.牙痛_5.头痛_6.喉咙痛_二、根据短文内容补全句子 Hello,Im12 years old. Im from the USA. I have a twin brother. He is Tim.He likes sports very much. He is not happy today. Because his leg hurts.He cant have P.E. class. He cant play football with his classmates. Football is his favorite sport. He has to stay in the classroom. The doctor said he can have the P.E. class next week.1. Tim is_years old.2. Tim is not_today because his leg hurts.3. _is Tims favorite sports.4. Tom is Tims twin _.5. Tim can have P.E. class next _. Unit3 Last WeekendPeriod1一、将下列动词变成过去式形式1.watch_2.clean_3.wash_4.do_5.play_6.visit_二、看图连线 Liu Yun visited her grandparents last Monday. Chen Jie cleaned the room last weekend. Mike played football yesterday. Zhang Peng watched TV yesterday evening. Chen Jie washed clothes last Sunday.Period 2一、 选择1.I washed clothes_.A. next day B. tomorrow C. last weekend.2.What_ you do yesterday?A. do B. did C. are 3._ you_them clean their room last weekend?A. Were ,help B. Do ,helped C. Did ,help4.-Did you visited your grandparents?-Yes,_.A. I did B.I didnt C.I do二、读答句,写出问题1.-_-I played football last weekend.2.-_-Yes,I did.I played football yesterday.3.-_ -I washed clothes yesterday.4-_-Yes,I did.I watched TV yesterday evening.Period 3一、 连词成句1. did, what ,you ,last, do, weekend ?_2.visited, he, grandmother, his, morning,Saturday._3.watch, yesterday, did, Amy,TV?_4.in ,he, the, washed, afternoon, his clothes._二、完形填空Mike was busy last weekend. He_(visit)his uncle Saturday morning. It was his uncles birthday. They_(cook) meals together. In the evening, they _(watch)TV . Sunday morning, he_(play)chess with John . In the afternoon, he_ (do)his homework.Period 4一、看图填空1.Sarah_yesterday afternoon.2.Liu Yun _with her parents last Sunday.3.Zhang Peng_last weekend.4.John_yesterday.5.Amy_with her friend last Saturday.二、读文判断Last Sunday was a sunny day.I cleaned my room in the morning.I went to a park in the afternoon.And read books in the evening.Amy is my good friend.She watched TV in the morning. She went hiking with her sister in the afternoon. It was a good day for us.( )1. I cleaned my room in the afternoon.( )2. Amy is my sister.( )3. I read books in the evening.( )4. Amy went to a park in the afternoon.( )5. Amy watched TV in the evening.Period 5一、补全对话,每空一词A:_ _ _ _yesterday?B:I went hiking,What about you?A:I_fishing.B:_you read a book?A:Yes ,I did.B:Did you clean your room?A:_,I didnt.And you?B:Yes,I _my room.二、连词成句1.didnt, no, I(.)_2.Mike, did, what, do, last, weekend(?)_3.went, read, and, books, John, swimming(.)_4.Amy, hiking, yesterday, went,(.)_Period 6一、根据表格内容回答问题went to a zooAliceyesterdaywent hikingZhang Pengyesterdayread a bookTomyesterdaywent swimmingAnnyesterdayplayed footballJohnyesterdaywent fishingSarahyesterday1. What did Alice do yesterday?_2. Did Zhang Peng go hiking yesterday?_3. Did Tom play football yesterday?_4. What did Ann do yesterday?_5. What did John do yesterday?_6. Did Sarah go fishing yesterday?_Unit4 My HolidayPeriod 1一 用所给词的适当形式填空。1、 John _(climb)a mountain last year.2、 We _(eat)good food on our holiday.3、 I_( sing) and_(dance)with my new friend last weekend.4、 Amy and Chen Jie _(learn)Chinese last Monday.5、 My father_(take)pictures on his holiday.二 读一读,连短语,连出正确的汉语意思1. ate *pictures A.爬山2. climbed *with friends B.学习英语3. took *English C.拍照片4. sang and danced *fishing D.吃好吃的食物5. learned *good food E.和朋友们唱歌、跳舞6. went *a mountain F.去钓鱼Period 2一、用所给出的句子把对话补充完整,把序号填在横线上A:Where did you go on your holiday? B:_A:How did you go there?B:_A:_B:We took pictures and ate good food there.A:_B:Yes,we did._A. What did you do?B. We went to Beijing on our holiday.C. Did you have a good time?D. We went by plane.E. We had a lot of fun. 二、连词成句1.did , what , you,there ,do(?)_2.sang , I , and , danced , friends ,with , my ,new(.)_3.Beijing , we, to , went , on , our , holiday(.)_4.you , go ,where , did ,on ,holiday ,your(?)_5.had , we , a lot of, on , fun , our , holiday(.)_Period 3一、 用所给单词填空danced ate climbed went tookDear dad,How are you? I had fun with my cousins. On Monday we_ to a restaurant .We _ good food. On Tuesday we went to a park.We sang and_.On Wednesday we played football. On Thursday we_a mountain. We_ many pictures. Tomorrow Ill be back home! Miss you and mum. Love, Mike二、看表格回答问题Period 4一 写出动词的过去式形式take _dance_sing_ buy_row_see_go_ get_learn_ do_eat_ climb_二用所给图片编写句子1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Period 5一、读一读,找到相应的答语( )1.Where did you go on your holiday? A. Last Saturday.( )2.How did you go there? B. Beijing. ( ) 3.When was your last trip? C. By bus. ( ) 4.Did you have a good time? D. Sang and danced.( ) 5.What did you do on your holiday? E. Yes ,I did.二、用所给的句子把对话补充完整,把序号填在横线上。A:Hello, Mike._B:I went to Dalian on my holiday.A:_B:It was warm.A:_B:I went there by plane.A:_B:I rowed a boat and went swimming.A:Did you eat any good food?B:_ I like the food there.A. How did you go there?B. Where did you go on your holiday?C. Yes ,I did.D. What did you do there?E. What was the weather like?Period 6一、 小小翻译家1. We left Beijing on February 1st._2. We bought presents for my friends._3. We got back to Beijing by plane on the 7th._4. We relaxed and prepared to go back to work or school._二、 用所给单词填空went last did got bought It was a long holiday. We went Shanghai on January 1st and _to Jilin on the 2nd .On the first day, I went to a park with my father and my mother. On the 3rd ,I _skiing. On the 4th ,I _ my homework. On the 5th ,I went ice-skating. On the 6th ,I _presents for my friends. On the 7th ,we got back by plane. For the _ day of the holiday, we relaxed.THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改-

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