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_Unit 1 of Book 1 Good morning!Teaching contents1. Topic: Meeting friends.2. Language goal: Greet people.3. Structures:a) Letters A-Hb) Pronunciation of letters A,E4. Target language:a) Good morning/afternoon/evening.b)Hi,Cindy!How are you?c) Im fine,thanks.d) Hello,Frank!5. Vocabulary:New words:Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hhhi hello good morning afternoon evening fine OK thanksPhrases:Good morning/afternoon/evening. How are you?Thanks.=Thank you. Im=I amTeaching aims1. Knowledge objects :a) Structures b) Target language c) New words and expressions d) The conversation2. Ability objects :Get the students be able to greet people each other.3. Moral objects :Make the students be interested in English.Learning strategies1.Listening for key words 2.Using what you knowConscious of the Culture Make the students to know how to greet people in everyday life.Teaching keys1.Greet people 2. Target language3. New words and expressions 4. Letters A-H Teaching difficulties1. Pronunciation of letters A,E2. How to greet people Activity planned1. Pairwork 2. Groupwork 3. Role play 4.ListeningTeaching aids1. Cards 2. tape-recorder Teaching time 4 periods(section A + section B + Selfcheck)The 1st periodNotes:Teaching contents1. New words 2. LettersA-H3. Section A, 1a-2dTeaching aims1. Master the new words and expressions2.Master the pronunciation of lettersA-H and writing3. Be able to read English names.Keys and difficulties1. New words and target language2.LettersA-H3. Pronunciation of English namesTeaching aids1. tape-recorder2. CardsTeaching strategies1. Listening2. Speaking 3. WritingLearning activities1. Pairwork2. Class work3 Listeing and writingTeaching procedureStep 1:Introduction Begin by greeting the class with a smile and good morning! Now,introduce the words “teacher” and “class”by using gesturesHave the class repeat after you several times Students Can answer as a whole groupAs rows and as individualsRepeat “I am your teacher and you are the class” several times Now,introduce the class to the instructions: please sit down and please stand up by using actions and gesturesThey can practice this several timesStep 2:Leadin You may leave the class again to introduce the usual Good morning routineSay Good morning ,classHelp students respond with Good morningPoint to yourself and say Im MissMrHave them repeatExplain the terms Miss and Mrin Chinese Repeat this a few times with rows and individuals or try a “back-chain” drill: Miss,Mr (Ss repeat) Morning,MissM r (Ss repeat) Good morning,Miss,Mr (Ss repeat)Step 3:Practice Say:Stand up,please! (Ss stand up) Leave the classroom,return and say Good morning,class! Help the students respond with Good morning,MissMr.Say: Sit down,pleaseNow lets start the lessonStep 4:Presentation and activity Now point to yourself and say My name is MissMr. I am your teacher Find a student you know and say your name isThen ask: What is your name? Help them respond with My name is . When the student answers, respond with HelloNice to meet you! Repeat this activity several times,first with students you know and then with othersHelp them to respond with Nice to meet you,tooExplain the Word “too in ChineseStep 5:Practice Get the students to practice the dialogue in pairs S1:Good morning S2:Good morningIm Whats your name? Sl:My name is Nice to meet you! S2:Nice to meet youtoo Call out several pairs of students to give their performancePraise their efforts as much as possibleHelp the slower students with patienceStep 6:Presentation Do activity 1a:Look at the pictureFind the small letters for these big letters First present letters a-h,and get the students to repeat these lettersCall the students to attention the letter Csi:notsei:H /eI/ not /e/ Step 7:Listening and writing Get the students to listen to the tape and finish the task list on the bookMake sure all the students know what they should do Have the students watch the teacher writing the letters on the blackboard, then ask them to follow the teacher and write down these letters on their exercisebooksLet the students know the diffences between the big letters and the small letters Step 8:Games time Let the students do some letters games to enjoy your lesson,the following is the instruction 抢读字母游戏:教师将全班分成若干小组,然后逐个出示字母卡片,学生们举手抢答。教师让最先举手的学生读出该字母,读对的给该组记lO分,得分最多的组为优胜组。Step 9: Homework Copy the conversation and letters. (Do entering famous school)Step 6:Presentation Do activity 1a:Look at the pictureListen and repeat. Then present lettersA-H,and get the students to repeat these lettersCall the students to attention the letter Csi:notsei:H /eI/ not /e/Step 7:Listening and writing Get the students to find the big letters for these small lettersMake sure all the students know what they should do Ask a student to read the letters in 2c,then listen and number the letters you hear (1-8).Check the answer. Have the students watch the teacher writing the letters on the blackboard, then ask them to follow the teacher and write down these letters on their exercisebooksLet the students know the diffences between the big letters and the small letters Step 8:Games time Let the students do some letters games to enjoy your lesson,the following is the instruction 抢读字母游戏:教师将全班分成若干小组,然后逐个出示字母卡片,学生们举手抢答。教师让最先举手的学生读出该字母,读对的给该组记一分,得分最多的组为优胜组。Step 9: Homework Copy the conversation and letters. Design of the blackboard writing:Unit 1 Good morning! Section Ateacher Good morning/afternoon/evening.class Stand up,please.Mr. Sit down,please.Miss hi Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh helloReflection: The 2nd periodNotes:Teaching contents1. New words in this unit2. Review the English names3. Section A, 3-4cTeaching aims1. Master the new words and expressions2. Master the use of if+willKeys and difficulties1. New words and target language2. if+willTeaching aids1. CAI2. PicturesTeaching strategies1. Cooperating2. Class workLearning activities1. Pairwork2. ListeningTeaching procedureStep 1:LeadinDo free talk:Greet students and ask them to greet each other. Play a role game. Ask students to collect information about their idols such as Bill Gates, Thomas Edison, Jacky Cheng and so on and write their names down. Get them act as their idols and introduce themselves to their partners. The following is sample:T: Good morning, My name is Bill Gates.S: Good morning, Im Jacky Cheng.T: Nice to meet you, Jacky.S: Nice to meet you, too. Bill.Encourage the students to care what kind of English they can find in the street or in the other ways. Show the students some CDs and ask them if they know what it is. Repeat with the other things. And add some more things such as DVD and KFC. Train the students to care the things happening around them, such as: WC means toilet. OK means all right. Then get them to finish the exercise on book P2. Go on doing the above step to ask them to list more about the abbreviation. Step 2: Listening practice.1.Listen to the conversation and circle the names you hear.First ask a student to read these names,then listen and finish 4a.2. Ask three students to read the conversation .Then listen and number the pictures(1-3).Check the answer.3.Listen and repeat.Step 3:PairworkLet students work in pairs to practice the dialogue on 4bGet them to act it out after practicing. Make sure all the students know what to do. Let the students tryStep 4:Exercise. 一、写出下列字母左邻右舍1. _B_ 2. _c _ 3. _f_ 4. _ E_ 5. _g _二、写出下列大字字母的小写字母。1. BEE _ 2. BAG _ 3. BED _ 4. HB _ 5. CD _6. ABC _ 7. AD _ 8. CAAC _ 9. BEC _ 10. FACE _ 三、单项选择。( )1.Good morning ,Alice! _,Cindy! A.Hello B.Good morning ( ) 2.Hello,Li Ping!_! Good afternoon. Step 4:HomeworkCopy the letters and the new words and finish off the workbook. (Do entering famous school)A. Good morning B.Good afternoon C.Hello ( ) 3.”CD”的汉语意思_。 A.激光唱片 B.硬黑 C.喂 ( ) 4.英语字母表的第8个字母是_。 A.Ff B.Hh C.Ee ( ) 5.晚上见面应该说:“_”。 AGood morning. B.Good afternoon. C. Good evening.Step5:Homework: Copy the conversation on 4b.Pratice it with your parter after class.Reflection: The 3rd periodNotes:Teaching contents1. New words in this unit2. Target language3. Section B, 1-2bTeaching aims1. Master the new words and expressions2. Master the target languageKeys and difficulties1. New words and target language2.Speaking Teaching aids1. Tape -recorder2.CardsTeaching strategies1. Cooperating2. Class workLearning activities1. Pairwork2. Groupwork3. Listening and speakingTeaching procedureStep 1: Greet and check homework.Step 2: Lead-in1.Begin the class with singing the song of “Good morning” together. 2.Do free talk. Ask : Hi! Good morning, Tom. Or Morning, Dale. etc. Let the students get used to speaking English in class,even after class. Encourage the students to speak English as much as possibleSay out all the letters in English while you are pointing the letters or things in the classroomMake sure all the students know what you are saying and what it is in English.Step 3:Presentation.Teach the new sentences in 1 .Have Ss repeat.Then practice it with different students. Step 4:PairworkGet the students to practise the dialogueAsk the students to exchange the rolesLet them perform their dialogues.Step 5: Do 2a.Choose an English name for yourself.Write your name on a card.Move around to help them read their names. Step 6: Groupwork.Work in four students ,use your English names and greet each other.Move around to help them.Step 7:Homework Finish off the workbookDesign of the blackboard writing: Unit 1 Section Bhow A: How are you?are B: Im fine,thanks.How are you?(And you?)you A: Im OK./Im fine,too.Im=I am fine thanksReflection: The 4th periodNotes:Teaching contents1. New words in this unit2. Review target language3. SectionB,3a-SelfcheckTeaching aims1. Master the new words 2. Master the structuresKeys and difficulties1. New words and target language2.Pronunciation of A,ETeaching aids1.Tape-recorder2.CardsTeaching strategies1. Cooperating2. Class workLearning activities1. Pairwork2. Groupwork3. ListeningTeaching procedureStep 1:Revision.1. Review the letters A-H2. Greet Ss using target languageStep 2:Listen and draw lines between the letters you hear.Step 3:3b.Match the big letters with the small letters.Step 4: Listen and repeatList out the letter A on the blackboard.Then listen and repeat. Encourage the students to say out the differences of pronunciation of letters A,E.Have Ss repeat several times.Step 5:Sing the song.Step 6:Selfcheck.1. Key word check.2. Look at the faces.Put their names in the correct alphabetical order.3. Check the answer.Step 7:Play a game.Try to read the new words .Step 8:Homework:Exercise book of unit 1.Reflection: Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English?Teaching contents1. Topic: say and spell words in English.2. Language goal: learn to ask how to say and spell words in English,and the letters I-R.3. Structures:a) Whats this in English?b) letter I-R; items found around the house.4. Target language:a) Whats this in English? Its a key.b) Spell it, please. K-E-Y.c) letter I-R; items found around the house.5. Vocabulary:New words: what is whats=what is this in English it its=it is a an map orange jacket key quilt pen ruler NBA kg spell pleasePhrases:in English Teaching aims1. Knowledge objects :a) Structures b) Target language c) New words and expressions 2. Ability objects :Get the students be able to learn to ask how to say and spell words in English,and the letters I-R.3. Moral objects :Make the students love the English.Learning strategies1.Writing 2.practice speakingConscious of the Culture the letters I-R and the new words.Teaching keys1. Talking about the things. 2. Target language3. New words and expressions Teaching difficultiesthe letters I-R and the new words.Activity planned1. Pairwork 2. Groupwork 3. Role play Teaching aidsTape-recorder,multi-mediumTeaching time 4 periods(section A + section B)The 1st periodNotes:Teaching contents1. New words in this unit2. letter I-R3. Section A, 1a-3Teaching aims1. how to say and spell words in English2.letter I-RKeys and difficulties1. New words and target language2. letter I-RTeaching aidsTape-recorderTeaching strategies Class workLearning activities1. Pairwork2. Groupwork3. Role playTeaching procedureStep l:Introduction Review greetings. Review the letters learn in the last unit Get the students to introduce themselves in EnglishStep 2:Leadin Have ready a quilt,a map,a jacket,a key,a ruler,a pen,an orangeHold the key up and say Whats this in English? Its a key Repeat and then get students to repeatDo the same with a key,a pen,a rulerIf possible,use flashcards to teach the spelling of the wordsPut a flashcard beneath a drawing of each object.Step 3:Practice ListenPlay the tape twiceHave the students circle the things they hear Get the students to act out the conversations in the picture of 1a Make sure the students understand what they should doStudents can work in pairs then ask them to act out the conversations they made Do 2a,2b,2c and 2d one after another2b:after the students do 2a, show them how to write the letters on the blackboards,both of “Big” and “smallMake sure all the students know how to write them Use the flashcards to practise saying the names of the letters and to learn their orderBefore doing 2c,ask the students to give the letters containing thei:and /e/ soundsRepeat with the /EJ/ andaIsoundsList them out on the blackboardThen get them to listen to the tape and read the letters and words after the tape Step4:Games time Play the letter game with the students like the following instructionsSometimes the teacher can explain the rules of the game in Chinese 看谁快 这是一个训练学生听字母的游戏,将全班分成两组,一组学生持大写字母,另一生持小写字母,教师快速念字母,要求持有该字母的学生迅速站起来,最先站起来的两分,后站起来的得一分,没站起来的得零分,得分多的组获胜。 Step 5:Homework Finish off the workbook (Do entering famous school)Reflection: The 2nd periodNotes:Teaching contents1. Review the conxersation2. Section A, 4a-1bTeaching aims1. Master the new words and expressionsKeys and difficulties1. New words and target languageTeaching aidsTeaching strategies Class workLearning activities1. Pairwork2. GroupworkTeaching procedureStep 1:Leadin Write the names in the big letters on the blackboard,teach the students to read the namesThen get them to listen to the tape and number the namesHave the students pay attention to your writing names on the BbMake sure everyone knows how to write the names Step 2:Pairwork Give each student an English nameMake them remember it and know how to spell it. Write your name,and one or two others on the blackboard Ask students to look at the words carefullyExplain how capitals are used in English names Step 3:Pairwork Ask the students to say out where we can find English words or English names around us and what they areWhats the meaning of it? Maybe the students can list a 1otIf they couldnt,give them some notes such as WC, NBA,Exit and so on Let the students try their best to search as many abbreviations as possible step 4:PracticeAnd get them to introduce themselves to the others with their new English nameAll these must do after the students know how to do itThe teacher can give them an example with the help of one studentThe teacher can take the dialogue on the book for an examplePractise:A:Hello! B:Hello! A:Im PaulaPAULA,PaulaWhats your name? B:Im JamesJAMES,James A:How do you do? B:How do you do? A:Nice t0 meet you B:Nice to meet you,too Have students switch roles and repeat step 5:Homework Copy the new words and Finish off the workbook. (Do entering famous school)Reflection: The 3rd periodNotes:Teaching contents1. New words in this unit2.Section B, 2a-4 Teaching aims Master the new words and expressionsKeys and difficultiesNew words and target languageTeaching aidsTape-recorderTeaching strategies Class workLearning activities1. Pairwork2. GroupworkTeaching procedureStep 1:Leadin Have ready a map,an orange,a ruler,a pen,a key, a quiltUse these to ask students:Whats this in English? Get them to answer the question one by oneThen ask them to listen and number the words they hear After they finish 1a,make sure they read the words correctlyAnd ask students to write the words down in small letters Step 2:Pairwork Do the contents list on the bookThen play a guess gameThe teacher should get ready a soft bag,and some objects such as a ruler,a pen,a key,an orange and so onFirst show all the things to students,then hide all of them in the teachers desk,put one into the bag,try not to let students see itAt last get students to guess whats in your bagThe teacher can ask the student: T:Whats this in English? A:Is it a book? T:N0,it isnt A:Is it a pen? T:Yes,it is If the student Succeedcongratulate to him or herThen do the same to another one. This game can also be played in small groups if you have enough materials. Step 3:Listen and read Have the students listen to the tape and repeat Get the students to listen to the tape and repeat,ask them to try to find what is the connection between the words Step 4:Homework Finish off the workbook(Do entering famous school)Reflection: The 4th periodNotes:Step 1:Go through all the contents list on this part,make sure all the students understand themIf they dont,you my use Chinese to explain itStep 2: Classwork (Do entering famous school)Ref


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