高中英语 Unit21《Human Biology》短语.典句.考点 北师大版选修7(教案)

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高中英语 Unit21《Human Biology》短语.典句.考点 北师大版选修7(教案)_第1页
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高中英语 Unit21《Human Biology》短语.典句.考点 北师大版选修7(教案)_第3页
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111短语典句考点1. in vain 徒然的, 白费力气经典例句 The police tried in vain to break up the protest crowds.警察企图驱散抗议的人群, 但没有成功。All our work was in vain.我们所有的工作都白费了。考点聚焦常见短语:as vain as a peacock像孔雀般地炫耀自己for vain徒劳地;徒然活学活用18. The police had searched for the missing driver, and their efforts were _.A. in vainB. not in vainC. for vainD. vain答案:B2. at random 随便地,随意地经典例句 Dont throw waster paper at random or you will be punished to be on duty again.不要随便扔废纸,否则,你将受罚再值日。Dont answer my question at random, and think it over and then come to my office.不要随意回答我的问题,考虑好后,到我的办公室。考点聚焦1)random n. 任意行动;随机过程,只用于介词短语at random随便地,随意地。如:He took a flower at random, put down $5 and walked out of the shop straight away.他随手取了一枝花,放下5美元,立刻走出商店。2)random adj. 胡乱的;随便的, 任意的。如:He was not listening and made a random answer to the teachers question.他没听讲, 对教师的问题乱答一通。3)短语:hit out at random 随意攻击, 无的放矢活学活用19. He opened the book _ and started reading.A. in vainB. full of faithC. at onceD. at random答案:D3. at all costs 不管多大代价,无论如何经典例句 The government will save his life at all costs though he is badly ill.尽管他病得很厉害,政府将不惜任何代价挽救他的生命。At all costs, we must complete the task on time.无论如何, 我们要准时完成任务。考点聚焦1)cost n. 成本;代价;牺牲The cost of living is going up.生活费用在提高。The cost of the house was too high for me.对于我来说,这房子的价格太高了。He saved his daughter at the cost of his life.他以牺牲自己的生命挽救了女儿。2)at all costs =at any cost不惜任何代价, 无论如何The summer holiday is over, we must get the textbooks for the pupils at all costs.暑假结束了,我们无论如何必须为学生搞到课本。3)辨析:at the cost of以为代价at a cost of以的价格The hero saved the boys life out of the burning library at the cost of his own, which was put up at a cost of one million yuan 10 years ago.英雄牺牲了自己的生命,从燃烧的图书馆里救出了那男孩,这座图书馆是在10前花1,000,000建造的。活学活用20. 单项填空。Chinese government prevented SARS from spreading _.A. at a costB. at the costC. at all costsD. at cost答案:C4. straight away立刻,马上经典例句 When they heard a cry for help, they rushed out of the room straight away.当他们听到呼救声的时候,他们立刻冲出门外。The policemen ran to the accident spot the moment they received a helping call.警察们一听到呼救电话,立刻跑向事故地点。考点聚焦1)同义词:right away,马上, promptly立即,quickly马上2)相关短语:make straight for 一直向走去straight out 坦白地keep straight 行为正直on the straight. 笔直,平行活学活用21. We came _ after we got your telephone.A. directlyB. instantlyC. the momentD. straight away答案:D5. wipe out 彻底毁灭经典例句 They have wiped out the enemys major military targets.他们已彻底摧毁了敌人的主要军事目标。考点聚焦1)wipe out 彻底毁灭。如:The storm wiped the building out only in two hours.在两个小时之内,暴风雨把建筑物毁坏了。2)wipe常与away, off连用,意为“擦干;揩净”。Wipe your tears away,believe yourself and try again.擦干你的眼泪, 相信自己,再试一次。3)记住短语:wipe down把擦干净wipe off 勾销债务wipe up揩干(洗净的碟盘)wipe out a mark拭除去污点Pour water into a sieve. 竹篮打水一场空。活学活用22. Everything needs to be got prepared before the typhoon to avoid _.A. wiping outB. being wiped outC. to wipe outD. to be wiped out答案:B6. stop sth. in its tracks 终止;消灭经典例句 This famous sportsmans career was stopped in its tracks because of his doping drugs.那位著名的体育运动员,因为滥用药品,被终止运动生涯。考点聚焦以stop为中心的其他短语:make a stop停止, 休息, 停留pull out all the stops 全力以赴;千方百计put a stop to使停止, 使终止stop from阻止stop in顺便访问某人;待在家里stop off中途停留stop up醒着, 没有睡;熬夜;塞住活学活用23. 改错。If the paper factories go on putting the waster water into the river, the fish will be stop in their tracks.答案:stop stopped7. at any rate 无论如何;至少经典例句 At any rate, the medicine and food will reach the farmers before the snowstorm.无论如何, 药品和食物将于暴风雪前到达农民手里。You ought to read one of the English articles every day at any rate.你至少每天读一篇英语文章。考点聚焦1)rate费用, 价格。如:The room rates at this motel range from $30 to $50 per day.这个汽车旅馆的房价每天三十美元到五十美元不等。2)at this rate照这种样子活学活用24. As a Party member, Mr. Li preferred to help the workers out of jobs find new ones_.A. at homeB. at any rateC. at a wordD. at a time答案:B111


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