高考英语(北师大版)一轮复习综合训练(练习):Module 4 Unit 12 Cultre Shock

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111Module 4Unit 12Cultre Shock.品句填词1I must offer her an a_for not going to her party.2I was a_in a book and didnt hear you call.3The m_ of doctors believe smoking is harmful to health.4The young actor is very m_about his success;he says its as much the result of good luck as of his ownabilities.5The secretary has already_(预订)seats on the phone.6They have been_(同伙,伙伴)for a long time,so they know each other very well.7He is not only tall,but also has_(宽阔的)shoulders.8He_(原谅)her the wrongs shed done him.答案:1.apology2.absorbed3.majority4.modest5.booked6.partners7.broad8.forgave.短语识境1Im sorry but this is not my car.In fact,it_ my neighbour,Mr.Smith.2He would keep apologising until her anger melted and she would_him.3The rain was heavy but_our fears,our fields were not flooded.4It is a wellknown Chinese_to celebrate the MidAutumn Festival every year.5They had to_to each other so as not to let others hear their conversation.6I have lived in the small town for more than ten years,so I_everything here.7The little boy had a big lunch today because he had a good_.8On my_at the airport,I found my friend standing at the entrance,waiting for me.答案:1.belongs to2.forgive3.contrary to4.custom5.whisper6.am familiar with7.appetite8.arrival.翻译句子1我们已经习惯早起(get used to)_2她站在那里注视着自己的母亲。(stare at)_3我不熟悉你所讲的内容。(be familiar with)_4他们冒着失去一切的危险去救她。(risk doing)_答案:1.We have already got used to getting up early.2She stood there,staring at her mother.3I am not familiar with what you have said.4They risked losing everything to save her.单项填空1The students _ in Russian are watching a video in the hall to practice their listening ability.Aare majoring Bmajoring Cmajor Dhaving majored解析:句意:那些俄语专业生在大厅里看录像练习听力。此处majoring.是现在分词短语作定语,修饰the students,相当于 “The students who major.”。答案:B2Can I take my car now?Oh,sorry.It _ and wont be ready in two hours.Ahas been repaired Bwas repairedCis being repaired Dhas repaired解析:句意:我可以取我的车吗?对不起,还在修,还要两个小时才能好。repair和car之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,应该使用被动语态;又车还没修好,正在修理之中,故用进行时。答案:C3Soil is made up of a number of layers,each _ its own distinctive colour and texture.Ahas Bto have Chas had Dhaving解析:考查独立结构。分析句子结构可知,逗号后的部分不是一个独立的句子,应选用独立结构形式,故排除A、C项;不定式侧重于将来的动作,不符合句意,故答案为D项。答案:D4eBay sells connections,not goods,_ buyer and seller into contact with each other.Abeing put Bputting Chas put Dputs解析:考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处不能为谓语动词,故C、D项错误;A项表示被动,不符合句意;现在分词短语表示伴随的动作或顺延的结果,答案为B项。答案:B5No such authorization _ be given without the managers written permission.Ashould Bshall Cwould Dmay解析:考查情态动词。语意:没有经理的书面许可,不能做出任何这样的授权。shall用于陈述句并与第二人称或第三人称连用,表示允诺、命令或威胁,符合语意,答案为B项。答案:B6. I dont plan for the future.I like to take life as it _.Acomes Bdoes Cgoes Dchanges解析:考查习语。语意:我不计划将来,我喜欢顺其自然地生活。take sth.as it comes意思是 “顺其自然,从容应付”。答案:A7Could I bother you for a moment?I need someone to copy this file for me._.I need to do some copies too and I can copy them together.ASorry,but I cant BYou are welcomeCThats no trouble at all DDont say so解析:考查交际用语。由 “I need to do some copies too” 可知,答话者也要复印一些材料,恰好可以一块儿复印,即可以帮助对方,显然C项符合句意。A项与句意不符;B项表示 “不用谢”;D项为汉语式表达。答案:C8She may have missed the train,_ she wont arrive for another hour.Ain that case Bin this case Cby which case Din which case解析:考查定语从句。语意:她有可能错过了火车,这样的话,再过一个小时她也到不了。in which case此处意为相当于if this happens。A选项前需要加and,构成并列结构。答案:D9Confucius Temple,_ world cultural heritage,is about 65 kilometres _ south of Mount Tai.Aa;the Bthe;the Cthe;/ Da;/解析:考查冠词。语意:孔庙是一处世界文化遗产,位于泰山以南大约65千米处。第一个空处表示泛指,一处世界文化遗产,应用不定冠词;第二个空处表示方位,此处south是副词,作状语,不加冠词。故选D项。答案:D10_ others might have been satisfied,Dawson had higher ambitions.AHow BWhat CWhere DWith解析:考查状语从句。分析从句的结构可知,从句中缺少状语,再结合语境 “在别人可能已经很满足的地方,Dawson还有更高的追求”,可知答案为C项。答案:C.阅读理解Where have all the boys gone?You may be able to find them in the gym,at work or hanging out,but theres one_important_place where boys are underrepresented,and the problem seems to be getting worse.These days,at high school graduation ceremonies,there are a lot more girls than boys.In fact,every year,10 percent more girls graduate from high school than boys.“I think that theres a tendency to focus on boys as problems at this point,rather than recognize that boys have problems,”says Joanne Max,PhD.Experts say the problems start in grade school,where theres often an emphasis on sports instead of reading,for example.“I think that with boys theres some idea that its not masculine(男子汉的)to read,”says Rob Jenkins,an English professor.Theres also a shortage of male teachers as role models.“I think boys need role models,so if youre a boy and you dont have a dad in your home and then you have one male teacher and its your athletic coach then I dont think you have a message that education is very important,”says Carol Carter,another expert.In addition,classrooms often have too little activity and too much passive listening,which is not conducive(有益的)to boys learning.Experts say parents can fight back in many ways.Read to your sons early and often;show by your actions that you value their education.Ask them about their schoolwork,offer help,drop by their classroom and finally,appeal to their competitive spirit:challenge them to do better and help them understand that their future depends on it.1The underlined part“one important place”in Paragraph 1 refers to“_”Aclassrooms BfactoriesChigh school graduation ceremonies Dgyms解析:根据文章第一段underrepresented的构词可知该词的意思是“没有表现的”,而在下文中又提到在高中毕业典礼上的男生在减少,数量比女生要少,所以这个重要的地方指的是毕业典礼。答案:C2According to the passage,boys have the problem that they think_.Areading is more important than sports Bit is shameful for boys to readCboys should not work as a teacher Dboys lack the gift for reading解析:根据第二段Rob Jenkins所说的话可知男生在心理上存在这样的问题他们认为“男生读书是件丢人的事”。答案:B3. Carol Carters words implied that_.Aparents play an important role in educationBathletic coaches contribute a lot to educationClack of male teachers affects boys attitudes to school workDclassrooms lack enough activities that are suitable for boys解析:根据第三段Carol Carter所说的话,她提倡在文化课中应该有更多的男教师来起“行为榜样”的作用。答案:C4According to experts,parents should do the following except_.Aoften read to their sons when they are youngBkeep an eye on their sons studies at schoolCencourage their sons to compete with othersDprevent their sons from taking part in sports解析:文章最后一段中专家给父亲们提了几条建议,包括在孩子们年幼时给他们读故事听;用实际行动关注孩子们的学习状况,激发孩子们的竞争精神,故只有D项不属于建议的范畴。答案:D (教师用书独具)阅读理解试题体裁广泛,一般有记叙文,议论文,说明文和应用文;题材涉及内容广,在选材方面,突出生态环保、人物传记、名人轶事、社会风俗文化、大众科普、广告、文学作品、社会热点、时文报道等,这些题材能使考生扩大对异域文化的接触。记叙文How I Turned to Be Optimistic(2009北京卷A)I began to grow up that winter night when my parents and I were returning from my aunts house,and my mother said that we might soon be leaving for America. We were on the bus then. I was crying,and some people on the bus were turning around to look at me. I remember that I could not bear the thought of never hearing again the radio program for school children to which I listened every morning. I do not remember myself crying for this reason again. In fact,I think I cried very little when I was saying goodbye to my friends and relatives. When we were leaving I thought about all the places I was going to seethe strange and magical places I had known only from books and pictures. The country I was leaving never to come back was hardly in my head then. The four years that followed taught me the importance of optimism,but the idea did not come to me at once. For the first two years in New York I was really losthaving to study in three schools as a result of family moves. I did not quite know what I was or what I should be. Mother remarried,and things became even more complex for me. Some time passed before my stepfather and I got used to each other. I was often sad,and saw no end to “the hard times. ” My responsibilities in the family increased a lot since I knew English better than everyone else at home. I wrote letters,filled out forms,translated at interviews with Immigration officers,took my grandparents to the doctor and translated there,and even discussed telephone bills with company representatives. From my experiences I have learned one important rule: almost all common troubles eventually go away! Something good is certain to happen in the end when you do not give up,and just wait a little! I believe that my life will turn out all right,even though it will not be that easy. 56How did the author get to know America? AFrom her relatives BFrom her mother CFrom books and pictures DFrom radio programs 57Upon leaving for America the author felt _. Aconfused Bexcited Cworried Damazed 58For the first two years in New York,the author _. Aoften lost her way Bdid not think about her future Cstudied in three different schools Dgot on well with her stepfather 59What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 4? AShe worked as a translator BShe attended a lot of job interviews CShe paid telephone bills for her family DShe helped her family with her English60. The author believes that _. Aher future will be free from troubles Bit is difficult to learn to become patient Cthere are more good things than bad things Dgood things will happen if one keeps trying【文章大意】 离开祖国远赴异乡前难以割舍对故乡的情怀,可是那片陌生而又神奇的土地在召唤着一颗幼小的心。异域风情曾让作者一度困惑,但更增强了作者对美好生活的憧憬。56选择C。细节理解题。根据第二段后半部分中的“.I had known only from books and pictures.”可知作者只是在书本和图画中对美国有所了解。57选择B。推理判断题。第一段中虽然提到作者最初哭泣着不愿去美国,但根据第二段中的内容可知作者对那些陌生而又神奇的地方充满了幻想,甚至再也没有回到祖国的打算,由此可推测作者感到非常“兴奋”。58选择C。细节理解题。根据第三段第二句中的内容可知作者在纽约的最初两年不得不在三所不同的学校学习。本句的前半句意思是说作者当时感到无所适从,而不是经常迷路,所以A项不正确;根据下一句中的内容可排除B项。59选择D。推理判断题。本段第一句是本段的主题句,再结合下文中提到的事例可推测作者的英语能力给了她的家庭很大帮助。60选择D。作者态度题。根据最后一段的中间一句可知作者坚信美好的事情一定会发生,只是需要耐心。111


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