高考英语牛津译林版必修5总复习限时训练《Unit 1 Getting along with others》5-1(江苏专用) (1)

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高考英语牛津译林版必修5总复习限时训练《Unit 1 Getting along with others》5-1(江苏专用) (1)_第1页
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高考英语牛津译林版必修5总复习限时训练《Unit 1 Getting along with others》5-1(江苏专用) (1)_第3页
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111Unit 3Tomorrows world时间:30分钟.单项填空1 _ he said so at the meeting made everyone present angry.Yes.We all _ him of his rudeness.AThat, accused BWhat, accusedCThat, charged DAs, charged答案A注意so作said的宾语,所以第一空用that引导主语从句;第二空考查accuse.of.结构的用法,故选A。2Would you please read the letter and _ your classmates?Apass it on to Bpass on it toCpass it on Dpass on it 答案A表达“把传给某人”在英语中可以用pass sb sth/pass sth to sb/pass sth on to sb。当宾语是代词时,必须把代词放在动词和副词之间。四个选项中只有A项结构正确。3A proposal has _ that a new law should be made to fight drugs abuse.Aput back Bbeen put offCput up Dbeen put forward答案D由于主语a proposal和动词词组之间是动宾关系,所以要用被动语态,排除A、C两项;put forward意思是“提出”,符合题意,而put off意思是“推迟”,不符合本题句意。4All the representatives at the 17th CPC National Congress were strongly _ by Hu Jintaos speech on sustainable growth.Aimpressed BsurprisedCexcited Dcomforted答案A句意为“胡锦涛关于可持续发展的报告给出席十七大的代表们留下了深刻的印象”。5_ in old Shanghai in the 1920s, the film gives a vivid description of the people living at the bottom of society.ABeing set BSettingCSet DTo set 答案C动词set和主语the film之间是动宾关系,故选C。6Excuse me, do you have the time? _.AYes, I have BOf course, I haveCA quarter to ten DNo problem 答案C本题关键信息是have the time(几点了),而不是have time(有时间),要回答具体时间,因此选C项。7If the firms failed to make enough money, they would _.Aclose down Bcall ofCturn down Dset off答案Aclose down意为“关闭,使停业,使倒闭”;call off意为“取消”;turn down意为“拒绝;调小”;set off意为“出发;爆炸”。根据题意,故选A。8Some people choose jobs for other reasons _ money these days.Afor BexceptCbesides Dwith答案C注意本题空格前有other reasons,表明本题空格处的意思是“除之外(还有)”,四个选项中只有besides符合题意。9The news of the mayors coming to our school for a visit was _ on the radio yesterday.Aturned out Bfound outCgiven out Dcarried out答案Cturn out结果是;find out查清,弄明白;give out发出,分发,散发;carry out履行,实施。根据题意,故选C项。句意为“昨天广播公布了市长要来参观我校的消息”。10John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work _, he gladly accepted it.Afinished BfinishingChaving finished Dwas finished答案A根据题意,finish和his work之间是动宾关系,所以要用被动结构;with的复合结构中缺少宾语补足语。故A项是正确答案。11What disappointed us was that their determination finally _.Agave off Bgave outCgave up Dgave in 答案B句意为“让我们失望的是,他们最后没有了决心。”give out表示“用完;耗尽”,是不及物动词短语。give off表示“发出(蒸汽、光)等”,give up放弃;give in屈服;让步。12Eventually it _ that he had been stealing money from his employers, which astonished his parents.Afound out Bcame outCcame about Daccounted for答案Bcome out表示“(事实)变得清楚”,符合题意。13The headmaster decided to have a word with whoever is _ this matter.Aresponsible for Bin the charge ofCoperated Dconnected for 答案Abe responsible for.表示“对负责”。句意为“校长决定和负责这件事的人谈一谈”,故选A。14We should _ our help as soon as our friends _.Acome up, are in need Bafford, in needCoffer, are in need Dtake, need答案Coffer表示“提供”;be in need表示“需要”。句意为“我们的朋友需要时,我们应主动提供帮助”,故选C。15As a result of the serious flood, twothirds of the buildings in the area _.Aneed repairing Bneeds to repairCneeds repairing Dneed to repair答案A主语中心词是buildings,是可数名词复数形式,所以谓语动词用复数形式。句意为“由于严重的洪灾,这个地区三分之二的建筑需要修理”。根据句意,故选A。.完形填空If you have ever been discouraged because of failure,please read on.For often,achieving what you _1_ to do is not the important thing.Let me explain.Two brothers decided to dig a _2_ hole behind their house.As they were working,a couple of older boys stopped by to _3_.“What are you doing?” asked one of the visitors.“We plan to dig a hole all the way through the earth!” one of the brothers _4_ excitedly.The older boys began to laugh,_5_ the younger ones that digging a hole all the way through the earth was _6_.After a long _7_,one of the diggers picked up a jar full of spiders,worms and a wide variety of insects.He _8_ the lid and showed the wonderful contents to the scoffing (嘲笑的) _9_.Then he said quietly and _10_,“Even if we dont dig all the way through the earth,look what we have found along the way!”Their _11_ was far too ambitious,but it did _12_ them to dig.And that is what a goal is forto cause us to move in the _13_ we have chosen; _14_,to set us to digging!But not every goal will be fully _15_.Not every job will end successfully.Not every relationship will endure.Not every hope will come to pass.Not every love will last.Not every endeavor will be completed.Not every dream will be _16_.But when you _17_ your aim,perhaps you can say,“Yes,_18_ look at what I found along the way! Look at the wonderful things which have come into my life because I tried to do something!”It is in the _19_ that life is lived.And I believe it is joy in the journey,in the end,that truly _20_.1A.look forward Bset outCset about Dgive in答案:Bset out to do sth.开始干某事,着手干某事,比较:set about doing sth2A.wide Bdeep Clarge Dshallow答案:B从下文all the way through the earth可知应选deep3A.watch Bdiscuss Cintroduce Dinstruct答案:A从上下文可以看出,几个大男孩是过来看热闹的。4A.whispered BcommentedClectured Dvolunteered答案:DWhat are you doing?是问弟兄俩的,其中一个主动作了回答。因此用volunteered,其他选项意思不附5A.expressing BexplainingCtelling Darguing答案:C全句的意思是“几个大男孩笑了,告诉比他们小的弟兄俩,挖个洞穿过地球是不可能的。”6A.unnecessary BimpossibleCunbelievable Dincorrect答案:B见5解释7A.silence BintentionCrecreation Dimagination答案:Aafter a long silence “沉默了很长时间”,在这里的意思是,弟兄俩没有再理会他们,而是继续干活,直至他们挖出了一个盛满了蜘蛛、蠕虫和各种昆虫的坛子。8A.folded Bcovered Cremoved Ddeleted答案:Cremoved the lid “拿掉盖子”, 符合题意。9A.volunteers BhuntersCcontributors Dvisitors答案:D从上文第三段可看出10A.confidently BcuriouslyCimmediately Dstrictly答案:Aconfidently 自信地,意思是“这时他平静而自信地说”。11A.idea Bthought Cgoal Dbelief答案:C从下文 And that is what a goal is for可以看出12A.make Bexpect Ccause Dforce答案:C从下文to cause us to move.可以看出13A.decision Bfeeling Cchance Ddirection答案:Dmove in the direction we have chosen 向着我们选择的方向前进,符合题意。14A.as a result Bin other wordsCnow and then Dall the way答案:Bas a result 结果;in other words 换句话说;now and then 时常; all the way 一直。全句的意思是“那就是目标的意义向着我们选择的方向前进;换句话说,使得我们不断向下挖掘。15A.achieved Babsorbed Ccontrolled Ddecided答案:Aachieve a goal 达到目标16A.predicted Bgrasped Crealized Ddepended答案:Crealize a dream 实现梦想17A.correspond to Bhead forClive up to Dfall short of答案:Dcorrespond to 符合;head for 向前进;live up to 符合(标准),达到(愿望);fall short of 达不到(目标),全句的意思是“但你达不到目标时,也许你会说,“是的,但是看看我们沿途所发现的东西。”本句阐释了全文的主题,生活的意义不在于是否达到目标,而在于为目标而努力的过程中。18A.but Bso Cand Dor答案:A前后为转折关系19A.searching BdiggingCarranging Ddiscovering答案:B根据上文可以看出20A.regards Bproves Coccurs Dmatters答案:Dmatter vi 重要.任务型阅读There are 3 basic types of rock climbing.Top roping is probably one of the most common types and the climber basically climbs with a partner.Top roping is a style in which a rope,used for the climbers safety,runs from a belayer(保护员)at the foot of a route through one or more carabiners(铁锁)connected to an anchor system at the top of the route and back down to the climber,usually attaching to the climber by means of a harness.Assuming that the route is bottomtotop,the toprope climber generally will not fall more than a short distance and can thus safely attempt even the most difficult routes.The second type,which is very similar to top roping is called lead climbing.The buddy(同伴)system works the same way,one man on the ground belaying and the other climbing,but this time instead of the rope being at the top of the rock it has to be hooked into clasps(钩子)as the climber climbs up the rock.In both of these types of rock climbing the climbers has the luxury to sit off the rock face and rest on the rope.However,lead climbing requires the climber to hang from the rock face with one hand,grab the rope ,and pull it up to lip it into the clasps,and this can be very hard depending on many different things.The third type of rock climbing is called bouldering.Bouldering is a type of free climbing without any ropes or harnesses.The climber tends to stay much closer to the ground.This is the most demanding of all climbing.The climber must be able to complete the route without taking a rest on the rope.Often,during a bouldering route the climber is required to do a maneuver called dyno(动态动作)Dynos are basically launching yourself off the rock face,and then grabbing at a hold further away from you.This type of maneuver is where mental training plays a major role in climbing.Believe it or not,climbing is said to be about 75% legs and only 25% arms.To climb successfully one must use wonderful technique.One of the major rules of rock climbing is to always have 3 points touching the rock face.Whether it is both feet and one hand,or one foot and both hands,it is much easier to have your weight distributed on 3 points than it is 2.Another important concept to grasp is that your arms in most cases will not do the climbing;they only hold you into the rock face so that your legs are actually pushing you upward.The closer you are to the rock face,the easier it is to climb.Rock Climbing_1_basic typesTop ropingOne of the most common typesA climber_2_by a partnerA rope and a belayer needed to keep the climber_3_,with one or more carabiners connected to an anchor system at the top of the routeLead climbingHaving_4_with top ropingThe rope being_5_into clasps as the climber climbs up the rockThe climber having much_6_finishing the climbBoulderingFree climbing without the_7_of any ropes or harnessesThe climber completing the route,with a maneuver_8_What the climbers should_9_Using wonderful techniqueAlways having 3 points touching the rock faceUsing your legs to push yourself upward,_10_arms used to keep your body closer to the rock face答案:1.Three2.accompanied3.safe4.similarities5hooked6.difficulty/trouble7.help/assistance/aid8done9.remember10.with111


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