unit4《 attitudes towards our elders》vocabulary 教案23(冀教版必修3)

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unit4《 attitudes towards our elders》vocabulary 教案23(冀教版必修3)_第3页
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111Unit4 Attitudes towards Our Elders词汇I key words and expessions1 at peace/on behalf of如果名词表示抽象意义,前没有定冠词。否则,有。如,in need; in honor of ; in time; on time ;in the son; in the shade; on the street.再如 Fail is mother of success.2 apartment.,英国英语房间;美国英语一层公寓;一套房间=flatWould you do me a favour to find me a new apartment?3 pick sb up1 接某人。Ill pick you up at eight.2 捡起;抱起;扶起The woman picked up the baby and went out hurriedlySeeing a wallet on the ground, the boy picked it up and sent it o a policeman.He picked up the bike lying on the street.3 重新学习Two years later, he picked up English to get further education.4 收听Do you pick up news every day?4 no matter1=it doesnt matter没关系-Im sorry for interrupting you.-No matter.2no matter +wh-无论多么We will overcome it no matter what difficulty we will meet with.注意whatever/no matter what是有区别的,如果引导主语和宾语从句,要用whatever.e.g. whatever you do cant change my mindIll believe whatever youve said.5 regular.固定的Keep regular hours生活有规律 / regular time 固定的 时间 / regular routine 固定的模式 / regular income固定的收入/ regular work 固定的 工作 / regular customers固定的客户;常客6 favour .n.恩惠;好事;赞许;喜欢;赞成;偏爱Do me a favour to open the door.He worked hard to get back in the teachers favour.Are you favour of collecting some money for the Hope Project?The teacher refused to have his daughter in his class for fear of showing favour to her.A mother shouldnt favour one of his children more than the others.Do me a favour my suggestion?7 set aside把-放在一边;不管;不顾Dont set aside the work. First of all, you should finish it.He set aside my opposition and went on carrying on the plan.Set out to do sth; set about sth/doing sth; set sb an example=set an example to sb; set fire to sth=set sth on fire; set off/out for sp=leave for sth8 in the early 1990s在20世纪90年代早期。注意,在1990S前加THE。而 in 1990是在1990年。9 punish sb for sth为某事惩罚某人blame sb for sth为某事责备某人scold sb for sth为某事责骂某人10 date back to=date from该短语不用进行和被动语态。常用一般现在时。如,The legendary dates back to 500 BC.II Analyse11staff; crew; teamstaff 全体工作人员/职员 The schools staff is/are excellent.crew 全体船员/乘务员/一起工作的同事们 The crew on board was killed when the plane crashedteam 一起共事的团队His brother was on Luna Football Team12 stare at; glare at; glance atstare at 凝视glare at 怒视glance at 一瞥13 demand; requiredemand 表示不客气的强硬要求。如, “Sure that is all”, Martin demanded angrilyrequire 表示要求,用语正式,语气不象demand 那样强硬。Demand/require后的从句用 should +do/be done,should可以省略。He required that the meeting be put off.14 according to ; in ones opinionaccording to后不用sb/opinion/ view做宾语。表示某人人为是in ones opinion。III Sentence style15 it is/was -that- 只强调句子的非谓语动词形式,如果强调动词用do/does/did而且只体现在一般现在时和一般过去时两种时态的句子中。如,Do come hereShe does often get up at six.I did meet Tom last week.16 no matter 引导让步状语从句,用一般现在时表示将来。如,No matter when he turns to me for help, I will do what I can to help him.No matter where the conference is held next week ,we should make good preparations for it.111


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