安徽省泗县三中高二英语学案:《Unit 3 Under the sea》 2(新人教版选修七)

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安徽省泗县三中高二英语学案:《Unit 3 Under the sea》 2(新人教版选修七)_第1页
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安徽省泗县三中高二英语学案:《Unit 3 Under the sea》 2(新人教版选修七)_第2页
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安徽省泗县三中高二英语学案:《Unit 3 Under the sea》 2(新人教版选修七)_第3页
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111选修七 unit 3 学案二(2009陕西) One afternoon,my son Adam asked me,“Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”I thought for a minute,and then I said,“Ill explain, 1 you can just wait until we make a quick 2 at the grocery store.I have something 3 to show you.”At grocery store,we 4 some applesred,green and yellow ones.Back home,I told Adam,“Its time to 5 your question.”I put one apple of each 6 on the table.Then I looked at Adam,who had a 7 look on his face.“People are like apples.They come in all 8 colors,shapes and sizes.On the 9 ,some of the apples may not 10 look as the others.”As I was talking,Adam was 11 each one carefully.Then,I took each of the apples and peeled(削皮) them, 12 them back on the table,but 13 a different place.“Okay,Adam,tell me which is which.”He said,“I 14 tell.They all look the same now.”“Take a bite of 15 .See if that helps you 16 which one is which.”He took 17 ,and then a huge smile came across his face.“People are 18 like apples!They are all different,but once you 19 the outside,theyre pretty much the same on the inside.”He totally 20 it.I didnt need to say or do anything else.1A.although BsoCbecause Dif2A.stop BstartCturn Dstay3A.expressive Bencouraging Cinformative Dinteresting4A.bought BcountedCsaw Dcollected5A.check BmentionCanswerDimprove6A.size Btype Cshape Dclass7A.worried BsatisfiedCproud Dcurious8A.ordinary BnormalCdifferentDregular9A.outside BwholeCtable Dinside10A.still BevenConly Dever11A.examining BmeasuringCdrawing Dpacking12A.keepingBplacingCpulling Dgiving13A.on Btoward Cfor Din14A.mustnt Bcant Cshouldnt Dneednt15A.each oneBeach other Cthe other Done another16A.admitBconsiderCdecide Dbelieve17A.big bites Bdeep breathsCa firm hold Da close look18A.just BalwaysCmerely Dseldom19A.put away Bget downChand outDtake off20A.made Btook Cgot Ddid2(2010山东名校联考(二))I had arrived at the airport about 30 minutes before the checkin.It had been a very 1 three days for me with lots of meetings.So I was glad to have the 2 time to make my notes on what I 3 to do the following day.But then came the 4 that my flight had to be5 because there was a problem with the plane.As I sat waiting for my 6 to be called,I reflected on my last meeting of the day.It was not a business meeting but rather a very enjoyable 7 with an old business friend I had not seen for over 12 years.Our lunch was spent recalling times gone by 8 filling each other in what had happened in our lives over the last 12 years.We both laughed and smiled as we recalled the good times and the great experiences we had 9 together.At the end of our time together,we both said how much we had 10 it and that we must do it again.It was great to have this additional time to replay in my 11 all that we had talked about.I realized just how important it was to have regular 12 of the good times in our life.I was lucky enough to have had the chance to take a short 13 and reflect on the good things that had happened in my life over 12 years.It was somewhat like looking at an old photo album 14 in a cupboard in your house.There before your eyes are lots of wonderful 15 that take you back to times and places,and most importantly to those people who are in the 16 .My flight home was finally 17 three hours later.I smiled as I 18 the plane and realized that I was not at all 19 about the delay in the flight,as I had been able to spend the time 20 on the good times from days gone by.1A.important BbusyCquickDuseful2A.pleasant BsatisfyingChappy Dextra3A.had Bfailed CneededDasked4A.announcement Bdeclaration Copening Dspeech5A.waited Bcancelled Ctaken Ddelayed6A.flight Bturn Cname Dorder7A.negotiation BlunchCparty Ddiscussion8A.as well Bexcept forCas well asDin addition9A.spent Bmet Cmanaged Dshared10A.got Benjoyed Cmade Dpaid11A.thought Bspirit Cflight Dmind12A.time Bplans Creminders Dremains13A.way Bcut Cmethod Dbreak14A.stored awayBput on Cset aside Dgiven out15A.celebrations Bmemories Cawards Dpresents16A.cupboard Bbooks Cchildhood Dphotos17A.shouted Bphoned Ccalled Dcommanded18A.left BboardedCjumped Dreached19A.upset BhappyCcrazyDsurprised20A.taking Bseizing Creflecting Dbringing111


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