Unit 3《 The World Online》-task教案1(牛津译林版选修7)

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Unit 3《 The World Online》-task教案1(牛津译林版选修7)_第1页
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Unit 3《 The World Online》-task教案1(牛津译林版选修7)_第2页
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111Unit 3 Task Using the Internet as a news sourceTeaching Aim:l To learn and practice their listening, speaking, reading and writing skillsl To learn how to read charts and graphs, how to form more detailed questions and how to report on facts and figures.l To apply these skills practically by doing research on the Internet and to finish a report about a speech on differently ways people watch or listen to the news.Teaching Procedure: Skills building 1: reading charts and graphs Step One: Collecting information1) Ask students to read the instructions in Part A and make clear what they are going to do. Then allow them several minutes to read the chart to find out what they should pay attention to when listening to the recording.2) Play the recording once. Ask the students to look at their answers and pay attention to any information that might be useful for their notes.3) Check for mistakes and mispronunciation. Play the recording again if time permits.4) Ask students to go over the instructions in Part B and read the three sentences. After students complete the three sentences, check the answers with the class.5) Ask students to read the instructions of Part C. Ask them to read the question, the labels, the legend, the side(y-axis) and the bottom(x-axis) carefully.6) Ask the students to look at the pie chart. Let them read the question and the legend. Ask them what the percentages in the different colour parts are about. They should know these represent different percentages of people who trust different news sources. Then ask them to finish the remaining questions. Skills building 2: Forming more detailed questions1) Begin this part by asking students what they can do if they want to get more detailed information when they already know a little about a topic.2) Ask students to read the guidelines and the three parts on page 44. Have them compare the questions given in the three parts with the questions they have given on the blackboard, and decide which questions can help them get more detailed information.Step Two: asking more detailed questions1) Ask students to work individually to think up and write down some questions to find more detailed information.2) Ask students to work in pairs.Skills building 3: reporting on facts and figures1) Ask students to read the guidelines to find out what the two main thinks to focus on. Make sure they understand the meaning of each sentence.2) Ask students to read Part 1 and Part 2 and know how to support the fact they have got.Step Three: e-mailing a report1) Tell students that they will write a report about the ways people watch or listen to the news. Help students review the two speeches they have listened to and the two charts they have read in Step 1 by asking the following questions.2) Ask students in what position they should write the report, and to whom they will write the report. Ask them to read the instructions in this part. Before writing, they should think about what they will write in the report. Step Six: Homework: Finish the workbook exercises.111


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