Unit 2《Wish you Were here 》-project学案1(牛津译林版必修2)

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Unit 2《Wish you Were here 》-project学案1(牛津译林版必修2)_第1页
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Unit 2《Wish you Were here 》-project学案1(牛津译林版必修2)_第3页
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111Project一. 单项选择(共20分,每小题1分) 1. The population of our village _ than that of theirs.A. is biggerB. is moreC. is largerD. are larger 2. - How soon will you be _? - _ three days. My ticket is on March 10.A. at, InB. away, ForC. off, ForD. off, In 3. My uncle went last week; my parents and I went to the airport to_.A. see off himB. see him offC. send off himD. send him off 4. We cant work together any more. I think its time we went out _ways.A. ownB. differentC. separateD. proper 5. Please _ “Hello” to your parents _ me. A. speak, forB. say, fromC. talk, forD. tell, from 6. When are you _ Hainan? Which of the following is wrong?A. leaving forB. starting forC. going off forD. going away for 7. There is something wrong with my bike. Ill go _ my brothers.A. byB. withC. onD. in 8. He will be back _ two oclock.A. inB. afterC. onD. for 9. She could do nothing but _.A. waitingB. to waitC. waitD. waited 10. We went to Shanghai by _ sea and decided to camp by _ sea.A. a, aB. the, theC. 不填, theD. the, 不填 11. Last night, I was about to do my homework _ the door bell rang.A. whenB. whileC. thatD. and 12. - “Well, goodbye, Stack, and best wishes.” - “_.”A. Thank youB. Its very kind of youC. All rightD. The same to you 13 - Dont forget to turn off the light when you leave the lab. - _.A. No, I dontB. No, I wontC. No, I cantD. No, Im not. 14. -Do give my regards to your family. -_.A. Of course I willB. I will do itC. I canD. Ill tell them 15. Tom is going to take _ holiday in a week.A. four daysB. four-daysC. a four-daysD. a four-day 16. When are you _ London?A. to getB. to arriveC. to reachD. to 17. Kate and her sister went on holiday with a cousin of _.A. theirB. theirs C. herD. hers 18. John and Peter are of the same age, but Peter is taller _ a head.A. withB. overC. atD. by 19. No matter what you do, you should put your _ into it.A. mindB. heartC. brainD. thought 20. _ blood if you can and many lives will be saved.A. GivingB. GiveC. GivenD. To give二.、翻译句子(共10分,每小题1分) 1. 你经常查阅的那本字典值90元.(worth) 2. 他建议我定期进行锻炼以防发胖. (in case) 3. 我们已经用完了粮食,使得我们很担心.(run out of) 4. 你有没有考虑过去国外旅行? (consider) ? 5. 倘若你不去西藏, 我们将派别人去那里. (provided that) 6. 那个小孩伸手去拿桌上的苹果, 但没够着. (reach out) 7. 他的双亲死于车祸, 什么也没给他留下. (分词做状语) 8. 众所周知, 马以草为食. (feed on) 9. 森林是各种各样动物的家园. (be home to) 10. 我厌倦了每天早上都吃同样的早餐. (be tired of) 三. 根据首字母提示, 完成短文填空(共20分, 每空1分) If you are t_(1) of seeing the same v_(2) outside your window, I suggest you a trip to Shangri-la, which is a place of m_(3) and b_(4). You may start from Dali and drive n_(5) along the Yunnan-Tibet Highway, and you may also go there by plane as there are r_(6) flights. The word Shangri-la means the sun and the moon in ones hear in the T_(7) language. It came from a novel by James Hilton. He described a beautiful k_(8) where people had d_(9) how to stay young forever. In this p_(10) world, snow-capped mountains r_(11) to the sky, and fields of long grass covered the earth. Nature has p_(12) this place with e_(13) natural treasures, making the people there live in h_(14) with each other happily. The best times to visit Shangri-la are spring and autumn as the temperature is at its m_(15). The weather c_(16) so quickly that you can e_(17) four seasons in a day. If you go there, you will never forget the place. In 1997, the g_(18) of Yunnan Province o_(19) c_(20) that Zhongdian is where Shangri-la is. So what are you waiting for?四. 句型转换(共15分, 每空格1分) 1. They have agreed to provide us with food and water. They have agreed to _ _ food and water. 2. Would you like the chance to go trekking in the desert? Would you like _ _ _ _ to go trekking in the desert? 3. His education is no more than a year in all. His education _ _ _ no more than a year. 4. You should exercise every day to keep your figure. You should _ _ _ to keep _. 5. They tried to get close to the village surrounded by the enemy. They tried to get close to the village _ _ surrounded by the enemy.五. 书面表达(共15分) 产品介绍: 汉生旅游食品厂(Hansheng Tourist Food Stuff Factory) 生产的锅巴(the rice crust), 颇受中外人士的喜爱, 请为外宾写一篇产品的简介,长度80字左右. 1. 由米制成; 2. 香酥可口(crisp), 余味深长, 味道(flavor)种类多; 3. 营养(nourishment) 丰富, 老幼皆宜; 4. 即开即食, 可用于旅游小吃, 还可用于烹调菜肴; 5. 不含任何人工原料._Self-assessment一. 词组翻译(共15分,每小题1分) 1. 考虑去香格里拉的旅行 2. 耸入云霄 3. 给我们提供信息 4. 遗漏,省去,删去 5. 利用时间 6. 在它最温和的时候 7. 厌倦了生活 8. 在进行中 9. 的日程表 10. 对感到失望 11. 完全沉默地坐着 12. 提醒某人注意某事 13. 在山里生火 14. 嫉妒我的头发 15. 很值得一读 二. 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分) 1. If it is quite _ to you, I will visit you next Tuesday.A. convenientB. fairC. easyD. comfortable 2. Could you please tell me where you bought the shoes you _ yesterday?A. tried onB. put onC. had onD. pulled on 3. - Do you think I could borrow your bike? -_A. How come?B. Take your time.C. Yes, go on. D. Yes, help yourself. 4. - Ow! Ive burnt myself! - How did you do that? - I _ a hot pot.A. touchedB. keptC. feltD. held 5. - James, I am sorry I used your computer when you were away this morning. - _.A. Thats all right.B. Its a pleasure.C. You are welcome.D. Dont mention it. 6. Allow children the space to voice their opinions, _ they are different from your own.A. untilB. even ifC. unlessD. as though 7. - Lucy doesnt mind lending you her dictionary. -She _. Ive already borrowed one.A. cantB. mustntC. needntD. shouldnt 8. It was foolish of him to _ his notes during that important test, and as a result, he got punished.A. stick to B. refer toC. keep toD. point to 9. Jumping out of _ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite _exciting experience.A. 不填, theB. 不填, anC. an, anD. the, the 10. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _ the next year.A. carried outB. carrying outC. carry outD. to carry out 11. If you dont take away all your things from the desk, there wont be enough _ for my books.A. areaB. placeC. roomD. surface 12. The evening news comes on at seven oclock and _ only thirty minutes.A. keepsB. continuesC. finishesD. lasts 13. - Has Sam finished his homework today? - I have no idea. He _ it this morning.A. didB. has doneC. was doingD. had done 14. The forest guards often campfires that have not been _ completely.A. turned downB. put out C. put awayD. turned over 15. I walked in our garden, _ Tom and Jim were tying a big sign onto one of the trees.A. whichB. whenC. whereD. that三. 用下列方框中所给词组的正确形式填空(共10分, 每小题1分) refer to be tired of supplywith set off remind sb of belong to look out for leave out be about to do on business1. Mother always tells her son to _ cars while crossing the street.2. He _ answering his little sons continuous questions.3. Will you go to Beijing _ or for pleasure?4. The boy _ in my letter was my former student.5. The photo they were looking at _ the days I spent in the countryside.6. Because I _ for Paris the next day, I went to bed early that night.7. “You _ a letter in this word.” The teacher said to me.8. I _ say something when he signed to me not to speak.9. The car parked in front of the house _ my uncle.10. Students in Canada _ books by their schools.四. 翻译句子(一共10分, 每小题1分) 1. 你最好带个相机这样你就能拍照了.(so that) 2. 他们正在吃早饭, 谈论着他们的旅行计划.(分词做状语) 3. 作为学生, 每一分钟都应该用来学习.(make use of) 4. 这个家庭过着贫困的生活, 父亲的病增加了他们的困难.(add) 5. 他们轮流开车, 很快就到了山脚下.(take turns) 6. 据比尔说, 玛丽穿着一件红色的大衣拿着一个手提箱离开了房子. (according to) 7. 2002年中国只有16.55%的土地被树木所覆盖. (coverwith) 8. 在我看来, 你不必冒失去工作的风险嫁给他.(risk) 9. 你必须把装毒药的瓶子放在孩子够不到的地方.(reach) 10. 费用多达3000 美元, 使我们 非常吃惊. (up to) 五. 短文改错(一共10分, 每小题1分) One night, a thief broke in an old mans house. He made 1._a voice and woke up the old man and his wife. The husband2._told his wife to be silence. Then he said loudly, “ My dear,3._these days thieves are clever, if they take off their clothes 4._and put them on the table, people in the room will fall sleep 5._and cant wake up.” While the thief heard this, he took off 6._his clothes at once and was ready to setting out to work. At 7._this moment, the husband suddenly shouted in loud voice,8._“Stop thief! Stop thief!” The thief was frightening. He ran 9._away as fast as he could and leaves his clothes on the table. 10._111


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