Unit 8 Section B 3a-SelfCheck

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Unit 8 3aSelf Check. 教学准备1教师: 多媒体课件和一幅学校年历。2学生: 复习英语日期的表达方式;调查学校本学期的活动开展情况并作好记录。. 教学目标1知识目标: (1)单词: there(2)词组: Childrens Day, National Day, Womens Day, New Years Day, have a good time(3)句型: When is Childrens Day?When is National Day?When is Womens Day?When is New Years Day?2能力目标: 通过本课学习,培养学生用英语思考问题的习惯,提高学生的英语书面表达能力。3情感目标: 增进同学之间的了解和友情;学会在交流中关注他人的情感。4文化意识: 了解英语国家学生的学校生活, 增加对英语国家文化的认识。. 教学重点(1)单词: there(2)词组: Childrens Day, National Day, Womens Day, New Years Day, have a good time(3)句型: When is Childrens Day?When is National Day?When is Womens Day?When is New Years Day?. 教学难点1巩固本单元的语言目标。2教会学生如何进行书面表达, 培养学生的英语综合运用能力。.教学步骤Step 1: Leadin建议: 教师问学生学校有哪些活动, 找几名学生分别回答。将学生说出的活动罗列在屏幕上, 问学生喜欢哪些活动。教师和学生做一个自由谈论。For example: T: Class! What activities do you know in the school?S1: We have English test, birthday party, basketball game.T: What other activities do you know? Please try to think and say.S2: School trip, School Day, book sale, English Day, art festival, Sports Day.T: What kind of activity do you like?S1: I like school trip.S2: I like art festival.S3: I like Sports Day.Just ask students some of the activities randomly. Maybe different student has different answer.Step 2: Task建议1: 教师问学生喜欢什么活动, 找几名学生回答。然后问学生还喜欢其他什么活动, 可以增加一些提问内容, 例如可以问学生为什么喜欢这个活动。然后让学生两人一组做问答练习。For example: T: Class! Just now we talked about the activities you have in the school.Well, what activities do you like?S1: I like school trip.T: Why do you like school trip?S1: Because I can see a lot of things and people.T: What other activities do you like?S1: I also like Sports Day.T: Why do you like Sports Day?S1: Because I like sports. On that day, I can play sports.Then let the students work in pairs like this. Call some pairs to act out.建议2: 教师问一名学生喜欢什么活动以及为什么喜欢。然后让学生在小组内做一个调查, 调查组内同学分别喜欢什么活动以及喜欢的原因。然后找几组学生做表演练习。For example: T: Class! Are there many activities in the school?Ss: Yes, there are.T: Well, what activities do you like? Why do you like?Call one student to practice with the teacher. Then let the students work in groups.S1: Hello! What activities do you like?S2: I like art festival.S1: Why do you like art festival?S2: Because I like singing, drawing and dancing.S1: What activities do you like?S3: I like book sale.S1: Why do you like book sale?S3: Because I can make money by myself.Call some groups to act out.Step 3: Task建议: 教师告诉学生, 郭鹏所在的学校九月二号将举行一次篮球比赛, 他打算邀请艾伦到学校观看, 可是郭鹏不太会写邀请函, 所以邀请函没有写完, 请你帮助郭鹏完成这封邀请函。For example: T: Class! There will be a basketball game in Guo Pengs school. Guo Peng will invite Alan to watch it. But he cant do well in it. Can you help him to finish his invitation?Let the students look at the note in 3a and complete it.After that, call some individuals to check the answers. See how well they did.Step 4: Task建议: 告诉学生我们学校将举行一次运动会, 问学生是否想邀请朋友、同学参加。告诉学生必须先写邀请函, 然后让学生自己练习写。找几篇写得比较好的作品在班内展览。For example: T: Class! Our school will also have an activitySports Day. Do you want to invite your friend or classmate to join?Ss: Yes, I do.T: But we should write invitations to them. Can you write the invitations?Then let the students write by referring to the questions in 3b.Choose some good works and show them in class.Step 5: Self Check建议: 教师问学生是否会正确表达英语日期。出示几个汉语日期, 让学生用英语表达出来。然后让学生猜猜这几个日期代表哪些重要节日。问学生还知道哪些节日。For example: T: Class! Can you say out the dates in English?Then show some dates to the class, such as: 六月一日, 三月八日Ss: June 1st, March 8th.T: Class! What important days are they?Ss: They are Childrens Day, Womens Day.T: Do you know the other important days? Such as: National Day(国庆节), New Years Day(新年), and Teachers Day(教师节)Ss: National Day(国庆节) is on October 1st;New Years Day(新年) is on January 1st;and Teachers Day(教师节) is on September 10th.Step 6: Self Check建议: 让学生填表格, 引导学生复习巩固学过的基数词和序数词。For example: T: Class! What kind of numbers have we learned? Do you remember? Please fill in the chart.onefirstsixtwelvesecondsevenththirteenththreeeighttwentyfourthninetwentyfirstfivetenththirtyStep 7: Summary建议: 教师让学生自己总结本节课所学的内容, 包括单词、词组和句型, 以及如何邀请朋友参加活动。For example: T: Class! Lets sum up what we have learned in this class.What words did we learn?Ss: Art, festival, thing, term, month, busy, time, there.T: What phrases did we learn?Ss: School Day, book sale, art festival, Sports Day.T: What sentences did we learn?Ss: We have some interesting and fun things for you this term. On September 21st, we have a school trip in the afternoon.T: And how to write invitation notes?Then let the students write an invitation note. The teacher gives the students some direction and help.Step 8: Homework1和你的同伴讨论各自喜欢什么活动以及喜欢的原因, 编成对话并表演。对话模式: S1: What activities do you like?S2: I like.S1: Why do you like.?S2: Because.S1: What other activities do you like?S2: I also like.S1: Why do you like.?S2: Because.2调查学校本学期的活动开展情况, 制作一份学校的活动年历。3上网搜索一些重要节日, 并记下日期和英语表达方式。Unit 8When is your birthday?Section B3aSelf CheckWe have some interesting and fun things for you this term.On September 21st,we have a school trip in the afternoon.4


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