高一英语北师大版必修4:Unit10 Money《Lesson 4 Adertisements》导学案

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11110级_班_组 层次_Unit 10 Money(8) Lesson 4 AdvertisementA tip: Money is not everything, but without money, everything is nothing. 钱不是万能的,但是没有钱是万万不能的Learning aims:1.学习英语广告用语和广告形式(A级) 2.了解几个新产品:无线耳机、迷你照相机和带耳塞的耳环(A级) 3.掌握本课出现的重要单词、词组和句型(B)Learning important points:掌握本课重要短语的用法(B级)Learning difficult points:文中涉及到的重要单词的应用(C级)Learning steps:Step1. A dictation of new words (A 级) Step2. 短语汇总(B级)1. 穿过 2. 根据,依据 3. 迷你照相机 4. 担心 5. 四处行走 6. 数以千计的 7. 由制成 8. 完美的解决方案 Step3.Fast-reading(B级)1. Which of the them can be used to1) take photos? 2) keep you away from noise? 3) help you clean the floors? 4) listen to the radios? 2. Choose the best answers: 1) It is convenient to wear the remote headphone because it has _.A. no wires B. wires C. of top quality2).The advantage of the camera is that_. A. they are big B. they are small and easy to useC. they have computers in them3).You can buy_ at a price of 5.99. A. a remote headphone B. a mini camera C. a floor cleanerStep4.疑难解析(B级)1. Which of the gadgets do you think are real? 【解析】do you think 在本句中是_.该句是由_+do you think+其他部分构成的,用来征询对方的看法或推测等。do you think作为插入语,句子要用_语序。可用于这一结构的动词还有_ _ _等。2. The signals go through glass, doors and walls. 【导学】该句是一个简单句,主语是_,谓语是_,宾语是_. 【解析】go through(1) 仔细检查 他仔细检查学生的论文。_(2) 经历 我们经历了很多灾难。_【链接】break through 突围出来 get through 通过考试,做完,接通电话 look through 浏览,看一遍,仔细查看,查阅 3. These exciting, new headphones give you freedom to move around plus top quality sound.【翻译】_ 【导学】该句的主语是_,谓语是_,间接宾语是_,直接宾语是_move around 译为_ I could hear someone _ _ in the room above. 我听见楼上有人来回走动。4. They are also useful in many noisy situations.【翻译】_【解析】useful adj. 有用的.有效的 useless adj. 无用的,无效的 eg: This method of working is useless. 这种工作方法毫无用处。【拓展】It is useless doing sth “干某事是没用的”,其中it 为形式主语,真正的主语为后面的动名词。为这件事担心无济于事。Its useless (A worrying B worry) about it.It is no use doing sth “做某事是没用的”,其中it 为形式主语,真正的主语为后面的动名词。抱怨无济于事。_5. Do you find housework tiring and boring ? 【翻译】_【解析】find +宾语+宾补 发现怎么样. 其中,宾补可以是_ _ _ _ _ _fnd oneself doing sth (不知不觉地) 发现自己在做某事. find oneself in (不知不觉地) 发现自己处于 eg: I found him _ (等待) for us at the school gate. eg: I found my key _ (在我的桌子上).【注意】I found it difficult to finish my homework.在本句中it是_ _语 to finish my homework 是_ 语6. They are very practical and easy to wash. 【翻译】_【解析】 practical adj 实际的. 实用的. 实践的 pactice n. 实际, 实践 practise vt. 练习,训练【拓展】 in practice _ putinto practice practise doing sth 【练习】用practice, practise, practical 填空(1) When you come across the problems, come to ask me.(2) If you want to make progress, you should do more .(3) I spent two hours drawing during the summer holidays.Step5.Grammaralso, either, plus, too1.also 意思是“也”,是比too较为正式的用语,通常用于肯定句中,一般其位置在be动词、助动词、情态动词之后,实义动词之前;例:He also asked to go他也要求去。 2.too 意思也是“也”,是最普通的用语,相当于also, as well, 但不如also正式,在口语中它用得更多。too常放于句末或作为插入语放在句中,它也通常用于肯定句中。例:I, too, have been to Paris我也去过巴黎。(这里明确表示别人去过巴黎,我也去过。) She can speak English and can speak French, too.3.either 意思也是“也”。它用于否定句中,而且要放在句末用逗号隔开。例:Jack is not a teacher, Im not a teacher, either.杰克不是老师,我也不是.4.plusprep. 加上; 外加、另有Five plus two equals seven. 五加二等于七。The work of an engineer requires intelligence plus experience. 工程师的工作需要才智,还要经验。 小结反思:Unit 10 Money Lesson 4 Advertisement当堂检测卡(8)日期: 班级: 姓名: 层次: 评价:1.用所给词的适当形式填空(C级)(1) The work was _(tire) and we were (tire).(2) We found the boy (move) to tears by his teachers words.(3) Dont wake up the (sleep) baby.二、翻译1.你可以一边在公园散步一边听音乐。You can listen to music _ _ _ _ _the park.2. This Mini camera is_ _ _a credit card (和一样大).3. 戴着无线耳机,你可以走到离收音机或电视机60米的地方,因为信号可以穿透门和墙壁。With Remote Headphones you can_ _ _ _ _ _ _ your radio or TV, for the signals can _ _doors and walls.4. Doing housework is _ _ _(又累又烦). 5. The _ _ ( 电灯) is very convenient in our daily life.6. _ _ _ _ _ _ (如果你方便的话 ), please post the letter for me.7. I fond this bike _ _ _ _ _ (和那辆自行车一样不好 ).8. This e-dictionary is _ _ _ (易于使用 ).9. Im so tired that I cant _ _ (集中精神于 ).10. This place is _ _ _ _ _ ( 太吵不能看书).错因与纠正: 111


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