高二英语人教版选修7同步检测《Unit 1 Living well》第1课时

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高二英语人教版选修7同步检测《Unit 1 Living well》第1课时_第1页
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111Unit 1 第1课时.单词拼写1He supported that countrys_(进入)into the European Common Market.2_(同伴的)workers helped me rush her to the hospital.3The teacher punished the_(吵闹的)children by making them stay after school.4When money falls in value, there is no_(鼓励)to save.5His_(无能)prevents him from holding a job.6I think I am rather o_. I enjoy working with others.7I wrote an excuse for my a_from school.8Her a_was to become a film star.9His tempers been changeable this week, so dont a_him.10You are c_! Youve knocked over my cup of coffee!11After g_, she became a teacher.12Last but not least, there is the question of a_funding.13Most of the windows here are open o_.14There are four emergency e_in the department store.15The real d_of a man lies in what he is, not in what he has. 16There is very little_(利润)in selling newspapers at present.17I will do some voluntary work for our_(社区)this summer.18On the long journey, he proved himself to be an amusing_(同伴)19We_(祝贺)him on his birthday together last night.20I hope the arrangements meet with your_(赞成)答案:1.entry2.Fellow3.noisy4.encouragement5.disability6.outgoing7.absence8.ambition9.annoy10clumsy11.graduation/graduating12.adequate13outwards14.exits15.dignity16.profit17community18.companion19.congratulated20.approval.用适当的介词填空。1A school for children_physical disability will be set up in the village with the help of volunteers.2Have you reported the loss_your car to the local police?3It is reported that the football match to be held tonight will be broadcast_the Internet.4A survey shows that income, education, and occupation all play a part_determining a persons smoking habit.5They are experiencing similar difficulties_those that we face in the process of developing economy.答案:1.with2.of3.on4.in5.to.完成句子根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。1The old man had a stroke which_ _ _(使有困难)for him to move.2Although I_great_ _(有困难)waking him, he swore that he was not asleep.3He had_ _ _(尽力)to verify the Willie Hughes theory.4When I read the play, I_ _(禁不住)thinking of Cyril.5She_very_ _(为感到骄傲)having a friend with such noble ideas.6Did you_any money_(在取胜)the races today?7Two of them_ _(忙于)making artificial flowers.8They_ _(建立)a small laboratory and devoted every spare moment to this work.9Such strikes have_ _important_ _(起作用)the development of the trade union movement.10A boy who_ _ _ _(雄心勃勃地)usually works hard.答案:1.made it difficult2.had; difficulty in3.tried/didhis best4.cant help5.was; proud of6.win; at7.were busy8.set up9.played an; part/role in10.is full of ambition.阅读理解阅读下面的文章,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。A mother from Colorado who doctors said had died while giving birth to her son, has said it is a Christmas miracle that both she and the boy are alive.Tracey Hermanstorfers heart stopped beating and her son Coltyn appeared lifeless after the Caesarean(剖腹产术)section on Christmas Eve. However a few minutes after he was born, both began breathing again. Dr Stephanie Martin told Good Morning America she could not explain how the pair survived. Mrs Hermanstorfer and her husband Mike told the American television show that their baby was now healthy and that they were doing“good”following the drama at Colorado Springs Memorial Hospital.The couple, who already had two children, had to go into the hospital seven weeks earlier than planned. Her husband, 37, said his wife was tired after receiving an epidural(硬脑膜外麻醉)during the labour(分娩)but after closing her eyes, she“wasnt waking up”She stopped breathing and she is believed to have suffered a heart attack before her heart stopped beating entirely.Dr Martin said she was called in and that the outlook was grim since in most situations like this,“despite the best efforts of the team”, the mother was often unable to be revived. In that case doctors then tried to focus on delivering the baby but when he was born he was“completely lifeless”Mr Hermanstorfer told the Associated Press news agency,“I had everything in the world taken from me, and in an hour and a half I had everything given to me.”Dr Martin said she did not have a“great explanation”for why Mrs Hermanstorfers heartbeat returned. “Somewhere between four and five minutes she had been without heart rate and had stopped breathing a minute or two prior to her heart stopping,” she said. The doctors were then able to bring the baby back to life, and the mother was alive after that.Despite tests, she said doctors were still not sure about what had happened. However Mrs Hermanstorfer and her husband Mike have said they believed it was down to a miracle. She said:“I got a second chance in life.”文章大意:本文为记叙文。美国的一位产妇在分娩时可能突发心脏病,心脏停止了跳动。但在产下一个无生命迹象的男婴后,母子却奇迹般地死而复生。1The story happened on_.ADecember, 24 BDecember, 25CDecember, 31 DJanuary, 1答案:A细节理解题。根据“Tracey Hermanstorfers heart stopped beating and her son Coltyn appeared lifeless after the Caesarean(剖腹产术)section on Christmas Eve.”可知,故事发生在圣诞节前夕,即12月24日。2What might have happened to Tracey Hermanstorfer just before her heart stopped beating?AShe became unconscious.BShe took a nap.CShe had a bad headache.DShe suffered a heart attack.答案:D细节理解题。根据“She stopped breathing and she is believed to have suffered a heart attack before her heart stopped beating entirely.”可知,在她的心脏停止跳动之前Tracey Hermanstorfer可能心脏病突发。3Which of the following is the correct order of what happened to Tracey Hermanstorfer?asuffering a heart attackbstopping heart beating entirelycstopping breathingdcoming back to lifeereceiving an epiduralfproducing a babyAacfdbe BfcadbeCeacbfd Deabcfd答案:C细节理解题。要求对事件排序,可采用首尾定位法。第一个事件是receiving an epidural,最后一个事件是coming back to life。故排除A项和B项。根据had stopped breathing a minute or two prior to her heart stopping可知stopping breathing发生在前,故答案为C。4What feelings did Mr Hermanstorfer experience during the incident?ASad and delighted.BDisappointed and depressed.CSad and angry.DTouched and regrettable.答案:A推断题。根据“I had everything in the world taken from me, and in an hour and a half I had everything given to me.”可以判断Mr Hermanstorfer 经历了“先悲后喜”的情感体验。5Which of the following words best expresses Dr Martins attitude towards Tracey Hermanstorfers coming back to life?AShocked. BPuzzled.CNormal. DCurious.答案:B根据第二段相关内容“.she could not explain how the pair survived.”以及第六段第一句话“Dr Martin said she did not have agreat explanationfor why Mrs Hermanstorfers heartbeat returned.”等信息可知,Martin医生对这位产妇的“死而复生”感到“困惑”。111


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