Module 7 Unit 1 教案

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Module 7 Great booksUnit 1 Were still influenced by Confuciuss ideas.教学目标【知识目标】1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组: crocodile, shark, hand, have a look at, alongside, 2、能够初步了解that引导的限定性定语从句。【能力目标】3、能够听懂有关介绍澳大利亚的对话;能够询问他人的旅游经历。4、能够用本单元学到的词汇、短语、句型介绍参观过的某个地点。【情感态度目标】了解不同国家的风景,自然与文化,同时能够介绍中国的文化景点,增强民族意识;培养学生对自然和生活的热爱之情。教学重难点【教学重点】1、能够掌握本单元重点单词和固定表达2、能够用本单元学到的词汇、短语、句型介绍参观过的某个地点。【教学难点】一般现在时的被动语态的用法教学过程Step 1 Lead-in标题导入:“Recently Ive read a great book called Romeo and Juliet。 Im deeply moved by it. Have you ever read some great books?” 随即将 “Great books”呈现在黑板上,鼓励学生说出他们读过的名著。这里用学生们熟悉的话题导入新课,能够激发学生学习的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,更重要的是通过老师的表述,如运用重读、稍慢的语速等方式强调被动语态的句子,让学生们在真实的语境中感知被动语态。Step 2 Listening听activity1,展示三幅图片,问“Who are they? Do you know something about them? Try to use the words in the table to help you.”,学生们两人一组描述图片,之后,听磁带看学生们的匹配是否与所听到的一致。1. Ask the students to Look at the pictures. 2. Say who they are and why they are famous. 3. Play the recording and ask the students to listen carefully.4. Now listen and check your answers.5. Ask the students to check their answer with a partner.6. Call back the answers from the whole class and check the answers.Step 3 Listening carefully1. Ask the students to read through answer the sentences.1) Confucius is well-known in _.2) Shakespeare wrote _.3) Mark Twains stories are set _ of the US.2. Play the recording and ask the students to listen carefully.3. Listen and complete the sentences.4. Ask the students to check their answer with a partner.5. Call back the answers from the whole class and check the answers.6. Now listen and check.Step 4 Listen and read(一)学生自主学习,理解activity 3的意思,找出不懂的地方。(二)小组内合作解决不懂的地方,再有疑难,小组间共同解决,教师适时点拨。1. Show some pictures, and ask the students to talk about them.2. Ask the students to read the conversation silently.3. Play the recording and ask the students to listen and read the conversation.4. Read the conversation.5. Act it out.6. Match the people with the descriptions.(1)Ask the students to read the conversation again.(2)Read the information in Activity 3.1) Confucius 2) Shakespeare 3)Mark Twaina) He was a very wise man.b) He is not as well-known as the other two people, but his works are still popular.c) His plays are read by millions of people.d) He was more a teacher and thinker than a writer.e) People are still influenced by his ideas.3. Now match the people with the descriptions.4. Ask the students to check their answer with a partner.5. Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer.Keys: 1.a), d), e) 2. c) 3. b)Step 5 Finish the activity 4.1. Ask the students to the words in the box in Activity 4.accept discuss influence review sense thinker wise2. Ask the students to read through the passage in Activity 4.3. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.4. Check with a partner.5. Call back the answers from the whole class.Keys: 1. discussing 2. review 3. accepted 4. thinker 5. wise 6. influenced 7. sense Step 6 Everyday English让学生们说说这些句子在文中的意思。Whats up? Well, maybeI suppose Why dont you?Step 7 Pronunciation1)跟读录音朗读文章,模仿语音语调2)读熟文章3)画出重读的句子1. Play the recording once without stopping.2. Play the recording again and ask the whole class to repeat.1) Were still influenced by Confuciuss ideas.2) Shakespeares plays also make a lot of sense to us today.3) He was important, but I suppose he isnt as well-known as Confucius or Shakespeare.3. Ask the students to listen and underline the words the speaker stresses.4. Now listen again and repeat.Step 8 Group work and speaking1. Work in groups. Do you agree with the following opinions? Give your reasons.1) Teahouse is one of the greatest plays in China.2) Everyone should learn some Tang poems.3) We should only read books by great writers.I accept I agree / dont agree withI suppose I think2. Now report the ideas of your group to the whole class.Most of us thinkWe think we learn3. Work in groups.Step 9 Language points1. Whats up? Whats up? 是一种非正式的用法,意思是“怎么了/出什么事了?”例如:Whats up? You look very worried? 怎么了?你看上去很焦虑。2. But I think Id describe Confucius more as a teacher and thinker than a writer.这里的Confucius指孔子,为“孔夫子”的英语译名,是长期以来约定俗成的译法。morethan在本句中表示“与其说是不如说是”。例如:Success is more hard work than good luck. 成功来自努力,而非好运。3. and Shakespeares plays also make a lot of sense to us today. make sense的意思是“合情理;明智;有意义”。例如:No wonder how I tried to read it, the sentence still did not make any sense to me. 不管我们怎么努力地读,我还是不懂这个句子的意思。Why did she do such a thing? It does not seem to make sense. 她为什么做这样的事?似乎没有道理。4. I want to join an Internet group to discuss great books by great writers.discuss v.讨论;谈论discuss的过去分词是discussed, 现在分词是discussing, discuss sth. (with sb.)和某人谈论某事e.g. We will discuss the plans with them at the meeting. 我们将和他们在会议上讨论这个计划。5. Were still influenced by Confuciuss ideas.influence v.影响;作用于influence用作动词时,后面直接跟宾语,常可用于influence sb. to do sth.结构。e.g. What influenced you to take the job? 什么影响你接受这份工作? 6. By the way, what do you think of Mark Twain, by the way用于转入新的话题,意为“顺便说;附带说”。e.g. By the way, has everybody arrived? 顺便问一句,大家都到了吗?7. He was important, but I suppose he isnt as well-known as Confucius or Shakespeare.suppose v.猜想;推测;相信;认为后面可以带动词不定式的复合结构或从句,也常用于be supposed to结构。e.g. I suppose him to be on duty. 我想他在值班。 We are not supposed to smoke here. 我们不应该在这儿吸烟。well-known adj.众所周知的;著名的be well-known as意为“作为而著名”, 相当于be famous as 。e.g. Norman Bethune was well-known as a great doctor. 白求恩作为一个伟大的医生而著名。拓展:be well-known for意为“因为而著名”,相当于be famous for。除v-ing形式外,for后还可跟名词。e.g. Yuan Longping is well-known for hybrid rice. 袁隆平因杂交水稻而著名。8. 小组自我补充9. 学生自主完成这些重点与难点。自主完成后,小组合作,交流学习成果,共同释疑。让学生朗读以上重点知识。Step 10 中考链接A. 单项选择:1. Experts _ to make suggestions to help him develop.A. will invite B. are invited C. have invited2. Han Hans books are popular. They _ by many teenagers. A. are reading B. are read C. were read3. At present, one of the best ways to study is working in groups. More chances _ to students to learn from each other. A. offer B. are offered C. have offered4.Dont you see the sign “No Parking!” on the right? Sorry, I didnt. But now I know parking_ here. A. wasnt allowed B. isnt allowed C. wont allow D. doesnt allowKeys: 1. B 2.B 3. B 4. BB. 完成句子:1. 我试图让每首歌都体现出它自己的意义。I try to make each song _for itself. 2. 顺便问一下,你认为这个队的水平如何?_, what do you think about this Team?3. 今天很多人仍然看孔子的作品。Confucius works _ by many people today.4. 学校鼓励学生大声地讲英语。All the students _ speak English loudly.5. 我们受到孔子思想的影响。We _ by Confuciuss thoughts.Keys: 1. make sense 2. By the way 3. are still read 4. are encouraged to 5. are influenced课堂作业Remember the words of Unit 1 and prepare the text of Unit 2.教学反思


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