Module 4 Unit 3 教案

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Module 4 Home aloneUnit 3 Language in use教学目标【知识目标】Get the students to be able to use the key vocabulary and new words they learn in this unit【能力目标】To summarize and consolidate the adverbial clause of concession.情感态度目标To be glad to listen to others experiences and give others some advice.教学重难点【教学重点】The adverbial clause of concession and the adverbial clause of result.【教学难点】although/though/but的区别使用教学过程Step 1 Language practice To master the use of “although, that, but” by filling the blanks.1. I can look after myself,_ it wont be easy for me.2. _ they loved me, I felt a bit unhappy with them.3. My clock rings_ loudly _ it will certainly wake me up.Step 2 Grammar 结果状语从句和让步状语从句 1. sothat引导的结果状语从句sothat结构的意思是“太以至 于”。so后面接形容词或副词, 表示程度, that后接从句表示这一程度造成的影响或结果。e.g. We were so noisy that our next-door neighbour came to complain. 我们太吵了, 以致隔壁邻居前来抱怨。 I was so careless that I forgot something important. 我真是粗心, 以致忘记了重要的事情。 He speaks so fast that I cannot understand him. 他说话太快了, 以致我没理解他的意思。2. 让步状语从句although引导的让步状语从句, 表示“尽管, (但是)”。e.g. I can look after myself, although it wont be easy for me. 我还是可以照顾自己的, 虽然这对我来说不容易。 Although Kevin is alone, he is very happy at first. 尽管凯文独自一人(在家), 但他刚开始还是挺高兴的。让步状语从句也可以由though引导, 表示表示“尽管, (但是)”。在一般情况下, 可以与由although引导的让步状语从句互换使用。在口语中, though较为常用。e.g. He went on fighting, though he was wounded. 尽管受了伤, 他还是继续战斗。 注意: 汉语中“虽然/尽管”与“但是”往往同时使用, 但在英语中却不是这样。e.g. I do not often make dinner, but I can cook. 我不经常做饭, 但是我会做。 Although I do not often make dinner, I can cook. 虽然我不经常做饭, 但是我会做。 对比这两个句子可以看出, 在英语中,although与but通常是不能同时使用的。Step 3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There may be more than one answer.although but that1. The teacher was so worried _ she told me to stay after school and tell her what happened.2. I can cook some dishes, _ they are simple.3. The work was so difficult _ he couldnt finish it on time.4. _ I planned to get home early, I was late.5. My parents have to leave me alone, _ they do not want to. Keys: that, although/ but, that, Although, althoughStep 4 Complete the sentences with your own ideas.1. Their parents do most things for them, although_.2. She was so late that_. 3. Travelling by bus takes longer, although _. 4. Although they did not cook anything, _.5. I was very tired after the trip, but _.6. My parents are so busy that_.Step 5 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in bracketsLast Sunday, Lucy (1) _(say) goodbye to her parents at the station. She could not (2) _ (travel) with them because she did n ot want to (3) _ (miss) school. Lucy was sure that she would be fine at home alone. There (4)_ (be) so much food in the fridge that she certainly would not go hungry. She (5) _ (know) how to cook some simple dishes. Three days later, when her parents (6) _ (return), Lucy (7) _ (be) very pleased to see them.Keys: said, travel, miss, was, knew, returned, wasStep 6 Complete the passage with the words and expressions in the boxempty prepare shut tidy up wake up I love being at home when my parents go out. It is silly to be afraid when the house is (1)_, because the door is (2)_ and you are quite safe. As you get older, I think it is important not to depend on your parents for everything, but to learn to look after yourself. My alarm clock rings so loudly that I can (3) _ in the morning. I know how to (4)_ food and (5)_ my bedroom. When my parents ret urn, the house is clean, just the way they like it!Keys: empty, shut, wake up, prepare, tidy upStep 7 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.anybody anything everybody everythingnobody nothing somebody something 1. I can look after myself. I do not depend on_ else.2. Suddenly I realised that I was alone. There was _ there to look after me.3. Some students depend on others so much that their parents do _ for them.4. He never does _ to help.5. I needed _ to eat, so I cooked some eggs.6. Daming has not got a clock, so he needs _ to wake him up.7. Tony was so careful that _ went wrong at all.8. Cooking is an important skill, and _ should learn to make some simple dishes. Keys: anybody, nobody, everything, anything, something, somebody, nothing, everybodyStep 8 Complete the passage with the expressions in the boxbe away depend on is worried about look after Your parents are going on holiday without you. You go to the airport and see them off. Then you go home alone. Your parents will (1) _ for two weeks. Your mother (2) _ you. You tell her to have a good time, and not to worry. You say, “Its fine. Ill manage. ”Is it true? Do you know how to (3) _ yourself? Or do you (4) _your parents to cook, wash and tidy up for you? Keys: be away, is worried about, look after, depend onStep 9 ListeningListen and match the people with their activities.Step 10 Reading1. Present some pictures and a video about the film.2. Read the passage and complete the sentences.1) The film Home Alone is about _.2) Kevins family are preparing to _.3) Kevin wishes that _ _.4) Kevin is left at home because his parents _. 5) At first, Kevin _ to be at home alone.6) Harry and Marv want to _.7) Finally, _ come and take away Harry and Marv.8) When Kevins parents come home, they find _.Step 11 Around the world1. Learn about the Home alone rules.2. Read the passage and tell the sentences are true or false. 1) There are some laws about when it is safe to leave a child alone in the UK.2) Five basic rules are mentioned in the passage.3) We can learn from the passage that medicines and matches are obvious dangers for children.Step 12 Exercises Step 13 Writing task1. Make a list about how to live alone.Managing your time Cooking Staying safe2. Work in pairs. Choose a topic from the list and make a leaflet for your topic.Managing your time Make a timetable. Get up on time. Dont be late for school. Watch TV for less than one hour every day.课堂作业教学反思

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