高中英语外研版课时精炼:必修4 Module 1《Life in the Future》

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111Module 1Life in the FutureI. 单项填空1Rome was not built in a day.You should set_goals and work hard to achieve them.Aalternative BconsiderableCsubjective Drealistic答案D句意:罗马非一日建成,你应该树立切实可行的目标并且努力去实现它们。alternative“选择性的,二中择一的”;considerable“相当的,重要的,可观的”;subjective“主观的”;realistic“切实可行的”。2If you have a good_of English, youll get a wellpaid job very easily.Acontrol BimprovementCcommand Ddemand答案C句意:如果你精通英语,就会很容易地找到一份高薪工作。此处用have a good command of表示“精通”。control“控制”;improvement“改善”;demand“需要”,均不符合题意。3The managing director took the_for the accident, although it was not his fault.Aguilt BchargeCblame Daccusation答案C句意:尽管不是总经理的过错,但是他承担了这次事故的责任。take the blame for“对承担责任”;take charge of “负责,掌管”,charge前无定冠词the。4You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of_Adate Bshape Corder Dbalance答案Bout of shape是“变形”的意思,根据前面“你坐在我的帽子上”可判断出帽子是“变形”了。out of date意为“过时”;out of order意为“混乱”;out of balance意为“失衡”。5The photographer needs to charge up the digital camera every day as the battery_quickly.Ashuts up Bends upCruns out Dturns out答案C根据主句的句意“摄影师需要每天给数码相机充电”,可知电池很快用完了,故选C项。shut up“关闭,关紧”;end up“结束”;turn out“关掉”。6Let your child learn to be independent,for_he will leave home to lead his own life as a fully independent adult.Athankfully BalternativelyCdefinitely D eventually答案D根据题意“让你的孩子学会独立,原因是最终(eventually)他会离开家,作为一个完全独立的成人自己生活”可知选D项。thankfully感激地;alternatively(引出第二种选择或可能的建议)要不,或者;definitely无疑地,确定地。7Many countries,which mainly_natural gas for heating and lighting,are now looking for other energy sources.Aswitch on Bturn onCtake on Drely on答案D句意为:很多主要“依赖(rely on)”天然气供热和照明的国家现在正在寻找别的能源。switch on打开(灯、无线电等);turn on打开(煤气炉、电灯、收音机等);take on从事。8The chief manager has decided to put_he thinks is energetic, clever, and has good qualities in the position of the leadership of the company.Awhoever BanyoneCwhomever Dthose who答案A句意:总经理已决定任命他认为有活力、聪明且具有良好品质的人为公司领导人。题干中he thinks为插入成分,故put 之后的宾语从句缺少主语,且从句谓语动词为单数,故正确答案为A项。9The company always_great importance to the quality of their products. Thats why there is always steady increase in sales year by year.Aputs BattachesCmakes Dplays答案B考查动词词义辨析。句意:这家公司一直很重视自己产品的质量,这就是它销售额每年都稳步增长的原因。attach importance to“重视”。10In my opinion, keeping dogs should not be banned, but _to certain areas.Alimited BlimitingCto limit Dto be limited答案A考查limit的用法。句意:在我看来,养狗不应当被禁止,而应限制在固定的区域内。limit与主语keeping dogs是被动关系,故构成be limited to.意为“被限制在”。11The football fans often make a _about which team will win the coming match.Aprofession BpreparationCprediction Dprogress答案C考查名词词义辨析。句意:球迷经常预测哪个队会赢得即将进行的比赛。make a prediction“预测”。12Peoples political beliefs are often_by what they read in newspapers.Aproduced BshapedCmade Dtook答案B考查动词词义辨析。句意:人们在报纸上所读到的往往塑造了他们的政治信仰。produce“生产”;shape“使成形,塑造”;make“做,使”;take“拿走”。13Linda neednt_her parents any moreshe could be entirely independent by working as a nurse.Agrow on Bbring onCtake on Drely on答案D句意:琳达不必依靠她的父母了,她现在是一名护士,完全可以独立了。此处要用rely on表示“依靠”;grow on“使逐渐喜欢”;bring on“引起,导致”;take on“呈现,雇用”。14She is still_about her life in spite of the hard life she has gone through in the past three years.Aanxious Boptimistic Ccrazy Dconcerned答案B考查形容词辨析。句意为:尽管在过去三年中经历了生活的艰辛,但她依然对生活保持乐观。be optimistic about对乐观;be anxious about对担心,对忧虑;be crazy about着迷于,酷爱;be concerned about关心,挂念。15_to loud music for a long time can cause serious damage to the teenagers hearing.AExposing BExposedCBeing exposed DExpose答案C考查非谓语动词用法。句意:长期暴露于音量非常大的音乐之下会对青少年的听力造成严重的损伤。由句式分析可知,句子缺少主语,且expose与其相应的逻辑主语为被动关系,故要用动名词的被动形式作主语,而过去分词和动词原形均不可以在句中充当主语。II. 完形填空A famous scientist was asked why he was able to be so much more creative than the average person.What set him so far_1_from others?He _2_that it all resulted from a (n) _3_that occurred when he was three.He was trying to_4_a bottle of milk from the refrigerator when he lost hold of the bottle, spilling its _5_all over the kitchen floor.Instead of _6_at him, his mother said,“Robert, what a wonderful _7_you have made!I have _8_seen such a huge puddle of milk.Since the_9_is done, would you like to get down and play in the milk for a while _10_cleaning it up?”Indeed, he did.“Robert,_11_you make a mess like this,_12_you have to clean it up and restore everything to its_13_order.”And then together they cleaned up the spilled milk.His mother then said,“Robert, that is a _14_experiment in how to _15_carry a big milk bottle.Lets go out in the yard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can _16_a way to carry a bottle of water without dropping it.”The scientist remarked he learned from that moment that mistakes were just _17_for learning something new, which is_18_scientific experiments are all about.Even if the experiment “doesnt work”,we usually learn something_19_from it.Wouldnt it be great if all _20_would respond like Roberts mother?Notes:creative adj.有创造力的,创造性的,独创的creative work创造性的工作restore vt.恢复,复兴to restore law and order恢复法律和秩序1A.away Bapart Cabove Dahead2A.responded BacknowledgedCassumed Dcompromised3A.experiment BcoincidenceCexperience Dconflict4A.deliver Breturn Cmove Dremove5A.mixture Bwater Cliquids Dcontents6A.yelling Bcoming Cnodding Dlaughing7A.mistake Bmess Ctrick Dtreasure8A.always Boften Crarely Dever9A.damage BbusinessCfavor Dharm10A.before BafterCwith Dwithout11A.whatever BhoweverCwherever Dwhenever12A.especially BeventuallyCrespectively Dimmediately13A.opposite BparticularCproper Dnatural14A.failed BforbiddenCdemanded Ddeserved15A.absolutely BcomfortablyCconfidentially Deffectively16A.develop Bgrasp Cinvent Ddiscover17A.options BopportunitiesCqualities Dprocedures18A.that Bwhere Cwhat Dwhich19A.available BvaluableCpractical Daccessible20A.managers BdirectorsCparents Drelatives【语篇解读】 如何对待孩子的过失,这位科学家的母亲的做法值得我们深思。全文通过事例说明对待孩子过失的不同态度导致了孩子在发展上的不同。1B从后面的介词from可得此答案。apart from意为“远离”,引申为“有别于”。2A这位科学家回答:这归因于自己3岁时的一次经历。respond意为“回答,回应”。误解分析:acknowledge承认(错误等);assume假定;compromise折中,妥协。3C从下文判断,他3岁时洒了牛奶,这是一次“经历”,而不是一次“实验”、“巧合”或“冲突”。4D他试图把牛奶从冰箱中拿出来,即“移走”牛奶。5D把牛奶洒在地上,即瓶子里的“东西”。6A他的母亲没有对他大声斥责。7B母亲却对他说:“你把东西弄乱了,但这多美妙啊!用名词mess表示“凌乱”。8C母亲说自己很少见过这么多牛奶洒在地上。9A既然损失已经造成,你就在里面多玩会儿吧。10A母亲让他在洒了的牛奶里玩一会儿再把牛奶清理干净,用before引导时间状语从句。11D母亲教育他,每当弄乱了东西应该怎么去处理。12B最终你得把它们收拾好。13C然后让一切秩序恢复正常。14A母亲继续教导他:你的尝试失败了。15D如何能够顺利地拿走一大瓶牛奶的实验。16D母亲引导儿子,看他能否找到拿走一大瓶水的办法。17B儿子从母亲的教导中感悟出一个道理:犯错误为学习新东西提供了机会。18Cwhat引导表语从句,说明了从错误中学习正是科学实验的意义所在。19B即使实验失败了,我们也能从中学到有价值的东西。20C作者最后感叹:如果所有的父母都像这位科学家的母亲一样就好了。III. 阅读理解What picture do you have of the future?Will life in the future be better, worse or the same as now?What do you hope about the future?Futurologists predict that life will probably be very different in 2050 in all the fields of activity, from entertainment to technology.First of all, it seems that TV channels will have disappeared by 2050.Instead, people will choose a program from a “menu” and a computer will send the program directly to the television.By 2050,music, films, programs, newspapers and books will come to us by computer.In what concerns the environment, water will have become one of our most serious problems.Demand for water will increase ten times between now and 2050 and there could be serious shortages.Some futurologists predict that water could be the cause of war if we dont act now.In transport, cars will run on new, clean fuels and they will go very fast.Cars will have computers to control the speed of the car and there wont be any accidents.Today, many cars have computers that tell drivers exactly where they are.By 2050, the computer will control the car and drive it to your destination.In the domain of technology, robots will have replaced people in factories.Many factories already use robots.Big companies prefer robotsthey do not ask for pay rises or go on strike, and they work 24 hours a day.By 2050, we will see robots everywherein factories, schools, offices, hospitals, shops and homes.Last but not least, medicine technology will have conquered many diseases.Today scientists have discovered how to control genes.They have already produced clones of animals.By 2050, scientists will be able to produce clones of people and decide how they look, how they behave and how much intelligence they have.Scientists will be able to do these thingsbut should they?Notes:domain n领域conquer v战胜1Whats the purpose of the first paragraph?ATo arouse the interest of the reader.BTo tell the background of the passage.CTo introduce the topic of the passage.DTo describe the pictures of the future.2We can know from the passage that_Acomputers will finally take the place of the media nowadaysBrobots will completely have replaced people in factoriesCcomputers will tell drivers exactly where they are in futureDit is more convenient to choose programs sent by the computer3Whats the authors attitude towards the life by 2050?AExcited but pessimistic. BOptimistic but worried.CEager but afraid. DConfident but cautious.4It can be inferred from the last paragraph that_Aall diseases will not be conquered by scientistsBscientists have known the way to produce genesCthe clones of human are understood by scientistsDthe clones of animals have a long way to go5The information of the passage belongs to_Atravel BtechnologyCeducation Dlife【语篇解读】 本篇文章从五个方面对2050年未来的生活进行了展望,同时也存在着些许担心,如克隆技术等。1A作者意图推断题。开篇接连几个问句的出现,目的在于吸引读者的兴趣,让读者充满期待地读完文章。2D细节理解题。根据文章第一段“By 2050, music, films, programs, newspapers and books will come to us by computer.”可知这些新闻媒介将会通过电脑进入我们的生活,但并不是说电脑最终代替媒体,所以A错误;根据倒数第二段可知机器人将代替人类的一些活动,但并不能说机器人就完全替代人类,所以选项B错误;根据第三段可知选项C是人类现在的技术;根据第二段可知D正确。3B作者意图推断题。根据全文的描述可知作者对未来的生活进行了乐观的预测,同时对于未来的克隆技术心存担忧。4A推理判断题。根据最后一段“Last but not least, medicine technology will have conquered many diseases.”可知现在医学技术可以攻克一些疾病,与选项A(并不是所有疾病都能被人类攻克)相吻合。5D推理判断题。本文主要从五个方面描述了未来的生活,所以属于展望未来生活的范畴。111


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