高中英语外研版课时精炼:必修2 Module 1《Our Body and Healthy Habits》

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111Module 1Our Body and Healthy HabitsI. 单项填空1So you missed the lecture given by the famous professor._.I got there 10 minutes before it finished.ANot at allBNot exactlyCNot especially DNot really答案B由I got there 10 minutes before it finished.可以看出对方所说的“you missed the lecture”不完全正确,所以用Not exactly.表示“不确切地”。Not at all没关系,一点儿也不;Not especially.不特别地;Not really.不真实地。2The police have collected some information_the murder.Aconnected to Bconnected withCconnecting with Dwas connected with答案B句意:警方已经搜集了一些与谋杀案有关的信息。connected with the murder是具有形容词性质的过去分词短语作定语修饰information,而D项是谓语形式,与句子结构不符。3With the good care taken by doctors and nurses, many patients are beginning to_Apick out Bturn upCturn out Dpick up答案D句意:由于医生和护士的悉心照料,很多病人正在开始恢复健康。pick out“挑出,选出,辨认出”;turn up“出现,露面,把音量开大”;turn out“结果是”;pick up“拾起,学会,好转”,由句意可知D项正确。4How was the televised debate last night?Super!Rarely_so much media attention.Aa debate attracted Bdid a debate attractCa debate did attract Dattracted a debate答案B句意:“昨天晚上那场电视播送的辩论赛怎么样?”“太棒了!很少有辩论赛能吸引这么多媒体的关注。”rarely位于句首,句子要部分倒装。5He runs_to catch up with the other runners.Afast enough Benough fastCenough faster Dfastest enough答案A句意:他跑得很快,足以赶上其他选手。enough一般不用来修饰比较级或最高级,首先应排除C和D。enough用来修饰形容词或副词时,一般放在被修饰词的后面,所以答案为A。6_leave at the end of this month.I dont think you should do that until_another job.AIm going to;youd foundBIm going to;youve foundCIll;youll findDIll;youd find答案Bbe going to do sth“按计划、打算将要做某事”。句意:“我打算在这个月末离开。”“我认为在你没有找到另一份工作之前你不应该离开。”故选B项。7I was really_about you.You shouldnt have left home without a word.Aanxious BeagerCworrying Dsure答案A句意为:我确实担心你。你本不该不打声招呼就离开家。be anxious about对担心;be eager about渴望;be worried about担心,C项形式不对;be sure about对有把握。8How do you find your trip to the Great Wall?We had an awful time!_,George got sick the day we arrived,and then it rained the next day.AOn the other hand BTo begin withCAs a consequence DOn the contrary答案B考查短语辨析。句意为:你们的长城之行怎么样?糟透了!首先,我们到的当天乔治就生病了,而且第二天又下起了雨。to begin with首先,第一,用来引出下文要说的第一个或最重要的事情,符合句意。on the other hand另一方面;as a consequence结果;on the contrary恰恰相反。9Some students, hoping to get a high score, are_about the coming exam results.Aabsurd BguiltyCanxious Dpuzzling答案C句意:一些希望得高分的学生很担心即将到来的考试成绩。absurd“荒谬的,荒唐的”;guilty“内疚的,有罪的”;anxious“焦急的,担心的”;puzzling“费解的,令人困惑的”。10He has greatly improved his spoken English by learning Crazy English.And he_a chance to go abroad now.Ais crazy about Bis crazy forCis worried for Dhopes about答案B句意:通过学习疯狂英语,他的口语提高得很快,现在他(非常)渴望有机会出国。be crazy about“对着迷”;be crazy for“(非常)渴望得到”,符合句意。11With the good care taken by doctors and nurses,many patients are beginning to_.Apick out Bturn upCturn out Dpick up答案D考查动词短语辨析。A项意为“挑选;辨认”;B项意为“出现;露面”;C项意为“结果(证明)是”;D项意为“(身体)好转”。句意为:因为有医生和护士们的精心照料,很多病人都处于康复当中。12I hear that a modern church is to be built near our school.Im afraid that it doesnt _the surroundings.Afit in with Bcome up withCkeep up with Dget along with答案A句意:“我听说我们学校附近要建一座现代化的教堂。”“恐怕它与周围的环境会不相协调。”fit in with“适合,与一致”;come up with“追赶上,提出”;keep up with“跟上”;get along with“进展,与相处”。13My grandfather would be fine for a while, but would then fall suddenly ill and have to_the hospital.Abe admitted to Bbe admitted asCbe put into Dbe put up答案A句意:我爷爷(身体)暂时不错,但可能会突然病倒需要住院(治疗)。be admitted to the hospital“入院,住院”;be admitted as“作为被接受”;put into“使进入,把放进”;put up“举起,抬起”。14Many people like reading the storybook.Thats_the book is interesting and moving.Athat Bwhy Cbecause Dhow答案C考查表语从句。because后接从句充当表语成分,解释这本故事书受人们喜爱的原因。15The car accident happened this morning,_five people and still more_Akilled;injuring Bkilled;injuredCkilling;injuring Dkilling;injured答案D句意:今天早上发生的车祸中,有五人死亡,还有更多的人受伤。第一空要用现在分词作结果状语;more指more people,与injure之间是被动关系,要用被动语态。II. 完形填空When I was in my early twenties,I moved away from my home state of Wisconsin to attend graduate school.I chose to go to the University of Arizona in Tucson and_1_there.Upon landing in early June,I was shocked by the lack of_2_and the burning desert heat.After less than two days in that_3_,I called my parents to question whether I had made the_4_choice and to announce that I was_5_considering coming home.My father,in a calm and_6_voice,indicated that I always had a_7_.I could always come home and be welcome there.But in fact,we both_8_I wouldnt come home at the time.Needless to say,I chose to_9_.Many years have passed.My fathers_10_words remain with me.Knowing that I can always_11_,Ive been able to_12_several challenging situationsunemployment,divorce and even the_13_of my only son.I have also used these words in many cases where others need to know that someone_14_and that they do have a choice.Whether_15_is earthly,spiritual,or some sense of calm,knowing that we can come home will be just enough to_16_us on our way.It_17_me,in a way,of the prodigal son (回头的浪子) who found_18_and love upon returning home.While we dont have to be like him and hit bottom in life,it is good to know that we can wander and experience pains and_19_in life but we still have a home where love,support and comfort_20_.1.A.flew BdroveCwalked Dcycled2A.blue ByellowCbrownDgreen3A.family BrefugeCenvironment Ddesert4A.new BrightClast Ddifficult5A.naturally BfortunatelyCobviously Dseriously6A.gentle BweakCsupportive Dpleasant7A.choice BdreamCfriend Drequest8A.pretended BexpectedCknew Dforgot9A.graduate BregretCreturn Dcontinue10A.surprising BencouragingCinteresting Dmoving11A.wander outside Bhang aroundCcome home Dmove away12A.face up to Bget away withCmake sure of Dlook out for13A.return BgrowthCarrival Dloss14A.worries BcaresCleaves Dstays15A.health BmarriageCchurch Dhome16A.help BstopCprotect Dteach17A.informs BremindsCwarns Drids18A.comfort BinterestCfood Dmoney19A.regrets BcomplaintsCsufferings Dpleasures20A.survive BexistCfall Ddisappear【语篇解读】家是什么?家是温馨的港湾,家是游子心中永远的牵挂,家是父母的一份守候,家是心灵的最终归宿。在这篇文章中,作者告诉我们,家是容忍你犯错的永恒庇护所。就让我们一览文章,去感受家的温馨吧。1A从下文的“Upon landing”可知,作者是坐飞机去那儿的,所以用flew。2D从下文提到的“burning desert heat”可知,这里是不毛之地,所以缺乏绿色(green)。3C作者在那样的环境(environment)中住了不到两天就打电话给他父母。4B此时作者质疑他是否作出了正确的(right)选择。5D作者向父母宣布,他很认真地(seriously)在考虑是否要回家了。6C父亲很体谅作者,所以对作者的决定表示了支持,故用supportive。从上文的“calm”也可知C项正确。7A下文多次提到“choice”,这里表示我一直都可以有一个选择(choice),那就是回家。8C但是事实上,父亲和作者都知道(know)他是不会放弃(而回家)的,所以作者最终还是选择继续(continue)留在亚利桑那大学求学。 9.D10B很多年过去了,父亲激励作者的话仍然影响着他,所以用encouraging。11C每次当作者面对(face up to)挑战的时候,他知道他总是可以回家(come home)得到慰藉。wander outside表示“在外闲逛”,hang around表示“到处游荡”,move away表示“移走”,都不符合语境。12Aget away with表示“做(坏事)而未受处罚”,make sure of表示“确信”,look out for表示“当心,提防”,都不符合语境。13D结合上文的“unemployment,divorce”可知,这些都是人生中的失意之事,而丧子之殇(loss of my only son)则更是人生的大悲。14B作者总是用父亲的话去激励别人,让他们知道即便碰到挫折,总还有人在关心(care)着他们,他们还是可以选择(回家)的。15D从上下文内容可知,这里在强调我们对家(home)的印象和家对我们的意义。16A知道远方的家一直在为我们游子守候,这能够帮助(help)我们一路前行。17Bremind sb.of sth.是固定表达,表示“让某人想起某事”,这里表示“我想起了一个回头的浪子的故事”。18A从下文的“love”可知,家给了回头的浪子以慰藉(comfort)和关爱。20空前面的“comfort”是答案提示。19C从上文的“pains”可知,这里表示痛苦,故用sufferings与“pains”同义。 20B从上下文可知,家永远存在(exist),它给予我们关爱、支持和慰藉。III. 阅读理解Modern science suggests that a healthy lifestyle matters much to how long you can live and how well you live.Here are some tips for you to form a healthy lifestyle.Keep a scientific diet.Keep in mind that sugar can be removed from our diet completely.Over intake of sugar is one of the main reasons for getting fat.Over intake of protein or fat and low intake of fiber can also lead to getting fat.Only a few grams of protein do we need every day to keep our body in order.Like rain to crops, not the more the better.Be always in a good mood.There is a relationship between the mood and health.A good mood keeps you in high spirits.Thanks to the Internet, we can enjoy and learn much without going out.Take a look at some online shops and pick up some bargains, enjoy music and movies and chat with good friends.Just keep happy.Enough sleep.Two studies show the reasons why teens and adults dont have enough sleep.With teens, a major reason is mobile phone use;with adults, its work.Meanwhile, a third study of young children shows that lack of sleep in early life may lead to serious problems in future.Everyone needs at least 8hour sleep to recover from tirednees and the hurt caused by hard work in the daytime.Proper exercise.Do exercise to keep away from fatness.Because of the quick pace of the modern life, you dont have time to do exercise every day, but at least three times a week and 45 minutes each time.1The author wrote this passage to_Atell the readers how to take proper exercise every dayBprovide some advice on how to form a healthy lifestyleCask people to care about their health rather than their workDmake some surveys among those who have health problems2Which of the following can lead to getting fat according to the passage?ALow intake of protein. BLow intake of fat.COver intake of fiber. DOver intake of sugar.3The main reason why teenagers dont have enough sleep is that they_Ause mobile phones too muchBhave too much homeworkCeat too much sugar every dayDdont have enough exercise4How many minutes do you need to do exercise at least every week?A45 minutes. B90 minutes.C115 minutes. D135 minutes.【语篇解读】 健康的生活方式对人们越来越重要,本文就如何养成健康的生活方式提供了几点建议。1B作者意图题。阅读全文,特别是根据第一段“Here are some tips for you to form a healthy lifestyle.”可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是向人们提供一些健康生活的建议。2D细节理解题。根据第二段“Over intake of sugar is one of the main reasons for getting fat.Over intake of protein or fat and low intake of fiber can also lead to getting fat.”可知,吃过量的糖是使人发胖的主要原因之一。3A细节理解题。根据第四段“With teens, a major reason is mobile phone use”可知答案。4D数字计算题。根据最后一段可知,作者建议每周至少锻炼三次,每次45分钟。故每周锻炼的时间最少应该是135分钟。111


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