高中英语外研版课时精炼:必修1 Module 2《My New Teachers》

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111Module 2My New TeachersI. 单项填空1Whoever leaves the room last must make sure_all the windows are shut.Athat if Bwhether Cif Dthat答案Dmake sure通常接that引导的宾语从句,从句通常只能用一个引导词。2Id like to go to the movie with you, Dad.Sorry, my son, but only the grownups are_into the cinema.Arequired BintendedCadmitted Dsupposed答案Crequire“需要,要求”;intend“打算”;admit“让进入,接纳”;suppose“猜想,假定”。3You have no idea how she finished the relay race_her foot wounded so much.Afor Bwhen Cwith Dwhile答案Cwith her foot wounded 是with复合结构作伴随状语。when 和while只能引导句子。4Shelly prepared carefully for the exam_she could be sure of passing it at the first attempt.Aeven if Bin caseCso that Dnow that答案C该句是含目的状语从句的主从复合句,故要选引导目的状语从句的连词so that,意为“以便”。even if“即使”引导让步状语从句;in case“以防,万一”,引导目的状语从句;now that“由于,因为”,引导原因状语从句,均不符合题意。5Id appreciate_if you could come and help me once more and I always appreciate_me with my English in the past.Athis; you to help Bthat;you helpingCit;you to help Dit;your helping答案D第一个空考查Id appreciate it 后面跟从句的结构;第二个空考查appreciate,后面跟v.ing形式。6The husband appreciates that his wife always avoids_him in front of his friends.Ato embarrass Bbeing embarrassedCembarrassing Dembarrassed答案Cavoid后面接动词或动词短语时,要用其ing形式,排除A、D两项;根据句意可知应用主动语态。7Research shows that people feel unhappy and worried when they have nothing to do._,the happiest are those who are busy.AIn short BIn factCAs a result DFor one thing答案Bin short简言之;in fact事实上;as a result结果;for one thing“首先,一则”经常与for another thing“其次,再则”一起用。句意为:研究表明当人们无所事事时就会感到不高兴和焦虑。事实上,最快乐的人是那些忙碌的人。8What is he like?He is patient_others and_hardships.Awith;of Bwith;toCof;with Dto;with答案A句意:“他这人怎么样?”“对人有耐心,而且很能忍受苦难。be patient with sb“对某人有耐心”;be patient of sth“忍受某事”。9Whose advice do you think I should take?_AYou speak BThats itCIts up to you DYou got it答案C句意:“你认为我应该采纳谁的建议?”“由你决定。”故选C项。10George is going to talk about the geography of his country,but Id rather he_more on its culture.Afoucs BfocusedCwould focus Dhad focused答案B考查虚拟语气。句意为:乔治打算谈论他祖国的地理,但是我宁愿他把话题多集中在文化上。该句中的would rather后面的从句应用虚拟语气,即用一般过去时表示将来要做的事,此处表示“我宁愿他把重点集中到文化上”。11She was young and pretty, and loved children.My pupils, Donnie included, all_her very much.Arespected BdislikedCavoided Dminded答案A考查动词辨析。句意:她年轻、漂亮,喜欢孩子,我的学生们,包括唐尼,都非常尊敬她。根据上下文可知此处要用respect“尊敬”。dislike“不喜欢”;avoid“避免”;mind“介意”,均不符合句意。12If you make every effort, your dream will_, and this_all the people.Abe come true; is true toBcome true;is true ofCrealize;is true forDbe realized;is true to答案B表示“实现”时,come true不能用于被动语态,而realize为及物动词,所以第一个空可用come true或be realized;第二个空应用is true of,意为“也适用于;也是这样”。13The teacher was so pleased with the progress that I had_in my study this term that she sent me an EnglishChinese dictionary.Amade Bhad Ckept Dgraded答案A考查固定搭配。句意:老师非常满意我这学期在学习上所取得的进步,因此她送给我一本英汉词典。在此句中“that I had_in my study this term”作定语修饰the progress。又因make progress“取得进步”是固定搭配,故选A。14Henry has written many childrens books,_I think the latest one is the best.Aof which Bof whomCon which Don whom答案Athe latest onethe latest one of Henrys childrens books,故用of which引导定语从句,which指代先行词childrens books。15Frankly speaking,Id rather you_anything about it for the time being.Ahave done Bhavent doneCdont do Ddidnt do答案D考查would rather的用法。would rather后接从句时,常用虚拟语气。表示对现在的虚拟时,常用一般过去时,根据for the time being“现在,目前”可知答案为D。II. 阅读理解MOST recently, my world has been shaken by the death of a teacher at my school.He was Dr.Allan Woolley and he was only 52.Suddenly he took his own life, which remains a mystery.That morning, everyone sensed that something wasnt right.During our lessons, an announcement was made that an assembly was scheduled for morning break, which was only done in emergencies.Once morning break came, the entire school gathered in the main hall.As our headmaster marched out to announce the “momentous news”, it felt like the air around us trembled.Many students broke down in tears, and the reaction afterward was intensely powerful and unifying.The headmaster said that students were allowed to miss lessons and have a free period to collect themselves if they found the news too distressing.Many students went outside and shared memories of Dr.Woolley to control themselves.Dr.Woolley taught me chemistry two years ago, but up until his death he still taught many of my close friends.Many of my friends were so shocked that they still couldnt believe the person that they had owed some homework to was now dead.It was heartwarming to spend time with teachers that morning and get to know more about them.Despite the time of sadness, I feel that every cloud has a silver lining.Although Dr.Woolleys death is something nobody wanted to see, we must move onNotes:assembly n集会schedule vt.安排momentous adj.重大的unifying adj.统一的distressing adj.悲伤的1What did the students feel at the news of their teachers death?AUnhappy. BShocked.CSurprised. DSilent.2What does the underlined word “collect” in Paragraph 4 mean?ABring something together.BCalm down.CIncrease in amount.DGet and keep.3Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThe real cause of Dr.Woolleys death is known to us.BMany students didnt prepare themselves for the bad news so that they felt very sad.CIt takes the whole school some time to recover from the depressing news.DDr.Woolleys death allows students to understand teachers better.4It can be inferred from the underlined sentences in the last paragraph that_ADr.Woolleys death made students sadBthere is still some comfort and hope in troubleCDr.Woolleys death disappointed students greatlyDwe should forget the fact to study better5The best title for the passage should be “_”AOur School Faces a TragedyBDr. WoolleyA Great TeacherCThe Living Live for the DeathDLesson from the Death【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。52岁的Dr.Allan Woolley去世了,这一消息让学生们悲痛万分,包括作者在内的很多学生都深深悼念这位可敬的老师。1B细节理解题。由第一段“my world has been shaken by the death of a teacher at my school”和第三段“it felt like the air around us trembled”可知,学生听到这个消息时万分震惊。A、C、D三项均不能准确地表达出作者的内心感受。2B词义猜测题。由上文可知,老师的突然死亡令学生们极度伤心,学校允许学生不上课,给他们时间来缓解这一情绪,再由下文“.went outside and shared memories of Dr.Woolley to control themselves.”可以推出collect的意思为“镇静下来”。3A细节理解题。由第一段“Suddenly he took his own life, which remains a mystery.”可知,文章并没告诉我们他自杀的原因,故A项符合题意。4B推理判断题。最后一段指出,学生感到和老师在一起,可以给自己慰藉,促使自己继续前行,由此可以推出B项。A项文中有明确表述,C、D项本身表述错误。“a silver lining”的意思为“困难中看到的一点慰藉”。5A标题归纳题。通览全文可知,老师突然离世,整个校园都沉浸在悲痛之中,故正确答案为A。III. 阅读理解Some parents think that once their children are at school, they can relax themselves.But this is not the case at all.As research shows, parents have an even greater influence on their childrens academic results than the school does.Most of a childs ability is formed from home.The mass of parents dont realise how they can help their children at home.Things are as simple as baking a cake.An example of helping young children with their maths is simply planning a birthday party.They have to decide how many people to invite, how many invitations they will need, how many prizes, balloons need to be bought, and so on.Children often find that real life experiences help them to do their maths more easily.Another way that parents can help their children with their maths is to give them pocket money.This not only teaches them about the value of money, but they may need to use basic maths to work out how long they will have to save to buy the special toy that they want.Reading to children at an early age can give them a head start when they start school.But parents should not stop reading to children when they do start going to school.They still like to be read to, and it can help to increase their sight vocabulary as well.Providing children with the right equipment can help with their education.Giving them a quiet place where they can work, read and do homework, with a good reading light and a comfortable chair and desk, is just some of these things.Parents can also help their children by providing them with some reference books, and any other relevant learning materials they might need.Evidently, parents do need to take an active role in the education of their children.If parents want their children to do well at school, they must be prepared to help educate their children at home.1The passage is mainly talking about that_Aeducation starts at homeBparents can control their childrenCability affects a childs academic resultDgood equipment leads to good grades2As for most parents,_Athey dont think the research result is reasonableBthey have different opinions with expertsCthey are unaware of what to do for children at homeDthey are lazy in preparing the birthday party3If you want to improve your childs maths ability, you can_Aprepare his/her birthday party as big as possibleBleave the things used for the party done by him/herCpurchase all the things needed by yourselfDlet your children count the cups and so on4From the passage we can know that_Achildren can get their pocket money by workingBparents usually read to preschool childrenCparents prefer to offer pocket money rather than to readDchildren would rather read by themselves after starting school5Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?AReading to children can help them recite more words.BParents must prepare reference books as many as possible.CA quiet study area is of great help for children.DParents can teach their children at home.【语篇解读】 本文是一篇议论文。研究表明父母对孩子的学习成绩有很大影响,大部分孩子的能力是在家形成的。家庭教育在孩子的成长中起着重要的作用。1A主旨大意题。第一段是文章的主题段,根据该段But之后的句子可知,父母对孩子的学习成绩有很大影响,孩子的很多能力是在家形成的。文章的尾段对全文作了总结,即:父母在孩子的教育中起着重要作用,由此可见教育始于家庭,故选A。2C细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句可知,大多数家长没有意识到如何在家中帮助自己的孩子,由此可知选项C正确。3B细节理解题。根据第二段让孩子自己准备生日晚会所需物品可知,家长可以用这样的方法培养孩子们的数学能力,由此得知B正确。4B推理判断题。根据第四段第二句,作者建议家长在孩子上学之后也不要停止给孩子读书,由此推断家长们在孩子上学之前经常给孩子读书,故选B。5C细节理解题。倒数第二段的第二句说明给孩子一个安静的学习环境很重要,故选C。误解分析:根据第四段的尾句可知给孩子读书可以帮助孩子认识更多的词汇,而不是背诵,故排除A项;第五段提及父母可以通过给孩子提供参考书来帮助孩子,并没有说必须买尽可能多的书,故排除B项;最后一段的尾句表明如果家长希望孩子在学校成绩好,家长则要做好准备教育孩子,并不是不让孩子上学,故排除D项。111


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