高中英语外研版必修一学案Module 1 《My First Day at Senior High》(4)

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高中英语外研版必修一学案Module 1 《My First Day at Senior High》(4)_第1页
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111Module 1 My First Day at Senior HighPeriod 4【学习目标】理解Listening, writing, Everyday English和Cultural Corner部分的主要词语和句型结构,并掌握重点词语的用法。【学习重点难点】Listening, writing, Everyday English和Cultural Corner部分的重点和疑难词语和句型【学习策略指导】让学生自主学习,小组合作探究解决当堂所学主要内容中存在的问题【预习自学】Listening, writing, Everyday English和Cultural Corner【教学环节设计】Step 1 听录音两遍,完成听力部分(每空一词)Rob: Hi, Diane!Diane: Hi, Rob! _ _ _ _?Rob: Im fine. Ive just _ _ my first language class.Diane: Oh really? _ _ _? Rob: Really? Which language are you studying?Diane: Spanish. Which language are you studying?Rob: Chinese.Diane: _ _ _? Cool! How was it?Rob: It was good. The teachers name is Mr. Davies.Diane: Mr. Davies?Rob: Yes, he isnt Chinese, obviously, but hes _ _Chinese. And theres an a_ teacher called Miss Wang. She is Chinese. Were going to see her once a week.Diane: And what do you think?Rob: Well, learning Chinese isnt going to be easy but the first lesson was very e_ - I liked it a lot. Mr. Davies gave us a lot of e_ - he made us feel really good about being there. The most important thing _ _ _ is pronunciation, getting the sounds right and he was very _ _ correction he said it didnt matter if we _ _. I think we all made a lot of progress in just an hour!Diane: _.Rob: What about Spanish? Did you start yet?Diane: Yes, we did. The teacher is nice, but I already speak some Spanish and the rest of the class are really beginners. I m_ the teacher I thought she said the class was for people who already speak Spanish. Im not sure if Im going to _ _ _.Rob: Oh, _.Diane: Maybe actually, I was a bit d_ - she explained everything in English.Rob: Oh, _.Step 2 练一练 Some phrases in Listening在某方面流利_ 一星期一次_在开始_ 犯错_取得进步_ 擅长_对满意_ 对失望_Step3. Language points【Writing】1. Would you mind answering the question for me? Would you mind doing? Would you mind if ? Do you mind if ? Would /Do you mind opening the window? Would / Do you mind my / me / Toms / Tom opening the window?特别注意:Would you mind if I opened the window? Do you mind if I smoke?还要注意:对以上句式的回答,如表示“不介意”为:Of course not; Certainly not; Not at all等。如表示“介意”则为:Im sorry, but ; Im afraid等。【Everyday English and Function】2. - Ive just been to my first language class. - Oh really? So have I.1)“So have I”表示“我也如此”。表示“某人/ 物也是如此”的肯定句式是:So + be/ 情态动词/助动词 +主语。表示前面所述的情况也适用于后者。 You were at Junior High school last year, and so was my sister. He can speak French, and so can I. (= I can speak French too.)2)表示“某人/物也是如此”的否定句式为:neither / nor be / 情态动词/助动词 +主语 This film is not interesting, and neither is that one. He wont do it, and nor will I. She cant speak Russian, neither can I.3)如果上文描述的是不止一种情况(两种或以上),无法直接用so或neither, nor表示前面所述的情况也适用于后者时,我们通常使用以下句式:So it is with sb.或Its the same with sb./ sth. - Hes an honest worker and works hard. - So it is with you. Marx made great progress in Russian and soon he could write articles in it. It was the same with Engles.4)表示“某人/物的确如此”时,句式为“So + 主语+ be / 情态动词/助动词”,表示上文所述情况的肯定或认可。 - She can speak German. - So she can.You say he is diligent; so he is. 你说他很勤奋,他的确是这样的。练一练(1) You say he works hard, _ and _.A. so he does; so you do B. so does he; so you do C. so he does; so do you D. so does he; so do you* (2) If you go to attend the party, _A. so I will B. so I shall C. so shall I D. so do I(3) Mary never does any reading in the evening, _(约翰也这样).A. so does John B. John does too C. John doesnt too D. nor does John(4) - You left your book in the classroom yesterday.-_ (我确实忘了).【Cultural Corner】3. The school year is divided into two semesters, the first of which is September through December, and the second January through May. divide vt. & vi. 分;划分;隔开;除 divide in half / into halves / in two 把分成两半 divide into 把分成 divide between /among 把分给 The park is divided into two sections. Lets divide ourselves into several groups. *This river divides at its mouth. 这条河在河口处分岔。 Children, divide the cake up between / among you. ? 15 divided by 3 is 5. (注意词的形式) 默写一遍:_4. I take part in all kinds of after-school activities. take part (in) 参加 part 可用形容词来修饰,前面须加冠词 Do you want to take part? take part in the meeting / the Olympic Games take an active part in the civil rights movement 在民权运动中起积极作用 take a leading part in the strike 在罢工中起领导作用 join, join in, take part in,和attend的区别: join指加入某个组织成为其中的一员 join the Army / the Party / the League Well go to the park tomorrow. Will you join us? join ( sb. ) in 指参加某一具体活动 We all joined in the morning exercise. Would you like to join us in the game? take part in 指参加群众性活动或大型活动 How many of you are going to take part in the sports meeting? When he was young, he took an active part in political activities. attend是正式用语,指参加会议、婚礼、葬礼、典礼,听课、报告、讲座等 Hell attend an important meeting tomorrow.5. Secondary school in the US usually covers seven years, grades six to twelve.cover vt. 占(多少面积);盖;铺;掩盖;掩饰;走完;看完;采访;报道;包括;涉及Our city covers ten square kilometers.Mother covered him with a blanket.The top of the mountain is covered with snow all the year round.*He laughed to cover his embarrassment.The Long March covered 25,000 li.How many pages have you covered?Who will be sent to cover the conference?Their research covers a wide field.Step4. 【检测反馈】 1. Complete the sentences: (1) 你介意为我回答问题吗?_ the questions for me?(2) 他们在年初粉刷了墙壁。_. (3) 有个助教叫王老师。_ (4) 一学年分为两学期,第一学期从九月到十二月 。The school year_ 2. Multiple choice:(1) - Would you mind if I _ here? - _. Go ahead.A. smoke; No B. smoked; SureC. smoking; Of course not D. smoked; Certainly not(2) A boy _ Tom will come to meet you at the station.A. callsB. callingC. being calledD. called (3) Now, our school is _ the previous one.A. three times as bigger thanB. as three times big asC. bigger three times thanD. three times as big as (4) - Hi, Mary, havent you seen you for a long time. _?- Fine. How about you?A. How do you do B. What are you doing C. How are you doing D. What do you do(5) The Red Army _ 25 000 li on their Long March.A. went B. walked C. covered D. ran(6) Which team will Mr. Wang _ next year?A. attend B. take part in C. join in D. join【课外作业】复习整个模块主要内容,准备过关检测【学后反思】英语模块一学案4 (Module 1 Period 4)Step 1 听力 How are you doing / been to/ So have I/ Is that right/ fluent in/ assistant/ enjoyable/encouragement/ at the beginning/ good at/ made mistakes/ Thats great/ misunderstood/ make much progress/ Im sure things will improve/ disappointed/ thats too badStep 2练一练 be fluent in / once a week / at the beginning / make mistakes / make progress / be good at / be happy with / be disappointed with Step3. 练一练 1. C 2. C 3. D. 4. So I did.Step4.【 检测反馈】 (1) Would / Do you mind answering (2) They painted the walls at the start of the year.(3)There is an assistant teacher called Miss Wang.(4)The school year is divided into two semesters, the first of which is September through December.DDDCCD英语模块一学案4 (Module 1 Period 4)Step 1 听力 How are you doing / been to/ So have I/ Is that right/ fluent in/ assistant/ enjoyable/encouragement/ at the beginning/ good at/ made mistakes/ Thats great/ misunderstood/ make much progress/ Im sure things will improve/ disappointed/ thats too badStep 2练一练 be fluent in / once a week / at the beginning / make mistakes / make progress / be good at / be happy with / be disappointed with Step3. 练一练 1. C 2. C 3.D. 4. So I did.Step4.【 检测反馈】 (1) Would you mind answering (2) They painted the walls at the start of the year.(3)There is an assistant teacher called Miss Wang.(4)The school year is divided into two semesters, the first of which is September through December.DDDCCD英语模块一学案4 (Module 1 Period 4)Step 1 听力 How are you doing / been to/ So have I/ Is that right/ fluent in/ assistant/ enjoyable/encouragement/ at the beginning/ good at/ made mistakes/ Thats great/ misunderstood/ make much progress/ Im sure things will improve/ disappointed/ thats too badStep 2练一练 be fluent in / once a week / at the beginning / make mistakes / make progress / be good at / be happy with / be disappointed with Step3. 练一练 1. C 2. C 3.D. 4. So I did.Step4.【 检测反馈】 (1) Would you mind answering (2) They painted the walls at the start of the year.(3)There is an assistant teacher called Miss Wang.(4)The school year is divided into two semesters, the first of which is September through December.DDDCCD英语模块一学案4 (Module 1 Period 4)Step 1 听力 How are you doing / been to/ So have I/ Is that right/ fluent in/ assistant/ enjoyable/encouragement/ at the beginning/ good at/ made mistakes/ Thats great/ misunderstood/ make much progress/ Im sure things will improve/ disappointed/ thats too badStep 2练一练 be fluent in / once a week / at the beginning / make mistakes / make progress / be good at / be happy with / be disappointed with Step3. 练一练 1. C 2. C 3.D. 4. So I did.Step4.【 检测反馈】 (1) Would you mind answering (2) They painted the walls at the start of the year.(3)There is an assistant teacher called Miss Wang.(4)The school year is divided into two semesters, the first of which is September through December.DDDCCD111


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