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111江苏省南京市东山外国语学校高中英语选修七 期末综合复习讲义(4个单元)Important sentences:1. It is up to sb. to do sth.由某人决定做某事 2. I am less worried about我不担心3. double the price / the size / the lengthe两倍的价格/尺寸/长度Grammar & Usage:1. 介词 介词短语知识点归纳1. apply for sth. to sb.向某人申请某事 apply A to B.把A应用到B上 apply oneself to (doing) sth.致力于,集中精力做某事 = apply ones mind to sth.他努力干好新工作。_ 这种标准不适用于孩子。_ 他专思考这个问题。 _ Key: He applied himself to his new job. The rule doesnt apply to children. He applied himself / his mind to the problem.2. demand 常用结构 meet / satisfy ones demands满足某人的需求in demand需求量大;有需求demand to do sth.要求去做某事demand sb. of sth.要求某人某理damand that sb. (should) do sth.要求make the demand that(should) do My demand is that It is demanded that3. delight n. & vt. with deligth高兴地,乐意地to ones delight令某人高兴的是 be in high delight非常高兴地take delight to do / in doing sth. 高兴地做某事be delighted to do 高兴地做某事 be delighted at因而高兴be delighted with sth.由于某事而高兴 1)令他高兴的是,他的小说得到了公众的认可。_ 2) 我高兴地读了你的来信。 _ 3) 这个消息使全国一片沸腾。 _ Key: 1)To his great delight, his novel was accepted by the public. 2) I have read your letter with delight. I am delighted to have read your letter. I take delight to have read / in having read your letter. 3) The news delighted the whole nation. The whole nation were delighted with the news.4. assume vt.假定, 设想 I assume you always get up at the same time. 我想你总是在同一个时间起床。5. up to 到达; up to now直到现在 What is he up to? It is up to sb. to do6. 倍数 + -er + than 倍数 + the + n.(size/weight/height/width/length) + of 倍数 + as + adj /adv. as 倍数 + as + many / much + n. + as7. Come when it is convenient to you. Come when it is to your convenience.单元测试 Unit 1 Module 7Complete the following1.独自一人在家时,总是拿不定主意该做什么。He is always _ _ what to do when he is at home alone.2.一个国家的富裕程度应根据人们的健康、幸福以及可以生产的物质资料来衡量。 The weather of a country should _ _ _ the health and happiness of its people, as well as by materials it can produce.3.我不太熟悉化学品的名称,这正是我经常在化学考试中得低分的原因。 I am not very _ _ the names of _, which is why I often get a low mark in Chemistry examination.4.申请工作时,你应当提供详细的个人资料。 When you _ _ a job, you should offer your personal information _ _5.自1999年开业以来,这家超市给我们带来了很大的便利。 The supermarket has brought us great _ since 1999, when _ _.6.雇员们要提高工资的要求遭到雇主的拒绝。 The employees demand _ higher pays was _ _ by the employer.7. 教授在几位助教的陪同下走进了报告厅。 The professor _ _ lecture hall _ by several assistant teachers.8. 食物与身体息息相关,即食物供给身体所需的能量。 Food is closely _ _ the body. That is, food _ the body _ energy.I翻译词组1. 可以接受200个频道 2. 把.连接到 3. 和 4. 占领市场 5. 对科学发展作贡献 6. 给人民的生活带来极大的方便 7. 各种不同的功能 8. 开展研究/调查 9. 误做了某事 10. 可被放心使用 11. be superior to 12. come onto the market 13. wind up 14. spring up 15. in time for 16. be capable to 17. by means of 18. head for 19. in that case 20. for the time beingII单选1-5. BDADA 6-10. BCADC 11-15. BACBC 16-20. ADACAIII.1.weighs 2.suitable 3. accompany 4. Anyway/Anyhow 5. guarantee 6. faith 7. recording8. unwilling 9. familiar 11. looking into 12. stands for 13. demands/demanded, be 14. up to 15. In the case of 16. variety of 17. not necessarily 18. equal to19. be exposed to 20. is, associated withIV. 1. certain about 2.be measured by 3. family with; chemicals 4. apply for; in detail 5.convenience; it opened 6. for; turned away 7.came into; accompanied 8. associated with; supplies; with二.完成句子1.在我看来,手工制作的玩具要比机器加工的要好的多.In my opinion ,toys made by hand are_ _those made by machine.2.这项研究成果将应用于癌症的治疗.The result of this research will be _ _ the treatment of cancer.3.她要求把一切告诉她.She _ that she should_ _ everything .4.在母亲的陪伴下,他来到了这个陌生的城市._ _ his mother , he came to the strange city.5.八月份那里的天气可能会很冷.It _ _ _ be cold in August there.6.这种油漆能经受各种各样的天气.This kind of paint can _ _ _all kinds of the weather.7.总体上说,女性的体力不及男性.On the whole, women are not _ _ men in physical strength.8.正如老师说的,男生们都喜欢科幻小说._ the teacher has said ,detective story are _ _boy students.9.人门总是把苏格兰和威士忌联系在一起.Whisky _ usually _ _ Scotland.10.虽然她有很多缺点,我还是很信任她.I still have _ _ her_her shortcomings.完成句子的答案:(1.superior to 2,applied to 3,demanded be told 4, accompanied by 5,is likely to 6,be exposed to 7, equal to 8,As popular among9,is associated with 10 faith in despite)Model 7 Unit 2 Fit for LifeUseful phrases:1. focus on集中2. open up3. carry out执行,实施4. in large quantities 大量地5.see through 看透,看穿6. try out试验7. look around参观;环顾8. put through接通9. decide on对做出决定10. turn up出现,到场 make a decision(s)决定11. fill in填写(表格)12. split up划分天来分割13.take down记下;记录14.be fundamental to对是必要的15.let out放出,发出16.a handful of少数的,少量的17.if so如果这样的话18.at least至少19.millions of数百万20.in fact实际上 in actual fact as a matter of fact知识点归纳:1. trial n. 试用;试验;审问 try On trial受审;在试验中go on trial 受到审理 come to trial 开庭审理2. note make / take a note 把记下来 take not of = take notice of 注意到 leave a note 留下便条on a personal note3. to ones relief 使某人宽慰的是4. take down take up take on take in take over take off take back 5. turn up 出现;到来,调大 turn down 关小;拒绝turn in = hand in上交 turn off关掉 turn on打开 turn over翻转turn out证明是,结果是,生产出 turn to 求助于;变得turn round转向Ex: 1) We can learn by _ that oil and water do not mix. A. experimentB. tryC. trialD. test2) Please _ that this bill must be paid within 2 weeks. A. noticeB. noteC. mindD. remark3) Much to our _, the outcome of the general election is far better than we have expected before. A. delightB. reliefC. surpriseD. disappointment4. We are trying to ring you back Bryan but we think we _ your number incorrectly. A. looked upB. took downC. worked outD. brought about5. Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and _ jokes. A. turning upB. putting upC. making upD. showing up6. He accidently _ that he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadnt been home for a couple of weeks. A. let outB. took care C. made sureD. made out7. It is what you do rather than what you say _ matters. A. thatB. whatC. whichD. this8. Why! I have nothing to confess _ you want me to say? A. What is it thatB. what it is thatC. How is it thatD. How it is9. _ snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest. A. Not only they boughtB. Not only did they bring C. Not only brought they D. Not only they did bring10. Dont use words, expressions, or phrases _ only to people with specific knowledge. A. knownB. to be knownC. knowingD. are known11. Before building a house, you will have to _ the governments permission. A. get fromB. followC. receiveD. ask for12. For all these years, I have been working for others, I an hoping I will _ my own business someday.A. turn upB. fix upC. set upD. make up13. As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain the visit to the village _ scenes of my childhood. A. called up B. called for C. called on D. called in一、单项选择(每题3分,共60分)1. We always keep spare paper, in case we ran out. A、too much B、a numberC、plenty ofD、a good many2、It was after he got what he had desired he realized it was not so important. A、thatB、whenC、sinceD、as3、A study in the USA in 1977 showed that the chemical AsA in aspirin could prevent a stroke. A、carrying outB、carried outC、working outD、worked out4、Penicillin was then produced in order to meet the demands of the armies. A、in large amountsB、in large plentyC、in large quantitiesD、in large numbers5、With no one to in such a dangerous situation, the lady felt very helpless. A、turn overB、turn offC、turn onD、turn to6、Dont forget to the equipment before setting about the experiment. A、try onB、try inC、try outD、try to7、Our success was largely the good cooperation of all team members. A、becauseB、result fromC、due toD、thanks to8、The little girl a cry at the sight of a snake. A、let outB、give outC、figure outD、shout out9、We such great achievements without your efforts. Thanks a lot.A、cant have madeB、couldnt have madeC、were unable to makeD、are unable to make10、This factory produces a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% are sold, abroad. A、of themB、of whichC、of thatD、which of11、Not only interested in football but beginning to show an interest in it.A、the father himself is; all his children areB、the father himself is; are all his childrenC、is the father himself; are all his childrenD、is the father himself; all his children are12、Is man to fly to the moon in a spaceship? A、probableB、likelyC、possiblyD、probably13、Smoking is bad for your health.Yes, I know. But I simply cant . A、give it upB、give it inC、give it outD、give it away14、A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time the guards discovered what had happened. A、beforeB、untilC、sinceD、when15、The book forty maps, three of Great Britain. A、is containing; includingB、contains; includes C、includes; containingD、contains; including16、-Young people today earn more and have more freedom to live where they want. -This, I think that they are still interested in older people. A、In addition toB、In spite ofC、Due toD、As for17、The parents suggested in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip. A、sleepB、to sleepC、sleepingD、hawing slept18、This new model of car is so expensive that it is the reach of those with average income. A、overB、withinC、beyondD、below19、The doctor me a stay a few more days in hospital.A、suggestedB、agreedC、approvedD、recommended20、Air, water and such sine are fundamental the growth of crops.A、forB、withC、inD、to三、翻译句子(每题4分,共20分)1、到目前为止,这种新药还未进行人体试验(try out)_ _ _, the new drug hasnt been _ _on humans yet.2、他缺少经验,不能胜任这项工作(unable)2, He _ _to do the job _ _ _experience.3、他们意识到,由于粗心大意所产生的这个错误的严重性(due to)3, They_ _ that the mistake _ _ carelessness was serious.4、倘若你打开世界上任何一个药柜,都很可能找到这两种药(probability)4, If you _ _ any medicine cupboard in the world, there is a _ _ that you will find this two kinds of medicines.5、许多人认为这种药是当代社会中最重要的药物之一(consider)5, This kind of medicine _ _ _ many to be one of the most important medicines in _society. 二、对话填空(每空2分,共20分)W:Id like to know about the two medicines-aspirin and penicillin. Could you please tell me something about them?M:Ill be glad to. If you open up any medicine cupboard in the world, there is a high (1)p that you will find aspirin and penicillin. Both of them have saved many peoples lives since they were invented.1、W:When was aspirin invented?M:I dont know for sure, either. 3,500 years ago, some recipes (2)r drinking a tea made from the dried leaves of a particular plant to reducebody pains. In 1897, a European chemist produced ASA from somechemicals to make a medicine for his father. The first (3)t of this medicine took place in 1899 when the powder from began to be used with (4)p . In 1900, it was sold in shops as a tablet (5)c 500 milligrams of ASA.2、3、4、5、W:Besides reducing fever and pain, what other functions does it have?M:It can also help reduce the risk of heart attacks and colon cancer and so on.W:What about penicillin?M:Penicillin was (6)d by a Scottish scientist in 1928. He thought it might help in treating wounds and illness (7)c by bacterium. But it was not until World War II that two other scientists managed to use new chemical techniques to (8) p it and then produced it in large (9)q .Thanks to it, many lives were saved during World War II. It can also treat other illnesses (10)i pneumonia. W:Ive learned a lot today. Thank you.M:Its a pleasure.6、7、8、9、10、M7 U2参考答案15 CBBBC 610 AAABA 1115 DCA15 CABCD 610 CCABB 1115 DBAAD 1620 CCCDD1Up to now; tried out 2. is unable; for lack of 3. were aware; due to 4. open up; high probability 5. is considered by; contemporary二、对话填空1、Probability2、recommended3.trials4、patients5、containing6、discovered7、caused8、purify9、quantities10、including二. 完成下列句子。 1. 很有可能找到那些书。 There is a high youll _ those books.阿司匹林不仅已通过退烧和止痛来拯救人们的生命,而且还可以治疗其他的病。Not only _ aspirin _many peoples lives by _ fever and _stop pain, but there are also other things that aspirin can help with.他推荐我们尽可能多读书。 He recommended that we _ books as _ as possible. 4. 直到二战两位科学家才解决问题。 It was _ _World War 2 _ the two scientists solved the problems. 5. 要过许多年后我们才能再次相见。 It _ _ many years _ we meet again. 6. 对拯救成千上万的生命来说是至关重要的。 It was _ to _ many thousands of lives. 7. 如果没有青霉素的话,许多人就会死于各种细菌性疾病,甚至会死于微小的创伤。 If penicillin _ _ available, many people _ _ _ _ bacterial illness or even minor wounds. 8. 有一种理论认为针灸疗法阻止疼痛信号到达脊髓或大脑。 One theory suggests that acupuncture _ pain signals _ _ the spinal cord or brain. 9. 我会给你接通接待员,她会记下你的详细情况。 I will _ you _ to the receptionist and she can _ _ your details. 10. 这起事故导致俩名乘客伤生。 The accident _ _ the death of two passangers.Revision 10Module 7 Unit 3 The World Online知识点罗列:Useful phrases:1.that is to say也就是说2.in need of需要3.have positive effects on对有积极影响4.current affairs时事5.travel package包价旅游6.turn to求助于7.all sorts of各式各样8.in fact事实上9.spend(in) doing花费做 10. be/get/become addicted to上瘾;沉溺于11.be/get/become/grow accustomed to习惯于 12.worn out筋疲力尽13.more than + mum. = over + n. = not only + adj. = very much14.in advance提前 15.keepp in mind记住,牢记16.be happy with对满意 be happy about 对高兴17.be popular with = have popularity with受欢迎 18.on that basis在此基础上19.other than除以外 = apart from; in addition to rather than而不是20.be divided into 被分为 be separated from be separated into21.take into consideration考虑 give thought to 知识点归纳:重点语法:连系动词:1)be + 表语 2)keep(保持)/stay(保持)/remain(依然)/seem/appear/prove3) look(看起来) sound(听起来) taste(尝起来)feel(摸起来/感到)4) 表示“变;变得” 1) turn(变化);grow(变得)get(变成)become(变成) 2) come(变得) go(变得) 3) fall(进入某状态)II. Multiple choice. (20)1. Letter boxes are much more _ in the UK than in the US, where most people have a mailbox instead. A. commonB. normalC. ordinaryD. instead2. It was already past midnight and only three young men _ in the teahouse. A. leftB. remainedC. delayedD. deserted3. Be quick! There are only ten minutes _. A. to remainB. remainedC. remainingD. to leave4. Although he has taken a lot of medicine, his health _ poor. A. provesB. remainsC. maintainsD. continues5. It remains _ whether he is suitable for the position. A. seenB. to be seenC. seeingD. to see6. Please tell me how the accident _. I am still in the dark. A. was occurredB. was happenedC. came uponD. came about7. It suddenly _ to me that they went there by bike. A. occurredB. happenedC. took placeD. looked8. The boy has _ a fine knowledge of geography by careful study. A. requiredB. inquiredC. acquiredD. addressed9. Jane has _ a good knowledge of Chinese by reading lots of original works. A. readingB. acquiredC. studiedD. learned10. Her usual talent _ her worldwide reorganization. A. gainedB. wereC. getD. was11. We must _ ourselves to the problem of traffic pollution. A. deal with B. work outC. solveD. address12. When I was young, I was always _ to my elder brother wherever he went. A. attachedB. attackedC. attendedD. surrounded13. We should _ importance to job training. A. concentrateB. devoteC. attachD. emphasize14. Fitness is important in sports, but of at least _ importance are skills/ A. fairB. reasonableC. equalD. proper15. He quickly became _ to TV soap operas. A. accustomingB. ashamedC. addictedD. accomplished16. In recent years, travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the further we _. A. our holiday will be better B. our holiday will be the betterC. the better our holiday will beD. the better will our holiday be17. _ and Ill get the work finished.A. Have one more hourB. One more hourC. Give one more hourD. If I have one more hour18. _ fired, your health care and other benefit will not immediately cut off. A. Would you beB. Should you beC. Could you beD. Might you be19. On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine, she _ pale. A. gotB. changedC. wentD. appeared20. The water _ cool when jumped into the pool for morning exercise. A. was feltB. is feltC. feltD. feels21. _ good, the food was sold out soon. A. TastingB. tastedC. Being tastedD. Having been tastedIII. Fill in the blanks. (20) A1. Having made good preparations, the students all made very wonderful _(陈述).2. Im _ (怀疑) of his _ (能力) to finish the task. He seems so careless. 3. For these reason, I believe Internet has _ (积极的) effects on peoples lives.4. The primary use for Internet is to _ (增长) knowledge about hobbies.5. University professors often _ (抱怨) that students are handing in papers using f_ information they found on the Internet.6. Im speaking for the pro side of the debate. Hell be r_ the con side.7. I have great _ (感激) for what you have done to help us to handle this problem.8. One of the greatest drawbacks of the Internet is that it sometimes provides i_ information.BIV. Complete the sentences. (20)1. How much do you know about international _ _ (时事)?2. Do you know how to _ _answers_ questions (搜索问题的答案) on Internet?3. With no one to _ _(求助), she felt hopeless and homesick.4. He prefers to _ _ (上网) _ _ (而不是) go shopping with his wife.5. Have you _ _ _ (把.考虑进去) all the possible delays on the way before leaving for his office?6. I become _ _ _ (习惯于写) my most private thoughts in my diary.7. You may come to my home whenever you want to, only letting me know _ _ (提前).8. Whenever we run into new words, we may _ (查询) the dictionary.IV补全对话A: Have


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