Unit1《 What Kind of Learner Am I 》测试(冀教版必修3)

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111Unit1 What Kind of Learner Am I?测试.听力(共10题;每题1.5分,共15分)(略).单项填空(共15题;每题1分,共15分)11.You have missed your_; please wait for the next round.A.hope B.turnC.chance D.wish12._the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.A.The president will attendB.The president to attendC.The president attendedD.The presidents attending13.Mr Smith,_of the_speech,started to read a novel.A.tired;boringB.tiring;boredC.tired;boredD.tiring;boring14.What do you think the children_when we get home?A.will doB.are going to doC.will be doingD.are doing15.This box_all the books you need,_those on computer.A.contains;includesB.includes;containingC.including;containsD.contains;including16.There will be a large number of people attending the lecture_todays paper.A.basing onB.according toC.accounting forD.finding out17.What do you think of this performance?_,I dont like it very much.A.HonestB.Being honestC.Be honestD.To be honest18.It is generally believed that teaching is_it is a science.A.an art much asB.much an art asC.as an art much asD.as much an art as19.Can I help you,sir?Yes,I bought this radio here yesterday,but it_.A.didnt workB.wont workC.cant workD.doesnt work20.I dont like talking on_telephone;I prefer writing_letters.A.a;theB.the;/C.the;theD.a;/21.How about eight oclock outside the cinema?That_me fine.A.fitsB.meetsC.satisfiesD.suits22.Ill look into the matter as soon as possible.Just have a little_.A.waitB.timeC.patienceD.rest23.It was pity that the great writer died_his works unfinished.A.forB.withC.fromD.of24.The sudden illness_her blind,deaf and speechless.A.hadB.keptC.leftD.got25.If you want to change for a double room youll have to pay_$15.A.another B.other C.more D.each.完形填空(共20题;每题1.5分,共30分)Now,perhaps,more than ever before,people are wondering what life is all about,and what it is for.Seeking material success is beginning to26large numbers of people around the world.They feel that the long-hour work culture to make more money to buy more things is27up their lives,leaving them very little 28 or energy for family or hobbies.Many are turning to 29 ways of living and downshifting(过田园式生活)is one of them.Six percent of the workers in Britain took the decision to30last year.One couple who downshifted are Daniel and Liz.They31to work in central London.He was a newspaper reporter and she worked for an international bank.They32go to work by train every day from their large house in the suburbs,33their two children with a nanny(保姆).Nearly twice a month Daniel had to34New York for meetings.They both earned a large amount of money35began to feel that life was passing them by.Nowadays,they run36in the mountains of Wales.“I always wanted to have one here,”says Daniel,“and we took almost a year to37to downshift.Its taken some time getting used to,but its been38it.We have to think39now about spending money on car repairs and we no longer have any40.However,I think its made us stronger as a family,and the children are a lot41.”Liz,however,is not quite sure.“I used to enjoy my job, 42it was hard work and long hours.Im not really a country girl,but I suppose Im43getting used to looking after the animals.One thing I do44,though,is being able to see more of my children.My advice for other people wanting to do the45is not to think about it too much or you might not do it at all.”26.A.troubleB.attractC.encourageD.frighten27.A.puttingB.lookingC.buildingD.eating28.A.moneyB.materialC.spiritD.time29.A.otherB.simpleC.freeD.many30.A.retireB.downshiftC.restD.travel31.A.wantedB.likedC.usedD.planned32.A.shouldB.wouldC.mightD.could33.A.keepingB.sendingC.lettingD.leaving34.A.flyB.walkC.moveD.run35.A.andB.soC.butD.however36.A.companyB.farmC.houseD.school37.A.discussB.studyC.haveD.make38.A.worthyB.worthC.worthlessD.worthwhile39.A.onceB.twiceC.hardlyD.worriedly40.A.moneyB.holidaysC.friendsD.difficulties41.A.more bored B.more worriedC.happierD.cleverer42.A.even thoughB.whenC.as ifD.unless43.A.directlyB.particularlyC.especiallyD.gradually44.A.doubtB.admireC.likeD.admit45.A.jobB.researchC.experimentD.same.阅读理解(共10题;每题2分,共20分)ANick was tired of life,every day was exactly the same.“What I need is a little adventure!”Nick thought as he waited at the bus stop one morning.Nicks little adventure happened sooner than he had expected!While he was on the bus,reading his newspaper,the man sitting next to him suddenly pushed a large brown envelope in his hands.“Here,take this!”he murmured.Then he stood up and got off the bus before Nick could say a word.Nick sat there holding the envelope.It felt heavy.There were papers inside,or money perhaps.“Id better hand it over to the police,”he thought.There was a police station close to his office.But as he got off the bus,a man came up to him.He was obviously waiting for something.“He wants the envelope.”Nick thought.Nick began to walk quickly and the man hurried after him.Nick started to run and the man began to run,too.But then,just before he got to the police station.Nick managed to lose the man in the crowds when he entered the police station,the man was no longer in sight.Inside the police station,the envelope was full of moneyfalse money.“Obviously the man made a mistake,”the inspector said,“He thought you were one of the gang! Well,congratulations!”Nick felt like a hero.He could already see his name in all the papers.He could imagine an interview on television!“However,”the inspector went on,interrupting Nicks daydreams.“Im afraid I must ask you to keep quiet about this.Were trying to catch some very clever thieves and we dont want them to know that we have some of the money.So you mustnt say a word to anyoneeven your boss! Sorry!”“So thats that!”Nick said to himself on his way to the office.He was over an hour late.“Ive had my little adventure,but I cant tell anyone about it.So whats the point? Ive even got to make up an excuse to the boss!”46.Nick was bored because his life wasnt _.A.very pleasantB.very easyC.full of amusementD.interesting47.The man gave Nick an envelope while Nick was going_.A.to his officeB.to get off the busC.to take the busD.to get on the bus48.Nick decided to take the envelope to the police because he thought it was_.A.dangerousB.heavyC.importantD.funny49.The man who wanted the envelope knew_.A.Nicks bossB.Nicks name C.about the envelopeD.about Nicks adventure50.After his adventure,Nick expected to be_.A.richB.importantC.famousD.an adventurerBThe earliest films are quite different from the present ones.They were very short,lasting only one minute.To see simple action films of trains,crowds on the street and similar subjects,people needed to pay only one cent.Later,a new method was used to produce magical effect and to tie a story together.The method was to put the beginning of one scene upon the end of the scene before.In 1903 a film was made about a train robbery.Many of the actions took place at the same time.The scenes moved smoothly from one to another.This was the earliest successful film.In that film,scenes filmed at different places and times were put together naturally.A short time later,there appeared a whole hour of short comedy,travel and so on.These films were usually simple,rough and even vulgar.In the beginning,actors in the films werent allowed to have their names known publicly.It was because producers were afraid actors would ask for more money once they became well known.But later producers found that films with popular actors in them could be sold at a higher price than those without popular actors in them.After 1910,actors were allowed to use their own names and won high fame.51.Which of the following does not describe the character of the oldest films?A.The actions in the films were not complex.B.People didnt need to pay much money to see a film.C.The films didnt show the people on the street to the audience.D.The films didnt last long.52.From the passage which of the following statements are about the first most successful film?a.It was made in 1903.b.It was about a robbing happening in a train.c.A new method was used to make the film.d.Many actions happened at the same time but people could see them one by one in the film.e.All the actions were filmed in a train.f.There was no sound in the film.g.The film lasted shorter than an hour.A.a,b,c,d,e,f,gB.a,b,c,d,gC.a,b,d,e,fD.a,b,c,d,e,g53.The underlined word“vulgar”in the third paragraph means_.A.ill mannered,in bad tasteB.gentle manned,in good tasteC.interestingD.educative54.Why did producers not allow actors to make their names famous to the public in the beginning?A.Fame is a magnifying(放大)glass.B.Fame is the last infirmity(weakness)of noble minds.C.The more a man has,the more he wants.D.The more famous one is,the more he gets.55.Which is true according to the passage?A.The more famous the actors are,the better a film must be.B.Since 1910 actors have been more and more famous.C.The films at present last as long as the old ones.D.Films began during last century.短文改错(共10题;每题1分,共10分)此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断。如无错误,在该行右边横线上划一个勾();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(/)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。该行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。该行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。Many years ago,an old man had a very clever56._monkey.When he slept,monkey would sit beside57._him and drove the flies away from his nose.58._One summer afternoon,the man was sleepy again,59._while a fly came and sat on his nose.The monkey60._drove it away.In a minute it was come back.Again61._the monkey drove it away.These went on for six62._times.The monkey became angrily.It picked up63._a stone to hit the fly hardly.The fly fell to the64._ground,but bloods came out of the mans nose.65._.书面表达(共10分)国内某家英文报纸设有一个求助信箱(letters to Dr.Helper)。请根据学生现状栏中列出的信息,以高三学生王勇的名义,用英语给Dr.Helper写一封信。注意:1.词数100左右;2.信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。生词:负担过重 overload,压力 pressure,期望 expectation学生现状负担过重原因每日在校时间9小时考试压力,家长期望等每日作业时间34小时每日课外活动时间几乎没有每日睡眠时间不足Dear Dr.Helper,I am a student of Senior Three.I am now in great need of your help because I can hardly stand the great pressure.Im writing this letter only to wish that I could have someone to talk to.Im looking forward to your advice.Yours sincerely,Wang Yong答案.单项填空11.解析:由the next round(下一轮)看出,空格处应表示“轮次,顺次”。答案:B12.解析:此处需用动名词短语作主语,若用A项,则应在其前加that。答案:D13.解析:某人感到如何用过去分词,某事令人如何用现在分词。答案:A14.解析:此处表示将来某一时刻正在发生的事情。答案:C15.解析:指全部包含在内时用contain,范畴不同;指包括一部分时用include,范畴相同。答案:D16.解析:此处需用“按照,根据”之意,A项应改为based。答案:B17.解析:To be honest 为固定词组,在句中作插入语。答案:D18.解析:as much.as 表示“与同样”,much表示程度。答案:D19.解析:此处表示现在的情况,需用一般现在时,而wont do表示某种倾向。答案:D20.解析:on the phone是固定说法,若用by则不带冠词;第二空表示泛指。答案:B21.解析:meet与satisfy作“适合、满足”解时,宾语为need或demand,fit指“大小、形状”等适合;suit多指合乎需要、口味、条件等。答案:D22.解析:由题意看出,此处需表示“耐心”,wait通常用作可数名词。答案:C23.解析:本题考查with结构,只有with可构成这一用法。答案:B24.解析:此处表示某事发生后客观上产生的结果,而keep表示“使如何”,强调主动性。答案:C25.解析:此处表示“另外的”,若用more则应为fifteen more dollars。答案:A.完形填空26.解析:人们现在考虑生活究竟是什么,因为物质上的追求开始使大量的人陷入困惑之中,给他们带来了烦恼,故选A。答案:A27.解析:此处表示“消耗掉”。答案:D28.解析:根据下文可知,此处应填入与energy相近的词,再根据上文内容,长时间的工作方式占据人们的生活,所以余下的时间和精力就更少了。答案:D29.解析:此处表示人们开始转向其他的生活方式,而这些生活方式并不一定简单,所以simple不恰当。答案:A30.解析:根据上文的“.downshifting is one of them”,以及下文的“One couple who downshifted are Daniel and Liz.”可得出答案。答案:B31.解析:此处表示过去做的事情。答案:C32.解析:would do可表示过去的习惯。答案:B33.解析:leave.with.表示“把留给”,而send表示“送去”。答案:D34.解析:路途遥远,当然要乘飞机。答案:A35.解析:此处表示转折意义,而however不能作连词用。答案:C36.解析:run a farm意为经营一家农场,从上下文看出这一家过着田园生活。答案:B37.解析:“作出决定”需用make。答案:D38.解析:此处表示值得的,需用B项,若用A项应在其后加of,D项只作表语。答案:B39.解析:think twice是固定搭配,指“慎重考虑”,这里指在乡下生活必须慎重地考虑花钱修车的问题。答案:B40.解析:根据常识,在移居乡村前,虽然忙忙碌碌,但他们应该各自都有自己的休假时间,现在闲居在乡村,当然就没有假期了。答案:B41.解析:现在他们夫妇整天生活在农场里,孩子们有他们夫妇陪伴,当然应该比以前更快乐了。 答案:C42.解析:此处Liz在谈她过去的工作,即使又工作艰苦、时间又长,但她还是很喜欢的。答案:A43.此处表示逐步的适应乡村生活。 答案:D44.解析:虽然适应乡村生活还需要时间,但是有一件事Liz很喜欢,那就是后文中提到的“能够与孩子们更多的在一起”。答案:C45.解析:这里指Liz告诫那些也想downshift的人不要过多的想这想那,否则可能下不了决心。选the same,表示做同样的事,即downshift。答案:D.阅读理解46.解析:由文章第一句话看出。答案:47.解析:从第三段可以看出,他是在上班途中的公共汽车上。答案:A48.解析:从第四段可以推断出。答案:A49.解析:从第四、五段可以推断出。答案:C50.解析:从文章的倒数第三段看出,Nick梦想成名。答案:C51.解析:从第一段看出,街上的人群也是电影中的内容。答案:C52.解析:从第二段可以看出。答案:B53.解析:从前面的simple,rough可以看出。答案:A54.解析:从第四段第二句话看出。答案:D55.解析:从文章最后一句看出。答案:B.短文改错56.答案:57.答案:第二个monkey前加the58.答案:drovedrive59.答案:sleepysleeping60.答案:whilewhen61.答案:去掉come62.答案:TheseThis63.答案:angrilyangry64.答案:hardlyhard65.答案:bloodsblood.书面表达Dear Dr.Helper,I am a student of Senior Three.I am now in great need of your help because I can hardly stand the great pressure.Every day I have to stay at school for nine hours to have lessons and spend at least three to four hours doing my homework at home.We teenagers are eager to play and enjoy ourselves,but we hardly have any time to do what we want.Besides,we even dont have enough sleep.There seems to be three causes about the overload:the pressure of examinations,too much homework and the high expectations from the parents.We are often warned that if we dont do our best,we wont have the chance to go to university.Im writing this letter only to wish that I could have someone to talk to.Im looking forward to your advice.Yours sincerely,Wang Yong111


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