高中英语优秀教案:Unit4《Global warming》Period 4(新人教版选修6)

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111 Period 4Listening and Speaking教学内容分析The emphasis of this period will be placed on listening and speaking.There are altogether two texts for the students to listen to in this period:one is in the Students Book and the other is in the Workbook.The first one(on Page 31,Listening and speaking)is a conversation between two people,Li Bin and Professor Keeling,who is a scientist studying global warming.Professor Keeling has been mentioned in the reading passage on Page 26.The listening text is a radio interview about the use of fossil fuels and other sources of energy.It contains examples of the focus function for this unit:agreement and disagreement.While listening to Part 1 for the first time the students are asked to decide which statement in Exercise 1 Professor Keeling does NOT agree with.Then students are required to listen to Part 1 again and tick the energy sources that are mentioned in the text.After listening to Part 2 students are asked to list three things they can do to save energy.At last they should also listen to Part 2 again and fill in the blanks in Exercise 4.The second one(on Page 65,Listening Task)involves an environmental organization.A student,Tom,is giving an oral presentation.As with most oral presentations that students give,Tom has some visual aids to go with his talk.Students will first be required to listen to the whole speech to get the general idea,and then listen again and take some notes about some facts mentioned in the speech.三维目标设计Knowledge and skills1To understand the meanings of the following key words and expressions while hearing them in the tape:fossil fuels(化石燃料),industrial societies(工业化社会),concentrated(浓缩的),radiation(辐射),economical(经济的),global community(地球村),cigarette butts(烟蒂),commitment(承诺),inspiration(启发)2To enable the students to understand the listening texts.3To help the students learn how to express agreement and disagreement.Process and methods1Smoothing away language problems if any before listening.Before asking the students to listen to the tape,help them to smooth away any language problems such as new words and expressions that they may not understand while listening.2Listening for needed information.Before asking the students to listen to the tape for the first time,give them one or two questions about the general idea of the text so as to lead the students to concentrate only on the needed information.Then ask them to listen to the tape for a second or even a third time for some specific information by giving them some detailed questions to answer.3Speaking freely and making conversations.At last the students may be asked to give their own points of view and attitudes towards the subject mentioned in the text.Emotion,attitude and value1To stimulate students spirit of communication and cooperation.2To develop students ability of enjoying language beauty.教学重、难点1The understanding of the listening text.2The expressing of agreement and disagreement.Step 1Revision1Retell the text on P26P27.2Check the last periods homework and explain the difficulties.Step 2Prelistening1Show the following pictures to the students and ask them to tell which kind of energy each picture shows.Picture 1 _Picture 2 _Picture 3 _ Picture 4 _Suggested answers:Picture 1:tide;Picture 2:wind power;Picture 3:solar energy;Picture 4:nuclear energy2Tell the students to think over and tell which energy is the most widely used now and what are its advantages and disadvantages._Suggested answers:Solar energy is the most widely used now.Its advantages are environmentally friendly and renewable.Its disadvantage is that the equipment is too expensive.Step 3Listening 1Listen to Part 1 of Text 1(Page 31)and finish the following exercises.(1)How long does Professor Keeling think fossil fuels will last?ASeveral years.BOnly a few years.CCenturies.(2)What is the disadvantage of nuclear energy?AIt is dangerous. BIt produces carbon dioxide. CThere isnt enough for it.(3)What makes it impossible for us to use sun power at present?AThe danger. BThe technology. CBeing clean.Suggested answers:(1)C(2)A(3)B2Listen to Part 1 of Text 1 again(Page 31)and tick the energy sources that are mentioned.Complete the notes on them.Sources of energyNotesFossil fuelsWind powerEnergy from the sunNuclear power Suggested answers:Sources of energyNotes Fossil fuelsproduce carbon dioxide cheap and concentrated form of energyWind powerclean not practical:need huge areas of land to provide enough energyEnergy from the sunclean not very practical with present technologyNuclear powerdoesnt produce carbon dioxide dangerous3.Listen to Part 2 of Text 1(Page 31)and choose the best answers to the following questions.(1)How many suggestions does Professor Keeling offer?A2 B3 C4 (2)Which of the following is to blame for global warming?ADeveloping countries. BDeveloped countries. CPoor countries.Suggested answers:(1)B(2)B4Listen to Text 2(Page 65)for the first time and catch its main idea and then summarize each part.Main idea:_Part 1:_Part 2:_Suggested answers:Main idea:The talk is mainly about Clean Up Australia Day and its organizer Ian Kierman.Part 1:How Ian Kierman began Clean Up Australia Day.Part 2:Clean Up the World Day and Ian Kiermans contribution to improving the environment.5Listen to the whole talk again.Ask students to notice the years that Tom mentions,what happened in these years and many other facts.Make notes in the following table.YearEventFacts about the eventSuggested answers:YearEventFacts about the event1987Ian Kierman competed in a roundtheworld yacht raceHe was shocked at the pollution in the ocean.1989Cleanup Day for Sydney Harbour40 000 volunteers;collected old car bodies,plastics,glass bottles,cigarette butts1990The first Clean Up Australia Day300 000 volunteers 2001Clean Up Australia DayMost common kinds of rubbish:cigarette butts,glass bottles and plastic bags1993The first Clean Up the World Day30 million volunteers in 80 countries2001Clean Up the World Day40 million volunteers in 128 countries;cleaned streets,beaches,river banks and parksStep 3SpeakingSince the students have learned much knowledge about global warming by both reading and listening.Its necessary for them to talk about it now.Teach them how to express agreements and disagreements,blame and complaint by showing them the following patterns on the screen.(Slide show)Agreement:Exactly.Youre right.I agree.Thats correct/true/right.Disagreement:Im afraid I disagree with you.Im afraid not.I dont think so.No way.I dont agree.I doubt.Blame and complaint:Im sorry to bring this up,but.?Im sorry to have to say this,but.They shouldnt have done it.They are to blame.Perhaps/Maybe they should/ought to.Why dont you do something about it?Ask students to read again what Professor Keeling and Li Bin say.Then in groups discuss who you agree with and give reasons.Use some of the expressions listed above or any others they know.Give the students three minutes to prepare and practice,and then ask two groups to demonstrate their dialogues in front of the whole class.Step 4HomeworkWrite a passage to talk about global warming and peoples different views on it.Step 5Reflection after teaching_.国际知名环保组织介绍这些国际性的环保组织克服了重重困难,获得了世界范围内的响应和支持,依靠组织手段,将提倡的环保概念普及,并通过各种环保项目的实施,切实推动世界各地的环保进程。(1)世界环保组织(IUCN)全名为International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources,缩写为IUCN,该组织历史悠久,1948年即在瑞士格兰德成立,是政府及非政府机构都能参与合作的少数几个国际组织之一。由全球81个国家、120个政府组织、超过800个非政府组织、10 000个专家及科学家组成,该组织共有181个成员国,实际工作人员已超过8500名。组织每3年召开一次世界自然保护大会(World Conservation Congress)。IUCN旨在影响、鼓励及协助全球各地的协会,保护自然的完整性与多样性,并确保在使用自然资源上的公平性,及生态上的可持续发展。(2)世界自然基金会(WWF)WWF是在全球享有盛誉的、最大的独立性非政府环境保护机构之一,在全世界拥有将近500万支持者和一个在90多个国家活跃着的网络。WWF的使命是遏止地球自然环境的恶化,创造人类与自然和谐相处的美好未来,保护世界生物多样性;确保可再生自然资源的可持续利用;推动降低污染和减少浪费性消费的行动。该组织的标志为大熊猫。(3)全球环境基金(GEF)GEF是关于生物多样性、气候变化、持久性有机污染物和土地荒漠化的国际公约的资金机制。GEF通过其业务规划,支持发展中国家和经济转型国家在生物多样性、气候变化、国家水域、臭氧层损耗、土地退化和持久性有机污染物的重点领域上开展活动,取得全球效益。自1991年启动以来,GEF已通过1000多个项目,向140多个发展中国家和经济转型国家提供了大约40亿美元赠款,并从各种渠道吸引了120亿美元的项目融资。2002年8月,32个捐资国保证,在随后4年内,向GEF提供近30亿美元,用于GEF活动。(4)国际绿色和平组织1971年,12名怀有共同梦想的人从加拿大温哥华起航,驶往安奇卡岛(Amchitka),去阻止美国在那里进行的核试验。他们在渔船上挂了一条横幅,上面写着“绿色和平”。尽管在中途遭到美国军方阻拦,他们的行动却触发了舆论和公众的声援。次年,美国放弃在安奇卡岛进行核试验。在此后的30多年里,绿色和平组织逐渐发展成为全球最有影响力的环保组织之一。该组织继承了创始人勇敢独立的精神,坚信以行动促成改变。同时,通过研究、教育和游说工作,推动政府、企业和公众共同寻求环境问题的解决方案。绿色和平组织在中国的环保项目包括气候与能源项目致力于减缓由燃烧煤、石油和天然气等化石燃料造成的气候变化,还有致力于消除有毒污染物的污染防治项目,森林保护项目品等。(5)地球之友(Friends of Earth)在香港地区创立的“地球之友”(Friends of the Earth International)是著名的环境非政府组织之一,还是反全球化运动的一支重要力量。与其他环境组织一样,“地球之友”近年来也改变了就环境问题谈环境的做法,转而将环境问题与社会问题及发展问题联系起来,既扩大了活动领域,也扩大了影响。自1983年成立以来,“地球之友”曾经走过一段艰辛的路。在香港的超级物质主义的大潮流下,“地球之友”仍然坚守使命,捍卫公众利益,维护环境公义,不屈不挠地推动环保,反对扩充发电厂、滥用杀虫剂、侵占郊野土地、关注过度消费、城市空气污染、水质污染、填海和环境管理失误等问题。 .Kids FA.C.E.(儿童环保组织“为了世界更清洁”)Melissa Poe was 9 years old when she began a campaign for a cleaner environment by writing a letter to the then President Bush.Through her own efforts,her letter was reproduced on over 250 donated billboards across the country.The response to her request for help was so huge that Poe established Kids for A Cleaner Environment(Kids FA.C.E.)in 1989.There are now 300 000 members of Kids FA.C.E.worldwide and is the worlds largest youth environmental organization.Poe has also asked the National Park Service to carry out a “Childrens Forest” project in every national park.In 1992,she was invited as one of only six children in the world to speak at the Earth Summit in Brazil as part of the Voices of the Future Program.In 1993,she was given a Caring Award for her efforts by the Caring Institute.Since the organization started,Kids FA.C.E.members have distributed and planted over 1 million trees! Ongoing treeplanting projects include Kids Yardsthe creation of backyard wildlife habitats(栖息地)and now Kids FA.C.E.is involved in the exciting Earth Odyssey,which is a great way to start helping.“Starting the club turned out to be a way to help people get involved with the environment.Club members started doing things like recycling,picking up litter and planting trees as well as inviting other kids to join their club.”“We try to tell kids that its not OK to be lazy,” she explains.“You need to start being a responsible,environmentally friendly person now,right away,before you become a resourcesucking adult.” 111


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