Unit 1《Advertising》-project学案1(牛津译林版必修4)

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Unit 1《Advertising》-project学案1(牛津译林版必修4)_第1页
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111M4U1 Advertising学案Project第一部分:重点讲解1. variousThere are various ways of doing this.做这一工作的方法有许多。vary vYou should vary your method of work.variety n a variety of =varieties of f由于各种各样的原因2. particular On this particular day在这个特别的日子。in this particular case 在这特殊情况下Be particular about对。过分讲究她特别讲究穿着。In particular 特别尤其 反义词:in general我尤其记得其中一位。3. determine 会议日期尚未确定。Determine to do 他们决定早点出发。Be determined to do =make up ones mind to do我决心要获得成功。Determine 后接引导的that宾语时,用虚拟语气,谓语用(should) do The court determined that the defendant should pay the legal costs.法庭裁决由被告支付律师费用。Determination n. 决心 a man of determination 有决断力的人Determined adj.坚决的,决定了的a determined man 一个意志坚定的人a determined look 坚决的表情Determinedly adv.决断地,断然地4. react vi. 1)to/against react against the political system react to 与-起反应 The eye reacts to light. 眼睛对光会起反应。 1) react on /upon 起作用于, 有影响或化学上起反应(相当于to have effect on) Applause reacts upon a speaker.鼓掌对演讲人会有影响。 5. appeal 1)appeal to有吸引力,迎合爱好The idea appealed to Mary.这个主意正合玛丽的心意。Bright colours appeal to small children.2)呼吁,恳求,常接to/for / to do sth.Appeal for aid 请求援助The government is appealing to everyone to save water.3)诉诸,求助Appeal to arms诉诸武力4)上诉Appeal against a decision不服裁决而上诉appealing adj. 1. attractive or interesting:The idea of not having to get up early every morning is rather appealing (to me).NOTE: The opposite is unappealing.6. gather gather information /speed/ experience/ wealth gather flowers/ gather (in )the crop / gather the toys up gathering n 集会, 集合gather 一般用语, 指云集或采集花, 草, 果实, 财产, 金钱, 贝类等散失的物品。 及收集消息, 资料或情报。 collect 精心地, 有计划地或有选择的收集,表示既有, 募集或征收资金。 He is _ flowers. 他在采花。7 get (sth) across ( to sb.) 使某事传播或为人所了解。你的意思别人并未真正的理解。他不善于表达思想。8. approach n. 方法,途经All approaches were blocked.所有的道路都堵塞了。The approach of summer brings hot weather.冬天快到了,天气转冷了。Its not allowed to make an approach to the forbidden area.approach time 临场时间at the approach of 在.快到的时候v. 走进,接近,探讨,动手处理Its not allowed to approach the forbidden area.The summer is approaching.9. goalachieve ones goal 达到目标 reach the goal 抵达终点 kick the ball into the goal. We beat them by three goals to two. 我第二部分:练习I. 单词拼写1.If you want to sell this product well, I advise you to a it in the newspaper or on TV.2.All of us finally agreed to his plan because of his p language.3. Nearly all the a to the palace were guarded by the soldiers.4. Im sorry those coats are not (可获得的,可买到的) in your color and size.5. Last night I went to the bookshop and the shopkeeper r a new to me.6. What she has in mind is beyond_ _(想象力). No one can tell what she will do next.7. The writer traveled throughout the country to p his latest novel.8. The food was good but the (服务) was slow.9.She is never s with what she has got and keeps asking for more and more.10. I only need one more stamp to c my collection.11. I will call back at a more (方便的) time.12. Adventuring in African forest is really an u experience.13. Is there a (格外的) type of book he enjoys?14.They know me-I am a regular (顾客).15.The company has over 500 stores (全国性的).16.The latter plan isnt good. I think you should go back to your o one.17.We all need to be about the advertisements for they are not always true.18.Its (时髦的) to have long hair again.19. They (购买) the land for 1 million dollars.20. People slowly g their luggage and left the hall.II. 完形填空Many years ago, my dad was diagnosed with a terminal illness. He was unable to work at a(n) 1 job. He would be fine for quite a while, but would then fall suddenly 2 and have to be admitted to the hospital.He wanted to do something to keep himself 3 , so he decided to volunteer at the local children 4 . My dad loved kids. He would talk to them and play with them. Sometimes, he would 5 one of his kids. In certain instances, he would give 6 to the sad parents of these children.One of his kids was a girl who had been admitted with a 7 disease that paralyzed (使瘫痪) her from the neck down. I dont know the 8 of the disease, but I do know that it was very sad for a little girl. My dad decided to try to help her. He started 9 her in her room, bringing paints, brushes and paper. He stood the paper up 10 a backing, but the paintbrush in his mouth and began to paint. He didnt use his hands at all. Only his 11 would move. He would visit her 12 he could and paint for her. All the while he would tell her, “see, you can do 13 you set your mind to”. 14 , she began to paint using her mouth, and she and my dad became friends. Soon after, the little girl was discharged (允许出院). My dad also 15 the children hospital for a little while because he became ill. Some time later after my dad had recovered and 16 to work, he was at the volunteer counter one day and 17 the front door open. In came the little girl who had been paralyzed, but this time she was 18 . She ran straight to my dad and hugged him really tight. She gave my dad a picture she had done using her 19 . At the bottom it read, “thank you for helping me walk.”Sometimes love is more 20 than doctors, and my dad who died just a few months after the little girl gave him the picture loved every single child in that hospital.1. A. importantB. steadyC. easyD. good2. A. illB. behindD. asleepD. down3. A. wellB. wealthyC. busyD. healthy4. A. palaceB. hospitalC. centerD. park5. A. teachB. missC. loseD. treat6. A. speechB. comfortC. praiseD. way7. A. specialB. curiousC. commonD. rare8. A. resultB. reasonC. nameD. course9. A. observingB,. drawingC. paintingD. visiting10. A. withB. acrossC. againstD. over11. A. headB. throatC. fingersD. eyes12. A. with whoeverB. wheneverC. as ifD. as soon as13. A. everythingB. somethingC. anythingD. nothing14. A. BasicallyB. NaturallyC. EventuallyD. Suddenly15. A. leftB. enteredC. rushed toD. stayed at16. A. stoppedB. returnedC. hesitatedD. refused17. A. pushedB. noticedC. observedD. kicked18. A. shoutingB. lyingC. walkingD. jumping19. A. handsB. pensC. paperD. mind20. A. thankfulB. usefulC. thoughtfulD. powerful第三部分:练习答案I. 单词拼写1. advertise 2. persuasive 3. approaches 4. available 5. recommend 6. imagination 7. promote 8. service 9. satisfied 10. complete 11. convenient 12.unforgettable 13. particular 14. customer 15. nationwide16. original 17. smart 18. fashionable 19. purchase 20. gatheredII. 完形填空1-5 BACBC 6-10 BDCDC 11-15 ABCCA 16-20 BBCAD111


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