2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业27:Unit 2《Poems》(新人教版选修6浙江专用)

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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业27:Unit 2《Poems》(新人教版选修6浙江专用)_第3页
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111课时作业(二十七)选修6Unit 2 Poems限时:30分钟.单项填空1_ a moment and I will go to your rescue.AGo on BHold onCMove on DCarry on2It is getting late.I am afraid I must be off now._!AGo slowly BSo longCStay longer DAll right3Could you give me a hand? It seems that my strength has_.Aused up Brun outCbeen given out Drun out of4Had I been a little more careful, I _ such a foolish mistake.Awont make Bhadnt madeCdidnt make Dwouldnt have made5They _ the trucks with boxes of food and sent the goods to the disaster areas in Sichuan province.Asupplied BprovidedCloaded Dunloaded6Mike has put on so much weight this year that his mother has to _ all his trousers to his measure.Alet out Bgive awayCbring in Dlay out7If you always _ others like that, youll lose the good opinion of your friends.Atease Bcheese Cchoose Dtear8If he _ my advice, he wouldnt have lost his job.Afollowed Bshould followChad followed Dwould follow9George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but Id rather he _ more on its culture.Afocus BfocusedCwould focus Dhad focused10This area experienced _ heaviest rainfall in _ month of May. A/; a Ba; the Cthe; the Dthe; a11Could you turn the TV down a little bit?_.Is it disturbing you?ATake it easy BIm sorryCNot a bit DIt depends12Do you think we should accept that offer?Yes, we should, for we _ such bad luck up till now, and time _ out.Ahave had;is running Bhad;is runningChave;has been run Dhave had;has been run13Everyone in our class likes Mary because she is good at telling and _ jokes.Aturning up Bputting upCmaking up Dshowing up14May I take your order now?_.ANo, Im in trouble nowBYes, we obey ordersCYes, Id like a dish of chickenDNo, I dont have a choice of meat15Why do you look so sad?With so many problems_, Im in a difficult situation.Asettled Bremained to settleCbeing settled Dremaining to be settled.阅读理解Lucille Clifton, the AwardWinning Poet, was the First African American Poet Laureate of Maryland. Critics call her one of the greatest writers of our time. Lucille Clifton was born Thelma Lucille Sayles in Depew, New York in 1936. She was named Thelma after her mother. Lucille was the name of one of her fathers ancestors. When the younger one got older she chose to call herself Lucille.Lucille Clifton began writing poetry when she was about ten years old. She had developed an interest in poetry because of her mother, Thelma Sayles. Her mother was also a poet although her poems were never published. As a child Lucille would sit on her mothers lap and listen as she read poetry. She learned to love words and the power of words. That stayed with her as she grew.While her mother taught her to love poetry, her father gave her the gift of storytelling. He would tell Lucille interesting stories about her ancestors, especially the one named Lucille who was his grandmother. Samuel Clifton said she was the first black woman to be legally hanged in the state of Virginia. Lucille Clifton wrote about it in her poem called “Lucy”She often talked about her love for words. She loved the sound of words and the way the words felt in her mouth. She loved finding interesting ways to use words to express what was happening in the world.Unlike her mother, Lucille Cliftons poetry was anything but traditional. Her poems do not rhyme or follow a special kind of pattern. They do not use fancy words. They do not deal in makebelieve. Her poetry is known for being simple, truthful and direct. It is written the way people speak, in a casual, relaxed language. There is very little punctuation(标点) and even less capitalization. Many of the poems are uncomfortably honest. Lucille Clifton often said that she tried to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. Over the years, she seems to have perfected that art.16Which of the following may be the reason why Lucille Clifton chose to call herself Lucille instead of Thelma?ATo show her love to her mother.BTo show her love to her beloved teacher.CTo show respect to her greatgrandmother.DTo show her respect to a great poet.17From the passage, we know that Lucille Clifton is _.Afunny BcreativeCselfish Dbeautiful18What can be inferred from the passage?ALucille Cliftons parents affected her a lot.BLucille Cliftons poetry was very traditional.CThelma Sayles published many poems.DLucille Cliftons poetry was very formal.19What is the main idea of the last paragraph?ALucille Cliftons great works.BLucille Cliftons poem background.CLucille Cliftons poem style.DLucille Cliftons poem words.20The underlined word “it” in the fourth paragraph probably refers to _.ASamuel CliftonBSamuel Cliftons experienceCSamuel Cliftons grandmotherDLucilles great grandmothers story.任务型阅读Mr. Smith, Mr. Black, Miss White, John和Jack想参观博物馆,请结合选项AF中对6个博物馆的相关介绍,选出与他们各自信息相符的选项。选项中有一项是多余的。21. Mr. Smith will be free this Sunday. Because he and his family settled down in Chicago last month, hes not familiar with Chicago history. He is interested in history and wants to take his son, Jack, whos now 11 to a museum in Chicago for free.22. Mr. Black is an engineer in a famous aircraft company in Britain. Hes going to Chicago for a conference next week. He intends to visit a museum in Chicago after the conference in which he can see some kinds of planes.23. Miss White is a worldknown artist. After holding successfully her art exhibition in Washington, she plans to fly to Chicago on Thursday in order to visit a museum where she can enjoy famous modern paintings. Since she has to leave for New York early on Friday morning, she wants to visit a museum on Thursday evening for free.24. Johns a student in Chicago University. He majors in astronomy in college. Last week his tutor asked him to go to a museum to study some aged equipment which was used to observe the sky in the past. He has no class this weekend and he decided to visit and write an article about it.25. Jack is only 8 and hes interested in prehistoric animals. He asks his parents to take him to a museum in which he can see some exhibits of animals that have already disappeared from the earth and other exhibits of ancient animals.A. Adler Planetarium (天文馆)Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum, founded in 1930, is Americas first and oldest planetarium. It now houses two starwatching theaters, a unique collection of aged instruments, broad exhibit space, many handson exhibits. It also offers one of the most wonderful views of the skyline of the entire city.B. The Art Institute of ChicagoThe Art Institute consistently ranks among Chicagos mostvisited museums. From French Impressionist paintings to American masks, the museum offers visitors a rich cultural experience. FREE on Thursday evenings.C. The Chicago History Museum The Chicago History Museum exhibits artificial objects from the depth of their 22 million item collection and the breadth of the citys history. From the Chicago Bulls to the Great Chicago Fire, the museum covers all and offers contexts and exhibits to make Chicagos history connected with our lives today. Free of charge during the weekend.D. DuSable Museum of African American History DuSables the nations oldest museum devoted to the exploration, documentation(文献), and celebration of the African American experience. It mainly shows the development and the struggling course of African American in the past few centuries.E. The Field Museum of Natural History The Field Museum is probably best known for its dinosaur shows, but it also has deep devotion to “the diversity(多种多样) and relationships in nature and among cultures.” It holds and studies over 20 million objects, a collection which grew from holding received after the Worlds Columbian Exposition of 1893.F. Museum of Science and Industry Since 1933, the enormous museum has been devoted to educating the public about science and technology. From the coal mine exhibit with a working elevator to the submarines(潜水艇), fighters, helicopters, and transport planes, the museums collection and handson exhibits seem almost endless.答案课时作业(二十七).1.B考查动词短语辨析。句意为:再坚持一会儿,我就会来救你。这里是一个“祈使句and/or陈述句”的结构。go on意为“继续”;hold on意为“等会儿,坚持一会儿”;move on意为“继续”;carry on意为“继续开展,进行”。2B考查交际用语。句意:“天晚了,恐怕我得走了。”“再见!”so long意为“再见”,符合语境。go slowly和stay longer是中式英语;all right意为“行,可以;良好”,不符合语境。3B考查动词短语辨析。run out/give out意为“用完,耗尽”,主语通常为物,不用于被动语态。run out of/use up “用完,耗尽(某物)”,若主语为物,应用被动语态,若主语为人,则用主动语态。4D考查虚拟语气。Had I been a little more careful是If I had been a little more careful的省略倒装形式,由此可知是对过去事实的假设,所以主句谓语用wouldnt have done。句意:如果我再细心点,就不会犯这么愚蠢的错误了。5C考查动词辨析。句意:他们把成箱的食物装上卡车运往四川灾区。loadwith意为“用装载”;supply意为“供应”;provide意为“提供”;unload意为“卸货”。6A考查动词短语辨析。let out意为“放大(尺寸)”;give away意为“赠送,泄露”;bring in意为“引进”;lay out意为“铺开;布置;策划”。7A考查动词辨析。句意:你如果老是那样捉弄别人,你就会失去朋友们对你的好感。tease意为“取笑”;cheese 是名词,意为“奶酪”;choose意为“选择”;tear意为“撕毁”。8C考查虚拟语气。根据“wouldnt have lost”可判断if引导的状语从句表示与过去事实相反的假设,故选C项。9B考查虚拟语气。Id ratherI would rather,后应用虚拟语气。10C考查冠词用法。第一空表示“最大的降水量”,为形容词的最高级,故用the;第二空表特指用the,故选C项。11B考查交际用语。前面提到“你可以把电视的声音关小点吗?”答语为“打扰你了吗?”这表明回答方表示不好意思,故用B项,Im sorry表道歉。A项意为“别急”;C项意为“一点也不”;D项意为“看情况而定”,这三项均不符合语境。12A考查动词的时态。句意:“你认为我们应当接受提供的帮助吗?”“是的,因为到目前为止,我们的运气如此糟糕,而且时间紧迫。”up till now(迄今为止)常与现在完成时连用,而时间“正在”消耗殆尽,用现在进行时,故选A。13C考查动词短语辨析。按照句意此处有“编造笑话”之意。turn up出现,将调大;put up举起,搭建,张贴;show up 出现。14C考查交际用语。解答本题的关键是理解语境。“May I take your order now?”表示“现在请您点菜好吗”,显然选项C符合语境。15D考查非谓语动词。problems与remain为主谓关系,故在with结构中用remaining;remaining后接不定式to be settled意为“有待解决的”。.本文主要介绍了马里兰州第一届黑人桂冠诗人获奖者Lucille Clifton的父母对她的影响,以及她的诗歌的风格。16C细节理解题。由第二段“She was named Thelma after her motherWhen the younger one got older she chose to call herself Lucille.”以及第四段“especially the one named Lucille who was his grandmother. Samuel Clifton said she was the first black woman to be legally hanged in the state of Virginia.”可知Lucille曾经是她尊敬的曾祖母的名字。17B推理判断题。由最后一段“Lucille Cliftons poetry was anything but traditionalOver the years, she seems to have perfected that art.”可知她在诗歌创作方面不传统,独创自己的风格,可推出“她是一个有创造力的人”。18A推理判断题。由第三段“She had developed an interest in poetry because of her motherShe learned to love words and the power of words. That stayed with her as she grew”和第四段“While her mother taught her to love poetry, her father gave her the gift of storytelling.”可推出“她的父母对她影响很大”。19C主旨大意题。最后一段提到Lucille Clifton的诗歌不传统,不押韵,没有特别的句式,没有虚幻的词汇,而是简单、真实、直接,采用了随意放松的语言等可知,此段主要讲述了其诗歌的风格。20D词义猜测题。由画线词的前一句“she was the first black woman to be legally hanged in the state of Virginia”可知it应该指的是其曾祖母的事迹。.21.C关键词“Chicago history”。“for free”对应C选项的“Free of charge”;“ this Sunday”对应“during the weekend”。22. F关键词 planes。23B关键词 “paintings”; “Thursday evening for free”, 与B选项对应。24. A关键词“astronomy”;“some aged equipment which was used to observe the sky in the past.”对应A选项的“a unique collection of aged instruments, broad exhibit space”。25E文中“prehistoric animals”; “some exhibits of animals that have already disappeared from the earth”对应E选项中的“dinosaur”。111


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