高一英语:Unit3 Travel journal-Grammar学案(新人教版必修1)

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111Unit 3 Travel Journal (Grammar)将来时的六种表达法1. will/ shall do (will可用于第一、二、三人称,shall只用于第一人称)(1) 这种将来意义常常夹杂着情态意义,即带有说话人的主观态度和看法。e.g. You will fail the test if you dont work hard.(2) 有时既表示将来,也含有“意愿”或“意图”。e.g. I will meet you at 6 oclock.(3) 在疑问句中will/ shall还可用来征询听话人的“意图”。e.g. Will you be at home at seven this evening? - Will you marry me? - Yes, I will.2. be going to do(1) 表示“意图”,即打算在将来做某事。e.g. Im going to play basketball after school. They are going to marry next month. Im going to be a doctor.(2) 表示“预见”,即现在已有迹象表明要发生某种情况。e.g. The sky is so dark. Its going to rain. will/ shall do和be going to do(1) 两者都可表示“意图”,有时两者可以互换使用。e.g. I wont tell him about it. = Im not going to tell him about it.(2) 表示“意图”时,be going to do表示的“意图”通常是事先经过考虑的, 而will/ shall do所表示的“意图”则是说话时临时想到的,因此在某些特 定的语境中,两者不可互换使用。e.g. - Im going to play basketball after school. - Really? I will go with you.3. be doing这一结构的主要意义是表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作,常用于表示位置转移的动词,如:go, come, leave, start, arrive等,也可用于其它动态动词。e.g. The plane is taking off at 5:30. How are you going there - by air or by train? be going to do和be doing(1) be going to do和be doing都可表示决定要做某事,两者在某些语境中可以 互换使用。e.g. We are having fish for supper. = We are going to have fish for supper. We are leaving soon. = We are going to leave soon. Im taking my students to the park on next Sunday. = Im going to take my students to the park on next Sunday.(2) 如果动词为come或go,在表示将来时,常用be doing结构。e.g. Were going to Shanghai next week. (to是介词)4. be to do(1) 表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作,常见于报纸和广播,用以宣布官方 的计划或决定。e.g. The Queen is to visit Vietnam next month.(2) 表示命令、禁止(否定式)等。e.g. Since youve done something wrong, you are to stand here. If you are late, you are to stand outside the door. Tell her that she is not to be back late. be doing和be to do都可以表示按计划、安排将要发生的事态,两者常常 可互换,但be to do较常用于正式语体。5. be about to do刚要做某事,正要做某事。表示非常近的将来,不与表将来的时间副词连用。e.g. He is about to leave.注意:不可以说He is about to leave tomorrow. be about to dowhen:正要做,这时e.g. He was about to start when it rained. I was about to lock the door when the telephone rang.6. 一般现在时(1) 用一般现在时表将来时间,常见于条件状语从句和时间状语从句中。e.g. Ill tell her about it if she comes. Ill give it to you after I return. Ill call you as soon as I arrive.(2) 在主句中用一般现在时表示将来时间通常指按照时间表或既定日程一定 会发生的将来事态。e.g. Tomorrow is Sunday. She retires next year. When do you take your next exam? 一般现在时表将来时间所暗示的计划比较客观,因而更具有不可变易性, 而且一般现在时表将来时间在口气上也比较正式。 1. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane_. (2006全国高考题) A. takes off B. is taking off C. has taken off D. took off2. Are you still busy? (2005年浙江卷) Yes, I_ my work, and it wont take long.A. just finish B. am just finishing C. have just finished D. am just going to finish3. What would you do if it _ tomorrow? (2005全国高考题)We have to carry it on, since weve got everything ready.A. rain B. rains C. will rain D. is raining4. - Did you tell Julia about the result? -Oh, no, I forgot. I her now. (2005全国 III )A. will be calling B. will call C. call D. am to call5. Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasnt stopped ringing. People _to ask how I am going to spend the money. (2005湖南卷) A. phone B. will phone C. were phoning D. are phoning6. I will visit you if Father _ me.A. let B. lets C. is letting D. will let7. Look out! That tree _ fall down.A. is going to B. will be C. shall D. would8. My uncle _ to see me. Hell be here soon.A. comes B. is coming C. had come D. came9. When _ school begin? Next Monday. A. has B. does C. did D. is going to10. Every time I _ there, I will buy him something nice.A. went B. will go C. go D. have gone11. We wont go unless you _ soon.A. had come B. came C. will come D. come12. The air liner from Beijing _ at 3:00 p.m.A. is about to arrive B. has arrived C. arrives D. is going to arrive13. I dont know when he _, but when he _, Ill let you know.A. will come/comes B. comes/will comeC. comes/comes D. will come/will come14. -Did you write to Grace last summer?-No, but Ill _ her over Christmas vacation.A. be seenB. have seen C. be seeing D. to see15. -Im going to the States?-How long _ you_ in the States?A. are; stayed B. are; stayingC. have; stayed D. did; stay 16. Ive won a holiday for two weeks to Florida. I _ my mum.A. am taking B. have takenC. take D. will have taken 17. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy take because technology _ so rapidly.A. will change B. has changedC. will have changed D. is changing18. - Youve left the light on.-Oh, I have. _ and turn it off.A. I go B. Ive goneC. Ill go D. Im going19. - Is this raincoat yours?.-No, mine_ there behind the door.A. is hanging B. has hungC. hangs D. hung 20. - Whats that terrible noise?-The neighbours_ for a party.A. have prepared B. are preparingC. prepare D. will prepare21. Because the shop _, all the T-shirts are sold at half prices.A. has closed down B. closed downC. is closing down D. had closed down22. - Can I join the club, Dad?- You can when you _ a bit old.A. get B. will get C. are getting D. will have got23. I feel it is your husband who _ for the spoiled child.A. is to blame B. is going to blame C. is to be blamed D. should blame24. At this time tomorrow, _ over the Atlantic.A. were going to fly B. well be flying C. well fly D. were to fly25. -Are you still busy?- Yes, I my work, and it wont take long.A. just finish B. am just finishingC. have just finished D. am just going to finish26. -Did you tell Julia about the result?- Oh, no, I forgot. I _ her now.A. will be calling B. will callC. call D. am to call27. -What are you going to do this afternoon?- Im going to the cinema with some friends. The film _ quite early, so we _ to the bookstore after that.A. finished; are going B. finished; goC. finishes; are going D. finishes; go答案:15 BBBBD 610 BABBC 1115 DCACB1620 ADCAB 2127 CAABB BC 111


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