高中英语外研版必修一学案Module 5 《A Lesson in a Lab》(5)

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111Book 1 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Period5【学习目标】通过本模块过关检测,检查学生对本模块主要内容的掌握程度【学习策略指导】学生自主完成过关检测题,核对答案纠错,小组合作解决疑难问题【教学环节设计】Step 1 35分钟完成过关检测题I. 单词拼写(每词2分,共20分) 金属热张冷缩。 Metals _ when heated and _ when cooled. 钢铁是铁和其他物质的混合物。 Steel is a _ of iron and other _.3. 我的新学校科学设施很好,有很多实验室,各样最新设备里面都有。 The science _ at my new school are very good, with laboratories that have all the latest _.4. 糖溶于水而羽毛只是漂浮在水面。 Sugar _ in water while feathers just _ on the surface of water.5. 他很惊讶,他的演讲引起如此强烈的反应。 He was _ that his speech had caused such a strong _.II. 重点短语 (每题2分,共20分) 1. 往加入_ 2. 对作出回应_3. 以的形式_ 4. 保持/失去平衡_5. 为感到骄傲/自豪_ 6. 想起;记起_7. 在领域_ 8. 不让进来;不介入_9. 把某物按顺序排列_ 10.应当;理应_ III. 单项填空( 每小题2分,满分20分)1. May I use your bike after school? _. Im not using it anyhow. A. Sure, go aheadB. Its your turnC. That dependsD. Youve got it Are you pleased with his performance? Well done! It couldnt have been _. A. betterB. worseC. so badD. the worst Its said that there have been several new events _ the program for the Beijing Olympic Games. A. added toB. resulted fromC. turned outD. made up _ of the land in that district _ covered with trees and grass. A. Two fifth; isB. Two fifth; areC. Two fifths; isD. Two fifths; are5. David got up earlier than _ that morning, for it was not a(n) _ day. A. common; usualB. usual; ordinaryC. usual; normalD. common; ordinary6. In some parts of that country, _ died of that illness. A. one out ten children B. ten of one childC. one child in tenD. one for ten children7. The harder you work, the more questions you will think of _. A. askingB. being askedC. to askD. asked8. The earth is _ the moon. A. as 49 times big asB. 49 times as bigger asC. 49 times as big asD. as big as 49 times9. The old man used to _ in the country, but he is now used to _ in the big city. A. live; liveB. living; livingC. live; livingD. living; live10. _ hurry, _ speed.A. More; lessB. Much; littleC. The more; the lessD. The much; the littleIV. 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) The Grad Ole Opry, in Nashiville,Tennessee,has always been Americas most important concert hall for country music. Every Saturday night the place is filled to the ceiling with country music _11_ One _12_ in January 1967, was a very 13 night at the Opry. For the first time,a 14 man was an attraction_15_ music had always been thought of as “white music”For many people, it was a strange _16 _to see Charley Pride step_ 17_ the Opry stage. Some people left _18_ about whether a black man could sing country songs. _19 _Charleys smooth voice quickly _20_ over the Opry _21_ . Charley was so good that before long, he was country musics biggest _22_ . Like many country singers, Charley was _23_ on a farm. He spent his youth milking cows and picking cotton. But he knew he wasnt going to make _24 _his career. Later he became a baseball player. Charley made it to a major league team. But he didnt stay on for more than one season.In winter, after the baseball season,Charley _25_ at a local nightclub. One evening, Red Soving, a great country music star,_26 _ Charley sing. Red told Charley to forget about _27_ and go for a singing career. Charley took the _28 _and became a true hit-maker. His _29 _were always near the top on the list. Some were Number One all over the country.Today Charley Pride is _30_ one of the biggest stars in country music. But he says his real wish is to own a baseball team.11. A. people B. sound C. fans D. songs12. A. Saturday B. day C. time D. concert13. A. cold B. special C. dark D. successful14. A. young B. famous C. strong D. black 15. A. Classic B. Country C. Popular D. Light 16. A. look B. sight C. event D. evening 17. A. to B. up C. for D. onto 18. A. unsure B. curious C. bad D. excited 19. A. Then B. As C. But D. So 20. A. took B. won C. flowed D. carried 21. A. hail B. crowd C. concert D. singer 22. A. winner B. player C. star D. fan 23. A. known B. raised C. trained D. found 24. A. singing B. labouring C. sports D. agriculture 25. A. sang B. played C. fought D. worked 26. A. made B. heard C. helped D. let 27.A. music B. jobs C. baseball D. agriculture 28.A. career B. change C. order D. advice 29. A. books B. pictures C. records D. conceits 30. A. still B. again C. even D. yetV. 阅读理解(共4小题,每题2分,满分8分)Our knowledge of the origin of chocolate is rather vague but we are aware that the Mayans and Aztecs( American Indians) made a drink from the beans of the cocoa tree. Then in 1528 this was taken home by the Spanish who named it chocolate. This was the first experience the Europeans had of chocolate but by the late 1600s it had spread to most countries in Europe. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, drinking chocolate became a well-established activity but it was not until 1847 that Fry and Sons in England introduced eating chocolate . This remained much of a novelty until Daniel Peter, the famed Swiss chocolatier, was inspired to try to improve the smoothness and taste of the chocolate. Peters idea was to mix some other ingredient (成分) with chocolate to balance its strong flavor. His early experiments with cheese were unsuccessful and a number of the other ill-fated mixtures followed. Finally, in 1874 Peter stumbled on the perfect answer: milk. Nowadays milk chocolate is made of at least ten percent chocolate mass (raw chocolate pressed from cocoa nibs) and twelve percent milk solids (固体) combined with sugar, cocoa butter (the fat from the nibs) and vanilla (香精). It is also the type of chocolate most often chosen by children because it is less bitter than the dark varieties. 31. _first made chocolate. A. American Indians B. Spanish people C. English people D. Swiss people 32. Early chocolate was a kink of _. A. bitter drink B. sweet drink C. bitter solid bar D. sweet solid bar 33. What do you think the sentence His early experiments with cheese were unsuccessful mean? A. He couldnt get solid “eating chocolate” when mixing cheese and chocolate together. B. He couldnt balance the bitterness of chocolate when he mixed it with cheese. C. He couldnt have a perfect smell when mixing cheese and chocolate together. D. He couldnt eliminate (消灭) the bitterness of chocolate when he mixed it with cheese. 34. Which of the following statements about chocolate is NOT true? A. Cocoa beans are the basic material for making chocolate. B. Early Spanish people drank chocolate as American Indians. C. First “eating chocolate” was a kink of solid food. D. Butter is used in making milk chocolate.Step 2 核对答案,纠正错误,小组合作讨论解决各自疑难问题Step 3 总结本次过关检测个人和小组掌握重点情况【课外作业】整理检测题中出现的典型错误【学后反思】_英语模块一学案25(Module 5 Period5)I. 单词拼写1. expand ; contract 2. mixture ; substances 3. facilities ; equipment 4. dissolves ; float 5. astonished; reaction II. 重点短语1. addto 2. react to sth. 3. in the form of 4. keep/lose ones balance 5. be proud of/ take pride in 6. think of 7. in the area of 8. keep out of 9. put in order 10. be supposed to III. 单项填空 1-5 AAACB 6-10 CCCCCIV. 11. C fan在此处意为 “ 迷 ” ,符合句意。12. A根据第1段Every Saturday night可知,此处特指1967年1月的一个星期六。13. B根据下文黑人歌手首次演唱被认为是 “白人音乐” 的乡村歌曲可推知 “ 那个夜晚很特别 ”。14. D根据下文white music。和whether a black man可推知答案。15. B根据语境及上文提到的country music可推知答案。 16. B sight意为 “ 景象,景物” 。对于许多人来说,看到黑人Charley Pride演唱乡村音乐是一种很奇怪的场面(景象)。17. D step onto意为 “走上(舞台) ” 。 18. A be unsure about意为 “不确定,没有把握 ” ,符合语境。 19. C but表示语意转折。20. B win sb. over/ round意为 “把争取过来,赢得的认可” 。21. B crowd意为 “人群 ” ,此处指 “ 观众 “ 。22. C star意为 “ 明星,名角 ” 。23. B raise在此意为 “抚养,养育 ” 。24. D根据上文on a farm可知他不打算把从事 “农业 ” 作为他的职业。25. A根据at a local night club(夜总会)及下文的Charley sing,再结合四个选项,可知答案为A.26. B Red Soving “听见 ” 了Charley的演唱。27. C Red Soving听见了Charley的演唱,要他忘掉 “ 棒球 “ 这一运动,去从事唱歌这一事业。. 28. D Charley接受了他的 “建议 ” 。29. C records意为 “ 唱片 ” ,符合句意及语境。 30. A still意为 “仍然 ” 。V. 阅读理解.31. A细节反馈题,答案在文章第一句。32. A推理判断题,从第二段第一句drink可知最初的巧克力是饮料。从文章结尾可知它原本是苦的。33. B其前一句是实验的目的,而unsuccessful是针对目的而言。34. D 不应是butter而应是cocoa butter.英语模块一学案25(Module 5 Period5)I. 单词拼写1. expand ; contract 2. mixture ; substances 3. facilities ; equipment 4. dissolves ; float 5. astonished; reaction II. 重点短语1. addto 2. react to sth. 3. in the form of 4. keep/lose ones balance 5. be proud of/ take pride in 6. think of 7. in the area of 8. keep out of 9. put in order 10. be supposed to III. 单项填空 1-5 AAACB 6-10 CCCCCIV. 11. C fan在此处意为 “ 迷 ” ,符合句意。12. A根据第1段Every Saturday night可知,此处特指1967年1月的一个星期六。13. B根据下文黑人歌手首次演唱被认为是 “白人音乐” 的乡村歌曲可推知 “ 那个夜晚很特别 ”。14. D根据下文white music。和whether a black man可推知答案。15. B根据语境及上文提到的country music可推知答案。 16. B sight意为 “ 景象,景物” 。对于许多人来说,看到黑人Charley Pride演唱乡村音乐是一种很奇怪的场面(景象)。17. D step onto意为 “走上(舞台) ” 。 18. A be unsure about意为 “不确定,没有把握 ” ,符合语境。 19. C but表示语意转折。20. B win sb. over/ round意为 “把争取过来,赢得的认可” 。21. B crowd意为 “人群 ” ,此处指 “ 观众 “ 。22. C star意为 “ 明星,名角 ” 。23. B raise在此意为 “抚养,养育 ” 。24. D根据上文on a farm可知他不打算把从事 “农业 ” 作为他的职业。25. A根据at a local night club(夜总会)及下文的Charley sing,再结合四个选项,可知答案为A.26. B Red Soving “听见 ” 了Charley的演唱。27. C Red Soving听见了Charley的演唱,要他忘掉 “ 棒球 “ 这一运动,去从事唱歌这一事业。. 28. D Charley接受了他的 “建议 ” 。29. C records意为 “ 唱片 ” ,符合句意及语境。 30. A still意为 “仍然 ” 。V. 阅读理解.31. A细节反馈题,答案在文章第一句。32. A推理判断题,从第二段第一句drink可知最初的巧克力是饮料。从文章结尾可知它原本是苦的。33. B其前一句是实验的目的,而unsuccessful是针对目的而言。34. D 不应是butter而应是cocoa butter.111


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