英语外研版必修1 同步练习Module 6《The Internet and Telecommunications》

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111一鼓作气(课中强化类训练)Exercises for new words(生词专练) .Match the English explanations in column A with the words in column B.(把A栏中的单词和B栏中的英文释义互相搭配。) AB1.accessa.keep all ones thoughts on.2.sourceb.make something shorter3.createc.means of entering,entrance4.designd.a place,person or thing that you get from5.concentratee.not needing other things or people6.independentf.cause something new to exist7.frequentlyg.a level regarded as usual or ordinary8.averageh.make a drawing for9.shorteni.often答案:1.c2.d3.f4.h5.a6.e7.i8.g9.b.Write the right word form requested in the parentheses.(根据括号内的要求,写出单词的正确形式。)1.contain(近义词)_6.defend(名词)_2.access(形容词)_7.advantage(反义词)_3.percent(名词)_8.frequently(名词)_4.invention(动词)_9.definition(动词)_5.permit(名词)_10.through(近义词)_答案:1.include2.accessible3.percentage4.invent5.permission6.defence7.disadvantage8.frequent,frequency9.define10.viaExercises for phrases(短语专练).Fill in the blanks with proper preposition.(用合适的介词填空。) 1.The people living in the apartment have free access_ the pool.2.This house is designed_a large family.3.Professor White has written some short stories,but he is better known_his plays.4.Since the little boys mother died,his elder sister has acted_his mother.5.Sorry,Mr.Smith is not in the office_the moment.6.Compared _ our soldiers on the front,the dangers I face are nothing.答案:1.tohave free access to sth.意思为“可以自由使用”。2.forbe designed for为固定搭配,“原是为设计的”。3.forbe known for为固定短语,“因为出名”。4.asact as.“扮演角色”。5.atat the moment固定短语,“此时此刻,现在”。6.with固定短语compared with意为“与相比”。.Complete the sentence according to the Chinese given below.(根据所给的中文完成句子。)1.The United Kingdom _ _(由组成)Great Britain and Northern Ireland.2.Participants are invited to _ _(登录) to the laugh lab website.3.It is said that Professor Smith _ _ _(和一起) his assistants is to visit our school next week.4.While walking in the street,he _ _ _(想出)the idea of solving the problem.5.Having failed my Spanish exams,I decided to _ _(全神贯注于)science subjects.6.The price _ _ _(下降)but I doubt whether it will remain so.答案:1.consists ofconsist of “由组成”,且主语为单数,所以用单数形式。 2.log onlog on意思为“登录”。 3.as well as意思为“和一起”,连接两个名词作主语时谓语与前面得名词一致。 4.came up withcome up with“提出;想出”,走着路“想出”个主意用过去时比较好。5.concentrate onconcentrate on“全神贯注于”,前面有不定式符号to,故用原形。 6.has gone downgo down“河水,价格等的自然下跌”,根据句意判断,价格已经落下来了所以用完成时,the price作主语谓语动词用单数。 Exercises for sentence structure(句子结构专练)V.Complete the exercises following the instructions.(按要求完成练习。)1.A.It is possible for us to travel to Beijing from Changsha on the new speed-up express.(根据A句完成B句)B.The new speed-up express train _ _ _ for us to travel to Beijing from Changsha.2.Berners-Lee built his first computer while he was at university using an old television. (选出对句子画线部分结构描述正确的选项)A.定语B.状语3.He designed the first “web browser”,which allowed computer users to access documents from other computers.(说出画线部分句法功能)_4.Our English teacher is excellent,but she cant help everyone in the class in 50 minutes.(选出对画线部分句子意思表述正确的选项)A.但她在50分钟内一个人都不能帮。B.但她不能在50分钟内帮助每一个人。5.It would be much better if we spent the time working on a computer.(选出对句子画线部分结构描述正确的选项)A.would表过去B.would表虚拟答案:1.makes it possible本句结构:主语(the train)+谓语(makes)+it(形式宾语)+adj.(宾补)+to do sth.(真正宾语)。2.B分词短语using an old television在句子中作方式状语。3.which引导非限制性定语从句修饰先行词web browser。4.Bnot与everyone,all,both等表示全体意义的名词连用时表示部分否定,意为“不是所有的都”。5.B这是一个含有虚拟语气的句子,表示与现在的事实相反。其句子结构为:if句中用过去时,主句中谓语部分用would+动词原形。Exercises for function items(交际用语专练).Choose the proper sentences to complete the dialogue.(选择合适的句子完成对话。) Good morning sir.1I want to have a look at your cell phones.We have Bird,Panda,Haier,Nokia and so on.What kind of mobile phone would you like?Well,23,Bird looks nice and Nokia is good in quality.Er.Id like a Nokia.4.Here is the money.Here is your change.5 If you want any help,dont hesitate to call us.Thank you.Bye,bye.See you.A.Ive no definite idea.B.How would you like to pay?C.What can I do for you?D.Thank you for shopping here.E.If you want my personal opinion答案:1.C2.A3.E4.B5.DExercises for grammar(语法专练).Fill in the blanks with the proper articles.(用合适的冠词填空。) 1.The cakes are delicious.Hed like to have_third one because _ second one is rather too small.2.Theres_dictionary on_desk by your side.3.The Wilsons live in_A-shaped house near the coast.It is_17th century cottage.4.I knew_Yao Ming,but not_famous basketball star.5._ peasants are in trouble because of_bad harvest.6.A bullet hit the soldier and he was wounded in_leg.7._ older took_younger by_hand.8.Paper money was in_use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in_thirteenth century.答案:1.a;thea与序数词连用表示“再一;又一”,the second one表特指。2.a;the第一次提到某物用a;by your side作定语修饰desk,表特指用the。3.an;aA-shaped house和a 17th century cottage都是第一次提到,且A-shaped的发音是以元音字母开头,故用an。4.a;the此句意为“我认识一个名叫姚明的人,不是篮球明星姚明”。泛指用a,特指用the。5.The;thethe peasants特指受灾的农民,the bad harvest特指不好的收成。6.the伤了人身体的某个部位用in the+名词表示。7.The;the;thethe older指“老人”,the younger指“小孩”,hold sb.by the hand表示“牵着某人的手”。8./;thein use意为“使用”,不加冠词;in the thirteenth century意为“在13世纪”。111


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