2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业1:Unit 1《Friendship》(新人教版必修1广东专用)

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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业1:Unit 1《Friendship》(新人教版必修1广东专用)_第1页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业1:Unit 1《Friendship》(新人教版必修1广东专用)_第3页
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111课时作业(一)必修1Unit 1Friendship限时:30分钟 .完形填空This is a true story. Recently, one of my best friends, whom Ive _1_ happiness and sorrow with since the first day of kindergarten spent the weekend with me.Over the weekend, we _2_ hours and hours talking and stayed up late into the night. She started telling me stories about her new boyfriend, about how he took drugs and was into other selfdestructive behavior. She told me how she had been _3_ to her parents about going out to see that guy. Because her parents didnt want her to be around him, she had to make up excuses every time she saw him. I couldnt believe that she really thought it was _4_ to wander around with her boyfriend.I tried to explain to her that she was destroying her _5_ and would get into big _6_. But she didnt listen to me at all and was angry about my _7_ towards her boyfriend. I had come _8_ to telling her several times that we had just grown too far to keep our friendship. But I didnt. After she left, I was really _9_ about her and our friendship. But I thought wed been _10_ for too long. I _11_ that she would value me enough to know that I was trying to _12_ her from hurting herself. I was sure that our _13_ could conquer anything.A few days later, she called to say that she had _14_ long and hard about our talk, and then she told me that she had _15_ up with her boyfriend. I just listened on the other end of the phone with tears of joys running down my face. Never had I been so proud of a friend in my life.1A.argued Bcared Cmet Dshared2A.took Bpaid Cspent Dcost 3A.telling Blying Cspeaking Darguing4A.normal BnaturalCcommon Dacceptable5A.parents Bboyfriend Cfuture Dwork 6A.trouble Bdanger Cproblem Ddifficulty7A.advice Bview Cwords Dattitude8A.nearly Bdirectly Cclose Dstraight9A.cared Bmissed Chunted Dconcerned10A.friends BsistersCclassmates Dworkmates11A.wanted Bthought Cbelieved Dhoped12A.hunt Bsave Csolve Dhate13A.conversation BstoriesChappiness Dfriendship14A.thought Bhoped Cwanted Dleft 15A.kept Btaken Cbroken Dbrought.阅读理解ABringing up children is hard work, and you are often to blame for any bad behavior of your children. If so,Judith Rich Harris has good news for you. Parents, she argues, have no important longterm effect on the development of the personality of their children. Far more important are their playground friends and neighborhood. Ms Harris takes to hitting the assumption,which has dominated(支配) developmental psychology for almost half a century.Ms Harriss attack on the developmentalists “nature” argument looks likely to reinforce(加强) doubts that the profession was already having. If parents matter,why is it that two adopted children,brought up in the same home,are no more similar in personality than two adopted children brought up in separate homes?Or that a pair of identical twins,brought up in the same home,are no more alike than a pair of identical twins brought up in different homes?Difficult as it is to track the precise effects of parental upbringing,it may be harder to measure the exact influence of the peer(同龄人)group in childhood and adolescence. Ms Harris points to how children from immigrant homes soon learn not to speak at school in the way their parents speak. But acquiring a language is surely a skill,rather than a characteristic of the sort developmental psychologists hunt for. Certainly it is different from growing up tensely or relaxedly,or from learning to be honest or hardworking or generous. Easy though it may be to prove that parents have little influence on those qualities,it will be hard to prove that peers have vastly more.Moreover,mom and dad surely cannot be ditched completely. Young adults may,as Ms Harris argues,be keen to appear like their peers. But even in those early years,parents have the power to open doors:they may initially choose the peers with whom their young associate,and pick that influential neighborhood. Moreover,most people suspect that they come to resemble their parents more in middle age,and that peoples childrearing habits may be formed partly by what their parents did. So the balance of influences is probably complicated,as most parents already suspected without being able to demonstrate it scientifically. Even if it turns out that the genes they pass on and the friends their children play with matter as much as affection,discipline and good example,parents are not completely off the hook.16According to Ms Harris,_.Aparents are to blame for any bad behavior of their childrenBchildrens personality is shaped mostly by their friends and neighborsCnature rather than upbringing has a significant effect on childrens personality developmentDparents will greatly affect the childrens life in the long run17The underlined word “ditched” in Paragraph 4 could best be replaced by “_”Aproved BemphasizedCcompared Dignored18The developmental psychologists think_.Achildren are more influenced by their peersBidentical twins raised in the same home are different in personalityCtwins raised in two separate families are different in personalityDupbringing has a less significant effect on childrens personality development19According to Paragraph 3,we know that_.Ait is easier for children to gain a language at homeBit is harder to follow the effects of parental upbringingCimmigrant children avoid speaking the same way as their parents at schoolDit is proved that peers have a greater effect on childrens qualities20What does the author mean by saying “parents are not completely off the hook” at the end of the passage?AParents should control the situation.BParents should give their way to children.CParents should spend more time on children.DParents should take on their responsibility.BNEW DELHICanada, which has long advanced its eagerness to attract foreigners, is experiencing a rush in the number of Indian students heading there for higher education.Besides the countrys positive attitude toward outsiders, the chief attractions for Indian students are the lower costs for both tuition and living expenses, in addition to its lenient visa(签证)requirements, according to students and guides who advise them about overseas study choices.The number of Canadian students in India jumped to more than 12,000 in 2010, from 3,152 in 2008. While applications have increased at all levels, growth has been greatest at community colleges.They offer very practical training that is very jobmarket focused and courses ranging from highly technical subjects like aircraft maintenance and computer animation to sports management and kindness.Shreya Dasgupta, a recent high school graduate from New Delhi, plans to start studying economics and business in Canada this fall. Ms Dasgupta, 18, said that while she didnt have a strong preference for any one country, she found Canadas relatively openminded visa rules attractive.“I think its easier than the United States,”she said.“And you do have job opportunities later on. In the US, its very expensive and its not sure that youll get a job.”Kartik Rao, who has been admitted to a university in Montreal, also said that Canada is more welcoming.“Regardless of my getting a job, I have a threeyear work visa which will allow me to work, which will in turn allow me to pay back my loan,” he said.Mr Rao, 25, thinks that his business degree in Canada will cost 35 percent to 40 percent less than what it would cost in the United States or in Britain. Also he believes that employment hopes in Canada are better.“The financial situation has forced people to look for new paths,”he said.“Canada was not as badly affected, which really supported peoples views about Canada.”Also, warming political ties have raised the countrys profile (形象) in India. Last month, the heads of dozens of Indian universities took part in a high level meeting at Carleton University in Ottawa to explore possibilities for increased cooperation.21Indian students heading to Canadian colleges may not be attracted by _.Afewer requirements when applying for visaBlower cost spent on school and life in CanadaCmany world famous places of interest in CanadaDmore chances to get a job in a safe environment22Who are the main body of applying to go to Canada in India at present?AThe businessmen who are looking for cooperation in Canada.BThose who decide to live and work in Canada forever.CThe young who hope to make more money in Canada.DThe graduates who choose Canadian colleges.23What makes Shreya Dasgupta decide to study in Canada?AShe herself likes Canada most among the developed countries.BIts easier for her to get visa and safer to get a job in future.CShe is sure there are fewer job opportunities in America.DHer parents prefer her to choose the great country.24What can we learn from Mr Raos words?ACanada offers better working and living background.BCanada is richer than America as there is no financial crisis.CPeople prefer to choose Canada as there are more job chances.DStudents majoring in business are more likely to find a job in America.25. In the paragraph that follows this passage it may discuss how to _.Apersuade Indian students to choose Canadian collegesBstrengthen the relationship between Canada and IndianCsupport the teamwork of Indian and Canadian education systemDmake more websites on the Internet to make Canadian colleges popular答案课时作业(一).友情可贵,但到底什么样的友谊才是真正的友谊?当朋友执迷不悟时,你能晓之以理,动之以情,忍受误会,坚持下去,使朋友悬崖勒马,那才是真正的友谊。1D根据句中one of my best friends和happiness and sorrow及with可推断出正确答案为D,表示“能够分享快乐和悲伤的好朋友”;share sth with sb意为“与某人分享某物(事)”。 2C根据句中的talking一词可判断此句应用句型sb spend(s) some time (in) doing sth“某人花时间做某事”。3B由下文中提到的她父母不同意她和男友的交往可知,她想要会见男友,只能向父母撒谎;lie to sb about sth“就某事向某人撒谎”。4D按照常理,她和这样一个吸毒男友的交往是一件不正常、不自然的事情,但是作者的朋友仍然不顾一切地要和男友在一起,因此在她看来,这件事对于她自己来说是可以接受的。句意为:我无法相信她真的认为和这样的男朋友继续交往是可以接受的。5C结合上题解析,作者极力劝阻朋友和其男友交往,所以作者认为她的朋友是自毁前程,让她自己陷入麻烦之中,故本题正确答案为C。6A根据上一题的解析和destroying一词可知答案为A。get into trouble“陷入困境”。7Dattitude towards sb“对某人的态度”。8Ccome close to doing 表示“差一点做某事”。全句意思是“我有好几次差点告诉她我们的观点相差太远,以至于我们无法维系我们的友谊。”9D由上下文可知作者担心她朋友的前途和她们之间的友谊,故正确答案为D, be concerned about sth表示“为某事担心”。10A根据文章第一段的第二句可知“我们已经是很久的朋友了”。11C作为朋友,“我”相信她一定会珍视“我”(及“我”的建议)。12B根据下文的from hurting herself,可知“我是在尽力挽救她不要伤害到她自己”。13D由下文可推断出作者此处表达的意思是“我相信我们之间的友谊会战胜一切”。14Athink about our talk表示“思考我们的谈话”。15Cbreak up with sb 表示“与某人分手(绝交)”。.AMs Harris研究发现,子女性格的养成更多受到他们周围的朋友和邻居的影响。16B考查细节理解。第一段介绍了 Ms Harris的研究,她认为在孩子性格的培养中,父母的影响远不如他们的朋友和邻居的影响大。B项陈述与文章内容吻合。17D考查猜测词义。ditched所在句子是最后一段的主题句,后面接着说很多人到中年的时候就很像他们的父母了,人们在孩童时的习惯在一定程度上受父母行为的影响。从这些叙述看,ditched所在句子表示“父母也不是完全没有关系的”,因此ditched的含义和D项“忽视,忽略”接近。18C考查推理判断。在第二段,Ms Harris 对发展心理学家的观点提出质疑:如果父母起作用,那么为什么同样是双胞胎的孩子,在同一个家庭长大的与在不同家庭长大的都性格相同呢?由此推断,在不同家庭成长的双胞胎性格不一样,这是因为父母的影响在起作用,这是传统的发展心理学家的观点。19C考查细节理解。第三段在阐述周围环境对孩子的性格影响更大的时候说,来自移民家庭背景的孩子很快就学会在学校的谈吐与在家里的不一样。20D考查推理判断。最后一段主要讲父母对子女性格养成的影响与作用。第一句说父母的作用不可忽略,最后一句说父母也不是完全没有责任的。句中的hook表示“钩,鱼钩”。B文章介绍了当前印度选择到加拿大深造的中学毕业生的数量激增,并解释了其原因,也结合一些当事人的情况让我们对这一现象有了进一步的了解。21C细节理解题。第二段第一句话的the lower costs for both tuition and living expenses, in addition to its lenient visa(签证)requirements从两个方面说到了印度学生倾向于到加拿大学习的原因。第四段倒数第二句则说明了第三个原因。C项文章没提到。22D推理判断题。第三段第二句话的growth has been greatest at community colleges说明在申请签证的人群中,留学生的比例最大。23B细节理解题。第四段的relatively openminded visa rules attractive和do have job opportunities说明Shreya作出选择的原因。24A推理判断题。 第五段说到了Mr Rao的相关情况。本段最后两句话的financial situation 和not as badly affected从国家状况和国际背景说明加拿大的优势所在。25C推理判断题。文章最后一段说到了印度和加拿大的大学开始开展相关的合作,说明下文是对相关合作的进一步拓展,和C项表述一致。111


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