英语外研版必修1 Module3《My First Ride on a Train》教案 3rd period

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英语外研版必修1 Module3《My First Ride on a Train》教案 3rd period_第1页
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英语外研版必修1 Module3《My First Ride on a Train》教案 3rd period_第3页
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111The Third PeriodThe General Idea of This PeriodIn this period, were going to learn the language points of the passage, Ill explain some difficult sentences, give the usages of some useful phrases, another purpose is to enable the students to grasp the passage better.Teaching Aims1. Learn and master the following words and expressions: abandoned, a long distance, try doing, Ghan, Afghanistan, be short for, until the 1920s,not.any longer, allow sb. to do, get phrase, look out of, one night, at midnight2. Train the students reading abilityTeaching Important Points1. Improve the students reading ability.2. Enable the students to understand the text better.3. Master the following phrases: have ones ride on a long-distance trainlong-distanceWhat a ride!look likelook out oftry doingbe short fornot untilthe 1920snot.any moreTeaching Difficult PointsMaster the sentence structures: 1. Recently, I had my first ride on a long distance train.2. We got on in Sydney and we got off in Alice Springs, night in the middle of Australia, more than.away3. We ate great meals cooked by experts!4. They didnt need the camels any more.Teaching Methods1. Discussion before reading to make students interested in traveling and the first ride on a train.2. Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.3. Careful reading to get some detailed information.4. Explanations to the language points.Teaching Aids1. a computer 2. a tape recorder3. some picturesTeaching ProceduresStep 1 GreetingGreet the whole class as usual.Step 2 RevisionT: Yesterday we learnt some new words, now lets have a dictation. Please take out a piece of paper and write them on it.(The teacher ask the students to hand in their papers.)Step 3 Pre-readingT: Nowadays, travel is becoming more and more popular, especially, many young people like travel. What about you?Please look at the questions on the screen and discuss them in groups.(Teacher use the multimedia to show the questions on the screen.)1. Do you like travel? Why or why not?2. Where would you most like to travel? Why?3. Have you ever tried any travel on a train? (The teacher gives the students five minutes to discuss and call back the answers from the students.)Suggested answers: S: Yes, I like travel. I would most like to travel to some places of interest, to the forest or to the mountain. Because,I want to see the famous places or enjoy the beautiful scene in nature.S: Id like to travel to North China very much. Because I want to visit the places of great interest, I want to visit the universities there, such as Beijing University, and I like to take a train to enjoy the scenery on its way.T: OK.I also like travel, last year, I went to Beijing by plane. That was my first time to travel by plane, I was very happy and excited. And two years ago, I traveled to Harbin by train. That was the first long journey with my family. It took us 30 hours to be on a train.Step 4 ReadingT: Today, well learn the text “My First Ride on a Train” and well know something about it. I know youre all interested in it. Now, please open your books at Page 23.Read the passage quickly, then tell me whats the passage about.(Show the possible answers on the screen.)Tell the students to choose the best one as soon as possible.A: a train ride to SydneyB: taking the train to AustraliaC: traveling to the central part of AustraliaD: a child visiting her grandmotherT: Look at the screen. Li Lei, whats your opinion?S: I think C is correct.T: Yes, very good! Thank you!Answer me a simple question:Q1: Did Alice travel on the train a long time?S: No, she didnt.Q2: How do you know about this answer?S: Because there is a word “recently” in the second sentence.T: Yes, youre right, we may change it like this: Recently Alice traveled on a long-distance train.Step 5 Careful Reading1. Play the tape again and tell the students to listen carefully then answer the following questions: (The teacher shows them on the screen.)1. Whats Alices destination?2. Was the scenery the same during the whole journey?3. What did she do while she was on the train?4. What did the Australians use to travel to the central part of the country?5. They dont use camels to deliver goods now, do they?2. Ask the students to listen and read it carefully, then ask the questions in pairs or individually work.Suggested answers: 1. Her destination was the central part of Australia.2. No, it wasnt.3. She read books and listened to her Chinese cassettes while she was on the train.4. The Australia used camels to travel to the central part of the country.5. No, they dont.Step 6 Language PointsT: Now youve known the main idea of the passage. Now listen to the tape paragraph by paragraph. Meanwhile, find out the important phrases and difficult sentence.(After a while.) Teacher asks three students to point them out in each paragraph, teacher writes them on the blackboard.have ones first rideon a long-distance trainWhat a ride!get onget offget intoget out ofspend.on.look likemore thanduring the daylook out ofat midnighttry doingbe short ofmore than the 1920snot.any moreallow sb. to do.1. We spend two days and nights on the train.2. What a ride!3. We ate great meals cooked by experts!4. The Afghans and their camels did this until the 1920s.5. They didnt need the camels any more.Step 7 PracticeT: Now put the phrases into Chinese and try to make a sentence with each of them.(The teacher asks the students to make sentences before the class and gives the examples on the screen.)1.Recently I had my first ride on a long-distance train.不久前,我第一次坐了长途火车。(1)recently 最近,近来,通常与过去时、现在完成时连用。I havent seen her recently.我最近不曾遇到她。The accident happened quite recently.那次意外不久前才发生。He has been ill until recently.他最近一直生病。(2)long-distance 是复合词(合成词),其他复合词表达法还有:复合形容词duty-free, kind-hearted, absent-minded, good-looking, fast-paced复合动词baby-sit, aped-read, house-keep, about-turn, window-shop复合名词birth-control, tug-of-war, speed-reading, daughter-in-law, air-raid2. And what a ride!一次多么美妙的乘车旅行!本句为感叹句,主谓语被省略。全句为:What a (beautiful) ride it was!很多感叹句是由 what 或how引起的。what修饰名词;how修饰形容词、副词和动词。how后面所接的副词、形容词有时被省略。即(how +adj.(adv.)+名词+动词)(1)What a lovely day(it is)!多么好的天气!(2)What beautiful flowers they are!这些花多么漂亮!(3)What a pity you cant go!你不能去真可惜!(4)What a nice voice he has!他的嗓音多么甜润!(5)What wonders those students have done!How:(1)How fast he speaks!(2)How good of you!(3)How heavily its snowing! 多么大的雪!(4)How I wish I were young again! 我多么希望再年轻一次!(5)How beautiful (the ring is)!(这个戒指)多么漂亮啊!(6)How high the kite is flying!那风筝飞得多么高啊!有时候,感叹句可以由一些单词或词组组成。Dear me!A good idea!3. Suddenly, it looks like a place from another time.突然间,时空好像发生了转变。(1)look like (vt.)看起来像She looks so much like her mother.她看起来很像她的母亲。(2) 好像要Look at that dark cloud, it looks like rain.看看那乌云,好像要下雨。(3)看起来似乎=look as if(as though)4. I sat and looked out of the window.我坐在那儿看着窗外。look out (1) 查出;找出 (2) 当心;注意You must look it out in the dictionary.look out of (1) 当心;提防(2)寻找;注意(某人的出现);留心找(某物)(3)美国人口语中有时表示“照顾”。英语中用法很活,其中要意思和用法如下:look 作动词,看、望、瞧(vi.)(1)单独使用Look before you leap (proverb).He looked but saw nothing.I wasnt looking (at you ).Look and see how clever he is!(2)和介词连用The artist looked at her with scorn.Look at the camera, please.The doctor looked at his injured hand.She look out her silver watch to look at the time.Ive got some picture books for you to look at.When George arrived home, his sister was looking at TV.Look at the boy run!5We got on in Sydney and we got off in Alice Springs, right in the middle of Australia.我们在悉尼上车,在澳大利亚中部的艾丽斯普林斯下车。get on 上(车,船等)get off(从汽车,船,马等)下来get out of 下(车);从出去(不可用被动语态)get into 上车;进入;坐进(轿车,出租车)get.out off 从出去Get out of here! 滚出去(滚开)!get a car out of the garage 把车从车库开出I got off(the bus) at the next bus stop.我在下一个公共汽车站下车。get.off(可分开用)使人由下来6. They tried riding horses, but the horses didnt like the hot weather and sand.他们试着骑马,但那些马不喜欢炎热的天气和沙漠。try to do (努力去做试行)(try ones best to do)try doing 试着做某事/尝试;是想知道结果而尝试着做做看。e. g. I will try to learn Japanese.我要设法学会日语。He tried cleaning the spot with alcohol.他试着用酒精擦拭那污迹。They tried to catch the bus, but they didnt.The students tried doing the experiment some other way.7. The Afghans and their camels did this until the 1920s.直到20世纪20年代,阿富汗和我们的骆驼还在做着这样的工作。(1)the 1920s20世纪20年代the 1830s19世纪30年代the 60s60 年代in his 80s在他八十多岁的时候(2)until的不同用法:注意用在否定句中,“到 为止;直到才”,常与表示瞬间性动作的动词连用。(before)The noise of the street didnt stop until midnight.街上的噪音一直到午夜才停止。It was not until today that it was made public.(用于强调句)那件事直到今天才被公布出来。表程度,直到程度;终于He practiced batting until he was tired out.他练习(棒球)打击直到疲劳为止。比较下列句子:(1)It was not until he told me that I knew me.直到他告诉我,我才知道。(2)The children wont come home until it was dark.孩子们不到天黑不回家。8.So they didnt need the camels any more.(他们不再需要骆驼了)not.any more=no morenot.any longer=no longer这几个短语可通用,但注意它们在句中的位置变化。He is no longer/no more a child.=He is not a child any longer/more =He is not any longer/more a child.值得注意的是:表示某个动作和状态因为某种因素而突然不再延续时,应用no longer或not any longer。高考例题:(1)Excuse me, is this Browns office?Im sorry, but Mr Brown _works here. He left about three weeks ago.A. not nowB. no moreC. not stillD. no longer(2)Will you give this message to Mr white, please?Sorry, I cant, he_.A. doesnt any more work hereB. doesnt any longer here workC. doesnt work any more here D. doesnt work here any longer解析:1.D2.D.以上两题空格所表示的动作均出乎主人公意料,只能用no longer或not any longer。9. In 1925, they passed a law which allowed people to shoot the animals if they were a problem.在1925年,他们通过了一项法律允许人们去射击野兽。其中 which allowed people to shoot the animals.是定语从句,修饰先行词allow且句中which不可省略。再如:He lives in the room which faces to south.Step 8 Consolidation & ListeningT: Now listen to the tape again.This time you must pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.(Teacher gives students a few minutes read the text aloud. At first, students do an exercise for consolidation.)Alice came from _, _.She was years old. Recently she had first ride on a train.They got on in and got off in _ _, right_ _ _ _Australia; _ _ _ _ kilometers away. They spent_ _ _ _ on the train.She _ _and_ _ her Chinese cassette when she was on the train.Suggested answers: Sydney, Australia, 18, long-distance, Ghan, Sydney, Alice Springs, in the middle of, more than four thousand, two days and nights, read books, listened toStep 9 Summary & HomeworkT: In this class, weve read passage about adventure travel. And weve learned something about my first ride on a train.1. After class you must read again and again.2. Read some passages about travel.Step 10 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.Module 3My First Ride on a TrainThe Third PeriodLanguage points1.reading 7.get on2. And what a ride! get off3.look like get into4.look out of. get out of5. try to do sth. 8.untiltry doing sth. 9.not.any more6.the 1920sStep 11 Activity and InquirystepsStudents ActingTeachers Organizing1Listen to the tapePlay the tape2Find out the useful expressionsGive some explanations3Read and fill in the blanksGive possible answersAfter class, write down the description in your exercises books and preview the reading text.111


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