高一英语北师大版必修模块4《 Lesson 4 T he New Austrlians》Language points学案

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111:_ 学号:_ 姓名: _ 评价: _课标要求:学习并掌握重要的单词、短语的用法。学习目标:学习并巩固本课知识点。学习内容: Lesson4 的语言点学习重点/难点: Lesson4语言点的掌握和应用课前练习:根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. He cut off the flowers from the tree with a pair of s_.2. I praised the c_ for the yummy meals that he cooked.3. There are 56 ethnic groups in China, but 55 of them are m_, only Han is the majority.4. Mum works from dawn till d_ in order to support my family.5. Please put the garbage in the d_.6. The black furniture provides an interesting _ (对比) to the white walls.7. Can you taste the _ (大蒜) in this yummy pork?8. Kates special interest lies in the area of _ (文学).9. Darling, Im busy cooking, could you tie this _ (围裙) round me? 10. It is well known that Athens is the _ (发源地) of Olympic Games课堂导学1. bit n. 一点;一些;少许用法点睛1) a bit of 一点 2) do ones bit for 尽力典例链接Mary is just out to do a bit of shopping. 玛丽刚刚外出买一点东西去了。练习:他有点科学家的风度。_.让我们休息片刻。_.我有一点儿累了。_.联想拓展a bit (little) tired 有点累 not a bit tired 一点儿也不累not a little tired 非常累 every bit 完全,十足2. attach v. 喜爱;依恋;附加;贴用法点睛1) be attached to 喜爱 2) a school attached to a college 学院附中典例链接He_ deeply _ _ his wife. 他深爱着他的妻子。She _ much _ _ her home town. 她非常喜爱自己的家乡3Loads of 许多,大量。She has got loads of money. 她有许多钱。4. contrary adj.相反的, 相违的 n.相反, 反面, 对立面用法点睛contrary to 与此相反,相对典例链接Contrary to our expectations,he took drugs again. 和我们的预见相反,他又再次吸毒了。练习:_他的看法与我相反。联想拓展contrast n.对比, 对照The black paint on the door provides a contrast for the white walls.门上的黑漆与白墙形成对比。课堂巩固练习根据括号内的提示,用句后括号内的英语单词完成下列句子。 1. On the course he received a complete training in _ (这项工作的不同方面). (aspect)2. My little son _ (喜欢开玩笑) on me.(fond)3. Nowadays if you want to buy a suit, you have _ (在不同品牌之间的广泛选择).(broad)4. Police will be _ (留心防备恐怖分子) at todays meeting. (look)5. Ive got _ (许多工作要做) before tomorrow. (loads)6. Yesterday Mum persuaded me _ (严肃对待学习), or she would give me a lesson. (take, seriously)7. At first, I didnt like the school, but now I feel I _ (喜欢上这个班级了) as well as the school. (attach)拓展练习:根据句后括号内的提示,翻译下列句子。1. 那栋楼房是属于这所学校的。(belong) .2. 孩子们每天都应在户外活动几个小时。(outdoors) .3. 我忍受不了总是被当成小孩对待!(bear) .4. 空气是气体的混合物。 (mixture) .5. 我如果在这种困境下离开你,恐怕我永远都不会原谅自己。(forgive) .课后作业:1. 完成双语报中相对应的练习 2.完成下一课时的学案Unit12 Culture Shock (Keys)Lesson 1 The New AustraliansLanguage Points课标要求:学习并掌握重要的单词、短语的用法。学习目标:学习并巩固本课知识点。学习内容: Lesson4 的语言点学习重点/难点: Lesson4语言点的掌握和应用课前练习:根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。1. He cut off the flowers from the tree with a pair of s cissors.2. I praised the chef / cook for the yummy meals that he cooked.3. There are 56 ethnic groups in China, but 55 of them are minorities, only Han is the majority.4. Mum works from dawn till dusk in order to support my family.5. Please put the garbage in the dustbin .6. The black furniture provides an interesting contrast (对比) to the white walls.7. Can you taste the garlic (大蒜) in this yummy pork?8. Kates special interest lies in the area of literature (文学).9. Darling, Im busy cooking, could you tie this apron (围裙) round me? 10. It is well known that Athens is the birthplace (发源地) of Olympic Games.课堂导学:1. bit n. 一点;一些;少许用法点睛1) a bit of 一点 2) do ones bit for 尽力典例链接Mary is just out to do a bit of shopping. 玛丽刚刚外出买一点东西去了。练习:他有点科学家的风度。He is a bit of a scientist._让我们休息片刻。Lets rest for a bit. _.我有一点儿累了。Im a little bit tired._联想拓展a bit (little) tired 有点累not a bit tired 一点儿也不累not a little tired 非常累every bit 完全,十足2. attach v. 喜爱;依恋;附加;贴用法点睛1) be attached to 喜爱 2) a school attached to a college 学院附中典例链接He is deeply attached to his wife. 他深爱着他的妻子。She was much attached to her home town. 她非常喜爱自己的家乡3Loads of 许多,大量。She has got loads of money. 她有许多钱。4. contrary adj.相反的, 相违的 n.相反, 反面, 对立面用法点睛contrary to 与此相反,相对典例链接Contrary to our expectations,he took drugs again. 和我们的预见相反,他又再次吸毒了。练习: His view is contrary to mine. 他的看法与我相反。联想拓展contrast n.对比, 对照The black paint on the door provides a contrast for the white walls.门上的黑漆与白墙形成对比。课堂巩固练习根据括号内的提示,用句后括号内的英语单词完成下列句子。 1. On the course he received a complete training in different aspects of the job (这项工作的不同方面). (aspect)2. My little son is fond of playing jokes (喜欢开玩笑) on me.(fond)3. Nowadays if you want to buy a suit, you have a broad choice of different brands (在不同品牌之间的广泛选择).(broad)4. Police will be looking out for the terrorists (留心防备恐怖分子) at todays meeting. (look)5. Ive got loads of work to do (许多工作要做) before tomorrow. (loads)6. Yesterday Mum persuaded me to take study seriously (严肃对待学习), or she would give me a lesson. (take, seriously)7. At first, I didnt like the school, but now I feel I am attached to the class (喜欢上这个班级了) as well as the school. (attach)拓展练习:根据句后括号内的提示,翻译下列句子。1. 那栋楼房是属于这所学校的。(belong) That building belongs to the school.2. 孩子们每天都应在户外活动几个小时。(outdoors) Children should play outdoors several hours a day.3. 我忍受不了总是被当成小孩对待!(bear) I cant bear always being treated like a little kid.4. 空气是气体的混合物。 (mixture) Air is a mixture of gases.5. 我如果在这种困境下离开你,恐怕我永远都不会原谅自己。(forgive) If I leave you in this kind of trouble, Im afraid Ill never forgive myself.课后作业:1完成双语报中相对应的练习 2完成下一课时的学案 111


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