高一(下)英语 M4U3《Tomorrow’s World》语言点学生

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高一(下)英语 M4U3《Tomorrow’s World》语言点学生_第1页
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1112. Not only will he or she feel every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma, but the user will also experience the cold, smell, sights and sounds of the surrounding environment.= He or she will not only feel every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma, 归纳:1) not only A but also B B as well as A 2) not only提到句首,not only所在分句用部分倒装3) but also中的also也可省去;but also也可换为butas well 4) not onlybut also连接并列主语时,谓语遵循“就近原则” He likes Chinese as well as English. 他不但喜欢英语,也喜欢汉语。 =He likes _ _ _ _ _ _.=He likes not only English but Chinese _ _.=Not only _ _ _ English, but also _ _ Chinese.Not only I but also she _ (like) pop music.Not only you but also he _ (have) to leave right now.She not only sings like an angel, but also dances divinely.= Not only _ _ _ like an angel, but she also dances divinely.我们不仅应记住单词,而且还要会正确使用。We should _=Not only _.3. He or she will enjoy a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement upon reaching the top.upon/on +(sb/sbs) n./doing = as soon as +sb. do/does sth. 一就On hearing the scream, they all rushed out to see what was happening.=As soon as they heard the scream, they all rushed out to see what was happening.As soon as he arrived in Paris, the famous film star was greeted by a big crowd of fans.= _ his _ in Paris, the famous film star was greeted by a big crowd of fans.一听到铃声,同学们都冲出教室。As soon as_Upon/On_一就. The moment+从句; Immediately+从句No soonerthan; Hardly. when.4. To add to the virtual world of RealCine, the headsets even have small openings that give out smells to match the environment.add to增加 add sth to sth 把增添到上 add sth up 加起来 add up to 总计,共达1) 你的咖啡要多加些糖吗? Will you _ more sugar _ your coffee ? 2) 这个消息增添了他的恐慌。The news _ his anxiety. 3) 请把这些数字加起来。Please_all the figures _.4)假期花费总计3000元。The cost for the holiday _3000 yuan.5)Thousands of new books from abroad have been _the school library. 6)Setting off fireworks can _the atmosphere of the festival.7)You must have made a mistake when you _ the bill_, because the bill _ more than 1000 yuan.give out散发(光,热,气味等);用光,耗尽;筋疲力尽;分发1) In order to go to school, the 7-year-old boy made money by giving out leaflets in the street._2) When my boy made the same mistake again, my patience gave out._3) After climbing up the mountain, I gave out._4) The flowers in the garden give out pleasant smell. _give常用短语: give away vt. (1)送掉,赠送;(2)泄露(秘密);give in to sb./sth. 向某人/某事屈服 give off vt. 放出(光、烟、气味等),散发give up 戒除(习惯等) 放弃(尝试,想法) 1) Never _ the study of English 2) Finally he _ to my views 3) The sun _ light and heat.4) Dont trust him. He is sure to _ your secret.5) Charity is the only thing we can _ without losing it.5. Both the headsets and the gloves are connected to a computer network in the VR studio.connect A to B A与B连接起来 A be connected with B A与B有联系表连接时,常用to,表与有关时,通常用with请接邮局。 Please _ me _ the post office.警察认为他与那起谋杀案有关。The police thought he _ _ _the murder.6. In scientific studies it has been shown that VR can be a good treatment for people who have social problems.= In scientific studies _has been shown.句中it是_, 指代_that引导_从句.It has not been discussed how much money should be donated.=_Who will be the main actor hasnt been decided.=It _What she has done in the past doesnt matter.= It _7. An argument has been put forward that some users will be disappointed by RealCine because VR is not real. 句中that从句起到对argument _ (解释说明/修饰)的作用,是_从句,that_(充当/不充当)成分,that_ (可以/不可以)省略Everybody knows Nick is the best basketball player.=Everybody in our class knows the fact _He suggested that we should talk to each other more often, which is a good idea.= His suggestion _ is a good idea.put forward 提出They have _(提出一个计划)at the meeting. Many suggestions_(提出了很多建议), but no decision has been made yet. _(去年八月提出的和平计划) is still under discussion.put常用短语: _放好,收起来 _ 推迟 _生产;扑灭 _举起;张贴 _上演;穿上 _放下,写下8. Firefighters could use RealCine to train safely, without the risk of getting injured in a burning building.risk n take the risk of ; at the risk of risk v. risk doing ; risk ones life to do The red army men risked _ (lose) their lives to swim across the river.= The red army men risked _ (kill) to swim across the river.= The red army men _ _ _ _ losing their lives to swim across the river.=The red army men _ _ _ _ swim across the river.=The red army men swam across the rive _ _ _ _ losing their lives.9. This kind of urban planning is in the long term cheaper and more practical, compared with the way (_ _/_) most urban planning is done today.compared with/to 与相比compare A with/to B 把A 与B 相比较compare A to B 把A比作 B_ _ last year, the amount of rainfall this year is down._ this _ that, and you will see which is better.People often _ life _ a river._other good students, the teacher thinks, Hanks is _student.A. Comparing with; a most satisfied B. Compared to; a most satisfyingC. Comparing to; the most satisfying D. Compared with; the most satisfied先行词是way的定语从句:从句缺主语或宾语,从句用_或_引导从句缺方式状语,从句引导词是_, _或_He tried every way _ he could find to solve the problem.A. how B. in which C. why D. thatThe way _ he solved the problem sounds a bit strange.A. how B. which C. why D. thatGrammar, Task & Project10. Music industry accuses Fanning of piracy.指责、指控某人(做)某事_他指责父亲说话不算数。_他被指控偷车。_ 11. In my opinion, it is about time we had new computers.Its (high/about) time (that) sb did/should do sth=Its time for sb to do你不认为你该戒烟了么?Dont you think its (high/about) time that you _ _ _?= Dont you think its (high/about) time that you_ _ _ _?= Dont you think its time for you _ _ _ _?12. They came across huge insects and many strange creatures.come across 无意中遇到,想到= meet sb/ sth by _I _ _ _ _ in a bookstore on Fourth Avenue.我在第四大道的一家书店发现这本书的。He suddenly _ _ _ _.他突然想到一个主意。13. They could only hold on to the boat in terror.hold on to 抓住,抓牢当我们转弯时,请抓紧前面的座椅。_ when we go round the corner.in terror 害怕地类似的短语:吃惊地 _; 生气地_;轻松地_;平静地_; 焦虑地_由于火山爆发,成千上万的岛民惊慌失措地逃走。Thousands of islanders _ _ _ as the volcano erupted.14. Days and nights zipped by and everything changed before my eyes.zip v. 迅速移动;拉上拉链;闭嘴,住嘴 n. 拉链翻译:A car zipped past us. _I will see you tomorrow, said John, zipping his jacket. _Youd better zip your lip, or you will be in trouble. _The zip on my skirt is broken. _ 111


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