浙江省义乌三中高一英语人教版必修2《Unit 4 Wildlife Protection》复习练习

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浙江省义乌三中高一英语人教版必修2《Unit 4 Wildlife Protection》复习练习_第1页
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浙江省义乌三中高一英语人教版必修2《Unit 4 Wildlife Protection》复习练习_第3页
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111高一英语模块二Unit 4 复习练习I、重点词汇:1. .打猎、猎取_ 2包含,容纳_ 3. 影响,感动_4.雇佣,利用_ 5. 感激,鉴赏,意识到_ 6. 咬_ 7.减少_8.检查,视察_ 9. 皮毛_ 10. 强大的,有力的_ 11.收入_ II、重点短语:1. 灭绝_ 2. 和平地,安详地_3. 如释重负_ 4. 突然大笑_ 5. 对有危害,损害_ 6. 保护不受(危害) _ 7. 注意_ 8. 成功地做某事_9. 形成,产生_ 10.按照_11. 结果_ 12.的重要性_ III重点句型:1 We used to be an endangered species.我们过去曾经是濒临灭绝的物种Sb.sth.used to do sth, sb.sth use to be sth过去曾经Sth be use to do sth. 被用于Their fur was used to make coat.Sb.getbe use to doing sth.习惯于He used to get up late, but now he is used to getting up early.他过去常晚起,但现在他已习惯早起了。2. His school bag contains 10 books, including two English books.他的书包里装有10本书,包括两本英语书。His shool bag contais 10books, two English books included.3. What an experience! 一次多么()的经历!What great progress you have made! 你取得了多大的进步啊!What fun it is to go hiking! 徒步旅行是多么有趣啊!How lovely the girl is ! 她是个多可爱的女孩啊!4. I dont like the way( in which )you speak to your mother.我不喜欢你和你母亲说话的方式。 (_that_)5 .Others thinks that earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live on any more.另一些科学家则认为地球变得太热,因此恐龙无法在地球上生存了。6. According to a report, some 844animals and plants have disappeared in the last 500 years.按照一个报道,在最近的500年大约有844种动植物已经消失了。Great changes have taken place in our city in the pastlast 10 years. 7. As a result, these endangered animals may even die out.因此,这些濒危动物甚至有可能灭绝。 He was ill, as a result, he didnt come to school. 因此=Therefore He was absent from school as a result of his illness. 由于=becauseIV、单词拼写:1. Many animals are d_ out because of too much _(猎杀)。2.Many local people have been _(雇佣)by the company.3.Everyone knows the i_ of keeping a good environment.4.When the doctor i_ the dead body of the whale, they were surprised to find it was poisoned(中毒).5.The farmer was b_ by a snake when he was working in the field.6.When she goes out in summer she always p_ her eyes from the strong sunlight by wearing a pair of sunglasses7. When he heard that the girl was rescued he smiled in r_. 8.When they heard the funny story, they all burst into _.9.There has been a _(减少)in the number of students. 10.She comes from a d_ city which is 5000 kilometres away.V、纠错练习:.1.As _matter of fact , animals also can _to us human beings. A. a, respond B. the, employ C. a, inspect D. the, respond2.I was at _loss what I to do next when I was in _danger. A.the B. a, C. the ,the D. the,3.-Where is your baby?-It is _by a babysitter at home now.A. being taken care B. looking after C. looked after D. being taken care of4. More attention should be _ your spoken and written English. A. paid to improving; B. paid to improve; C taken to improve D. taken to improving;5.Rainfrosts_and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.A. cut B. are cut C. are being cut D. had been cut.6.I would appreciate_ if you would help me with my study.A. that B. it C. this D. what7.On his way home, she saw a traffic _A. event B. incident C. accident D. matter8.She was deeply _ by the news of her fathers death A. affected B. effected C .affect D. effect9.I told him to go away and leave me _A. in relief B. in peace C. on relief D. in peaceful10.The population of that area has decreased _15% ,that to say, it has decreased _5ooo. A. to ,by B. with, to C. to ,by D. by, to11.It is _that man will eventually solve the mystery of UFO.A. certain B. sure C. certainly D. surely12.As we all know, many old customs have _A. die away B. die down C. died off D. died out13. It seemed that he was_ losing his life. Luckily, he was_ in the end.A. in the danger of; out of danger B. in danger of; out of danger;C. in the danger; out of the danger; D. in danger of ; out of the danger;14.The book that I borrowed from the library _ all the information I need.A. holds B. includes C. contains D. admits15.I will finish the job_ I come across great difficulty.A. however B. even though C. no matter D. as though 111


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