河北省沧州市颐和中学高一英语人教版必修1:Unit 5《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero》Reading 学案

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河北省沧州市颐和中学高一英语人教版必修1:Unit 5《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero》Reading 学案_第1页
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河北省沧州市颐和中学高一英语人教版必修1:Unit 5《Nelson Mandela-a modern hero》Reading 学案_第2页
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111沧州市颐和中学导学案学科高中英语高一作者高一年级组课题Unit5 Reading 课型新授【知识链接】 英汉互译1)为而牺牲_ 2)与作斗争_ 3)信任; 信仰_4)放弃; 投降_ 5)摆脱(不好的东西)_6)在牢狱中; 在坐牢_7)They died for the people; their death is weightier than the Mount. Taishan.(翻译):_8) Im dying for a cup of water._9)His father _ the earthquake in 1976. Before liberation, millions of poor people _ cold and hungry.(die of /from)10) He has died for two years.(改错)_11)The soldiers fought bravely _ the enemy _ the liberation _ their comrades.(with/ for /against)【自主学习】out of 意为“在之外”,“向外”;表示失去,没有,用完;不再处于某种状况。1)out of breath _ 2)_ 不耐烦 3)out of petrol _4)out of use _ 5)_ 出故障了6) out of control _7)_ 脱离危险了 8) out of sight _ 9)out of fashion _10) out of date _ 11)眼不见, 心不烦。_【合作探究】1. The last 30 years have seen the greatest number of 1) This old house has seen good days.2)Oct 1,1949, saw/ witnessed the foundation of the Peoples Republic of China.翻译上面句子。并注意see的用法。2. Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence. 此句中为什么要用倒装呢?请说说理由,并给出两个例句。3.fee /fare Travel at half/full/reduced _(半价票旅行).A bill for school _ (学费帐单).4.Until today we have reached the stage where we have almost no rights at all. where 属于什么用法呢?能再给出几个句子吗?【随堂小测】1. Only by this way, _ learn English well. A. you can B. can you C you D. do you 2. Only when you lose a chance, _ know to value it. A. will you B. you will C. do you D. you do3. Were just trying to reach a point _ both sides will sit down together and talk. A. where B. that C. when D. which4. She had got to the point _ she felt that she could not take any more. A. what B. when C. where D. which5. The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point _ he can walk correctly and safely.A. when B. where C. which D. that6. It was so confusing that eventually it got to the point _ no one knew what was going on. A. when B. that C. which 111


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